From Russia with Love [#31]: Winter to Spring 2019


Well-Known Member
My observation on "Plushenko fans and anti-fans" include two moments. UN-PC warning.. :lol:

When it was Plush vs. Yag, and Yag left Mishin and went to USA to train with TAT, russian fans were more pro-Plushenko, and "western fans" were more pro-Yag, in some cases strictly because "he broke out of the cage into freedom", and he wore a "Canadian Team Jacket" during SLC Olympics pairs scandal, and said that S/P should be first. Some did like Yag's skating better and he did win that time.

Then when Yag left skating, and Plush kept on winning, russian fans were supporting him overall... until he became more famous and wealthy, and later married Yana, who is a millionairess and a controversial celebrity figure, who is not afraid to speak out and to show her luxury. Then all hell broke lose, because too many russians fit the phrase "misery loves company" and Evgeniy and Yana were quite opposite of "miserable".. :D

Plush lost fans because of Yana ,his money and Sochi. But most of the Russians love him. He is the "figure skating" even today in many Russian's mind. If somebody wants to show his skating the hashtag is "Plushenko" many times.:D
He could be the the most popular Russian athlete in 2014 ahead of Lipnitskaya and Sotnikova! After the Sochi scandal!But he was the most popular athlete not once in his career.


Well-Known Member
A very nice interview with Maria Petrova and Alexei Tikhonov about their personal life, skating in shows, acting career and etc.
Speaking about Torino Olympics, they admit that they were hurt after the free program, as bronze medal was achievable, but both of the made mistakes which cost them that medal. But then they began touring across Russia (with Averbukh's shows), felt people's love and support and the realization that people loved them despite not having OGM helped them a lot. They follow figure skating pretty closely, try to watch all disciplines and still love this sport. Their daughter, Polina, is also skating , she doesn't win lot's of medals but they enjoy her skating and she enjoys doing it.
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Well-Known Member
A very nice interview with Maria Petrova and Alexei Tikhonov about their personal life, skating in shows, acting career and etc.
Speaking about Torino Olympics, they admit that they were hurt after the free program, as bronze medal was achievable, but both of the did mistakes which cost them that medal. But then they began touring across Russia (with Averbukh's shows), felt people's love and support and the realization that people don't need an OGM to love someone helped a lot. They follow figure skating pretty closely, try to watch all disciplines and still love this sport. Their daughter, Polina, is also skating , she doesn't win lot's of medals but they enjoy her skating and she enjoys doing it.

Thanks for posting! I don't understand much Russian - just an odd word here and there - but it was nice seeing them again and I'm glad they can still make a living skating in shows. They seem to be such kind and pleasant people.

Perky Shae Lynn

Well-Known Member
Thanks for posting! I don't understand much Russian - just an odd word here and there - but it was nice seeing them again and I'm glad they can still make a living skating in shows. They seem to be such kind and pleasant people.
My god, they are adorable. While I can't understand anything they are saying, they seem like such a perfect couple. Both just radiate peace and love.


Well-Known Member
Plush lost fans because of Yana ,his money and Sochi. But most of the Russians love him. He is the "figure skating" even today in many Russian's mind. If somebody wants to show his skating the hashtag is "Plushenko" many times.:D
He could be the the most popular Russian athlete in 2014 ahead of Lipnitskaya and Sotnikova! After the Sochi scandal!But he was the most popular athlete not once in his career.

I don't like him because of the way he exploits his child (and turning into a creepy little clone - how narcissistic can you get?) and because of his friendship with a murderous psychopath. If that makes me a "mediocre person" in the eyes his ubers, then I'm ok with that. I don't believe in blind worship of any athlete and I have principles in life. I would never endorse such a person no matter what.

Perky Shae Lynn

Well-Known Member
I don't like him because of the way he exploits his child (and turning into a creepy little clone - how narcissistic can you get?) and because of his friendship with a murderous psychopath. If that makes me a "mediocre person" in the eyes his ubers, then I'm ok with that. I don't believe in blind worship of any athlete and I have principles in life. I would never endorse such a person no matter what.
I am not a fan at all, but I don't think Plush is exploiting his son. He doesn't need to, not for money, not for publicity. I think they are just overly involved proud parents. A lot of it is indeed ego-driven (look at my mini-me!) but it's not what I would call "exploiting". The kid seems to love skating and the spotlight just as much as his dad does.

Mad for Skating

Well-Known Member
Tatiana Navka's "Scarlet Flower" show (Beauty and The Beast) was shown today on Channel1
Navka, Tchernyshev, Ilinykh, Soloviev, Kavaguti/Smirnov, Viktor Petrenko, Ondrej Hotarek and others (75 min, good quality)

Ilinykh and Soloviev look so good together! I've missed her!

Also includes Ilinykh, Soloviev, Bazarova, Larionov, Mikhailov, Bariev (aka Righini), Shibnev, Loboda, etc.

Ahhh there's Righini, our elusive young-version-of-Zayn-on-ice. I was wondering what had happened to him.


Well-Known Member
I don't like him because of the way he exploits his child (and turning into a creepy little clone - how narcissistic can you get?) and because of his friendship with a murderous psychopath. If that makes me a "mediocre person" in the eyes his ubers, then I'm ok with that. I don't believe in blind worship of any athlete and I have principles in life. I would never endorse such a person no matter what.

I understand what you want to say I was in shock also.The "murderous psychopath" is very popular in Russia. He is a very respected person a hero who stopped the chechen terrorism is Moscow who is in friendship and very loyal to Russia in that very dangerous territory of the Russian Federation. The chechens are ready to start war with Ukraina if Putin asks them.... And they don't believe what happened in Chechnya because the Russian media didn't inform about it correctly. Probably if they read it they put that together with the Sochi doping scandal on the same shelf. That is not true just the western media is lying as did many times. Plush's shows were held in Grozni in 2016 and for ex Emanuel Sandhu!!!! , Joubert, Verner, and many other Russians and foreign skaters performed in it. You can be sure your favorite, Voronov also would be Kadyrov's friend just he is not interesting for him. He is not big enough star Kadyrov likes to invite world stars, celebrities( Ronaldinho, Depardieu, Hilary Swank, Steven Seagal, etc) Voronov and the other Russian skaters don't go there YET;), not because that is contrary to their principles but they are not famous enough.

AngieNikodinovLove (ANL)

The Harem is now taking applications 😝
A very nice interview with Maria Petrova and Alexei Tikhonov about their personal life, skating in shows, acting career and etc.
Speaking about Torino Olympics, they admit that they were hurt after the free program, as bronze medal was achievable, but both of the made mistakes which cost them that medal. But then they began touring across Russia (with Averbukh's shows), felt people's love and support and the realization that people loved them despite not having OGM helped them a lot. They follow figure skating pretty closely, try to watch all disciplines and still love this sport. Their daughter, Polina, is also skating , she doesn't win lot's of medals but they enjoy her skating and she enjoys doing it.


they seem like soulmates that found each other.

Tinami Amori

Well-Known Member
Plush's shows were held in Grozni in 2016 and for ex Emanuel Sandhu!!!! , Joubert, Verner, and many other Russians and foreign skaters performed in it. You can be sure your favorite, Voronov also would be Kadyrov's friend just he is not interesting for him. He is not big enough star Kadyrov likes to invite world stars, celebrities( Ronaldinho, Depardieu, Hilary Swank, Steven Seagal, etc) Voronov and the other Russian skaters don't go there YET;), not because that is contrary to their principles but they are not famous enough.
I loath Kadyrov, but i can't blame these foreign stars and russian skaters for attending the show in 2016, and posting huggy fotos with him up until early 2017.

The Chechen LGBT issues (about gay torture and murders) did not come up in the general press until late April 2017. I have not seen any "huggy Kadyrov fotos" with athletes/stars since then... well, except for a egyptian footballer, Mohamed Salah, but he due to his religion is not in support of same-sex issues either.

Rina RUS

Well-Known Member
He seemed too self-centered, and she too reserved. But hey, look at them now.
You're absolutely right, imo. Their marriage works because of Totmianina's great love, patience, and strong personality.

Patience? Sure. :) I think Tatiana has become an unearthly creature (in a good sense) for Yagudin's sake. Yet it is not as simple as that. Yagudin can be extremely patient as well, they are an interesting and a funny pair. :)

When Yagudin is asked about his "household duties", he answers: "My duties at home are nearly the same as my duties on the ice. When we perform, I want everyone to enjoy, and in my family I have the same viewers, which want to see smiles." I guess he couldn't take such an odd answer from a book. He really thinks he should make people happy. (Though it is not the only thing he is able to do.) His family has learned to be happy, because Yagudin is used to be happy.

Yes, he openly says, that a man is leading in a family. Yet they also openly say, that if Tatiana has said something to their daughters, Yagudin just nods and agrees with Tatiana's decision. This is their rule. If he is the first one who has said something to the kids, Tatiana agrees with him.

I see, that he doesn't lie, when he says: "A family... Well, there is no need to reinvent the wheel. A family is a united body." They like to do interviews together. It is like a game. As if they are one person. Even though their opinions can vary.

He openly says, that almost every day Tatiana asks when he is going to grow up. He can mock people, but often he mocks himself.

As for love... Yagudin says: "The word "love" doesn't exist for me. Your real feeling is real love. That invisible thread which unites two persons. You can say the word "love" to anyone - and it will mean nothing. For me your real feeling when your partner is your company, is more important than a word."
He is extremely sincere. That's why he doesn't like the word "love": he doesn't like, that often this word means nothing. :) I think it is not easy indeed to live with him, yet... he is an amazing creature too. He deserves respect.

(the quote about his "duties" is taken from this funny interview - with subtitles)
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Well-Known Member
I loath Kadyrov, but i can't blame these foreign stars and russian skaters for attending the show in 2016, and posting huggy fotos with him up until early 2017.

The Chechen LGBT issues (about gay torture and murders) did not come up in the general press until late April 2017. I have not seen any "huggy Kadyrov fotos" with athletes/stars since then... well, except for a egyptian footballer, Mohamed Salah, but he due to his religion is not in support of same-sex issues either.

And we don't forget Plushenko was the only one Russian skater who signed a petition against the anti gay law. They sent to Putin. His wife and other Russian celebrities signed it. He invited Weir to his show in Russia when the anti gay law was the main theme in Russia and in western media. Sandhu is his guest since 2016. He said to the CNN in 2014 the gays are totally normal in the modern society in the 21th century.
Yes, we can say he needs to fight against the law more loudly and should fight more fiercely continously.... But would say he is homophobe or like Kadyrov's opinion is not true.


Well-Known Member
They took a pass on this run. Ilinykh and Soloviev look even better in the Frog Princess and Swan Lake.

Amy L

Well-Known Member
That's definitely a good plan! They'll never be the wacky fun team no matter how much they want to be, and they'll always be naturally suited to Russian classical music. It's not too severe a problem to have. :p

However I hope her sparkly red SP dress gets recycled for another program in the future. It's hella cute.

alchemy void

Post-its for the win.
A very nice interview with Maria Petrova and Alexei Tikhonov about their personal life, skating in shows, acting career and etc.
Speaking about Torino Olympics, they admit that they were hurt after the free program, as bronze medal was achievable, but both of the made mistakes which cost them that medal. But then they began touring across Russia (with Averbukh's shows), felt people's love and support and the realization that people loved them despite not having OGM helped them a lot. They follow figure skating pretty closely, try to watch all disciplines and still love this sport. Their daughter, Polina, is also skating , she doesn't win lot's of medals but they enjoy her skating and she enjoys doing it.

How can anyone not love the Pettikhs? :love: They both seem like the nicest people ever, and as long as they're together, I'll still believe in fairytale love stories. ;)


Well-Known Member
How can anyone not love the Pettikhs? :love: They both seem like the nicest people ever, and as long as they're together, I'll still believe in fairytale love stories. ;)
They were actually asked if they are a perfect couple (as they look like one) and never argue with each other - Maria said that the first impression is pretty deceptive and of course they argue and sometimes express their anger in loud voices, but thing got much easier after they retired.
And they all shared their love story - they started dating after 2000 Worlds, once they were invited to judge a beauty contest, which ended pretty late. All bridges in Saint-Petersburg had already been opened at that time and Maria couldn't came back home (she lived on opposite side of the city and had to cross the river in order to get there), so she had to stay at Alexei's place :)

Tinami Amori

Well-Known Member
And we don't forget Plushenko was the only one Russian skater who signed a petition against the anti gay law. They sent to Putin. His wife and other Russian celebrities signed it. He invited Weir to his show in Russia when the anti gay law was the main theme in Russia and in western media. Sandhu is his guest since 2016. He said to the CNN in 2014 the gays are totally normal in the modern society in the 21th century.
Not only Plushenko and Yana signed a petition against anti-gay law, they also requested that the initiator of the law, Melonov, be removed from duties.

Finally a smart decision from this team.
That's definitely a good plan! They'll never be the wacky fun team no matter how much they want to be, and they'll always be naturally suited to Russian classical music. It's not too severe a problem to have. :p It's hella cute.
I am glad they went back to last year's SP. They did not select good music for their "wacky" choices and it is not a good style for them (imo). But they are not exactly "classical style" material either, it does not match their look (imo). But they do need something new/interesting/unique, and if it was me, i'd select "Silver Era" concepts, in music, dance moves and suprematism art costumes. Like Shostakovich's "Bolt"

Or something from Ballet Russe, Petrushka, Le Coq D'Or, and costumes to go with it (modified for ice).
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Well-Known Member
I am glad they went back to last year's SP. They did not select good music for their "wacky" choices and it is not a good style for them (imo). But they are not exactly "classical style" material either, it does not match their look (imo). But they do need something new/interesting/unique, and if it was me, i'd select "Silver Era" concepts, in music, dance moves and suprematism art costumes. Like Shostakovich's "Bolt"

Or something from Ballet Russe, Petrushka, Le Coq D'Or, and costumes to go with it (modified for ice).

I love the idea, but Tarasova & Morozov don't have enough rhythm to pull off this style IMO.


Fan of Yuzuru, T&M, P&C
How can anyone not love the Pettikhs? :love: They both seem like the nicest people ever, and as long as they're together, I'll still believe in fairytale love stories. ;)

I loved them when everyone on fsu was hating them and making snide remarks about their skating. They were not the fastest skaters, but they had good postures, lines, unison. They struggled with injuries after they won the 2000 worlds. I saw them skate live at the 2006 worlds. They skated a very good LP and won the bronze (should have won the silver). They were always gracious, no matter how the judges marked them.

Tinami Amori

Well-Known Member
He also put Merkel/GER, Trump/USA on the "arrest warrant" list, and wants to arrest and jail them.. :D

Not to go further into this idiotic politics subject, i hope that one day he decides to take himself out.

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