Australia burning: bushfire crisis spreads


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Aussie Willy

Hates both vegemite and peanut butter
Our lovely PM ScoMo has tweeted out this ad congratulating the government on what they have done to help the fire situation.

This is awful and it is just :eek:. It has positive music over the presentation and does nothing to address the seriousness of the crisis. The man has a total lack of empathy. He used to be in marketing so it probably explains it.


I just found this thread.
I haven't read it all, but I've been following the news through FB and Oz TV
I've been in tears almost every day for weeks now for my country. I keep calling my sister in Canberra because I just have to connect with someone who's there. They can hardly breathe. They basically can't go outside even though there's no fires there. @misskarne I guess you know all about that.
My niece and nephew had to evacuate their property with their horses about a month ago now but have been allowed to return.
I have a nephew who lives in Merimbula that we've not heard from, but I keep thinking no news is good news.
And then I read the stories of the way people are helping each other and cry some more.


Our lovely PM ScoMo has tweeted out this ad congratulating the government on what they have done to help the fire situation.

This is awful and it is just :eek:. It has positive music over the presentation and does nothing to address the seriousness of the crisis. The man has a total lack of empathy. He used to be in marketing so it probably explains it.
He is so tone deaf to the situation it's beyond belief.

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Aussie Willy

Hates both vegemite and peanut butter
The thing that got me was about the comment in the video about the masks. The furies are asking for P3 masks, not P2 as the might cost more but give better protection.


Toad whisperer.....
Some of these morons (Morrison *cough *cough) are treating the whole bushfire disaster as a very bad Saturday Night Live skit.


Handy Emergency Backup Mode
Power is now a problem. Transmission lines have been damaged and load-shedding is expected. Thank goodness it's cooler today. If they'd had to do load-shed blackouts yesterday in the record temperatures there would certainly have been deaths.

A few days ago, a lady got off a Qantas flight in Canberra and immediately went into respiratory distress from the smoke. She later died. People are focused on those killed by the fires directly or as a result of fighting them, but it's the peripheral stuff that can be very damaging as well.


Toad whisperer.....
The American forecast model goes out to the 18th of January. I looked at the area over Australia and this is what is indicated. There will be some heat, maybe 105 in the interior but not the 115-120 degrees. Coastal areas will be in the 80 and 90s, not the 100-110.

Other than scattered rain showers across the southern 2/3 of the country, no substantial rainfall is indicated. Rainfall, could be plentiful across the northern third of the country as several cyclones affect first the northwest part of the country over the next several days then another one or two moving into the Darwin area around the 10th.


Power is now a problem. Transmission lines have been damaged and load-shedding is expected. Thank goodness it's cooler today. If they'd had to do load-shed blackouts yesterday in the record temperatures there would certainly have been deaths.

A few days ago, a lady got off a Qantas flight in Canberra and immediately went into respiratory distress from the smoke. She later died. People are focused on those killed by the fires directly or as a result of fighting them, but it's the peripheral stuff that can be very damaging as well.
Totally selfish of me considering the magnitude of the crisis, but this scares me - respiratory failure of people, wildlife. I want the fires to stop.

Bunny Hop

Queen of the Workaround
Our lovely PM ScoMo has tweeted out this ad congratulating the government on what they have done to help the fire situation.
This is awful and it is just :eek:. It has positive music over the presentation and does nothing to address the seriousness of the crisis. The man has a total lack of empathy. He used to be in marketing so it probably explains it.
The Chaser have put out an alternative version. ;)
Power is now a problem. Transmission lines have been damaged and load-shedding is expected. Thank goodness it's cooler today. If they'd had to do load-shed blackouts yesterday in the record temperatures there would certainly have been deaths.
This affects both NSW and ACT. Yesterday they were asking people not to run washing machines, dishwashers or tumble dryers, turn off lights in rooms not being used (are there people who don't do this anyway?) and to turn up the temperature on air conditioners to put less pressure on the system. I had been considering leaving the upstairs air con on overnight but turned if off instead. Had already done the clothes washing and don't own a dishwasher, so it was all I could really do.
The American forecast model goes out to the 18th of January. I looked at the area over Australia and this is what is indicated. There will be some heat, maybe 105 in the interior but not the 115-120 degrees. Coastal areas will be in the 80 and 90s, not the 100-110.

Other than scattered rain showers across the southern 2/3 of the country, no substantial rainfall is indicated. Rainfall, could be plentiful across the northern third of the country as several cyclones affect first the northwest part of the country over the next several days then another one or two moving into the Darwin area around the 10th.
Every time I see rain promised on the 7 day forecast the likelihood of it happening gets less and less the closer it gets to the predicted day. And as soon as it falls under 50% likelihood I know it's not going to happen. Still saying 60% for tomorrow at the moment so fingers crossed, even though a few showers isn't going to do much and I'd rather it rained over the fires and/or Warragamba Dam.

It's under 30C (86F) today at least. The promised southerly did come through last night, but by the time it got to us it was way less gusty than promised.


Away (Workload)
This live webcam from Canberra Airport shows that the city is still covered in bushfire smoke

As do other live webcams from the city

Latest News

Article reads:-
Canberra once again has the worst air quality index of any major city in the world, coming in worse than Sarajevo in Bosnia Herzegovina, Lahore in Pakistan and Delhi in India.

As of 5am, the air quality index at Florey was 2210, Civic was 1957 and Monash was 1037. A rating of 200 or higher is considered "hazardous". Visibility was about 300 metres.

The orange-tinged smoke has made breathing outside very difficult. It has entered homes and offices buildings across the capital.

Now that’s what I call hell on earth!

Strong Winds Hamper Efforts To Control Flames

Young kangaroo goes to boy for help after being burnt

Tragic - a little Joey burnt to death. One of around 10,000 Kangeroos killed. WARNING - the photograph contained in the article below is graphic to say the least. It represents the sheer horror and devastation of these fires

Arsonists making the situation worse - unbelievable

HMAS Choules, shrouded in a thick, smoky haze, as it evacuates citizens from the small coastal town of Mallacoota. The ship, which used to be part of the UK’s Royal Fleet Auxilary before being sold to the Royal Australian Navy, can carry 700 people at any one time. The ship, which once patrolled the Falkland Islands, has taken part in several other humanitarian operations over the last 20 years, including the 2010 Haiti earthquake in which it delivered relief supplies. The Choules has even taken part in anti-piracy operations in Somalia
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Bunny Hop

Queen of the Workaround
Parents say the smoke in Hobart didn't affect them (they could smell it, but that was it).

Husband's SIL and family on the south coast are watching the big fire coming up from the Victorian border closely to see what it does. They won't be going home yet.

Deleted member 40371

It is incredibly sad to see what is happening in Australia. The death of so many, the health issues caused by these, death of animals, several species likely become extinct. I left Sydney after a decade of studying, working, living and becoming a citizen to move to the UK. I also feel sorry for the sick, especially Asthmatic, I know I struggled every time there was some amount of smoke due to previous fires.

The fires will be a problem for a while, some of the Gospers Mountain coal fires have traveled underground and some fires in the area have stared from coal seam fire. This will be a problem for months to come with these fires surfacing to the ground.
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Away (Workload)
Devastating extent of Australia’s bushfires seen from space

Detailed Satellite Footage

Bushfires might burn for months

Latest Updates


Well-Known Member
I'm gutted for Australians. I have family there and was just visiting. It's astonishing how much of the country has burned and how much of its non-human inhabitants have died, along with a number of human deaths. It is also astonishing the level of incompetence that has led to a bad situation being even worse. Thank goodness for the volunteer firefighters, but Australia needs much more and the powers that be had to know that.


Away (Workload)
Family finally rescued from Australian bushfires after being trapped in a cinema for 6 days

Rain brings relief but huge blazes expected

Authorities fear mega blazes in NSW and Victoria could come together


Well-Known Member
... just checking in here to say I am following the news and my heart aches for people and animals of Australia. I visited twice and Australia was absolutely magical, beautiful as a fairy tale and welcoming.
May the weather turn rainy, may the leadership step up, may it get better soon.


Toad whisperer.....
Looks like the heat will return to NSW the 8th through the 10th, then cool down somewhat again. It should not be as hot as last weekend, however, the winds will become an issue again.


Away (Workload)
These Photos Capture The Impact Of The Bushfires On Wildlife


Away (Workload)
Kangaroo Island: fears for unique wildlife after estimated 25,000 koalas killed. Fires on the island have so far burned through 155,000 hectares – about one third of the island’s entire area – with blazes concentrated in the biodiversity-rich western areas.

Smoke drifts as far as South America

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