The Amazing Race S34

Lilia A

Well-Known Member
I'm not getting that at all.
That's why I'm now questioning it. It's like production wants people to like them because they never fight over petty things which pretty much everyone does on the race given the high stress environment. Either they really never fight or struggle, or production is trying to help them with the audience. But I'm questioning it because there have been times when the runners up are given that same edit, because it then leads to people talking about it and about why they wish so an so team wouldn't have won, etc. Normally I have a much stronger feeling as to who will be first-second-third, but not this time. However, I stand by the three possible scenarios, so we'll see how off I am when the finale airs.


Well-Known Member
I would have loved to be able to do the challenges from today's episodes. All of them. This is the type of leg I love from TAR.

I would have loved that caving task, but the swimming with the volcanoes one would be :scream:
I went scuba diving in the Silfra fissure (which marks the boundary between the N American and European tectonic plates) and recognized the rock formations that the contestants swam past. And I did it in February with the water at 1 degree C and snow falling! It was awesome! Getting into the undergarments and drysuit was actually a challenge in itself, but I guess the professionals handled that part for safety reasons.


Well-Known Member
I like Claire. I find her hilarious. I also think she's kind of a 'nudge and a wink' in human form, with the way she speaks (if that makes sense).
Luis and Michelle have grown on me. They're just so positive.
And I like the twins a lot. I hope it doesn't end up being a footrace to the end.
I'm okay with any of the final 3 teams winning.

love skating

Clueless American
I did, however, laugh when the clue said that Derek had to do the first task. I knew that having Claire do pretty much everything would catch up with them at some point, and I wonder if they were saving Derek for the end because he is athletic and because there is often a parachuting challenge toward the end, which I think would kill Claire.
I watch their recaps on youtube and that was their strategy - Claire does as much as she can early so they can save Derek for the final roadblocks which they thought would be more physical.

I found this guy's Instagram - I guess he works on TAR and he has some nice behind the scenes photos (from previous years too):


Well-Known Member
I like Claire, and really all of the remaining teams. Luis sometimes bugs me with the way he is shrieking and flinging his arms around, like he is showing off for the camera. But I still like him and Michelle.

If the twins won it would be an awesome story.


Throwing the (rule)book at them
Spoiler-ish finale details maybe?

I see on Derek's IG story that he's here in Miami now meeting up with Luis and Michelle (their city) and the finale is tomorrow, so that may tell the story of how it goes.. or they just want to celebrate somewhere with good weather?

love skating

Clueless American
Yay! I was totally rooting for Derek and Claire! I really enjoyed the whole cast this year which was nice. I liked the final memory task... needing to do it in 11 seconds seemed quite challenging. Maybe it was editing making it look closer than it was, but I did like that all three teams were on the final task together as some years the winning team is so far ahead it was too anticlimactic.

I had to laugh at Derek doing the whole final leg with contacts in - on their recap last week they talked about having to put in contacts for the scuba diving and it took so long cause Derek rarely wears them and it takes him ages to get them in - they actually did that task with only one contact in because it was taking too long to try to get the second contact in.

Lilia A

Well-Known Member
Well it looks like my predictions were wrong :lol: I said Emily and Molly would be either 1st or 3rd but not 2nd, so I was very wrong. It would be interesting to know just how far behind they were. I know it looks close and you hear, but not see, Molly mention a possible foot race, but that could have been edited in. In the last all star season, you would have thought Tyler and Korey were right behind Colin and Christie after the final challenge, but according to people who witnessed the events they weren't close at all. I remember reading that they left about 45 minutes after Colin and Christie did. I'll try and search for information about tonight's leg tomorrow, but since this wasn't in an open location like the season 31 finale I don't know how much we'll find out.
Overall I'm happy with the results. I'm sure Molly and Emily will continue to build that twin bond and make up for the lost time. If there's a future all star season, I'd love to see them come back and this time hopefully with healthy knees. Luis and Michelle had a very nice and gracious reaction to third place. They really seemed to genuinely enjoy running the race. Derek and Claire ran a pretty flawless leg, so assuming the final task went quickly for them it would have been really hard to beat them. I must say, I enjoyed this season overall. I'd love to see a return to an old school style race with more interesting challenges and airport shenanigans, but I'm aware that won't happen as long as Covid is still running around. The saddest part? That the season is over and we have to wait a long time until a new season airs.

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