The Dance Hall 6: We're All Off Our Rockers 2018-2019

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Grumpy Cynical Ice Dance Lover
Have you seen McNamara & Carpenter live this year? They were every bit as fast on the practice ice as the teams they went up against at SA. And more polished & stretched than last season. They've worked very very hard. Almost all new elements this season. I was curious to see how they would look in the practices at SA because last season at Nationals, they were very fast but went up early during the SD and then missed the cut for the final group so we didn't get to see that head-to-head comparison. But at SA, they fit right in. There are some teams that look better on TV than live, and there are some teams that look better live than on TV. The Wheaton teams are the latter, IMO. (I like watching M&C on the screen, but they are better live because you can see the ice coverage).
I am being as bad minded as the poster who posted his crap.
I really have a problem with her posture and their lack of everything but edges. They'll never make it unless they do find that extra something that they just don't have at that very moment. Mind you, most of the juniors never have that "IT". They, IMO, will not make it, because with that new GOE system, the ones making it will be the ones with not the best technic, but the most appealing programs. Fear&Gibson are the exact example of that. M&C will be the exact example of what fails.
But I will give you that they have fantastic edges. They're just bland, boring and have the personality of an asparagus. Which is unfair to asparagus.

EDIT : BTW, I find that Hanyu has the personnality of a leek :D

Holy Headband

chair of the Lee Sihyeong international fanclub
so far this season there has only been one truly standout FD , Gilles and Poirier's Vincent, I know a lot of people like stepanova and Bukin their fd is good, but Alexandra is cleary channeling Tessa Virtue at the beginning, it looks very similar the H&D FD.

It’s good because it creates a distinct mood, but to call it the only standout of the season is a bit much for me. I think G/F, S/B, F/G and Z/G all have equally distinctive and/or intricate FDs, though Z/G’s needs work.

But I think this is proof of how much musical choices affect programme reception; I would say G/F’s choreo is as good as anyone’s this year, but because people are so invested in complaining about La La Land, it doesn’t get nearly enough recognition, while the music in G/P’s case does half the work for them.

Anyway, I understand this is a matter of personal preference and am just using your comment as a springboard to state mine, not trying to change your opinion.


Well-Known Member
Whatever is reputation is, I have a hard time picturing P/C at his orders and considering their results, I'm unsure their federation is in a position to put pressure on them. Should one of both parties had leverage, I'd rather bet on P/C IMHO (and maybe lose, Ok). I would certainly not call Masters a fiasco. Their RD was just great and there was no use for them to present an unfinished FD. If fiasco there was, it was in the communication department, not with P/C themselves. They agreed for their RD not to be streamed, and them not taking part of the FD was known prior to the competition. They withdrew from NHK due to injury and now Grenoble seems the best place to present their FD : in their home country, before a (mainly) French audience. I don't think they need any pressure from their fed to do that.

I think I personally have waited long enough to see them skate again especially with new programs. Why should they not get the judges feedback, prize money and thrill their countrymen and all their fans worldwide? As it is all the other top teams have a better chance of making GPF and one team will get gold there which would not have happened if P/C did not have the misfortune to get injured. Can't wait to see them :cheer2:


Well-Known Member

And these:

All the young U.S. dance teams are skating soft & flowy programs this season. (It's pretty obvious what they've been hearing from commentators, Champs Camp, monitoring sessions, etc); but it's not what M&C have been doing. They've had quite a variety of material, and our odds are better at getting something unpredictable from them, IMO, than any other young U.S. dance team. Hopefully, once they have done this "soft" style successfully--and their results this season are definitely a success for them--the powers that be will be more open to embracing some of what makes Quinn & Lorraine unique.

Also, this is a classic case of a team going outside their typical style and fanbase, acquiring a new group of fans this season (many former critics who prefer these new programs for them to anything they've done before) and some of the more long-standing fans missing the quirky & dramatic side of them. But I think in the long run, M&C are better for the effort. I also don't think there is anything bland about this year's FD. It's intriguing. It was even more intriguing before they took it to Champs Camp. The tango is an utterly different style than their tango from last season, and I adore both. (I totally acknowledge that my taste is only my taste. I love a dramatic, intense tango; but they did that last season, and this one has a sense of intimacy that is pretty unique for one of their programs). They don't have the polish and ease of perfection yet that Guignard & Fabbri or the most experienced senior teams have. They are in development. But they have guts with what they're willing to try--both program-wise and with their technical difficulty. It's a good sign, IMO.
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Well-Known Member
Didier's rep is not the best for sure and he angered many people at the Masters but I think that Gabi and Guillaume do want to be in Grenoble. I, among many, missed them and can't wait to see their new RD and FD in whatever level of completion they are.
It's not because you miss them that it means they want to be there.... look at every thing they did since Olympic!!! Olympic year is demanding, post Olympic means shows, travelling, your body needs time to recuperate if you want it to last another quad!


Well-Known Member
I would certainly not call Masters a fiasco. Their RD was just great and there was no use for them to present an unfinished FD.
That’s not what P/C’s camp said though. Didn’t they say that they wanted to protect it from their competitors or something like that?


Well-Known Member
Not much point in P/C being concerned about the RD - or anything much really.

They could get a 'basic level' on both the patterns and the step sequence and still get a huge score. Both Hawayek/Baker and Stepanova/Bukin won their Grand Prixs with a level one and a basic level on the Tango Romantica patterns in their RD. As one of the remaining only top teams they will have enough of a GOE cushion to make the technical levels irrelevant.

In previous seasons, being practiced enough to get good levels seriously mattered and loss of levels could actually affect the top teams. In fact it was the one thing that could open the door for other teams to overtake.

Unless the judges suddenly start to get picky about GOE or PCS, the whole thing is a foregone conclusion. The preparation of the technical elements of the dances doesn't matter this season.


Well-Known Member
I've seen at least 4-5 teams splat during the Tango Romantica this season, and it has mattered for every one;).

Am wondering if this trend is due to the fact that it isn't as costly to splat in the twizzles anymore so that teams under serious pressure must now muck up elsewhere. (But Shpilevaya's miss in the twizzles at Inge Solar was pretty costly so no . . . I think you can still muck your score up pretty badly there).
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Well-Known Member
P/C will have a GOE cushion against MOST teams, yes. But levels do come into play as a tiebreaker between teams of the same tier. S/K and G/P are on the rise, I don't think P/C necessarily have as much room for error as you assume.


Well-Known Member
Even if they splat and win by a mile at home, it's not like that is unprecedented for an Olympic medalist the season after an Olympics. Davis & White were a spectacular mess, losing two tenths for falls plus an extended lift deduction and still won the FD at the 2010 Skate America. Grishuk & Platov took a fall at Worlds in 1994 and still won. An Olympic medal goes a long way, especially when a bunch of teams below you have gotten out and the closest ones still remaining aren't in the competition.

Note: Actually, the eventual World bronze medalists were at 2010 SA; but of course no one guessed it then.
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Well-Known Member
Shush, Dobre ... no talk of "splat-Fest" please :yikes:

OK, happy dance news updates from other threads:

-The Greens are back, competed at Sectionals, and are signed up for the junior event at Golden Spin.
-Giadda Russo is reportedly ice dancing now with Jaime Garcia.
-Polizoakis is off IPS. (Hopefully this is happy news. His instagram followers in the German thread seem pretty positive he's likely to announce a new partnership).

Less happy news:
-I forgot to list Buga & Pokhilyuk as having split. (He is on IPS).
-Also Fukase & Tateno confirmed the end of their partnership. (I think he retired due to injury. Correct me if I'm wrong).

? news:
-Also I am still mourning Loboda & Drozd and not keeping up very well with the Loboda/Shibnev/Drozd/Konkina/Vakhnov thing so someone else may feel free to update us with what is actually confirmed there and what is still in the tryout or rumor stage.
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Well-Known Member
-Also I am still mourning Loboda & Drozd and not keeping up very well with the Loboda/Shibnev/Drozd/Konkina/Vakhnov thing so someone else may feel free to update us with what is actually confirmed there and what is still in the tryout or rumor stage.
Zhulin confirmed that Drozd is indeed skating with Ksenia Konkina now.
Loboda/Shibnev were in the entries list for Russian Cup event #5, but now are off the list
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