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AngieNikodinovLove (ANL)

The Harem is now taking applications 😝
I haven't been following closely, but was surprised at Mai's huge advantage over Amber in PCS. Don't get it.

I feel like with the exception of this year’s nationals domestic event, Amber still is not getting her dues with PCS….. very fast skater, she covers the rink, nice use of edges, and clearly is one of the best that emotes and interpreting her music


I feel like with the exception of this year’s nationals domestic event, Amber still is not getting her dues with PCS….. very fast skater, she covers the rink, nice use of edges, and clearly is one of the best that emotes and interpreting her music
I think Glenn's issues are consistency, and attention to detail. Look at the spins at this event - one level 2, one 3, one 4 - that's more than 2 points of technical but the judges are also going to know that the spins didn't meet the criteria, and it's going to affect the overall impression of the program.


Sorry but the judging of the Japanese girls here was just as bad as any Eteri bonus we've seen in past years. Schizas, Levito, and Amber all deserved more (and Sakamoto and Mihara were overscored).
Yes, and no. They have among the best, or arguably the best skating skills in the competition, and that is the foundation of the sport. Also this is a made for TV event funded, and hosted by Japan - they are going to get strong scores.


How long do we have to wait for GP assignments?
Sorry but the judging of the Japanese girls here was just as bad as any Eteri bonus we've seen in past years. Schizas, Levito, and Amber all deserved more (and Sakamoto and Mihara were overscored).
It's not as if the judging for the Japanese men was any better. Justice shall be done for Matteo!


Embedding Golden Skate's WTT tweets from the Women's SP mixed zone:

“I am happy of what I showed and didn’t let my teammates down. At worlds I didn’t think that far ahead and didn’t really think of this event.” (So she wasn’t sure if she would participate.) “But I heard so many great things about this competition and really wanted to do it.”
“The highlight of my seasons was Nationals. I delievered there and I always like looking back and remembering it.

“It was of course a big tough flying back and forth to the US, I had have my boots fixed, so it was a lot.” “This is my first ever team event and it’s a lot of fun. I have known many of my teammates for a long time and know them well and also got to know the younger ones well recently and we have a great team connection!”
A fun memory of the season: “Skate America was a big highlight for me. My family was there, everyone. There was a section of people with pride flags, the arena was packed, the way that made me feel was incredible. And also here, having my team that was so loud and supportive while I was perfoming… it gives you a feeling that you can’t get anywhere else.”


Well-Known Member
hit the Road Jack? Did you watch the programs before her and all that snoozer music? She brought the life at the end of that group.
ITA. I usually do not like Amber's musical choices and have never been one who liked her typical angst expression. But, I liked this choice and thought she did very well with it.

I think that Isabeau is right about her Nationals performance being her best one of the season. Not because she won, but because her speed and jumps and overall performance were best there. That was where she peaked. I hope that she does fewer competitions next season - maybe not so many smaller competitions and skip Four Continents. I'm sure this first year as a senior has been a great learning experience for her and her team.

I think what bothers me the most about Kaori's scoring on the combination is that it was such a mess that there's no way that they could have not reviewed it and seen it. I felt the same way about Loena catching a break at Worlds. Being a Worlds medalist should not mean that your obvious mistakes get ignored.


Well-Known Member
Two-time reigning World Champions don't underrotate their jumps. They also don't have edge issues, or at least that's what the technical panels have consistently told us. Getting the 'q' on each jump is a pretty big ding from the technical panel to the reigning World Champion at a made for television event.
It was hilarious hearing Ted on the World feed calling Kaori’s solo jump and then saying, “oh that’s an inside edge.” It was clearly a flip not a lutz. ;)


Well-Known Member
I really enjoyed seeing Isabeau at WTT.

She didn't back off of going for that lutz/loop. An older and more experienced skater probably would not have said "so close" right after their skate in front of the judges and officials. :lol: They would have pretended they were perfect and celebrated.

She does demand a lot of herself and seeks perfection. But, she seemed to be having a great time. She has posted on Instagram, which she hasn't been doing recently. There are some photos as well as an IG story from WTT.

I'm glad she's having fun. I particularly like the way she had fun playing it up when she was waiting for her scores and tossing around that boa. It makes me see a spark of what she could do in programs. Beyond the ballet dancer, there's a bit of an actress in her. I see some of that in her skating already, especially in some of her short program, but I'd like to see a great choreographer work with her to bring that out more while incorporating her excellent skating and even further refining her presentation while still keeping that extension, line, etc.


After their WTT free skates on Friday:
“I think I could have slightly done better here and there but I have done worse, so I am pretty happy and I think it was a decent performance.”
The thing she looks forward to the most during the off-season: “I am going to vacation to Italy soon to visit some parts of my family I haven’t seen in a while!
But right now I am really looking forward to enjoy the next two days of this event to be cheering on my teammates tomorrow and hopefully the exhibition!”

“Indeed suuuch a long season but it’s wonderful and I couldn’t be more grateful and I am so happy to be a part of this incredible event and this amazing team.
I was having a really hard time on my 3A in practice today but I am happy I went for it. I am just gonna go for it every time now until I land it!” 💪🏻
The thing she looks forward to the most during the off-season:
“A few days off but in general I am so busy. I am looking forward to that secret project I have coming up, it’s nothing too exciting but it’s going to a lot of physical and mental challenges in involved and it will be recorded.”


Well-Known Member
Amber Glenn forces the judges to listen to appalling music, and they bear this in mind when scoring her. :p
LOL maybe not appalling but I feel the judges did see her music genre and style to be all too similar across several seasons and it affected her scores.


ISP women who are attending USFS’ Jump camp (based on Instagram stories I’ve seen) that’s underway at the World Arena in Colorado Springs include:

Logan Higase-Chen
Jessica Jurka
Mia Kalin
Josephine Lee
Soho Lee
Elyce Lin-Gracey
Clare Seo

Lorenzo Magri is guest coaching again this year (he’s posted a few IG stories) and Carolina Kostner is there too. :) Audrey Shin is assisting, I think?

Also participating:
Katie Shen (she posted a group photo of Team USA skaters in her IG story that’s since been reposted by a fan:
Sofia Bezkorovainaya
Melania Blecic

I've posted the names of the 5 ISP men, as seen in the group photo, in the U.S. Men's news thread:
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Lorenzo Magri is guest coaching again this year (he’s posted a few IG stories) and Carolina Kostner is there too. :) Audrey Shin is assisting, I think?
Audrey's post & pics:
the first jump on it! camp i attended was in 2016 as an athlete myself, and now fast forward seven years i get to help assist all these amazingly talented skaters at this years camp with great coaches. it is so amazing and fun to see all these developing skaters! it was a pleasure to work with all of the athletes and cannot wait to see them continue on with their skating journey!
Magri, Kostner, Gracie and Amber are among those tagged in the group photo (front row) and Isabeau Levito is in the 2nd pic.

Josephine Lee's post & pics from jump camp:
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