Medvedeva leaves Orser for Tutberidze


Sugar Slut
Staff member
Agian, she was brought up BEFORE she even posted anything. Her opinions have nothing to do with the insane bashing fest in this thread. People cannot digest the news, that is the reason Tinami is discussed instead.

If I need an explanation or analysis, I will ask for one. Since I didn't ask, you may safely assume that when I said I wanted people to stop derailing the thread by talking about Tinami, I wanted people to stop talking about Tinami, period.

Anyone have anything to say about the coaching change?

Tinami Amori

Well-Known Member
Newspaper "Sports/Business on Line" gave a good recap of the whole situation. It is in Russian, but google-translates well. Apparently about a year ago Medvedeva walked up to Tutberidze at one of the skating events and made peace.


Tinami Amori

Well-Known Member
Oh yes, business online sounds like a perfect and 100% reliable source of information on figure skating. :rolleyes:
You sometimes post from Nevasport and i feel they are also not always reliable. I read the above article and it sounds right as far as events and their sequence.


Well-Known Member
I believe settling for silver was the most valid reason why Evgenia left Eteri in the first place. I do not deny Eteri is a strict coach w/ a questionable training method for those who find her to be the next coming of Nurse Ratched, but the return to Eteri says a lot. Of course, people will (and have) interpreted the reunion differently, e.g., abusee returns to the abuser, or the whole thing was overblown from the start. All that we can do is stay tuned and see how it unfolds.


Well-Known Member
You sometimes post from Nevasport and i feel they are also not always reliable. I read the above article and it sounds right as far as events and their sequence.
Interviews and direct quotes is one thing. Journalist’s assumptions and questionable insider information is a completely different story.

And in Evgenia/Eteri case this ‘insider info’ has absolutely no basis, I am 100% sure of it. But everyone is free to believe in whatever they want, obviously :)

Tinami Amori

Well-Known Member
And in Evgenia/Eteri case this ‘insider info’ has absolutely no basis, I am 100% sure of it.
I find this time the info in the right sequence of events, and it confirms a lot that has been talked about. In earlier interviews Bobrova said herself that "Medvedeva and Tutberidze are on decent terms as of lately, Med. tried to bring her flowers, came to Khrystalni but Tut was not there, so she left it with the office; and that they are on speaking terms at the events". That's what the publication is saying (in part).


Well-Known Member
Anyone have anything to say about the coaching change?

I haven’t posted in this forum for a while, but now Evgenia Medvedeva has returned to Eteri Tutberidze. This is fascinating news:

Will it destroy her? Will it restore her to her former glory? Some people are offended on behalf of Eteri to see the prodigal returning home. But I say, if Eteri has no objection, why should we? And to those who worry for Evgenia, let us hope that she has retained some of the self-care wisdom she learned in Canada, and that the expediency of having a coach nearby doesn’t have to mean an abandonment of her commitment to her health. Optimistically, perhaps the structure and presence of an on-site coach will actually help in that regard. After all, her back injury flared up while she was practicing without a coach.

I was surprised by the news of Evgenia’s return to Eteri, mostly because she seemed so happy with Brian Orser and Tracy Wilson at the Cricket Club. But that’s the thing: she’s not at the Cricket Club due to C19, and it sounds from recent interviews with Brian like there was some doubt that she and especially her mother would be able to return to Canada at the moment. And as Brian said to Evgenia, she needs a coach nearby.

Why Eteri, though, when there was apparently bad blood between them? Here are some possible reasons: 1) At this point, we’re outside the Russian coaching change deadline, but since Evgenia represented Sambo 70 even under Brian, a coach at Sambo 70 may have been her only option if she wanted to switch. 2) Better the devil you know: this woman coached Evgenia for something like 11 years. Evgenia’s grandmother remembers a young Eteri Tutberidze from when Evgenia’s mom used to take skating lessons. They may have had their fallings out, but in some ways these people are practically family. 3) I know some people really hate her, but maybe Eteri’s bark is worse than her bite. She did look super pleased to have Evgenia back.

Now let’s talk about whether Evgenia dug her own grave with her international travel in the spring. The way I see it, regardless of the motivation behind going early to Japan and ultimately getting stuck there and locked out of Canada, even if Evgenia had stayed in Canada over the summer training with Brian, she would still have been required to go back to Russia and skate in the Russian Cup this year if she wanted a chance to compete at Russian nationals. So there would still have been issues with quarantines and possibly not getting back into Canada even then. She may still have faced the challenge of training in Russia without Brian, as well as the missed training time due to quarantines. I think that Evgenia would have stayed with Brian if it hadn’t been for C19. But given her drive to continue, to do whatever she thinks it takes to be competitive and go down fighting, was her return to Eteri perhaps inevitable, even if she had skipped going to Japan early for her cancelled show? Maybe, given the restrictions of C19, she would have returned to Eteri regardless of the Japan debacle.

As to whether Eteri is a horrible person and a bad coach:
My husband used to love her until his favorite skater, Zagitova, all but retired. Now he says he blames pressure from Eteri for making the best skater in the world hate skating. Eteri is certainly polarizing — but lest we forget: she’s not a character in a badly-written American TV show about Russian sports. In reality, she’s likely complex.

I personally don’t see Eteri as a stock villain or as a coaching genius. She’s a failed ice dancer and a hard worker who became a successful coach based on a rigorous understanding of (and willingness to push the boundaries of) the IJS scoring system, fastidious attention to detail, and an ability to hide her skater’s flaws whilst highlighting their strengths. My guess is she cares about her skaters and does her best for them, but her system is not for everybody, and the more her team have turned it into a formula, the more it has sometimes highlighted her skaters’ flaws whilst appearing to obscure their strengths. (I personally don’t find her skaters less watchable than those from other schools. Like almost every other coaching team I can think of, some of team Tutberidze’s skaters are better than others, and some of their programs are great whilst others are inferior. This is not unique to TT.)

In some ways, Eteri seems to be learning how to be a better coach as she moves through the generations of skaters (or she simply recruits skaters now who have better basics), but in other ways she seems a bit rigid (I’m thinking of her response to Alyona Kostornaia’s complaints), not to mention petty. I feel that she was probably genuinely hurt when Evgenia left her after the Olympics — but I found her public reaction to be unprofessional. However, I am not Russian, so I don’t understand the nuances of Russian culture that seem to have caused her such offence at not being sent flowers or thanked. She also seems ready to extend an olive branch if former students thank her or speak to her retroactively.

So here we are: apparently Eteri has no issue accepting Evgenia back into the fold and says she wants to help her if she can. She has also lost two of her three top skaters from last season, as well as the olympic champion (okay, Zagitova has not officially retired). Eteri’s remaining senior lady, Anna Shcherbakova, is a beautiful performer, musical and graceful. She has also grown and does not seem at present to be the same kind of quad threat she was last year. And Kamila Valieva, who many people see as a shoo-in for the Olympic team, has incredible flexibility, spins, and skating skills, but some (to me) concerning jump liability with the wonky-axis quad and the landing of the first jump in her combos on an inside edge before tweaking her knee and switching to an outside edge. Neither skater is injury-proof or puberty-proof, just like Evgenia was not. Evgenia, if she can mitigate her back injury like she did at the Cricket Club, could continue to be an outside threat, a wildcard for the international team. Maybe that’s a big “if,” but one thing Evgenia definitely has is grit. It could be her downfall or it could be what gets her through — but that is true of many athletes.

In conclusion, to paraphrase Ted Barton: sometimes people make coaching changes. Sometimes bad, sometimes good, sometimes desperate. We’ll keep watching you, young lady. Thank you for the gift of your skating. Maybe it will turn out with your new-old coach. Maybe not. We don’t know yet. We’ll see.


Well-Known Member
The fact is the sheer hypocrisy that permeates from this forum is laughable... So, to read posters hammering on @Tinami Amori for her ott reaction to Medvedeva when they too have eagerly participated in the same type of behavior of ripping a skater, poster, etc., for egregious things they feel someone did, is quite humorous.

I totally get you were speaking in general and that your response may not have been directed at me specifically but, as you quoted my words and then proceeded to lambaste the board en masse:yikes:, I feel the need to respond.

I've not hammered @Tinami Amori (or any poster on this board) and if I have made her feel that way, I sincerely apologize. Yes, I was very interested in what her response would be to this news as it is very well-known that she has a rather vehement dislike of Evgenia and I honestly wonder why it seems to affect her on what seems like a deeply personal level. Never once did I attack or bash her; I simply countered her insistence that Evgenia is the devil incarnate with questions as to why she feels that way and reasons why many others don't share her opinion. I find Tinami very entertaining, as I've already said up thread, and obviously she's entitled to her opinion. Still, her :angryfire:angryfire:angryfire when it comes to Evgenia seems a bit irrational to me. (shrug)

As for ripping skaters, speaking for myself, that's not something I do. I'm opinionated and critical but I always make it a point to be constructive with my criticism. I don't just tear skaters down. I have my favorites like anyone and I have skaters I'm not particularly fond of but there isn't one skater I just flat out hate. There are posters on this board and others whose sole mission seems to be to spread as much negativity as possible about certain skaters or coaches. Again, everyone is entitled to their opinion, but people who are negative regarding someone in every single thing they makes me curious like, "why, what does that accomplish?"

Anyway, like I said, I don't think you meant me personally (cause I'm pleasant to everyone😘) but my words obviously triggered your response so I just felt the need to throw my 2 cents in there...


Values her privacy
I agree it was predictable. Tinami bashing started before she even posted anything here as if it's her fault poor saint Evgenia is back with an evil witch Tutberidze :biggrinbo I still can't stop laughing. Waiting impatiently for an interview where happy Medvedeva will tell us how she missed her second mother.
You confused me. Isn’t Tinami claiming it is the other way round? Evil Medvedeva and and saint Tutberidze?
I would love to hear how Medvedeva has missed her second mother. I would love to see this forum afterwards!

Tinami Amori

Well-Known Member
To all, we had a warning from the Admin to stop talking about me. I love talking about me, but i don't want to have this topic closed. So stop, even if you are trying to defend me.

I would love to hear how Medvedeva has missed her second mother. I would love to see this forum afterwards!

I would not be surprised if she says something like this or similar, or gives any praises to her current situation.

However, her mother, who is basically her manager and companion, is very savvy in media and PR (it's part of her job/career). I would also not be surprised if Medvedeva keeps her praises and declarations down, on advice of her Mother, who certainly is aware of the public opinion that Medvedeva may not mean what she says, and "praised and declared loyalty" once to often.


Well-Known Member
You confused me. Isn’t Tinami claiming it is the other way round? Evil Medvedeva and and saint Tutberidze?
I would love to hear how Medvedeva has missed her second mother. I would love to see this forum afterwards!
That was me trying to portray the majority viewpoint on this forum :) I also cannot wait to see what will happen inside Tutberidze group after this return. Scherbakova support group doesn't seem too happy with how things are unfolding. It seems Eteri is not going to the first Russian Cup event with her to stay and work with Medvedeva instead :) All of this is going to be so much fun :biggrinbo


Well-Known Member
To all, we had a warning from the Admin to stop talking about me. I love talking about me, but i don't want to have this topic closed. So stop, even if you are trying to defend me.

I would not be surprised if she says something like this or similar, or gives any praises to her current situation.

However, her mother, who is basically her manager and companion, is very savvy in media and PR (it's part of her job/career). I would also not be surprised if Medvedeva keeps her praises and declarations down, on advice of her Mother, who certainly is aware of the public opinion that Medvedeva may not mean what she says, and "praised and declared loyalty" once to often.
Remember when Medvedeva declared a couple of weeks before she left Tutberidze for Orser that she is going to stay with Tutberidze until the end of her career? Well that part turned out to be true after all! :rofl: :rofl:


Well-Known Member
Eteri is not going to the first Russian Cup event with her to stay and work with Medvedeva instead

And so it begins...:watch:

That kinda sucks for Anna seeing as how she was poised to be Eteri's #1 focus for the senior ladies this season. Now that Evgenia is back she doesn't get that exclusive spot... Anna is still #1 in terms of competitiveness and will likely remain there; however, I feel like a good amount of Eteri's time is going to be spent trying to get Evgenia in fighting shape. Unfortunately, the probably means Anna won't get the attention she was going to get had Evgenia not come back.


Well-Known Member
Remember when Medvedeva declared a couple of weeks before she left Tutberidze for Orser that she is going to stay with Tutberidze until the end of her career? Well that part turned out to be true after all! :rofl: :rofl:

LOL! Best insight on this topic I have read so far!


Let the skating begin
That was me trying to portray the majority viewpoint on this forum :) I also cannot wait to see what will happen inside Tutberidze group after this return. Scherbakova support group doesn't seem too happy with how things are unfolding. It seems Eteri is not going to the first Russian Cup event with her to stay and work with Medvedeva instead :) All of this is going to be so much fun :biggrinbo
Given the competition at the first event, if Anna doesn't win, there are way bigger problems in Eteriville. :lol: She doesn't need all three coaches. I think she'll be just fine. Fans generate problems where they don't exist.


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
I will always believe, even with total lack of evidence, that the only reason she let Eteri in the first place was a knee jerk reaction to losing he Olympics to a fellow training mate. She could lose to Kaetlyn, Carolina, the Japanese, or anyone else and while she would be hurt and upset she wouldn't have left Eteri. She dominated the sport for two years and then briefly had to leave competition due to injury only to come back and realize she had been dumped by the judges for the girl she trained side by side with. She came back and handily beat everyone like usual EXCEPT her fellow training mate. That seriously had to hurt like hell and I would have felt exactly the same.

She felt betrayed because she felt Eteri (not on purpose mind you) played a major role in the failure of her biggest dream and Eteri felt betrayed because the girl she treated like a second daughter left her. I'm sure even at the lowest point of the last two years both of them deep down still loved each other and regardless of the reason why this reunion occurred both are quietly very pleased it happened. Maybe I'm being totally naive but I do believe that, or at least like to.


Well-Known Member
I agree. I’ve always felt that Medvedeva felt betrayed by the coach she trusted. You could see the hurt in her eyes in the kiss and cry at the Olympics. Eteri trains her girls to win, but maybe the girls don’t understand that she will back the one she feels will win over anything else. This was probably the intimate betrayal for Medvedeva.
Perhaps there was no bad guy in the split, until the coach ran to the media with private conversations, which led to a fan war pitting one skater against the other.
Either way, it’s over now and we will see how this season goes.
I can’t see Eteri devoting all of her time to Medvedeva now that she has the others she is focusing on. It’s obvious Kamila is her Olympic gold hopeful.


Let the skating begin
I absolutely fail to see what Tutberidze was supposed to do differently with regard to Zagitova or Medvedeva during the Olympic games. She didn't score either skater. Zagitova outskated her. She scored higher. Was the coach supposed to run across the ice to the judges and scream no :drama: The fans were ridiculous and stupid. Was Zagitova supposed to throw her skates and fall so Med could win???? She wanted to win as much as Medvedeva did and skated to win. Fan wars are stupid. There is a lot at stake for these skaters and they all want to win, but only one can. It was Zagitova sitting alone when she realized she won. I'm so tired of this argument. It's Sotnikova vs Kim again and it's tiring and boring. Only three skaters will medal in 2022 and only one will skate away with gold. There will be 3 Russians all trying for that medal. Maybe one will win. Maybe none of them will win. Deal with it.


Well-Known Member
Who cares?

Sorry,but these Russian girls are interchangeable with poor technique and cluttered programs. Alysa Liu and Bradie Tennnell will wipe the ice with them in Peking.


No offense, but I find Alysa Liu and her underrotated jumps to be extremely lacking. The US may put her on their Olympic team, but I don’t even think she’s their best hope for a ladies medal. They have two superior skaters in Bell and Tennell, but they prioritize Liu because of her “quads.” She seems like a sweet girl, but the only real difference between her and the average Eteri girl with dodgy technique, besides her nationality, is that there is only one of her, thus: true she’s not as interchangeable.


Well-Known Member
yes, the fan wars are ridiculous. There is no real bad guy. The girls skate to win. They’re trained to win at any cost. And the coach wants to coach a winner. It’s just the way it is.

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