Random curiosity question on Forum Statistics (not a priority issue)


Well-Known Member
I am trying to divert myself from more serious topics so I thought I would get around to finally asking what's included in the Forum Statistics on the home page.

Is the Threads count the whole forum or does it exclude sections that are archived? I found an old thread in Secret Sources predicting the six millionth post so I know it includes Secret Sources and other restricted active sections.

Is the Messages count all the replies to the Threads count? Does it include or exclude the initial post starting the thread?

Answered in advance: Why yes, I am a data nerd. Why do you ask? ;)


fsuniverse.COM (finally)
Staff member
It does count the whole forum.

However many years ago, I deleted a forum in error :scream: so the actual post count is around 90 000 less than the actual posts made.

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