U.S. Men 2020-21 season news & updates

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Nor is there any fourth guy with a more consistent pre-Olympic season than Vincent. I think he's pretty much in control of his own destiny. It's a lot to ask someone to be ready to earn a berth to compete at Nebelhorn, earn a berth for the team at Nebelhorn, and medal at Nationals. That's a long journey, one step at a time. There are guys that can get it done. But it means being ready early & being ready late, which is a tougher route than just aiming to be ready at the end of the season. I would want to be ready. #4 last year was Paniot & he definitely doesn't have a track record for consistency. As an athlete, I wouldn't want to have to count on him or anyone else to earn my berth at the Olympics. Be ready. Do your best. If whoever goes to Nebelhorn can't earn the berth, this becomes a much tougher fight for Vincent & Jason, not to mention all the other guys hoping for a spot, so we just wait & see how ready everyone is & ultimately how the chips fall in the actual qualifying ccompetition.
Definitely. But I don't think that whoever goes to Nebelhorn is necessarily getting the spot, even if they earn it. Let's say Vincent goes, because they trust him the most. And he gets the spot with an okay to decent performance. I don't think that should lock it up for him, if another one of the men has a stronger GP season, maybe looks better at their Challenger event, and does better at Nationals.

I still think Vincent is most likely to get the spot, to be clear. But earning the Nebelhorn spot doesn't mean it's yours.


Well-Known Member
Just remember that beyond CAN and RUS, the US men are competing with guys like Fa, Kerry, Fentz, and Litvintsev for 7 or so spots. If Vincent or whoever we send can't hang with that crowd, something went really wrong, much moreso than an off day where Vincent missed the SP cut at Worlds, which is not as shocking as it sounds, its a much deeper field there...
The #2 KOR guy is in there somewhere, too.

I think whomever the US sends needs a score around 225-230 to be completely safe, completely doable ... barring a meltdown which also is possible. It will be interesting to see what the USFSA will 'encourage' the US entry to do strategically; safe and clean or will they allow more autonomy with jump ambition


Well-Known Member
But earning the Nebelhorn spot doesn't mean it's yours.
No, I agree.

But, likewise, if you want to earn an Olympic berth at Nationals over one of the three guys that went to Worlds, you'll have to skate well at more than just Nationals. You'll have to skate well on the GP or CS or JGP. Because nobody below those guys has anything except Nationals results likely to carry forward into this coming season. You maybe don't have to beat those guys more than once head-to-head, but you're going to need the scores and/or placements to hold up upon comparison.


RIP D-10
It's going to be interesting to see USFS's strategy in assigning Challenger Series spots: how many for each skater -- there's a max of three -- and who goes back-to-back (ETA: I meant to say head-to-head). Some of that will depend on the GP assignments and how they fit into the schedule. Because by those assignments, without many events towards BOW after a cv-interrupted season, they will show whether they are trying to stack the deck in anyone's favor by bestowing and withholding.

If they (ISU) stick with Top 12 at Worlds for singles, and Top 24 SB and WS, only four US Men will be guaranteed GP spots, two each for Chen and Brown from Worlds Top 12, and one each for Pulkinen and Hiwatashi (ETA: for Top 24 WS). Zhou is 25 in WS, but has no SB, and it's hard to imagine a scenario in which he isn't invited to SA, the only event in which he'd qualify for an invitation in the initial selection by the current rules.

I hope they do stick with Top 24 SB and WS guaranteed one: GP will look so, so different than it normally does, with the hosts and major Feds dominating everything in most years, and using OES skaters to fill out the first group, even when skaters high up the alternates list get nada.

There will be 72 spots to start, and under the last regular GP rules, some of these will go to:
  • 18 host spots
  • 24 guaranteed by Top 12 at 2021 Worlds
  • 13 more guaranteed one from Top 24 SB
  • 10 more guaranteed one from Top 24 WS
That's 65 spots right there, or seven open spots, but assuming that each host gives assignments to two skaters guaranteed at least one, that would leave another 12 spots open. So maybe 19 actually in play. But I suspect that the hosts will trade for second spots for those they are assigning to their own GPs and guaranteed one. And it doesn't count anyone else in the Top 75 -- right now, Top 44 -- who could be chosen in the initial selection.

The only skater from a host Fed who is on the SB list below 24 is Nam (30th), so maybe this year, winning an early CS might make a difference to the alternates list for singles. We've gone in circles about whether a [new] SB in the current season counts toward GP alternate assignments, but no discernable pattern has been perceived; for Zhou, winning a CS and getting an early alternates spot is probably his best bet, because USFS should have him queued up.

I don't see anyone who would qualify as a "Return" skater and is likely to return. Fernandez could for kicks and giggles, but why would he bother?

I mean, when is Demirboga or Zandron going to get a GP spot, unless being assigned by bypassing all of alternates list rules, let alone be guaranteed one, under the usual circumstances? Maybe Milyukov may have been invited to Rostelecom, as a BLR skater.
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Yaroslav Paniot must have been released recently by Ukraine because his name has appeared on USFS' International Selectional Pool list :): https://twitter.com/SylviaUnseen/status/1402777560556126213
Maxim Naumov landed a 4s in his Colonial Open SP today :cheer2: (his first ever quad in competition afaik)
Adam Blake, who choreographed Naumov's SP to "Run" by Joji last year, shared a clip on his Instagram that includes Naumov's opening quad Salchow at Colonial Open and seems to confirm that he's keeping the program music this season (eta clip link that I forgot earlier, sorry): https://www.instagram.com/p/CPyb1JPnMAu/
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Is that a coup happening behind that blue curtain?
Interesting GP assignments for the US men today. Is it safe to assume that Ilia Malinin is going back to the junior level internationally this season?

Skate America - Chen, Zhou, TBA
Skate Canada - Chen, Brown, Hiwatashi
Cup of China - no one
NHK Trophy - Zhou, Hiwatashi, Pulkinen
IdF - Brown
Rostelecom Cup - Naumov, Pulkinen

Leading candidates for the SA TBA - Naumov or Paniot


Well-Known Member
I assume Torgashev is also eligible for the SA host pick. Is he eligible as a substitute somewhere down the line for anything else?


Is it safe to assume that Ilia Malinin is going back to the junior level internationally this season?
I think so.
Leading candidates for the SA TBA - Naumov or Paniot
Yaroslav Paniot (4th at Nationals), Maxim Naumov (5th; got 2021 Rostelecom Cup) and Jimmy Ma (6th) look to be the 3 main contendors for the TBA spot.

Andrew Torgashev is #29 in the ISU World Standings (covering the past 3 seasons) and #48 on the 2019-20 ISU SB list but is not currently listed in USFS' ISP so he will need to compete this summer and/or be monitored in order to get added.
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Well-Known Member
Nice to see Vincent is starting his season off well. I hope he's able to keep it up throughout the GP events while still looking to semi-peak at Nationals and then peak at the Olympics. His content is hard AF and it'll be hard to stay in condition and skate "perfectly" for the long season ahead.


Well-Known To Whom She Wonders
Nice to see Vincent is starting his season off well. I hope he's able to keep it up throughout the GP events while still looking to semi-peak at Nationals and then peak at the Olympics. His content is hard AF and it'll be hard to stay in condition and skate "perfectly" for the long season ahead.
I had to look up AF to see if it meant what I thought it might and it did. So another way of expressing the sentiment is: Vincent's content is hard AF, a real ultra-C but even if he lands everything, he won't be the GOAT in my mind.


Aerial Challenge's fan cam highlight clips of the men from last night:

Vincent easily won the jump contest (too bad Tomoki WD) - his combos in order of each round:
3A+3T+3T: https://www.instagram.com/p/CQz7QcAHeQn/
3A+3T+1Eu+1Eu+3S (and 4 more 3S connected by half loops) ending with 2S: https://www.instagram.com/p/CQz-7QaHKLn/
'Rippon' 4Lz+3T & 4F (landed in his second attempt): https://twitter.com/AerialChallenge/status/1410934852166160389

2nd place went to junior Kai Kovar who landed this 3A in combination: https://www.instagram.com/p/CQz-lmzHq5y/

Camden Pulkinen (3rd) did this combo in the second round: 3A+1Eu+3S+2T+2T: https://www.instagram.com/p/CQz-Z_-L3FS/

Joseph Klein's 3Lz+1Eu+3S: https://www.instagram.com/p/CQz9MhgH-xU/


Why is summer so hot omg
Top 5 Scores for US in Summer 2021 (so far)

Vincent Zhou 99
Maxim Naumov 86
Camden Pulkinen 76
Ryan Dunk 70
Mitchell Friess 69

Vincent Zhou 203
Maxim Naumov 116
Ryan Dunk 112
Mitchell Friess 111
Daniel Argueta 107

Daniel Martynov 73
Maxim Zharkov 70
Kai Kovar 65
Matthew Nielsen 61
Philip Baker and Joseph Klein 57

Kai Kovar 133
Lucas Broussard 122
Daniel Martynov 121
Maxim Zharkov 121
Jacob Sanchez 114


Daniel Martynov 73
Maxim Zharkov 70
Kai Kovar 65
Matthew Nielsen 61
Philip Baker and Joseph Klein 57
Junior SP scores from small club competitions in April 2021:
Joseph Klein 63.22
Beck Strommer 62.82
Jacob Sanchez 62.22

Vincent Zhou's post yesterday after winning the Senior Men's & Aerial Challenge events at Broadmoor Open: ("... I had a great time and started the season off with a bang. This is an excellent place to build off of and keep working towards my goals this season!"): https://www.instagram.com/p/CQ7d_zYHWsi/


Well-Known Member
I'm really surprised that Malinin didn't move up to Seniors this year. After this Olympics season there are going to be a lot of retirements and Ilia might have the most potential of the younger guys coming up to move up fast.


Well-Known Member
I'm really surprised that Malinin didn't move up to Seniors this year. After this Olympics season there are going to be a lot of retirements and Ilia might have the most potential of the younger guys coming up to move up fast.
I'd be shocked if he doesn't compete in seniors at nationals. I assume he's going back to the JGP since he doesn't have the seasons best or world standings level to get on the senior GP.


Malinin was supposed to make his senior debut at 2021 Nationals before his injury withdrawal.

Skate Milwaukee Junior Cup -- new JGP selection competition -- has 14 men listed as competing this Friday & Saturday (minus junior champ Eric Prober & Robert Yampolsky) - 13 ISP skaters in alphabetical order:

William Annis
Lucas Broussard
Jonathan Hildebrandt
Liam Kapeikis
Joseph Klein
Ilia Malinin
Daniel Martynov
Samuel Mindra
Matthew Nielsen
Jacob Sanchez
Beck Strommer
Michael Xie
Maxim Zharkov

Kai Kovar should have qualified for the ISP with his impressive win at last week's Broadmoor Open and is included in the Junior Cup entries.


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Camden Pulkinen tweeted this news today [June 1]: https://twitter.com/CamdenPulk/status/1399838091368599554
Camden gives more details about his plans to start at Columbia University in the fall of 2022 in this joint Fan Zone article with Pooja Kalyan (link also posted in the U.S. Ladies thread): https://usfigureskatingfanzone.com/...alyan-enroll-in-the-olympics-of-academia.aspx
Alongside Kalyan, Pulkinen trains in Colorado Springs, Colorado. He has competed for Team USA for the past two seasons while taking classes at the University of Colorado Colorado Springs. While he will remain training at the Broadmoor World Arena for the upcoming Olympic season, he said his transfer is a holistic opportunity to explore his interests in economics and prepare himself for a career off of the ice.
"I chose Columbia University because I wanted a small community," Pulkinen said. "I'm interested in investment banking and being in New York City. Wall Street is practically around the corner."
Pulkinen's passion and dedication have been pillars of his athletic and impending academic success. While preparing for his future, he said his move from mountains to skyscrapers doesn't mean he's hanging up his skates.
"I know it's going to be very difficult to balance skating with my new curriculum, but I think it'll boil down to determination," Pulkinen said. "And I like to challenge myself."


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Well-Known Member
However, the other side of me is nervous and hopes he isn't too fast out of the starting blocks.


Some good skating in the Junior Cup Men's SP event yesterday (for JGP selection) - re-posting the top 2 from the 2021 Skate Milwaukee thread:
Ilia Malinin has ice dancer hair now! ;) He kept his SP to "Billie Jean" by David Cook from last season. Jumps looked effortless: 3Lz+3T, 3F, 2nd half 3A.

ETA: 77.23!
Daniel Martynov - 3A nice, 3F hand down, 3Lz+3T confident. Music was a moody techno piece (what he skated at Nationals - "The Untold" by Secession Studios) He's grown quite a bit in the past few years! ETA: 77.47 into 1st!

SP protocols: https://ijs.usfigureskating.org/leaderboard/nonqual_results/2021/29848/SEGM019.html
Free livestream is underway for today (Saturday), starting with the Men's FS events (Novice, Senior with Naumov, Junior, Junior Cup): https://www.fsuniverse.net/forum/th...nior-cup-july-7-11.108424/page-3#post-6019218
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