Chinese Skating News, Pt. 4: Fresh Noodles for Milan 2026

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Throwing the (rule)book at them
She's in 116 place on world standings, 38 on season's best, is there a guarantee she'll get two spots or even one?
China would get 3 spots based on hosting an event, so yeah, she's certainly guaranteed one if she's skating senior.


Is that a coup happening behind that blue curtain?
She's in 116 place on world standings, 38 on season's best, is there a guarantee she'll get two spots or even one?

China would get 3 spots based on hosting an event, so yeah, she's certainly guaranteed one if she's skating senior.
She will definitely get one of the host spots at CoC. As far as a 2nd assignment - the GP host countries tend to scratch each other's backs and ensure that singles skaters in the SB 30-40 range get 2 if there is space available. She also finished 6th at Jr Worlds and none of the girls who finished ahead of her are senior age eligible, plus Repond, who finished 7th at JWC, is guaranteed two. There are a lot of reasons why I think it's pretty likely that Nini will get two GPs when the initial assignments are released.

On My Own

Well-Known Member
She will definitely get one of the host spots at CoC. As far as a 2nd assignment - the GP host countries tend to scratch each other's backs and ensure that singles skaters in the SB 30-40 range get 2 if there is space available. She also finished 6th at Jr Worlds and none of the girls who finished ahead of her are senior age eligible, plus Repond, who finished 7th at JWC, is guaranteed two. There are a lot of reasons why I think it's pretty likely that Nini will get two GPs when the initial assignments are released.
I meant more like what would happen if China cancels, and doesn't have host spots. Or if a skater from a country with no GP were in her place. IDK tbh. I am not sure if I'm a fan of the invitation rule, because I feel like it's a coin toss? Like Chinese skaters barely skated this season, and that might propagate for another season, as a result.

But yeah, at least she and the others are guaranteed at least one haha. I do hope she gets another, she's quite popular already in Chinese skating circles, so 💲 if her fans follow her...


Is that a coup happening behind that blue curtain?
I meant more like what would happen if China cancels, and doesn't have host spots. Or if a skater from a country with no GP were in her place. IDK tbh. I am not sure if I'm a fan of the invitation rule, because I feel like it's a coin toss? Like Chinese skaters barely skated this season, and that might propagate for another season, as a result.

But yeah, at least she and the others are guaranteed at least one haha. I do hope she gets another, she's quite popular already in Chinese skating circles, so 💲 if her fans follow her...
Usually singles and dancers in the 25-40 range manage to get at least one GP invitation, even if they're not from a host nation. Like I said, I'm pretty confident she'd get one no matter what, but there's zero reason to think she isn't the #1 Chinese lady heading into next season, so she should get two.


RIP D-10
Last season Sheffield and Espoo were already the hosts when the initial spots were allocated. Were China to pull out of hosting after the initial assignments were allocated, I doubt the ISU would take away those spots, although they might allow another group in the competition for the hosts or allow the new host to assign skaters as host spots if anyone withdraws.


Is that a coup happening behind that blue curtain?
Last season Sheffield and Espoo were already the hosts when the initial spots were allocated. Were China to pull out of hosting after the initial assignments were allocated, I doubt the ISU would take away those spots, although they might allow another group in the competition for the hosts or allow the new host to assign skaters as host spots if anyone withdraws.
They did not re-allot the CoC host spots assigned on the initial assignments list when China pulled out of hosting in 2021 and Italy took over the host duties.


Well-Known Member
Barring something very unforeseen, I don't see any reason that China would withdraw from hosting this year. They have recently reopened to foreign tourism, and one of the ways to encourage tourists to return to China would be through international sporting events.
Didn't they have to cancel events a few seasons back because they had to "reorganize their skating programme / organization" or something like that?


Didn't they have to cancel events a few seasons back because they had to "reorganize their skating programme / organization" or something like that?
They declined to host in 2018 because of upgrades to the venue for the 2022 Winter Olympics. I don't foresee that happening again given that their hosting the Grand Prix Final, and Four Continents next season.


Well-Known Member
Didn't they have to cancel events a few seasons back because they had to "reorganize their skating programme / organization" or something like that?
They canceled skating events in the 2018-2019 season because the Chinese sports authority was angry and not pleased with the judgments in Short track skating events at Pyeong Chang Olympics, and CSA(managing the speed skating events) and CFSA (the governing body for FS) had to be aligned with the actions of the authority. It was an act for them to showcase their “angry”.

On My Own

Well-Known Member
Boyang did a live stream, basically talking about his life and training in Canada, and talked about his plans while he's back in China for a bit.

No translation yet, but seems he wants to do B competitions next season. Also spoke about the two bouts of COVID he had.

ETA: Oh, yeah, do have a question. Who or what is "0713"? @raruki, @coralline @Gris?
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Is there a link to the original source re. the competitors listed for Chinese Nationals in this tweet?
Machine translation:
This season's Chinese Nationals list includes Yudong, David, Tongfu Tian, who has competed in the JGP, Chau Jiang, a student of Mr. Jia, and Boren Lu, who regularly learns from Mr. Jia and Mr. Hanyang. Senior too.
As for the girls, Nini seems to be absent. Hong Yi is in attendance.

An earlier tweet by the same person says "Nationals will be held in Qingdao on April 12th and 13th, but there is a fee.
It's 200 yuan for 2 days, but domestic matches have been free so far"
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On My Own

Well-Known Member
Is there a link to the original source re. the competitors listed for Chinese Nationals in this tweet?
Machine translation:

An earlier tweet by the same person says "Nationals will be held in Qingdao on April 12th and 13th, but there is a fee.
It's 200 yuan for 2 days, but domestic matches have been free so far" this is the only thing I know lmao

For some reason, CFSA (if it even exists anymore) seems to have given up on making official webpages for competitions, which it used to before.


Is there a link to the original source re. the competitors listed for Chinese Nationals in this tweet?
Machine translation:

An earlier tweet by the same person says "Nationals will be held in Qingdao on April 12th and 13th, but there is a fee.
It's 200 yuan for 2 days, but domestic matches have been free so far"

It's not Nationals, but an annual domestic competition named "Champion Competition" (冠军赛 in Chinese).

Link to the full entry list:


Men: Yudong Chen, Boren Lu, Jiarui Li, David Day, Zhi'ao Jiang, Yingrui Li, Juwen Xu, Tonghe Tian, Jian Gao, Wenbao Han, Zexuan Wang, Geruiqi Mei

Women: Yihan Wang (from Harbin), Shiqi Gao, Zijun Zhou, Ruotang Li, Ruichen Tong, Yihan Wang (from Beijing), Ruiyang Zhang, Jiaying Cheng, Jiaxin Shi, Mengqi Zhang, Hongyi Chen, Wandi Xu

Pairs: Siyang Zhang / Yongchao Yang, Wantong Zhao / Yuhang Liu, Yuchen Wang / Lei Zhu, Yixi Yang / Shunyang Deng, Xuanqi Zhang / Wenqiang Feng, Jiaxuan Zhang / Yihang Huang, Rui Guo / Yiwen Zhang, Youmei Sun / Ze'en Li

Dance: Zixuan Wang / Wenrun Fei, Xin'ai Ding / Hanchong Zheng, Meihong Zhang / Bolin Meng, Xizi Chen / Jianing Xing, Yufei Lin / Zijian Gao, Xinyi Yu / Tianyi Liu, Huizhi Wang / Shiqi Guan, Luchang Cao / Jianxu Chen, Munire Rahman / Abduwaris Mutellip*, Xiaoxi Li / Yueyang Wang

(* I believe these two skaters are Uyghurs and I'm not sure of the exact transliteration of their names)
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On My Own

Well-Known Member
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On My Own

Well-Known Member



Quite a few .cn links time out for me, and have been for the past year. I'll let gris see. I think I've been able to very intermittently access the cfsa website over the past year, and I mostly just give up, because it's "lol nobody knows what's happening anyway, so who even cares".

I can only access with a Chinese IP address, it times out for me too when I'm using a VPN. And it has been like this for a while.

On My Own

Well-Known Member
I can only access with a Chinese IP address, it times out for me too when I'm using a VPN. And it has been like this for a while.
Think it was fine over the lead up to the Olympics, or maybe the season before that. I do remember not being able to access a few links even that time, though, like CCTV5 footage of someone's skating - that's still true many times (but not every time). I don't get the point, but anyway.


Well-Known Member

Sui Wenjing, Han Cong, and Jin Yang have qualified to be technical specialists at the domestic level.

Women: Yihan Wang (from Harbin), Shiqi Gao, Zijun Zhou, Ruotang Li, Ruichen Tong, Yihan Wang (from Beijing), Ruiyang Zhang, Jiaying Cheng, Jiaxin Shi, Mengqi Zhang, Hongyi Chen, Wandi Xu
Another notable absentee is Jin Shuxian(12 yrs old and 4th in nationals this year). She got a fracture of her leg
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Active Member
Pairs: Siyang Zhang / Yongchao Yang, Wantong Zhao / Yuhang Liu, Yuchen Wang / Lei Zhu, Yixi Yang / Shunyang Deng, Xuanqi Zhang / Wenqiang Feng, Jiaxuan Zhang / Yihang Huang, Rui Guo / Yiwen Zhang, Youmei Sun / Ze'en Li
Just noticed that Wang/Jia withdrew and Zhang/Feng will take their place. That makes three Luan Bo teams competing, hope we'll get to see some of that fresh new Sui Wenjing choreo next week.

On My Own

Well-Known Member

Sui Wenjing, Han Cong, and Jin Yang have qualified to be technical specialists at the domestic level.
Well I mean you should at least give us a brief excerpt because we can't see.
Another notable absentee is Jin Shuxian(12 yrs old and 4th in nationals this year). She got a fracture of her leg
Is there a reason why everyone on team china had to deal with all this shit this season
Just noticed that Wang/Jia withdrew and Zhang/Feng will take their place. That makes three Luan Bo teams competing, hope we'll get to see some of that fresh new Sui Wenjing choreo next week.
Luan Bo eliminated "congratulated" Yao Bin "for his retirement" from competition and now she and Queen Wenjing shall reign supreme.

On My Own

Well-Known Member
Tiger Mom alerts!
I mean. Seems more like a "team doctor is missing" issue or "CFSA is incompetent" issue, because team china all contracting COVID and looking like they'll pass out after competing, Boyang's delayed appendicitis surgery and related setbacks and injuries afterwards, Beverly and Jin Yang's "injuries" that led them to withdraw from competition don't seem like "tiger mom alerts". Chen Yudong's "mumps" better be an "I don't want to go to this pointless competition" excuse, too.
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Well-Known Member
I mean. Seems more like a "team doctor is missing" issue or "CFSA is incompetent" issue, because team china all contracting COVID and looking like they'll pass out after competing, Boyang's delayed appendicitis surgery and related setbacks and injuries afterwards, Beverly and Jin Yang's "injuries" that led them to withdraw from competition don't seem like "tiger mom alerts". Chen Yudong's "mumps" better be a "I don't want to go to this pointless competition" excuse, too.
Team China always sucks in health management and injury prevention of their athletes for sure, but I want to say that the case of Jin Shuxian is different. Jin Shuxian is not on the national team and she is still a self-funded skater trained and managed by her parents and her club. If you constantly follow her mom's Xiaohongshu or Bilibil’s account, you can see that she was constantly asked to practice the Ultra-c elements by her parents and her coach. So I am not surprised that she got injured.

(Her mom’s Xiaohongshu just uploaded a very disturbing update showing that she is back to have some recovery training. I
don't understand at all why they are so rushy, and her daughter is not eligible for the JGP next season or even NWG next year o_O .....)

The case of Zhu Yi is also special. Because she is a naturalized skater, CFSA actually doesn't have the power to manage her at all.

I have heard that Yudong is constantly and easily infected with mumps, it might relate to his immune systems?
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