From Russia with Love [#33]: Summer 2019

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Here's a new thread now that the 2019 Grand Prix initial assignments were published today (June 20).

LADIES (18 spots)
Alina Zagitova (France & NHK/Japan)
Evgenia Medvedeva (Skate Canada & Russia)
Sofia Samodurova (China & Japan)
Elizaveta Tuktamysheva (Skate America & China)
Alexandra Trusova (Skate Canada & Russia) *debut
Anna Shcherbakova (Skate America & China) *debut
Alena Kostornaia (France & Japan) *debut
Stanislava Konstantinova (Skate America & Russia)
Maria Sotskova (France)
Serafima Sakhanovich (Skate Canada)

MEN (15 spots)
Mikhail Kolyada (Skate Canada & NHK/Japan)
Alexander Samarin (France & Russia)
Andrei Lazukin (Skate Canada & China)
Dmitri Aliev (Skate America & Russia)
Sergei Voronov (France & Japan)
Roman Savosin (Skate America & China) *debut
Anton Shulepov (France) *debut
Artur Dmitriev (Japan)
Rostelecom Cup 3rd spot TBD

PAIRS (12 spots)
Tarasova/Morozov (Skate Canada & Russia)
Zabiiako/Enbert (Skate America & France)
Boikova/Kozlovskii (Skate Canada & Russia)
Pavliuchenko/Khodykin (Skate America & France)
Mishina/Galliamov (France & Japan) *debut
Efimova/Korovin (China)
Rostelecom Cup 3rd spot TBD

ICE DANCE (14 spots)
Sinitsina/Katsalapov (China & Russia)
Stepanova/Bukin (Skate America & Japan)
Zagorski/Guerreiro (Skate America & France)
Skoptcova/Aleshin (China & Russia)
Eremenko/Shevchenko (Skate America & Japan) *debut
Evdokimova/Bazin (Skate Canada & China)
Popova/Mozgov (Skate Canada)
Rostelecom Cup 3rd spot TBD
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National Team section of RUS federation's website:
Direct link to PDF of 2019-20 National Team (31 pages):
2019-20 National Team skaters posted by @Ka3sha on June 11 in the previous thread:

2019/2020 Test Skates will be held on September 7-8 (Luzhniki arena, Moscow)
2019/2020 Russian Nationals will be in Krasnoyarsk on December 24-29
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Well-Known Member
Not sure if this was posted yet? FS Gossips translation of an interview with Polina Shelepen:

Shelepen talks about Tutberidze, Medvedeva, Lipnitskaya, and age minimums.


Anti-quad activist
Am I wrong or did Russia again invite a bunch of lower-ranked dance teams, eg Finns, Litvaks, newbie French etc. Geographical convenience? :p

Geographical convenience is a very good way to put it.

Seems Russia runs their entire GP according to geographical convenience.

I was a little shocked to see Medvedeva would be skating at home.

Tinami Amori

Well-Known Member
Well, they couldn’t put there Zagitova if they put there Trusova!
Zagitova had the first pick of GP events. She wanted to see France this time, and always loves Japan. And she got her choices. Then Tursynbaeva had her picks, and what's left went to Medvedeva (not that Feds minded her getting Russia). Unwritten rule is - a skaters (who is in the tops and has some say) can pick one event for geographical convenience, and one "with flight overseas". Med got Canada, and Russia, which is logical.

Also, it would be crazy to put Zag and Trusova in the same event, given they are "in the eyes of the media" girls now, and both need "high maintenance" from the coaching team.

Am I wrong or did Russia again invite a bunch of lower-ranked dance teams, eg Finns, Litvaks, newbie French etc. Geographical convenience? :p
There is a pretty detailed explanation on one of the Russian sites, how the dance picks went at the conference, and how the Russian side when it came to their picks did not have options to chose top Americans, but picked best possible Canadians.

So let's just say: How nice of Russia to give their neighboring countries' newbie skaters a chance to skate with the best...;)

Not sure if this was posted yet? FS Gossips translation of an interview with Polina Shelepen:

Is Tutberidze the toughest coach in the world? The more success you have the more stories they make up about you..
And yet another "former skater" says at Eteri-hate is "jealousy".... Good for Polina, to tell the truth.


Well-Known Member
I understand why Alina isn't in Russia cause they don't want to put her up against Trusova but Samarin and Aliev over Kolyada? I would have thought they want their #1 guy there. That is unless in the feds. brain Saramin is their #1 :slinkaway

And it stinks B/K have to face T/M twice. I guess that allows Z/E to remain #2 and breathe easier until the GPF or nationals. But also I suppose that does take some pressure off B/K since they won't be Russian #1 at any event and they can skate more freely.


Well-Known Member
I understand why Alina isn't in Russia cause they don't want to put her up against Trusova but Samarin and Aliev over Kolyada? I would have thought they want their #1 guy there. That is unless in the feds. brain Saramin is their #1 :slinkaway

I heard Kolyada was hoping to get GP assignments other than COC this year and is happy with the assignments he got.

Tinami Amori

Well-Known Member
I understand why Alina isn't in Russia cause they don't want to put her up against Trusova but Samarin and Aliev over
no. Alina is not in Russia because she chose France and Japan (and there is an explanation why she chose them, but it is not relevant now). She had the first pick not just among the Russian team, but of all the contestants, given she is a WC GM winner, and is the first one to be allocated (based on her pick). If she wanted Russia, and your theory about "not facing Trusova" is supposedly correct, then they would have moved Trusova to another segment.

Alina will be skating with Kostornaya, and here is a reminder: Kostornaya has been practicing 3A since Spring 2018.
And they are clean.....


Values her privacy
Alina will be skating with Kostornaya, and here is a reminder: Kostornaya has been practicing 3A since Spring 2018.
And they are clean.....
Well, it is still easier to beat a skater with 3A than a girl with several quads.
As much as Alina is the first skater who is picking her spots, I don’t think it was completely up to her. Her coach and the federation are likely to advise her strongly what would be best. Both Tutberidze and the federation want to spread Tutberidze’s skaters so that they don’t prevent each other get to the GPF if possible; for example, they spread Trusova, Scherbakova and Kostornaya to different events. That didn’t happen just accidentally. So the idea that Alina just picks her spots is very naive. There is some serious strategy in that.


Let the skating begin
Of course there was strategy in where the ladies went. The Russian Federation isn't stupid. They want to maximize their chances for GPF slots. Any other country with their depth would do the same. That being said, I'm sure they went with Zagitova's choice and then assigned the others around her. There was no way they'd put the Triple A's in head-to-head competition. They didn't on the JGP and certainly wouldn't on the senior comps. They have 7 skaters who are potential GPF finalists. Seven! That is astounding in and of itself. Obviously, some of those 7 aren't going to make it to the finals. Four of them won't go to Europeans or Worlds. It's going to be a lot of fun to see who fights for the spots.

I've looked at the rosters and made my extremely early predictions. No idea how well they'll hold up a little over six months from now.


Well-Known Member
Strategy for sure. They are protecting Alina. She does not hold up to pressure and I’m sure she is worried about facing the new girls. Medvedeva will not be protected. This could work in her favour


Well-Known Member
Since Alina was apparently super stressed in the lead up to worlds it makes sense that her coaches would want to shield her from the pressures of a home GP, especially if the powers that be wanted Trusova at CoR.

Tinami Amori

Well-Known Member
Of course there was strategy in where the ladies went. The Russian Federation isn't stupid. They want to maximize their chances for GPF slots. Any other country with their depth would do the same.
Absolutely right! no questions that every Federation tries to maximize their results and allocates their skaters accordingly. Every Federation has a strategy.

I only disagree with how Russian Fed's strategy is analysed and interpreted by some.

That being said, I'm sure they went with Zagitova's choice and then assigned the others around her.
Yes. Alina wants Japan, she likes it there plus she has sponsors/appearances, and there maybe a show. When she won the JGPF in 20017 held in France, she said several times that she wished she could see more France, but could not get that GP event next year for a number of reasons. Now she could and she got it.

As much as Alina is the first skater who is picking her spots, I don’t think it was completely up to her. Her coach and the federation are likely to advise her strongly what would be best.
She wanted Jap and Fra, and yes, Fed and TeamET did not see a problem with her choices. If they did it might have been another story.

Well, it is still easier to beat a skater with 3A than a girl with several quads.
My calculations are different. First, the biggest talk of last season was "Alina will lose to Kihira with her 3A's". If Kostornaya is solid with her 3A's, and the team been quietly practicing them without putting it out in the news, given how good her 3A was even a year ago, she is just as much of a competition (same level as Kihira was last season), given she has higher GOE's than Trusova (and closer to Zagitova's, and the programmes for Seniors have more elements/sequence).

Last season GOE's in girls' winning top events.
Trusova (JW) - SP-31.34, FS-64.44
Kostor (GPF) - SP-32.89, FS-67.29
Zagitov (WC) - SP-37.36, FS-74.26
If Kost includes 2x3A's in her programmes, she is more competition to Zag than Trus. It's an estimate, not set in stone.. :lol:

Since Alina was apparently super stressed in the lead up to worlds it makes sense that her coaches would want to shield her from the pressures of a home GP, especially if the powers that be wanted Trusova at CoR.
Zagitova is not longer "super stressed".... :D she's back to being a jumping bean, even during the shows..
... and somewhere there should be a cascade/sequence of 6 x 2A in a row, all clean, but i can't find it.

Zag now is Russia's "Senior star" and Trusova is Russia's "Junior star", and they want them separated.
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RIP D-10
Russia has long choosen skaters from other countries who are Russian speaking and/or have Russian backgrounds and/or still have Russian citizenship, and/or once competed for Russia and/or train/have trained with Russian coaches. Many of them are from Europe, but not all. Shnapir and Balde in the past, and Krasnozhon Vasiljevs, Brezina, Livintsev, Galayvieva, Khaliavin, Ryabova, I'm guessing speaks Russian, this season -- not sure about Mitrofanov -- and maybe Uno if he stays in Russia full-time, are some examples.


Let the skating begin
If they really wanted to "protect" Alina I seriously doubt they would be sending her to Japan of all places where, outside of her own country women, her toughest competition is.
Just my opinion, but the biggest competition at this point in time for the Russian ladies are Russian ladies. The Japanese ladies don't always skate well under pressure, and skating at home isn't enough (see Worlds). They didn't as juniors. I don't think Zagitova going to Japan is a big deal. The crowds like her as much as they do their own skaters. In fact, most skaters love the energy at NHK.

But, nobody knows who is going to do well and who will falter until we see them skate. Some juniors struggle with the completely different level of pressure seniors bring. The much, much larger crowds, the total difference. OTOH, some shine in their first year, and experience a sophomore slump (Sotskova for example). Will Samodurova do this? Will the Triple As emulate Zagitova's debut year? Will Kihira rebound from Worlds? There are a lot of skaters who are going to be doing triple axels or quads this season. Everybody's favorite has a chance to win it all or falter. I think it's totally unpredictable and is going to be very exciting. Men, dance and pairs are pretty much predictable. Ladies is where the competition is all the way through the Olympic season.

Tinami Amori

Well-Known Member
If they really wanted to "protect" Alina I seriously doubt they would be sending her to Japan of all places where, outside of her own country women, her toughest competition is.
I am sure (a guess) Alina would not fight for France if Fed/ET had objections, but she would throw a huge objection if they would not let her go to Japan.

She has to do appearances for sponsors: Shiseido, Airwave, Magia Record/Madako. Plus Japanese TV makes all sorts of programmes about her and her pets..
There is a 20-30 minute specials..
Zagitova and Cats..
Zagitova and Dogs..
Zagitova loves Japan..
Zagitova - Shiseido TV special
Zagitova - special Masaru Dance #2 (for auditorium audience)

It does not matter what place she gets, she has to go to Japan and that's it, she already won all the titles....

Amy L

Well-Known Member
Russia has long choosen skaters from other countries who are Russian speaking and/or have Russian backgrounds and/or still have Russian citizenship, and/or once competed for Russia and/or train/have trained with Russian coaches... I'm guessing speaks Russian, this season -- not sure about Mitrofanov

He can. He and his coach were switching between Russian and English in the kiss and cry at Nationals.


Cowardly admin
Staff member
Mirai and the Shibs used to love to skate in Japan and they were treated like homies there. I’m fine with Russia liking to invite their own former skaters (like the young French dance team) but come ON, stop stacking dance and pairs so obviously.


Well-Known Member
Mirai and the Shibs used to love to skate in Japan and they were treated like homies there. I’m fine with Russia liking to invite their own former skaters (like the young French dance team) but come ON, stop stacking dance and pairs so obviously.

Don't hate the players, hate the game. I wish the U.S. would do this more, We don't do enough to set up our own athletes.


Well-Known Member
Don't hate the players, hate the game. I wish the U.S. would do this more, We don't do enough to set up our own athletes.

Gosh no. Repeating what I posted in the GP thread. No top Russian dance team from Rostelecom has medaled at Worlds or the Olympics during the same season since 2005-06. There is no evidence that this system is working. Go up against real competition and get tough feedback from judges who aren't already in love with you. Find out where you really stand early in the season. Then work your butt off and get ready for the real game in the post season. I mean you don't stack the deck against your own skaters, and you don't let them eat each other up. You play smart. But a win in a weak field doesn't get you where you want to be in the long run.

ETA: For clarity, adding that Rostelecom doesn't always have weak fields like this. 2016 & 2017 were quite good competitions. (They do usually have at least one super low team, but the field in general is not always weaker across the board as it has been this season & last).
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Well-Known Member
Gosh no. Repeating what I posted in the GP thread. No top Russian dance team from Rostelecom has medaled at Worlds or the Olympics during the same season since 2005-06. There is no evidence that this system is working. Go up against real competition and get tough feedback from judges who aren't already in love with you. Find out where you really stand early in the season. Then work your butt off and get ready for the real game in the post season. I mean you don't stack the deck against your own skaters, and you don't let them eat each other up. You play smart. But a win in a weak field doesn't get you where you want to be in the long run.

ETA: For clarity, adding that Rostelecom doesn't always have weak fields like this. 2016 & 2017 were quite good competitions. (They do usually have at least one super low team, but the field in general is not always weaker across the board as it has been this season & last).

Fair, but I'd give a fair shot to S/K to break the curse.


Well-Known Member
Yes. Alina wants Japan, she likes it there plus she has sponsors/appearances, and there maybe a show. When she won the JGPF in 20017 held in France, she said several times that she wished she could see more France, but could not get that GP event next year for a number of reasons. Now she could and she got it.

She saw Grenoble in 2017! I was there and saw her live. So she didn't choose to go to France to "discover a new French city".


Let the skating begin
If Zagitova decided to stop competing today, good for her. In spite of a small group of fans who salivate at the thought she might not be competitive, she's somehow managed to win every major competition. I know that's difficult for some to comprehend. She knows who her competition is. She knows what she has to do to win. Maybe she will. Maybe she won't, but she doesn't have to prove anything to anybody. She already has.


Well-Known Member
I don’t know that Zagitova is heavy but I agree that exhibition is uninspired. After all the drama with it I expected something better. Maybe it wasn’t her musical choice. ? I’m sure she will have a better one during season.


Well-Known Member
Zagitova is a disaster right now... totally out of shape, heavy, bad jumps.
The new Ex on Bad Guy, totally unspired by Daniil.

She did Adelina's camel spin! 😁🤘 and I fast forwarded precisely to that spot after I read she did 😅
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