Survivor S45


From the Bloc
Well yeah, because he's the one who benefited the most by her exit, and she knew it. What she apparently didn't know according to her post boot EW interview, what she said no one knew, was how close Drew and Austin were. (To answer my own question, above.)

Austin now has two HIIs - I wonder if anyone (other than Drew I'm sure) knows that, can't recall if the details of the amulet were shared among any of those who are left.


Well-Known Member
Anyone keeping track of what Idols, etc., are left in the game? When is the last time they can use those?

I love the expressions of people when blindsides happen and the people who don't know about them are just like :wideeyes: :wideeyes: :wideeyes: :wideeyes: :wideeyes:


From the Bloc
I don't know the specifics on how long they can be used, but the current count is -

Austin - 2 HII
Bruce - 1 HII
Drew - forget what it's called but he can opt out of a TC - can't be voted out, has no vote, has to even leave the TC far as I know; not sure at what point in the proceedings he'd need to declare that
Everyone still has a Shot in the Dark except Jake


A bitch from Canada
I also was impressed by Jake at TC (other than when the brain fog clearly crept in). He made some excellent points about the vote and how one of them would be on the bottom next and didn't know it. It was very much a speech from a lawyer, but he hit the right points.
I also loved his reaction at the votes. "I guess people are playing Survivor." :lol:


Staff member
That was a great episode. Loved the new auction. I don't know how often Jeff can dramatically stab a bag of rice to get everyone in a panic, but that was great, too. And wow at Julie, who held her rope above the knot and hung on all that time.

Too bad Bruce wasn't on the chopping block. He could go any time. I'm not very fond of Jake, either, and would rather he would have gone over Kellie, but I can see why Kellie had to go.


Well-Known Member
Re Jake and brain fog - part of me wondering if he was acting, and knew what he was doing the whole time.
Great reactions to the a blindside.
And yes, Bruce can go anytime.
I think the idols/advantages or at least some of them are good until there are 5 left.


drinky typo pbp, closet hugger (she/her)
Staff member
Kellie is very smart strategically, but in a low key way that isn't drawing a lot of attention.
Or not :(

WHY is no one targeting Drew and Austin???
Interesting to hear (subsequent post) that no one saw their alliance. That makes me think one of them wins. Would much prefer Austin, I find Drew so very meh. Also annoyed that Jeff made it look like Drew engineered the exchange for rice when he was the third person to step out of the challenge :rolleyes:

TBTP are killing me with the foreshadowing around Jake. That brain fog is yet another tease that he's having some major medical event at some point.

I did laugh when the elimination was read and Jake went
YEAH! oh, I mean yeah...

He's not a very good player and is awkward as hell, but it's almost charming at this point (anyone catch his open mouth gape about surviving TC as they walked out?)

Kellie was my favorite but didn't we see her considering that she's a target? Why was she SO surprised?

Dee's been playing a great game but looks like they are finally coming for her next week. At this point I'm rooting for Julie - she's got maybe the lowest key game going. Mad respect for that challenge performance.

Poor Keturah - she got the ONLY bad auction item :(


drinky typo pbp, closet hugger (she/her)
Staff member
That was a really unsatisfying episode. Having 2 people lose the vote just meant that the former red tribe continues to bulldoze everyone. Julie is playing so low key that she just went with it, because she knows it's too early to turn on Dee - but also, if she doesn't start moving against Dee, Drew and/or Austin, she will be their easy vote. I was ready for some Emily freak out when she realized her place in the new alliance, but she couldn't do anything about it. Keturah was barely in this episode - her name got mentioned once, but otherwise she doesn't seem like a target but also, who is she working with? Anyone?

If Keturah and Emily had votes, there could have been some very interesting movement at TC and instead it was a big snooze.

I'm kind of anyone but Drew at this point. He just bugs.


drinky typo pbp, closet hugger (she/her)
Staff member
I can see that - certainly at the beginning of the season, but she's been laying low for so long now the focus has shifted.

Another weird edit has been Bruce - he got SO much air time in the beginning, but they really showcased his goofy side, and especially how off-putting he's been to others. And now there's this heavy edit on him being the old out of touch guy - while he's holding an idol and winning immunity. It's like they are doing everything they can to make him appear worse at this game than he is.

I forgot to mention the reward - when they first showed the roast chicken, they put the camera really close to the table and just under it, and the bird looked HUGE! Next we see 3 people approach the table and it was just a tiny little chicken :rofl:


Well-Known Member
I forgot to mention the reward - when they first showed the roast chicken, they put the camera really close to the table and just under it, and the bird looked HUGE! Next we see 3 people approach the table and it was just a tiny little chicken :rofl:
I noticed that too! When they first showed it I said 'that's a turkery!!'. But I was disgusted that there were no drinks, sides, or even gravy to go with it. At least there were no visible flies on it, unlike when they normally show food at the sanctuary.


drinky typo pbp, closet hugger (she/her)
Staff member
there's a thread on the reddit survivor group about how lame the Sanctuary and the rewards are now. I mean, it's fair to say that protein is a better reward for players who've been essentially starving for 3 weeks than a helicopter ride over the islands, but it does seem like there could be a little more effort from production on the presentation :lol:


From the Bloc
I see what you mean about the Sanctuary, and I can also see where it's a much bigger deal to the players than the viewers. I don't miss the big long distracting journeys or the product placements (remember when they'd win a car?), but I do miss the added gameplay. Yes they all talk gameplay when separated, but this season at least, nothing actually comes of it. And no extra advantages or rewards to be had.

As for who's getting the winners edit etc, agree that they seemed to be trying really hard to turn us against Bruce, only to have us then feel sorry for him. Same with Emily - look back in this thread - everyone hated her out of the gate, and now somehow we're rooting for her. Is Survivor trying too hard to tell these redemption stories/life journeys?

I think Drew is going to go very far, but if he's sitting with Austin at the end, I think Austin will win (which I'm all for, excellent player IMO). I also think this could be one of those crazy seasons where there are really good players who all take each other out and then we're left with a dissatisfying winner.


Well-Known Member
I see what you mean about the Sanctuary, and I can also see where it's a much bigger deal to the players than the viewers. I don't miss the big long distracting journeys or the product placements (remember when they'd win a car?), but I do miss the added gameplay. Yes they all talk gameplay when separated, but this season at least, nothing actually comes of it. And no extra advantages or rewards to be had.
It would be nice if they at least had something like a massage at the sanctuary after enjoying the food. Or a shower with actual non-salt water, soap, and shampoo in one of those outside showers you see at some beaches.


Fan of many, uber of none
Bruce really was playing pretty clueless. I kinda hope Jake lasts a little longer just to tick off Drew, who Iā€™m not a fan of. I never thought Iā€™d say this, but Emily would be a good winner. Still hoping for Austin though.


Staff member
Still on Team Emily for the win. She's clearly got connections with people, she's engineered a popular boot, she won a reward challenge, and she's got the money quote from the first episode

That montage of the "Playing with the Boys" was one of the funniest things I have ever seen on Survivor.


From the Bloc
At this point I'd be good with Emily winning, but I'd prefer Austin. Everyone else seems to be playing a little emotionally - I want him out because he bugs me, I want her out because she said my name.

Interesting that among the 7 left, three of them are lawyers, two are listed as graduate students - in theory people who should be able to present themselves eloquently and convincingly to a jury. In theory :)


Well-Known Member
:rofl: I love it when people go home with Idols in their pocket because its a little arrogant to think they won't target you regardless of what they tell you when there are so few left in the game.

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