2022-23 ISU Grand Prix Assignments are published


Is that a coup happening behind that blue curtain?
August 12 updates in the grids:

Nazarova/Nikitin (UKR) are crossed out :( of Skate America & MKJW Trophy in Sheffield Grand Prix de France in Angers: https://isu.org/docman-documents-li...ntries-7/29100-entries-ice-dance-2022-23/file

Walsh/Michaud (Skate Canada announced Evelyn's retirement a week ago) are crossed out of SCI & MKJW Trophy: https://www.isu.org/docman-document...-3/entries-7/29099-entries-pairs-2022-23/file
What a shame about Nazarova/Nikitin - and bumping up the original alternates list post I made back on 7/22... It's going to be interesting to see who is invited to fill the empty spots at SkAM and GPdF... Maybe Janse van Rensburg/Steffan for France and Holubtsova/Bielobrov for SkAm?
Alternates Lists -
Kazakova/Reviya (MKJW)
Bratti/Somerville (SCI)
Komatsubara/Koleto (SCI)
Fabbri/Ayer (MKJW)
Pate/Bye (GPdF)
Lanaghan/Razgulajevs (GPdF)
Holubtsova/Bielobrov (MKJW)
Janse van Rensburg/Steffan (SkAm)
Lauriault/Le Gac (SkAm)
Cesanek/Yehorov (SCI)
And bumping up the very thin Pairs alternates list. It's interesting to note that G/GM aren't crossed off the pairs grid yet.
Whelp, my best guess is that Holichenko/Darenskiy (SkAm) will get the Sheffield spot that's now open, Roscher/Schuster (Sheff) will get the Espoo spot that's now open, and either Chernyshova/Windsor or Caldara/Maglio (both NHK) will get the SkAm spot that's now open. That substitution list is getting mighty thin, unless there's an exception made to go all the way down the Pairs SB list.

Alternates/Substitution List for Pairs (SB place):

1) Roscher/Schuster GER (51)
2) Sierova/Khobta UKR (52) - skating juniors?
3) Holichenko/Darenskiy UKR (55)
4) Caldara/Maglio ITA (56)
5) Chernyshova/Windsor AUS (60)
6) Crafoord/Crafoord SWE (63)

Teams that do not have the Total Score Minimum for GP assignments:
7) Vaipan-Law/Digby GBR (64)
8) Panetta/Thrasher CAN (66) - skating junior
9) Osipova/Epstein NED (69)
10) Kucianova/Vochozka CZE (70) - skating junior
11) Hernik/Wozniak POL (71) - are they still skating together?
12) Vouillamoz/Giniaux FRA (72) - skating junior
13) Young/Lewer AUS (73) - skating junior
14) Sazonova/Tashmukhamedov UZB (74) - skating junior
16) Simioli/Zarbo ITA (75)
17) Muskova/Kubacak SVK (76) - status unknown


Well-Known Member
I think the non-U.S. teams on the Dance Replacement List are the following:
Kazakova & Reviya
Komatsubara & Koleto
Fabbri & Ayer
Lanaghan & Razgulajevs
Holubtsova & Bielobrov
Van Rensburg & Steffan (already at Skate America)
Lauriault & Le Gac (already at Skate America)

(I've thought Holubtsova & Bielobrov might be a likely pick for a second berth if Nazarova & Nikitin pulled out).


Well-Known Member


Active Member
I think the non-U.S. teams on the Dance Replacement List are the following:
Kazakova & Reviya
Komatsubara & Koleto
Fabbri & Ayer
Lanaghan & Razgulajevs
Holubtsova & Bielobrov
Van Rensburg & Steffan (already at Skate America)
Lauriault & Le Gac (already at Skate America)

(I've thought Holubtsova & Bielobrov might be a likely pick for a second berth if Nazarova & Nikitin pulled out).


Active Member
Whelp, my best guess is that Holichenko/Darenskiy (SkAm) will get the Sheffield spot that's now open, Roscher/Schuster (Sheff) will get the Espoo spot that's now open, and either Chernyshova/Windsor or Caldara/Maglio (both NHK) will get the SkAm spot that's now open. That substitution list is getting mighty thin, unless there's an exception made to go all the way down the Pairs SB list.

Alternates/Substitution List for Pairs (SB place):

1) Roscher/Schuster GER (51)
2) Sierova/Khobta UKR (52) - skating juniors?
3) Holichenko/Darenskiy UKR (55)
4) Caldara/Maglio ITA (56)
5) Chernyshova/Windsor AUS (60)
6) Crafoord/Crafoord SWE (63)

Teams that do not have the Total Score Minimum for GP assignments:
7) Vaipan-Law/Digby GBR (64)
8) Panetta/Thrasher CAN (66) - skating junior
9) Osipova/Epstein NED (69)
10) Kucianova/Vochozka CZE (70) - skating junior
11) Hernik/Wozniak POL (71) - are they still skating together?
12) Vouillamoz/Giniaux FRA (72) - skating junior
13) Young/Lewer AUS (73) - skating junior
14) Sazonova/Tashmukhamedov UZB (74) - status unknown
16) Simioli/Zarbo ITA (75) - status unknown
17) Muskova/Kubacak SVK (76) - status unknown

I could see Vaipan-Law/Digby getting moved onto the Alternates list (V-L/D were only about .2 shy of the total score minimum), and possibly Osipova/Epstein if they skate well in some early season Challengers. Same goes for some new teams that aren't eligible for GPs yet - Gamez/Korovin PHI, Efimova/Blommaert GER, Piegad/Strekalin FRA, Keriven/Bouvart FRA, Proft/Nadeau CAN, Plazas/Fernandez USA, etc. I'll be watching the Cup of Colorado later this evening to see how some of the other new pairs teams the US has perform, and watching the Quebec competition tomorrow to see some of the new Canadian teams in action.
Hernik/Wozniak are split, last known he’s searching for a new partner and she’s not doing pairs anymore.

Sazonova/Tashmukhamedov are skating on the JGP.


Well-Known Member
Mikhail Shaidorov appears to having issues having his funding being removed by the Kazakh Federation - hopefully they get resolved so he can still compete this season (inc. GP France).
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Frau Muller

From Puerto Rico…With Love! Not LatinX!
Mikhail Shaidorov appears to having issues having his funding being removed from the Kazakh Federation - hopefully they get resolved so he can still compete this season (inc. GP France).
Why? Because Urmanov is/was his coach? That would be sad, as Shaidorov did so well at Four Cs (5th) and Jr Worlds (silver medalist).
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Is that a coup happening behind that blue curtain?
Mikhail Shaidorov appears to having issues having his funding being removed by the Kazakh Federation - hopefully they get resolved so he can still compete this season (inc. GP France).
Nauryzova/Datiev were having issues with the Kazakh fed in the last few weeks also with their funding being removed and being taken off the National Team. They went very public on their IG about it and got some traction with the media in Kazakhstan which resulted in the issue being resolved. What it boiled down to was the Kazakh fed claimed, first, was that Datiev didn't have a proper release from the Russian fed - not true, and N/D called them out on that. Then, the Kazakh fed said "well, we aren't sure his release from 2016 is going to be honored/allowed by the ISU..." The agreement they reached, once the sports ministry stepped in to mediate, was that as long as the ISU confirmed that Datiev was good to represent Kazakhstan in their eyes, the Kazakh fed would restore their place on the national team and whatever small amount of funding they receive.

I haven't read any of the news/articles about Shaidorov (and he hasn't updated his IG recently), but it might be a similar issue for him. It would make sense, given the clear geo-political factors at play here with Kazakhstan clearly Ukraine and pulling back from a lot of relationships and ties to Russia.


Well-Known Member
Lorraine McNamara & Anton Spiridonov have filled the Skate America TBD spot on USFS' International Assignments page:
Congratulations to them for earning the berth! So we have 4 U.S. dance teams with 1 event and 6 teams with 2.That's spreading out the experience.


Well-Known Member
Now we need a petition to get Sonja Hilmer for the host spot at SA!

it’ll be tough competition against Gracie Gold

I think Sonja fully deserves all the love she’s getting, but I agree. Realistically, it’s totally fair to give Gracie a little bit of an edge in that selection right now (if it comes down to the two of them).


Antique member
I love Gracie too and I would be fine with either of them. They are both special.
Now I am writing something that a lot of "but this is a sport and only results count" people will not like:

From a pure egoist fan perspective I would not like the SA spot to be "wasted" to a B or C class skater without anything special just because they beat them at a random competition. (I have no concrete example in mind, you know what I mean :-D )

- figure skating is show as well and not only sports and I would love if it was honoured more by - for instance - giving a spot to Sonja just as a nod for her extraordinary choreo and special skills lie the reverse salchow.

That would be great for fans to watch, regardless where she places whereas an other skater finishing a solid but unspectacular 9th place in the GP is nothing to really remember about the day.


Is that a coup happening behind that blue curtain?
Alternates Lists -
Bratti/Somerville (SCI)
Komatsubara/Koleto (SCI)
Fabbri/Ayer (MKJW)
Pate/Bye (IdF)
Lanaghan/Razgulajevs (IdF)
Holubtsova/Bielobrov (MKJW)
Janse van Rensburg/Steffan (SkAm)
Lauriault/Le Gac (SkAm)
Cesanek/Yehorov (SCI)

Harris/Chan (SCI)
Now that Kazakova/Reviya received the France spot vacated by Nazarova/Nikitin's retirement, Harris/Chan move onto the Alternates List. I crossed out the US teams as well as the non-US teams already assigned to SkAm, which leaves five teams for the USFS to select from - my money is still on Holubtsova/Bielobrov getting the open SkAm spot, but we'll see.
Alternates/Substitution List for Pairs (SB place):

1) Roscher/Schuster GER (51)
2) Sierova/Khobta UKR (52) - skating juniors - confirmed by @airgelaal below
3) Holichenko/Darenskiy UKR (55)
4) Chernyshova/Windsor AUS (60)
5) Crafoord/Crafoord SWE (63)

Teams that do not have the Total Score Minimum for GP assignments:
6) Vaipan-Law/Digby GBR (64)
7) Osipova/Epstein NED (69)
8) Simioli/Zarbo ITA (75) - status unknown
9) Muskova/Kubacak SVK (76) - status unknown
Updated the pairs alternate lists to remove the teams known to be skating junior or split. I don't think we'll know for sure what's going on with Golubeva/Giotopoulos Moore until we see the Gdansk JGP 1 entries.
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I just noticed that the ISU Grand Prix General Announcement document has been published online (16 pages), dated 15 August 2022: https://www.isu.org/docman-document...-grand-prix-general-announcement-2022-23/file

From page 10:

7.6 Replacements
It is mandatory that an Organizing ISU Member replaces any Pair who withdraws from the event with an alternate up to fourteen (14) days prior to the Team Leaders Meeting for that event.
For a Women or Men Skater, up to fourteen (14) days prior to the Team Leaders Meeting for that event, it is voluntary that an Organizing ISU Member replaces any Skater who withdraws from the event who would be the 11th or 12th entry but must replace with an alternate any Skater who withdraws if fewer than 10 entries remain.
For an Ice Dance couple, up to fourteen (14) days prior to the draw for that event, it is voluntary that a host country replaces any Ice Dance couple who withdraws from the event who would be the 9th or 10th entry but must replace any Dance couple who withdraws with an alternate couple if fewer than 8 entries remain.
At the fourteen-day mark, consideration will be given by the ISU Grand Prix Coordination Group to leaving a position vacant because of visa requirements or unduly high travel costs that would be incurred by the Organizing ISU Member.
Skater/Couples, who are part of the official Alternate List must be ready to accept an invitation for participation in an ISU Grand Prix of Figure Skating event, even on short notice, except if the reasons for refusal are obvious (injury, illness, conflict with other competitions or with national activities, e.g. seminars, tests, etc.). The benchmark of such short notice is seven days.
The alternate list needs to be worked through in ranking order for the top 75 ranked Skaters/Couples according to their Season’s Best. All Skaters/Couples of the alternate list will be grouped in top ranked groups of ten Skaters, out of which the respective Organizing ISU Member may pick one Skater/Couple for invitation.
Skaters/Couples, who place first in any of the ISU Challenger Series events for 2022/23 and can prove to have skated the minimum Technical score as mentioned in paragraph 2.3, will be added to the alternate list, bottom ranked according to their scores.


From page 5:

3.2 Confirmation of Participation of Invited Skaters/Couples
The invitations for participation for Skaters/Couples, besides the seeded ones, will be forwarded to the ISU
Members concerned through the Organizing ISU Member of the respective ISU Grand Prix of Figure Skating
event. The ISU Members of these Invited Skaters/Couples must confirm participation to the ISU Secretariat,
and the Organizing ISU Member by August 15, 2022.

Ice Skating Australia should have communicated the status of Brendan Kerry (SkAm) and Golubeva/Giotopoulos Moore (SkAm & FIN) to the ISU by now.
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Is that a coup happening behind that blue curtain?
Thank you, @Sylvia for posting the 2022-23 GP Announcement! It at last gives us some clarity on the Pairs alternates - who is eligible and who is not.

Per Paragraph 2.3:
The minimum total score from ISU Events for this season is 3/5 of highest score per discipline at the ISU World Figure Skating Championships 2022:
Men 187.49
Women 141.65
Pair Skating 132.65
Ice Dance 137.89

Skaters/Couples who have scored at least the above-mentioned limit in an ISU Championships, ISU Grand Prix of Figure Skating or ISU Challenger Series Competition between July 1st , 2021 and June 27, 2022 are eligible for selection into the Grand Prix events 2022/23 or in the alternate list.

Skaters/Couples, placed in the top 75 Season’s Best are placed on the alternate list. However those who need to score the minimum Grand Prix score as listed above can do so in the ISU Challenger Series 2022/23.
Alternates/Substitution List for Pairs (SB place):

1) Roscher/Schuster GER (51)
2) Holichenko/Darenskiy UKR (55)
3) Chernyshova/Windsor AUS (60)
4) Crafoord/Crafoord SWE (63)

Teams that do not have the Total Score Minimum for GP assignments:
5) Vaipan-Law/Digby GBR (64) 132.56
6) Osipova/Epstein NED (69) 119.00
7) Simioli/Zarbo ITA (75) - status unknown 97.73

Vaipan-Law/Digby are registered for US Classic and can, theoretically, get the ISU GP minimum score there. Hopefully Osipova/Epstein will make their season debut at Nebelhorn. Realistically, I think they're the only teams remaining in the SB Top 75 who are going to wind up on the Alternates list. And, of course any Challenger Series winners are automatically added to the Alternates List, provided they earn the minimum required score.
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Canadian ladies über


Is that a coup happening behind that blue curtain?
With Holubtsova/Bielobrov getting the SkAm spot vacated by Nazarova/Nikitin, the Dance Alternates list should look like this now:

Bratti/Somerville (SCI)
Komatsubara/Koleto (SCI)
Fabbri/Ayer (MKJW)
Pate/Bye (GPdF)
Lanaghan/Razgulajevs (GPdF)
Janse van Rensburg/Steffan (SkAm)
Lauriault/Le Gac (SkAm)
Cesanek/Yehorov (SCI)
Harris/Chan (SCI)
Lagouge/Caffa (Espoo)

Next up to be added:
Sales/Wamsteeker (MKJW)
Ling/Wein (none)
Nosovitskaya/Nosovitskiy (SCI)
McNamara/Spiridonov (SkAm - per USFS Int'l Assignments page - not reflected on ISU grid yet)
Chen/Sun (none)
Portesi Peroni/Chrastecky (none)
Polibina/Golovishnikov (none)
Ignateva/Szemko (none)

Also Eunsoo Lim has been crossed off from Skate Canada International as of today.
On the women's side, this means that Lim is now off the Alternates list - she can't receive another assignment to replace the one she's now withdrawn from per the GP Announcement.

from 2.2 -

l) Non-Seeded Skaters/Couples will not be invited to another event in replacement if, by medical reason, they withdraw from an assigned event.
Kiibus (Espoo)
Yun (SkAm)
Wi (NHK)
Lim (SCI)
Park (SkAm)
Pinzarrone (MKJW)
Yokoi (SCI)
Kitromilis (SkAm)
Paganini (MKJW)
Izzo (MKJW)
Ruiter (none - also injured)
Andrews (NHK)

Next to be added:
Repond - JGP
Daleman (SCI)
Ziegler (none)
van Zundert (GPdF)
Brezinova (SCI)
Sumiyoshi (GPdF)
Ji (NHK)
Zhu (SkAm)
Serna (GPdF)
Wang (none)
Sauter (MKJW)

Peltonen (Espoo)
Saarinen (Espoo)
Schumacher (SCI)

I think there's been a question/discussion in years past about how the "groups of ten" for the Alternates List is worked through/applied in practice. It's possible that the first "group of ten" has to be completely exhausted before the next "group of ten" is touched, which would mean that Harris/Chan, Lagouge/Caffa, Ruiter and Andrews are all in the second "group of ten" (on the women's side, this would push Wang and Sauter down to the third "group of ten"). Regardless, there are LOTS of options for the now open SCI women's spot - I'd guess Kiibus, Wi, Paganini or Izzo are the most likely candidates.

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