Japanese figure skating 2022-23 season news & updates


Stay Healthy Everyone!
Kazuki Tomono has a series of online articles in every issue of Japanese magazine, Non-no, whose targeted readers are young women. Kazuki is known to really love sauna and fashion (so much so that Kazuki has been giving fashion advice to the readers and I think he has very good taste, especially about used vintage clothes).

With the current issue, Kazuki also talks about his experience of working with Jeff for his new SP, which is very interesting to read, so I translated that part:

About Jeff:
Jeff is an athlete I have always admired, and it was my dream to have him choreograph for me. My exhibition number "Daft Punk" for 2018-2019 season was actually inspired by watching Jeff skate at THE ICE (a Japanese show). He is such a special person who has influenced me so much.

I am a big fan of his beautiful skating and stylish choreography that is instantly recognizable as Jeff. Above all, the atmosphere that seeing him skate makes you feel happy, is something that might be similar to what I have, and that is why I was thinking that working with him will give me good influence.
I had been thinking about it in my mind for many years, hoping to be able to work with him someday, but now I think I can make it happen and took the plunge to ask, and it actually happened. I am so glad from the bottom of my heart that I have been working hard at skating until today (to see this happening).

About new SP
The music is "Underground" by an artist Cody Fry. I used the orchestral version from the album "Symphony Sessions."

I was thinking of leaving the song selection to the choreographer next season in order to broaden my range. Jeff asked me "What about this? What about that?" and suggested the music that was totally different like 180 degree each time, but when I saw this song he sent me at the end, I felt a miracle happened.

I saw Chock & Bates using Cody Fry's song for an exhibition number, and I hoped to use his song one day. I was thinking that I'd like to do it this year if possible, then I got this song from Jeff. I was so thrilled about this miraculous happening.

The lyrics of "Underground" are about a man coming out of the underground and getting run over by a train, but it's a metaphor, and its positive theme that expresses the greatness of love and life suits me to a T. The first half of the song is romantic and beautiful, and the second half quickly gets exciting, a type of song that has never been in my programs before.

About Jeff's Choreography
The choreographing process was a lot of fun because it was all new and fresh to me.
Jeff is just so cool while choreographing. He was so charismatic when he got into the world view of the song and was thinking about next movement, and I was standing next to him and couldn't take my eyes off the whole time. Jeff and Stéphane are the skaters of the generation I admired the most, and there are so many things to learn from them as I was wondering how much they have done to be able to skate with such sophistication.

Jeff's choreography feels so good to skate, and there are so many movements that are simple yet spectacular. His choreography has a perfect balance of simplicity and creativity, and in a word, it has a tremendously great sense of style. But that's why it requires technique, so I thought I still have to improve my skating skills. Even though he improvised the movements, for example spins are all very calculated, and I thought that this is the choreographer who has created programs for top skaters.

But it is still a bit difficult to include jumps. The program has a very dense content by picking up each note of the music, so I don't think it will be an easy task (laughs). It looks easy, but it is very difficult, so I need to practice hard to make it my own.

I am excited myself since it is a stylish program which makes you feel like this is "THE JEFF," and I think I have created a very good piece. It will probably be unveiled at the Dream on Ice, so please listen to the song and let your imagination run!
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Utana Yoshida and Masaya Morita are a new ice dance team, as announced by the Kinoshita Academy: https://www.instagram.com/p/Cs-OvtxJRe1/
Both will be 20 this fall - she on September 6 and he on November 16.

She previously competed with Shingo Nishiyama, and he with Nao Kida.

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Stay Healthy Everyone!
Yuma Kagiyama had a practice session that was open to the media on 6/15. He landed 4F for the first time during the last 6 months and told that he can now place more load on his left ankle (which was injured previously). Yuma returned to the ice in March and the stress fracture has been almost completely healed. He has been landing 4S since mid-May.

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Well-Known Member
Japan schedule for the 2023-24 season:

Junior Grand Prix - 9/13-16 (Osaka - Kansai Airport)
Japan Junior Championships - 11/17-19 (Shiga - Kinoshita Kansei)
Japan Open - 10/7 (Saitama - Super Arena)
NHK Trophy - 11/24-26 (Osaka - Ractab Dome)
Japan Championships - 12/20-24 (Nagano - Big Hat)

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