Boyang withdrew from gpf?


Cowardly admin
Staff member
If two of the three aren't on the podium, it will be a pathetic showing if only Nathan is on it. This is an incredibly watered down and dull Final not worth much, so one of Jason or Adam should be able to make it on the podium along with Nathan without trying much.

Don't forget Kolyada and Voronov are under pressure as well before Russian Nats. A good showing from them would certainly help them make their case.

Only Shoma can relax, he's going to Korea barring severe injury.


Well-Known Member
Only Shoma can relax, he's going to Korea barring severe injury.

Shoma is going into the GPF, for the first time in his life, as the favorite to win a huge international senior title. In Japan.

He almost made it through the entire quadrennium without those expectations. But--bam!--they have arrived now.


Cowardly admin
Staff member
Well, only because Hanyu's out. Til Yuzu retires, Shoma is expected to be #2, an easier berth than Yuzu's crazed fans put on him.


Well-Known Member
By all means, bread and circuses! Never mind if people's brains are damaged by concussions in the NFL, female athletes lose their periods, adolescent pitchers need Tommy John surgery and skaters have hip replacements in their twenties.

It used to be that cyclists didn't wear helmets. Now we know better. It used to be that athletes trained without hydrating properly. Now we know better. It used to be that 14 year old gymnasts could compete in the Olympics. Now they're not, because that's too young. Progress isn't just about who can do the hardest things; it's also about making sure that training and competition are conducted safely and the athletes' health and best interests are protected.

Athletes straddle a fine line in aiming to balance health with being in superior competitive shape. An athlete is continually pushing his/her limits, and injury is a natural result of that.

Also, some athletes may be willing to accept unpleasant circumstances from training and competing in exchange to the short term glory and/or exhilaration. Although that has sadly had tragic consequences, including fatalities.

WRT women losing their periods: is there not a birth control method available now that prevents women from having periods at all? IIRC I read that somewhere, some time ago.

purple skates

Shadow Dancing
By all means, bread and circuses! Never mind if people's brains are damaged by concussions in the NFL, female athletes lose their periods, adolescent pitchers need Tommy John surgery and skaters have hip replacements in their twenties.

It used to be that cyclists didn't wear helmets. Now we know better. It used to be that athletes trained without hydrating properly. Now we know better. It used to be that 14 year old gymnasts could compete in the Olympics. Now they're not, because that's too young. Progress isn't just about who can do the hardest things; it's also about making sure that training and competition are conducted safely and the athletes' health and best interests are protected.

Best wishes for a speedy recovery for Boyang Jin and hoping for a good showing from Jason Brown.

I wish I could like this a zillion times.

People can have career-ending injuries from doubles. If you have good, pure foundations and technique, the chance for injury is minor. Hence why Javier, Patrick, Yuzu, Boyang, and others have not had significant injuries.

But Boyang absolutely does not have good, pure foundations. He has worked extremely hard to improve in this area over the past few years, and I give him all the kudos in the world because he has had some success, but I wonder how you can lump him in with the likes of Chan and Hanyu skating skills- wise.


Reaching out with my hand sensitively
People can have career-ending injuries from doubles. If you have good, pure foundations and technique, the chance for injury is minor. Hence why Javier, Patrick, Yuzu, Boyang, and others have not had significant injuries.
Even if your technique is beautiful and you train very, very smartly, #$*()$#() happens sometimes. Sometimes you have a hip that is off *just enough* to screw you up, or knees with an inborn weakness, or whatever. And sometimes #$*()#$* happens, even to the best, most careful and conscientious skaters.


Handy Emergency Backup Mode
People can have career-ending injuries from doubles. If you have good, pure foundations and technique, the chance for injury is minor. Hence why Javier, Patrick, Yuzu, Boyang, and others have not had significant injuries.

Wait wait wait, if Hanyu hasn't had injuries because of his good pure technique, then why have his fans always been crying about how he's injured whenever he's screwed up an event?


Codger level achieved
Last edited:


I see the sea
Perhaps for the same reason that you bemoan every "injustice" ever supposedly occurring with Max Aaron - lack of rationality and perspective?

Look in the mirror. Game, set, match.
Meh. I don't share misskarne's enthusiasm for Max Aaron, but agree with her that his federation hasn't done him any special favors.

Fandom in itself is a pretty irrational behavior. But some fans really do take that to an extreme. I hope Hanyu's post-skating life will allow for some peace and quiet


Well-Known Member
Wait wait wait, if Hanyu hasn't had injuries because of his good pure technique, then why have his fans always been crying about how he's injured whenever he's screwed up an event?

I said significant injuries, but nice try.


Well-Known Member
I wish I could like this a zillion times.

But Boyang absolutely does not have good, pure foundations. He has worked extremely hard to improve in this area over the past few years, and I give him all the kudos in the world because he has had some success, but I wonder how you can lump him in with the likes of Chan and Hanyu skating skills- wise.

I'm not talking about skating skills, which are mostly on part with Nathan Chen (or rather, Nathan Chen's skating skills are on par with Boyang Jin's) despite what USFS wants to claim. I'm taking about PURE JUMPING technique. Well, Boyang doesn't have as good jumping technique as Hanyu and Chan either, but it's better than some/most and supports the point.


Well-Known Member
LOL, some of them are. They wear Pooh headbands and throw him Pooh stuffed animals. This is not something new. Did you see the gal at one of his competitions dressed in a duplicate of his LP costume crying her eyes out at the end of his program? :rolleyes:

That's not being crazy. It can't be helped if he's by far the most popular skater currently. There's nothing CRAZY about being moved by someone.


Well-Known Member
But Boyang absolutely does not have good, pure foundations.

I respectfully disagree with you here. Boyang has excellent foundations, as do most elite skaters. An exception to that would be, IMO, Surya Bonaly.

Boyang's skating skills, while not nearly as sublime as Patrick's or Shoma's, are still very good.

purple skates

Shadow Dancing
I respectfully disagree with you here. Boyang has excellent foundations, as do most elite skaters. An exception to that would be, IMO, Surya Bonaly.

Boyang's skating skills, while not nearly as sublime as Patrick's or Shoma's, are still very good.

Well, they’re excellent compared to mine, but against most elite skaters they are not. Which he himself is addressing, so he realizes his shortcomings. He’s a jumper, which scores well under the current system.

But yes, we can agree to disagree. You’re not the only one to disagree with me on this.

Mrs. P

Well-Known Member
Well, they’re excellent compared to mine, but against most elite skaters they are not. Which he himself is addressing, so he realizes his shortcomings. He’s a jumper, which scores well under the current system.

But yes, we can agree to disagree. You’re not the only one to disagree with me on this.

Just curious, purple skates, have you see Boyang live?

He's much more impressive in person. He has great speed and great skating skills. I agree they're probably not like Patrick Chan level, but he holds his own with others in the top six, I'd say. He also has a great stage presence, again I wouldn't say Jason Brown-levels of charisma, but again, the guy skates big.

I will say his program and choreography doesn't do him favors though. Lori can be hit and miss (though I do like his SP this season and Spiderman was great too) and she's mostly miss for Boyang. He's capable of doing difficult choreography but he isn't given much to work with.


Question everything
I am not sure about holding his own with the top six among the non-Chan skaters. You are talking as if six men have even skating skills. I am pretty sure it is not true. Even among the top men (not just six) the ss is not even.

purple skates

Shadow Dancing
Just curious, purple skates, have you see Boyang live?

He's much more impressive in person. He has great speed and great skating skills. I agree they're probably not like Patrick Chan level, but he holds his own with others in the top six, I'd say. He also has a great stage presence, again I wouldn't say Jason Brown-levels of charisma, but again, the guy skates big.

I will say his program and choreography doesn't do him favors though. Lori can be hit and miss (though I do like his SP this season and Spiderman was great too) and she's mostly miss for Boyang. He's capable of doing difficult choreography but he isn't given much to work with.

No, I haven’t had the pleasure. It does make a difference live vs tv.

Mrs. P

Well-Known Member
I am not sure about holding his own with the top six among the non-Chan skaters. You are talking as if six men have even skating skills. I am pretty sure it is not true. Even among the top men (not just six) the ss is not even.

My main point is that Boyang isn't like the Surya Bonaly of the top men as far as SS. :)


Well-Known Member
That's not being crazy. It can't be helped if he's by far the most popular skater currently. There's nothing CRAZY about being moved by someone.

Chuckling! It’s not just the crying, it’s being dressed in the exact costume the Skater is wearing on the ice!We obviously have different definitions. ;)


Well-Known Member
I respectfully disagree with you here. Boyang has excellent foundations, as do most elite skaters. An exception to that would be, IMO, Surya Bonaly.

Boyang's skating skills, while not nearly as sublime as Patrick's or Shoma's, are still very good.

I agree with this. And his skating skills have improved, because he recognized that he was weak in this area.

However, Boyang is kind of clumsy on the ice - not fluid - but OTOH, he's usually loose and free on the ice, not restrained or tentative.

And he has a quirky personality that is quite unique, but his range is somewhat limited still. Unlike Mishe Ge, another quirky and distinctive personality, he hasn't found a style and means of expression that really works for him consistently. But I expect his range to expand, as he's not afraid to take risks. Although this may or may not pay off - I recall one exhibition number in particular that made absolutely no sense to anyone but him, but he was having a complete blast skating to it.

I find 'Boing Boing' as Kurt Browning calls him to be an extremely refreshing skater and exciting to watch because of his jumps, his originality, and the way he throws caution to the wind. I really never know what to expect from him and also find it extremely appealing that he doesn't take himself all that seriously. I have come really love this kid!


Well-Known Member
Kurt got 'Boing Boing' from FSU :shuffle:

Kudos to whomever coined the name.

IIRC Kurt didn't indicate that he didn't coin it. I really don't remember what he said, but I do remember having the district impression that it was Kurt's name. I wouldn't have had the impression if he had said "they call him Boing Boing. To be fair, maybe he did. But it wouldn't surprise me if Kurt decided to sort of take credit for it himself.

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