Papadakis/Cizeron #6 - Season's Over - Let's Get Drunk!

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Marquessa of Chartreuse
While coaches are involved in many aspects of their skaters preparation, dress design is generally not their area of expertise. Those who are ex-skaters are probably familiar with the fasteners and such that hold costumes together, but I doubt it's routine for them to check these things. I would think it is the dressmaker who is responsible to ensure that clasps and fasteners work as they are supposed to.
Your post is in reply to Alain06's and I am certainly not answering for him, I just want to clarify what I said before. Of course dress design doesn't fall directly within coaches' area of expertise. What I meant in my own post was that, as the team leaders, they are in charge of making sure people working for them are competent enough in their own field. As for the rest, I didn't know Gadbois communication had been questionnable after the incident, I didn't event know there was any specific communication on the subject. I still don't know what was said, but I assume Alain06, as French saying goes, didn't get that randomly "out of his hat". Nowadays, communication is a huge and important part of an athlete's career. So, without crying fool, thinking P/C should leave and asking for heads to roll, it would be better for everyone if it didn't happen again.

If the fastener broke twice before Olympics, I have to wonder why Thomas didn't ensure that the problem was fixed.
I think she did, offering to add another strap or another snap or whatever and Gabriella declined.

The whole situation doesn't make a whole lot of sense to me TBH. I could see the clasp coming undone once as a freak accident, but not more than that.
Same here. That doesn't mean I'm blaming or I want to blame anyone in particular. I just hope this incident will teach everyone a lesson so it won't happen again.

Does anyone know what exactly happened? Did the clasp break off?
When Gabriella was asked, her reply was simply "it came undone" (ça s'est ouvert"). I have no idea what the clasp looks like, you can't see it since both ends of the collar are overlayed. I was standing behind her yesterday night at a gala and I tried to (discreetly !) look, but her pony tail was hiding it :D

MFD and PL strike me as individuals with a lot of integrity. If they felt there was a conflict of interest in coaching P/C and V/M, I'm sure they would have addressed it.
I think they did, and they did it the best they could although it was a very complicated situation. It was objectively impossible for them to decline coaching V/M, both because their were friends and skaters with a huge prize list, nor would have they dropped P/C who are also the opportunity of a life time in a coach's career. They actually found themselves with 2 opportunities of a lifetime all at once. As much as P/C could have suffered from the situation, it helped them grow and it gave us the unique occasion to see two couples out of this world during a same quad. As far as I remember, it had never happened before. And it might not happen so soon again.

About what's been said in other posts and about the "rehashing" of old stuff, I'm sorry but I'm late to the subject since I seldom venture here, and I had not much time for the forum before the season was over. So I asked a poster to clarify something I didn't quite get and that's how the subject was brought up again. Mea maxima culpa. At least I can't be one of the "same people" since I wasn't there (in TC and this thread) before. I have absolutely no problem getting over anything since for me, there is nothing to get over with. That spares me the effort to build a bridge :lol: As much as I love P/C skating, this is just that : skating. I'm not into worship, I'm not losing sleep over skaters and their results. Then I'm a positive person who always see the glass half full. For me P/C didn't lose gold, they won silver. I'm not bitter about the result since, as an admirer of both couples, the result for me was just fine, and it would have been just as fine had it been the other way round. I can't wait for H/D or any other team to challenge P/C because I like true good and fair competition.

End of the stodgy essay :rofl:
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Marquessa of Chartreuse
@cholla What were your impressions of the show in Courchevel?
It was a great show. Really (and that from someone who's not that much into shows and galas) It's too late tonight but I'll make a quick summary tomorrow. Maybe not here as it is the P/C thread and they are not the only ones involved, but in the GSD, in News & Update à la Française ;) I'll put a link here. I also have to write an article on the show for a magazine, I'll try to post a translation when it's ready. If I forget (which is within the realm of possibility...), feel free to ask/remind me ;)
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Well-Known Member
I tried to post this under Tango romantica but the thread seems dead ... so as this was an idea for P/C sd next semester ... what do you think of Tango in Harlem from Touch and Go for them? It reminds me of a bit of the spirit of "Groschenoper" : a song with a social cultural backdrop + it is quirky and I am positive that Gabriella (and Guillaume) can and would enjoy themselves "doing quirky" . Any thoughts?


Well-Known Member
The problem is that after VM many of us like PC next.
I first saw them live in Barrie doing Mozart and was entranced. But, my first love VM came back. Now looking forward to what PC have to offer.
The problem is that after VM many of us like PC next.
I first saw them live in Barrie doing Mozart and was entranced. But, my first love VM came back. Now looking forward to what PC have to offer.
It's kind of sad that so many of my favourite teams are likely retiring - VM, Shibsibs, Anna and Luca, and WeaPo. With that being said, I am looking forward to seeing how all teams develop in the next quad, including PC. I just think with PC they cannot do "their thing" again, again and again and expect to win over fans! It gets boring. I would say the same about any team that puts out the same type of program year-after-year.

After Chock/Bates did their American in Paris program, I became a huge fan. However, their programs since "American in Paris" have been SEVERELY lacking in my opinion. So, I hope that all of you PC uber fans out there can understand where I might be coming from.


Well-Known Member
It's kind of sad that so many of my favourite teams are likely retiring - VM, Shibsibs, Anna and Luca, and WeaPo. With that being said, I am looking forward to seeing how all teams develop in the next quad, including PC. I just think with PC they cannot do "their thing" again, again and again and expect to win over fans! It gets boring. I would say the same about any team that puts out the same type of program year-after-year.

After Chock/Bates did their American in Paris program, I became a huge fan. However, their programs since "American in Paris" have been SEVERELY lacking in my opinion. So, I hope that all of you PC uber fans out there can understand where I might be coming from.

I love P/C but would not consider myself an uber as I am able to enjoy many other dance pairs (very different like Piper/Paul, Stepanova/Bukin, Chock/Bates ...).
I am interested in many different types of ice dancers but I am sick of the talk of P/C doing the same thing over and over again. Open your eyes: they have a distinct style but each of their FD has been different. Moreover, they are evolving in their style: MS was the "summary" of what they have achieved this (now past) quad. I don't want them to blend in, doing the mandatory style-hopping that has been expected for too long. So let's enjoy each team for what they bring and WANT to bring. In a sport, you expect people to refine their technique and improve their record. In art, you expect people to find their voice and evolve their style to its peak. Ice Dance is a mix of both: P/C have the results, they have "earned" the right to their own voice. They don't need to cater to fandom: enough people appreciate what they do.


Well-Known Member
I love P/C but would not consider myself an uber as I am able to enjoy many other dance pairs (very different like Piper/Paul, Stepanova/Bukin, Chock/Bates ...).
I am interested in many different types of ice dancers but I am sick of the talk of P/C doing the same thing over and over again. Open your eyes: they have a distinct style but each of their FD has been different. Moreover, they are evolving in their style: MS was the "summary" of what they have achieved this (now past) quad. I don't want them to blend in, doing the mandatory style-hopping that has been expected for too long. So let's enjoy each team for what they bring and WANT to bring. In a sport, you expect people to refine their technique and improve their record. In art, you expect people to find their voice and evolve their style to its peak. Ice Dance is a mix of both: P/C have the results, they have "earned" the right to their own voice. They don't need to cater to fandom: enough people appreciate what they do.

And I don't like the style. Period. PC remind me of the "old school" ice dance not the "new school" of VM, Anna and Luca, and Davis and White. Not surprisingly, I much preferred Wing and Lowe to Dubreil and Lauzon....


Well-Known Member
At what point are some fans going to accept that P&C had a bad season last season because they were growing in their MENTAL GAME.

They had wins handed to them because no one was at their level prior to V&M' return. V&M was their equal and in 2016-2017 they actually had to work harder for their win. (They won the FD at World's)

No matter how much you are prepared by your coaching staff at some point we need to see they were young and immature.

Coaches can't hand them maturity and age. Talk therapy and actually DOING are 2 different things.

Because of LAST SEASON, P&C were rock solid.

The dress was shyte luck. Pure and simple.

People need to take some sports psychology courses to get this issue. Only time would help them.

Or maybe look at what happened to Virtue and Moir when they got overtaken by Davis & White.

Spoiler alert- they became better competitors.

You have to learn to lose so you can win in sport I always say.

I am not sure that they were friends - mentors when they were younger and of course they talked to them during the 2015 Sochi Olympics.


Well-Known Member
You have to learn to lose so you can win in sport I always say.

I am not sure that they were friends - mentors when they were younger and of course they talked to them during the 2015 Sochi Olympics.

Yes, you do have to lose to win... how else do you improve or find your weaknesses.


Well-Known Member
And I don't like the style. Period. PC remind me of the "old school" ice dance not the "new school" of VM, Anna and Luca, and Davis and White. Not surprisingly, I much preferred Wing and Lowe to Dubreil and Lauzon....

Fine. There are enough ice dance pairs around to enjoy.
What you call "new school", I call "old school" ... just a matter of perspective! And who cares?


Well-Known Member
I like H/D but there is still a big gap between them and Gaby and Guillaume ...10 points in their last competition.
For those who fear the lack of competition for Gaby and Guillaume :rolleyes: ,no need to worry for the next 4 years : there will be H/D, Canadians will be there to beat them (I did not say they will succeed but It can happen a lot of things until 2022)

Which Canadians do you refer to specifically?


Well-Known Member
P/C old school :rofl: Now we'll have heard everything about them. As @Miloune mentioned, the new post Olympics crowd in this thread is, well making me miss the Olympics season crowd.
@Peepsquick I love your tango suggestion, it is upbeat and sassy.

Thanks, Cocotaffy! I discovered it hunting for "alternative" tango music because my favorite pieces (classic ones from Piazzola) had already been used. Now I have this one in a loop in my head!:D Gaby and Guillaume are tempted to go for cello or guitar ... well guitar and clarinet ... I love the clarinet in it!


Well-Known Member
P/C old school :rofl: Now we'll have heard everything about them. As @Miloune mentioned, the new post Olympics crowd in this thread is, well making me miss the Olympics season crowd.
@Peepsquick I love your tango suggestion, it is upbeat and sassy.

I don't know if I really miss the Olympic season crowd tbh :slinkaway some of it was nasty, it was good while it lasted but I'm glad that's over lol.


Well-Known Member
You're always classy @Miloune :)

Is that sarcasm?
Anyway, I didn't say I was perfect myself during that season. So like I said, I'm glad we can all move on... :)

Edit : when I said "some of it was nasty" I was more talking about comments made than people in particular. Sorry if that came across badly..
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Well-Known Member
Is that sarcasm?
Anyway, I didn't say I was perfect myself during that season. So like I said, I'm glad we can all move on... :)

Edit : when I said "some of it was nasty" I was more talking about comments made than people in particular.
Oh my goodness no, that was sincere!!! You and I have had some nice, calm and reasonable exchanges, which I appreciate very much!


Well-Known Member
When I think of old school, I think of Klimova & Ponomarenko and Usova & Zhulin of which P&C do remind me. Lovely skate glide, beautiful lines.

I am cool with comparing P&C to them.

Just no Bestemianova & Bukin please... :shuffle:
Thanks, Twilight1 at least you understand what I am trying to say!


Well-Known Member
Have you seen old school ice dance?
I have followed the sport for 30+ years. I know how ice dance has changed and PC are most similar to the ice dance teams that were less athletic and more artistic. I enjoy the athletic component that Bourne & Kraatz, Wing & Lowe, Virtue & Moir, Davis & White, Anna and Luca and the Shibsibs brought to ice dance.

I respect your opinion but I don't think that mine is being respected!
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