I, Tonya


Well-Known Member
The trailer is great and makes me really excited for the film. Whether or not it is too sympathetic to Tonya isn’t really an issue for me since I’m just looking at it from an entertainment standpoint. Allison Janney looks brilliant!!


Banned Member
^^ Yeah, @Sylvia just posted that article with the MK quote in the Michelle Kwan thread in Trash Can:

"Not only did Gucci’s most recent collection feature elements, like crystal-embellished bodysuits, that seemed pulled straight from Tara Lipinski’s wardrobe, but next month, the new Tonya Harding biopic I, Tonya, in which Margot Robbie plays Harding opposite Allison Janney and Sebastian Stan, will premiere. So I asked Kwan, did she plan to see the film?
'I’m sure I’ll watch it, but I kind of lived it, so…' Kwan said. 'I was very close to it.'"


Well-Known Member
Michelle Kwan says she'll see it even tho she "kinda lived it." Man, I miss me some Michelle.


“Hits close to home, you know? I mean, I was there,” she said. “I hear the big buzz and the incredible acting, so it should be interesting.”

Michelle Kwan is still AMAZING . . . Yahoo! linked to this article.


I clicked on it, then I probably made a stupid move . . . I clicked on the comments section . . . then I saw something I never thought I would see . . .

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  • Snowball 5 hours ago
So sorry she is a Hillaryite, but I will forgive her. It would be wonderful to see her back on the ice. We need something.

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  • BK 3 hours ago
    You know she was a Republican until she met her ex-husband.

    0 0



Well-Known Member
I never said there is no beer in Mendocino. :lol: I said I've never been on a winery tour where the menu included beer. If you go to a winery, they serve the wine they make.

My post was intended to agree with your statement "I call BS on this".

And I certainly wouldn't expect a winery menu to include beer.

Which reminds me of how much I've been looking forward to revisiting the Napa valley, and taking the wine train this time. But I don't know how much of the valley is left, after the recent wildfire disaster.:(


Doing all the things
Which reminds me of how much I've been looking forward to revisiting the Napa valley, and taking the wine train this time. But I don't know how much of the valley is left, after the recent wildfire disaster.:(
You should come! Most of the vineyards were saved because they acted as a natural firebreak. Also, when a tourist area has a natural disaster, the thing that helps it most of all is tourists traveling there.

Now, I wouldn't come today. But next Spring should be plenty of time for the roads to open back up.


Well-Known Member
I'm interested in seeing the film but I don't know the trailer looked kind of trashy. Like it emphasizes the whole white trailer trash park stereotype. I don't know if Margot Robbie even watched videos of Tonya because she doesn't sound like her at all, not even close. It's like she's relying on regional accent stereotypes :shuffle:

Has anyone here seen it yet? A few people on a movie forum who saw it say they don't show her as a perpetrator or even aware of any planned attack, and is completely shocked when it happened. Another poster said they saw it as, "a tale of a woman whose career was destroyed by idiot men/abusive assholes in her life. Of course Nancy's life was impacted as well but not nearly to the same permanent degree. They ended up feeling sorry for her"

I'm a little skeptical now after hearing stuff like that:slinkaway


Well-Known Member
I'm a little skeptical now after hearing stuff like that:slinkaway

You should be skeptical that any of it is "factual". It is a "Mockumetary". It is a dramatization of Tonya's version of the story, so a story somewhat favorable to Tonya that is exaggerated . . . L**d help us, this should be funny! :D


Well-Known Member
My post was intended to agree with your statement "I call BS on this".

And I certainly wouldn't expect a winery menu to include beer.

Which reminds me of how much I've been looking forward to revisiting the Napa valley, and taking the wine train this time. But I don't know how much of the valley is left, after the recent wildfire disaster.:(

Please come. There is plenty to see, and the wineries that are open will love to see you!


Well-Known Member
I think she's got Janny and Janney mixed up. ;)

Sandy Golden admits being tough but claims she was never abusive.

"I gave her one swat at a competition because she was this type of thing," she said. "And I was trying to do her hair and they were calling for her on the ice."

"Never abusive.... just one swat."


There was that documentary when Tonya was an upcoming skater that had a heartbreaking telephone conversation between daughter and mother.
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Well-Known Member
I'm interested in seeing the film but I don't know the trailer looked kind of trashy. Like it emphasizes the whole white trailer trash park stereotype. I don't know if Margot Robbie even watched videos of Tonya because she doesn't sound like her at all, not even close. It's like she's relying on regional accent stereotypes :shuffle:

Has anyone here seen it yet? A few people on a movie forum who saw it say they don't show her as a perpetrator or even aware of any planned attack, and is completely shocked when it happened. Another poster said they saw it as, "a tale of a woman whose career was destroyed by idiot men/abusive assholes in her life. Of course Nancy's life was impacted as well but not nearly to the same permanent degree. They ended up feeling sorry for her"

I'm a little skeptical now after hearing stuff like that:slinkaway

I saw it at TIFF, your second paragraph is pretty accurate I guess. If you don't like Tonya being portrayed in a more sympathetic light then I guess you might not like it.

The title is a reference to I, Claudius, so take that as you will.


Well-Known Member
I saw it at TIFF, your second paragraph is pretty accurate I guess. If you don't like Tonya being portrayed in a more sympathetic light then I guess you might not like it.

The title is a reference to I, Claudius, so take that as you will.

I actually don't mind seeing Tonya portrayed as more sympathetic. Until bardtoob said it was a dramatized version of her side of the story I assumed it wasn't taking sides (I haven't read many of the details of it so I was pretty clueless) so I was a bit surprised and taken aback when I read the remarks. Now that I know I'm willing to accept it as is. I still want to see it ;)

I don't endorse what she did but I do feel some levels of sympathy. She had a rough life and I don't think the USFSA was totally fair to her during her career. But her refusal to take responsibility is what kills it for me. If she had taken responsibility I might have retained more of the sympathy I had.

The first time I learned about the saga was the E! True Hollywood Story biography on Tonya (the glory days before E! turned shit :lol:) which did seem to, at least from what I remember, portray her as more sympathetic. Or course I have learned a lot more since then


Well-Known Member
I'm interested in seeing the film but I don't know the trailer looked kind of trashy....

Has anyone here seen it yet? A few people on a movie forum who saw it say they don't show her as a perpetrator or even aware of any planned attack, and is completely shocked when it happened.

How closely did you watch the trailer?


There's a very short scene at about 2:13 that appears to show Harding standing over Kerrigan and attacking her with a club. Not having seen the movie, I don't know the context of that shot, and, as we all know, that's not what really happened, but c'mon!

And then there's this. :giggle:

Tonya Harding, as portrayed by Margot Robbie, may be a bad actress, but Margot Robbie herself is not.
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