2024/25 ISU Technical Panel Handbooks, Scale of Values documents, PCS charts


Flight #5342: I Will Remember You
Creating this thread for general reference purposes... worth pinning at the top of this subforum or not?
Setting aside the underrotation issue that can be difficult to see in real-time or in the camera angles presented, the rest of the scoring system documentation has been available online since the inception of IJS. The scale of values is there explaining why a jump with a fall still earns points. I'm not saying it's easy to navigate, especially with the ISU having redone their website and many links being broken or difficult to find, but it's there to at least gain a little more knowledge about why it all happens.
ISU Communication 2656 - Scale of Values for Singles and Pairs as of July 1, 2024: https://current.isu.org/inside-isu/...nications/34028-isu-communication-2656-1/file
"Remarks" and "Legend" are at the end, on page 12.

Figure Skating > Rules > Handbooks SINGLE & PAIR Skating page/info links: https://current.isu.org/figure-skating/rules/sandp-handbooks-faq
2024/25 Singles Handbook: https://current.isu.org/figure-skat...oks-faq/31570-technical-panel-handbook-1/file
2024/25 Pairs Handbook: https://current.isu.org/figure-skating/rules/sandp-handbooks-faq/31569-technical-panel-handbook/file

Figure Skating > Rules > Handbooks ICE DANCE page/info links: https://current.isu.org/figure-skating/rules/id-handbooks-faq

2023/24 Ice Dance Handbook: https://current.isu.org/figure-skat...93-handbook-for-technical-panels-2023-24/file

ISU Communication 2647 - Scale of Values for Ice Dance (updated Sept. 4, 2024): https://current.isu.org/inside-isu/...munications/33990-isu-communication-2647/file

ISU Communication No. 2630 - Ice Dance Requirements for Technical Rules season 2024/25 (Updated August 23, 2024): https://current.isu.org/figure-skat...echnical-rules-season-2024-25-rev-aug-23/file
Requirements defined in the Technical Rules to be announced annually:
1. Requirements for Rhythm Dance - Rhythms/theme, Required Elements (including Key Points andKey Point Features for Pattern Dance Elements) and guidelines for Rhythm Dance – Junior/Senior
2. Required Elements for Free Dance – Junior/Senior
3. Marking guide for Grades of Execution of Required Elements (Novice, Junior, Senior)
4. Deduction Chart – Who is Responsible – Rhythm Dance and Free Dance (Junior, Senior)
5. Explanation of Symbols on the Judges Details Per Skater (Junior, Senior)6. Program Components for Rhythm Dance and Free Dance

ISU Communication 2646 - Requirements for Technical Rules with ongoing validity, effective July 1st, 2024 (Update August 23, 2024)
Calling specifications and Levels of Difficulty for Required Elements for Novice, Junior, and Senior, including Key Points for Paso Doble and Pattern Dance and Pattern Dance Element information: https://current.isu.org/figure-skat...for-tr-2024-25-rev-after-frankfurt-aug23/file

Program Components – Single & Pairs, Ice Dance and Synchronized Skating (Aug. 5, 2024): https://current.isu.org/figure-skating/rules/sandp-handbooks-faq/31474-program-components-chart/file
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