2024 Winter Youth Olympic Games, Jan. 19-Feb. 1, Gangwon, South Korea


Well-Known Member
So, we're still waiting on confirmation of the following entries -

Cyprus (should be Stefania Yakoleva)
Estonia (too many options to guess)
Israel (likely Sophia Shifrin)

Estonia (likely Jegor Martsenko)
Slovakia (likely Adam Hagara)

Czech Republic (2) (likely Psurna/Novak and either Stanclova/Kostron or Vlckova/Vlcek)


Active Member
So, we're still waiting on confirmation of the following entries -

Slovakia (likely Adam Hagara)
Hagara has been nominated right after he won the spot for Slovakia. He is flying to Korea after Europeans. Full list of Slovak participants posted few days ago by Olympic committee.



Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
This seems like a low end event for FS? Am disappointed Canada sent KR. Shouldn't she be going to higher end events


This seems like a low end event for FS? Am disappointed Canada sent KR. Shouldn't she be going to higher end events
Kaiya had a senior international last season, plus 3 this season, plus the domestic Challenge competition, plus Nationals. Six chances in less than a year and she didn't get the SP min for worlds at any one of them. Not one. She may have won nationals, but even there she didn't get worlds SP min. Why would anyone at this point think that she'd get them at 4CC with the kind of pressure that would have. She may have won nationals but she's just not ready for worlds yet. Plus, perhaps more important than any of this, she wanted to go to YOG.

Frau Muller

From Puerto Rico…With Love! Not LatinX!
For anyone who cares, here’s the Gangwon 2024 Winter Youth Olympics Opening Ceremony on YouTube:

Three countries’ flags parade in together, e.g., interesting to see Israel next to two other countries (30-min mark, Israel, India, and Japan all together).

At the 1hr-20min point: A Korean male vocalist who seems to be dressed up as the leader of North Korea! LOL!!! I’m sure that wasn’t his point but it looks funny.

I keep mixing this up with that thing in Lake Placid a year ago (World University Fake Olympic Whatever), hosted by PJ Kwong, where one had to pay separately to watch.
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Frau Muller

From Puerto Rico…With Love! Not LatinX!
Only figure skating and hockey will be shown on Peacock in the USA. List of streaming events in this article (FS + medal-winning hockey games…so many sports but only two will be shown live on US Peacock!):

We will have to juggle this with US Nationals live viewing, as of late Friday night into Saturday early morning. After the US Women’s LPs, stay up to watch WOG’s Pairs SPs at 11:30pm, EST…then Men’s SPs at 2am EST (Jacob Sanchez).
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Happily ignoring ultracrepidarians (& trolls)!
As I posted in the other thread where all of this seems to be being belaboured:
It's nice that everyone has so many opinions and insights into the choices of others. I presume you would welcome similar feedback on your choices :)

A reminder that you have no idea who might be reading things that are posted in this public forum.


Well-Known Member
As I posted in the other thread where all of this seems to be being belaboured:
It's nice that everyone has so many opinions and insights into the choices of others. I presume you would welcome similar feedback on your choices :)

A reminder that you have no idea who might be reading things that are posted in this public forum.
You know, I was about to type "oh, do shut up" but then I realized that kind of a remark would be the height of hypocrisy.

If someone reading comments/opinions on a public forum is distressed then perhaps they should stop reading said forum.


Well-Known Member
I hope people are reading these comments. It would be good to get a sense of the reaction from their actions? Opportunity for improved decision-making?


A Southern, hot-blooded temperamental individual
As I posted in the other thread where all of this seems to be being belaboured:
It's nice that everyone has so many opinions and insights into the choices of others. I presume you would welcome similar feedback on your choices :)

A reminder that you have no idea who might be reading things that are posted in this public forum.
ok I have been supportive of her decision but honestly if someone close to a skater is going to come on to this forum and read stuff about them they need to be prepared to see negative stuff. If I had a competitive skating kid I would simply not ever read anything about them on here lol. That's too much. But I wouldn't expect people to be fine with everything they ever did. It's just not realistic.


Canadian ladies über
I'm a gymnastics judge for Canada and one of my goals is to judge at a multi sport games. And in gymnastics there are way more of those opportunities than there are in figure skating. So I don't blame Ruiter or any other athlete for for being excited at the chance to compete in one.

I think one of the interesting facets of this is that in skating there is overlap age wise between jr and sr. I remember in 2020 reading a few comments questioning why Young You was competing at YOG when she was already competing senior internationally.

I hope Ruiter and all of the other athletes at YOG have an amazing experience.

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