UPDATED/CONFIRMED: Evgenia Medvedeva leaving Tutberidze for Orser


Well-Known Member

Chaikovskaya: "In the Russian school of skating, the athlete's input into programs is always considered, all programs are discussed together with the athlete. Nothing is mandatory . The Russian school of figure skating produces the best programs" :rolleyes:

***I am still wondering when Orser said anything about Russian choreographers .***


Well-Known Member
For her. Not with her. Asking for some input after everything has already been decided is pointless.
All Orser did was repeat what Med told him. That she was not involved in decision making and now she wants to be and she said that when he asked her what her needs were and what she expected in their collaboration. He did not discuss her previous programs. So obviously Russian media like to stir shit up just like western media does.


Well-Known Member
All Orser did was repeat what Med told him. That she was not involved in decision making and now she wants to be and she said that when he asked her what her needs were and what she expected in their collaboration. He did not discuss her previous programs. So obviously Russian media like to stir shit up just like western media does.

This is exactly right @barbarafan.

He was also very clear he wasn't interested in being critical of her former coaching team and that he was relieved that Meds feels the same (paraphrasing).

Meds is a classy young woman and I am sure they all just want to get to work. I think David is a good choice to begin working with her. I think I am most excited about what Tracy can teach her in her skills classes :) This is all very exciting.


Well-Known Member
Practically all Russian skaters are treated like this. That is why BS have had spotty programs all their careers and why Ilinykh is despised in some circles. In the Russian circles you do as told, you do not argue and you do not have a contradicting POV. But I think based on observation, the athletes are beginning to realise that they are now adults and they want to have some say in their own future. It was that approach that got VM their OG medals. Look at how Betina Popova's former coach reacted when she decided she wanted to learn from Krylova and Volkov. Maybe this means better things are in store for Russia going forwards.


Cowardly admin
Staff member
My husband was recently succeeded in his CEO job by his Russian CFO. Just today, he’s gotten phone calls from his former staff complaining the new boss is utterly hierarchical and doesn’t want anyone questioning their supervisor’s authority. Being a good professional, he told them to work it out with their new boss.

So when he told me about this, I nodded sagely and said “just like Russian skating coaches....”


discriminating and persnickety ballet aficionado

Chaikovskaya: "In the Russian school of skating, the athlete's input into programs is always considered, all programs are discussed together with the athlete. Nothing is mandatory . The Russian school of figure skating produces the best programs" :rolleyes:

***I am still wondering when Orser said anything about Russian choreographers .***
Why are they being such triggered snowflakes? A rhetorical question.

OTOH, it’s true that the Russian school of skating (or most other things) is very authoritarian. I never had any input as to what piano pieces I played as a child. It didn’t even occur to me to ask. Now my son is taking piano lessons and his is the ultimate word. We couldn’t get him to play Chaikovsky until this year :lol:


Well-Known Member
I hope Med is already on a plane to Toronto! :lol:

If only....There is lots to do..papers for one thing...There is some sort of visa for living in Canada temporarily which takes time to get for one thing. Lubov had a temp. visa for USA but not for Canada so she & Dylan met up..decided on partnership and trained together at Detroit club for maybe 6 wks until she got her papers. These are not things that can be done from within Canada...you must arrive with them. As well packing/maybe storing things meeting with sponsors & finishing all her commitments for the present time b4 she leaves. And her Mom must have lots of preparations as well.


Well-Known Member
Eteri isn't done yet. Apparently she was on TV again this morning saying that she hopes Evgenia has the decency to come by, give flowers (those flowers again!) and say thank you.

I think this is the same interview as yesterday, they just posted it today. Tutberidze seems to be on vacation with Diana by now, Diana was posting pictures from the airport yesterday and from vacation today. I hope there will be no more comments from Eteri about Medvedeva's departure.


Well-Known Member
It’s expected that any skater’s fan base will always have that skater’s back when there is a breakup between a skater and their coach, regardless of what might be discovered or learned. Ask any coach about that, even Orser, himself, when Yuna left.

I’ll just mention what’s already known, that two wrongs don’t make a right, and there are always two sides to every story.

Do coaches, skaters, etc. really want to revisit and stir the pot re the lack of a healthy relationship between Russia and Canada which could be best described as oil and water? I guess so…

The history (in this sport), especially between Russia and Canada, is too strained and awkward to discuss much without being tainted by emotion especially when well-documented corruption has resurfaced and been taken into account (e.g., SLC Olys, etc.), which is never too far away. These emotions still run deep.

Is Russia proud? Considered arrogant? Canada, also? Depends on who you ask.

To turn this recent development of one skater leaving their coach into a political football is a foolhardy, ridiculous exercise. I would shelve the politics, they’re not helpful to anyone.

Both parties should call it a day and move on, already. The new season will be here soon enough. Time is wasting away on bickering and nonsense.

:soapbox: JMHO. :inavoid:


Well-Known Member
Both parties should call it a day and move on, already. The new season will be here soon enough. Time is wasting away on bickering and nonsense.

I really object to this blame on both sides type of statement. As far as we know, Med has nothing to “move on” from. All of her very few public statements have been professional. She is an athlete and has the right to choose her coach. If, for some reason, she didn’t have that right, I am sure the Russian Fed would have told her so. So, no, “both parties” do not need to “call it a day and move on already.” Eteri needs to call it day and move on. In fact, if reports that she has now gone on vacation are true, perhaps she has moved on. Let’s all hope so.


Let the skating begin
I agree wholeheartedly, and this is why I think the move and training in Canada won't be too detrimental to Med's domestic results. I wonder if the Fed is getting fed up with Eteri's drama as well. No one can argue with her results at the junior level, but I wonder how TPTB feel about investing in skaters who have a senior shelf life of one to two seasons tops. And it's getting kind of old that it's always the fault of the skater or their over-involved mother when their career fizzles. I don't know any of the people involved personally, but all reports and indications are that Med is very well-mannered, likable, and easy to get along with. I bet she has a lot of support lined up behind her.
Why do they care if they only last a season or two as long as there are replacements? I'd say their history at the last two Olympics, multiple world medals over the last 4-6 years, multiple junior worlds titles, JGPF and GPF titles are probably just fine. Why would a federation care if it's different skaters each year???


Well-Known Member
Why do they care if they only last a season or two as long as there are replacements? I'd say their history at the last two Olympics, multiple world medals over the last 4-6 years, multiple junior worlds titles, JGPF and GPF titles are probably just fine. Why would a federation care if it's different skaters each year???

Maybe they don't care...you could argue both ways. Maybe because a stress fracture was not rested as it should have been there is some permanent damage meaning she can not be on the ice jumping 5 hrs a day without further injury. So her staying and staying healthy would be a problem but if she leaves to another country and is competitive but not winning they can blame the new coach..Anyways we will hear nothing but she will be examined and tested by doctors when she arrives and Brian's team, the doctors, Med's Mom and Med will decide how to proceed together with her health now and in the future will be the main focus.


discriminating and persnickety ballet aficionado
Why do they care if they only last a season or two as long as there are replacements? I'd say their history at the last two Olympics, multiple world medals over the last 4-6 years, multiple junior worlds titles, JGPF and GPF titles are probably just fine. Why would a federation care if it's different skaters each year???
I agree that they don't care as long as they get the medals. I think that while Eteri's juniors are still in the junior and pre-puberty limbo, it would not be wise to dump Med. They only have Zagitova who is a real contender and as was pointed out, she would be hard to motivate now. Hanyu is an exception. You never know what will happen to the current junior girls. For me personally, I am completely in love with Kostornaia's skating--she is so perfect--and yet I don't allow myself to get attached because you never know.


Well-Known Member
I really object to this blame on both sides type of statement. As far as we know, Med has nothing to “move on” from. All of her very few public statements have been professional. She is an athlete and has the right to choose her coach. If, for some reason, she didn’t have that right, I am sure the Russian Fed would have told her so. So, no, “both parties” do not need to “call it a day and move on already.” Eteri needs to call it day and move on. In fact, if reports that she has now gone on vacation are true, perhaps she has moved on. Let’s all hope so.
Well, again,
It’s expected that any skater’s fan base will always have that skater’s back when there is a breakup between a skater and their coach, regardless of what might be discovered or learned.
two sides to every story.
Skaters have advisors, PR people that are specifically called to handle just these kinds of incidents. Many athletes are directed to say nothing and are provided with 'talking points' or prepared statements.

Meanwhile, the rest of the skating world: federations, skaters, etc., -- they're having a good laugh and rolling their eyes. It would be better for all involved (not talking about the fans, as that would be an impossible request :lol:) to move forward, and that includes Eteri. A vacation is a good thing!



Well-Known Member
In the new Japan Times article about Marin Honda's coaching change, the interviewer also asked Raf for his opinion about the Med situation.
“I spoke to the Russian media and told them it was predictable,” Arutunian said. “It happens always with skaters from that group of coaches. Whenever they get older and always some younger skaters come, and they kind of leave the coop.

“Compared to (Julia) Lipnitskaia, I think Evgenia made a better decision by going to Brian,” Arutunian stated. “I know he is a very strong coach and has a group of strong coaches around him.”

Arutunian thinks adapting to a completely new environment won’t be easy for the two-time world champion.

“I know it will be tough for her. Medvedeva comes from a different culture,” Arutunian said. “I don’t know if she can handle that approach which we now have in the U.S. and Canada, where athletes should be more responsible about what they do compared to what happens in Russia. I hope she can handle it. It won’t be easy.

“If she goes to Brian, it will be difficult for both of them,” Arutunian commented. “But based on the options she has, that would be the best decision.”


Well-Known Member
@Weve3, what are you talking about? You are attempting to make an equivalence between how Med has handled this situation and how Eteri has. There is objectively no equivalence there. I am not a Med fan nor am I a Med hater, and I don’t have Med’s back. I just get really annoyed when people try to go down the “everyone is bad so let’s not argue route.” Sometimes there is a difference is people’s behaviour and sometimes someone is wrong and someone is right. As you suggested, perhaps someone has given Med advice on how to handle this situation, perhaps not. What difference does that make?

With the information we have now, it is clear that Eteri has not handled this situation in a professional way and Med has. Why is stating that such a problem?


Well-Known Member
It’s expected that any skater’s fan base will always have that skater’s back when there is a breakup between a skater and their coach, regardless of what might be discovered or learned. Ask any coach about that, even Orser, himself, when Yuna left.

I’ll just mention what’s already known, that two wrongs don’t make a right, and there are always two sides to every story.

Do coaches, skaters, etc. really want to revisit and stir the pot re the lack of a healthy relationship between Russia and Canada which could be best described as oil and water? I guess so…

The history (in this sport), especially between Russia and Canada, is too strained and awkward to discuss much without being tainted by emotion especially when well-documented corruption has resurfaced and been taken into account (e.g., SLC Olys, etc.), which is never too far away. These emotions still run deep.

Is Russia proud? Considered arrogant? Canada, also? Depends on who you ask.

To turn this recent development of one skater leaving their coach into a political football is a foolhardy, ridiculous exercise. I would shelve the politics, they’re not helpful to anyone.

Both parties should call it a day and move on, already. The new season will be here soon enough. Time is wasting away on bickering and nonsense.

:soapbox: JMHO. :inavoid:

I object to this. All Med did is leave her coach. Her reason for leaving isn't all Eteri's fault and doesn't make Eteri a bad coach. People have different needs.

But it is Eteri who chose to make this personal by badmouthing Med to the press. The stuff on Alina is really something. In contrast, Med refused to speak bad about Eteri to Orser and refused to even defend herself in the press. Now I Orser could have left the more say stuff out of the press, but its not a big deal.

There are two sides to why Eteri and Med broke up. But the decision to make this into a public spectacle was all Eteri's not Meds. Now you have papers all around saying Med tried to keep Alina out of the Olympics. It was really selfish thing to do on Eteri's part.


Well-Known Member
@Weve3, what are you talking about? You are attempting to make an equivalence between how Med has handled this situation and how Eteri has. There is objectively no equivalence there. I am not a Med fan nor am I a Med hater, and I don’t have Med’s back. I just get really annoyed when people try to go down the “everyone is bad so let’s not argue route.” Sometimes there is a difference is people’s behaviour and sometimes someone is wrong and someone is right. As you suggested, perhaps someone has given Med advice on how to handle this situation, perhaps not. What difference does that make?

With the information we have now, it is clear that Eteri has not handled this situation in a professional way and Med has. Why is stating that such a problem?
Yikes. Relax. Discuss away. I'm not talking about the fan base. Reread my posts, but this time without the defensiveness, the blinding desire or the need you're apparently feeling to defend Evgenia so aggressively and passionately. Hey, I get it, okay? :summer:


Well-Known Member
Yikes. Relax. Discuss away. I'm not talking about the fan base. Reread my posts, but this time without the defensiveness, the blinding desire or the need you're apparently feeling to defend Evgenia so aggressively and passionately. Hey, I get it, okay?:summer:

Med didn't deserve to have her coach badmouthing her to the press or revealing private conversations. This has nothing to do with being huge fan or whatever. If Med went to the press badmouthing Eteri I wouldn't be a fan of that either. She's old enough to know how to handle a break up with a student professionally. And she has decades on Med.


Well-Known Member
Yikes. Relax. Discuss away. I'm not talking about the fan base. Reread my posts, but this time without the defensiveness, the blinding desire or the need you're apparently feeling to defend Evgenia so aggressively and passionately. Hey, I get it, okay? :summer:
I am by no means a fan of Evgenia Medvedeva. In this case, she doesn’t even need any defence - I have seen very few blame her. Eteri, on the other hand, did break quite a few ethical rules with that revelation. That’s what most people are on about, without them necessarily belonging to that fan base.

What’s your point? Don’t let this grow into an international warfare in figure skating? It won’t. Brian will probably never learn he’s been challenged by Eteri, and even if he does, he’ll continue doing his thing, he won’t be bothered by it. Now the next interesting thing is what Eteri does to surpass him, so to speak. So I’ve got my bags of popcorn full for the next season.


Ubering juniors against my will
“Compared to (Julia) Lipnitskaia, I think Evgenia made a better decision by going to Brian,” Arutunian stated. “I know he is a very strong coach and has a group of strong coaches around him.”

I don't know why everyone always seems to forget the fact that JULIA WAS SICK and that her career was not going anywhere, whichever coach she went to, because she had to drop out and get herself better. You wouldn't think it was that difficult to remember.


Well-Known Member
@Wyliefan How do you know he isn't talking about that? Yulia being sent to a Russian coach probably wouldn't do any favors to any disordered eating she was having, as that attitude about eating seems accepted in the Russian skating community.

Medvedeva has also shown signs of disordered eating, but going to Brian Orser might help to fix that. While skaters in North America do have problems with anorexia, there is also a growing cultural awareness of it and movement to stop it. I'm more than willing to bet that Orser has at least one Dietitian in his team that will create a healthy athletic training diet for her.


Ubering juniors against my will
To me it didn't sound like he was talking about that. But maybe I'm mistaken.


Well-Known Member
Julia didn't go to Urmanov right away did she? I thought she had another coach before going to Urmanov.


Well-Known Member
I thought she went to Urmanov right away. She stayed for one year with Tutberidze after Sochi, and then switched to Urmanov.
But all in all she stayed under a year with Urmanov. Didn’t get much chance of competing afterwards.


Let the skating begin
I agree that they don't care as long as they get the medals. I think that while Eteri's juniors are still in the junior and pre-puberty limbo, it would not be wise to dump Med. They only have Zagitova who is a real contender and as was pointed out, she would be hard to motivate now. Hanyu is an exception. You never know what will happen to the current junior girls. For me personally, I am completely in love with Kostornaia's skating--she is so perfect--and yet I don't allow myself to get attached because you never know.
No, you don't. Which is why there are very few skaters with multiple titles. I just take each season as they come. I enjoy the Russian junios and don't fret that they might lose their jumps when they are seniors. What happens happens. I, too, really like Kostotnaia and Gubanova, but if they don't succeed in seniors, they don' t. If they have one season of wins, that's what they have.

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