Survivor S46


Convenient Scapegoat
Staff member
Meet the cast:

Jeff says it's the most vicious season ever (but Jeff says a lot of things pre-season). For example:

However, since its return in December 2021 with season 40, several viewers have noticed that the show has appeared to lack obvious villains.

“In the hands of somebody else, I can tell you, for sure, there would be more villains, more negativity, more yelling at each other,” Probst continued. “It’s not going to happen when I’m part of the show. I’m just not interested in it.”

But also: “I am bringing back my edge,” Probst also added. “I’m aware that I got a little soft. And so I am going to put a knife in the bag of rice every so often so I can still find that part of me.”


From the Bloc
I'll start! I enjoyed the first ep, and love that we are getting to know everyone right away. In the past they'd have focussed mostly on the people in the tribe that was going to lose, and it would sometimes take several episodes before we got to see some of the other players in action. Also love no stunt casting, all people who really seem to want to play the game.

That being said, I'm glad Jelinsky's gone. Jess may be struggling, but he was a liability to the tribe and not someone I'd want to align with given that he seemed to make every decision for himself rather than his tribe or others who might work with him. I'm assuming Jess is going to get through this, and it's another telling of the "Survivor is really, really, like we mean really, hard" story angle.

I liked most of them, and I've got a side eye on Venus - not sure whether I'm going to love her or hate her, but she's a hometown girl so for now she gets my :cheer2:


Convenient Scapegoat
Staff member
Our cable was out for about half an hour, so I missed the first part of the show :mad:. I did get to see most of Jelinksy's :confused: actions; what kind of gameplay was that? Interesting that Q got his way on the vote or at least that the editing made it appear that Q got his way on the vote.

I LOL at the Andy Griffith bit in black and white; the producers are really having some fun with cultural references.

Some things that stood out--Bhanu sure is an emotional person. Venus seems very calculating. I mildly dislike Kenzie and Ben, but that could change. There seems to be a theme of outsiders who are fitting in (for now). Jeff said that there would be a lot of music talk in this season, and that appears to be so. I wonder if there will be a music alliance somewhere along the way.


Fan of many, uber of none
Jalinsky was a jerk and an idiot, and is no great loss, even if he was some "strength" in the immunity challenge, he lost it with the puzzle. And giving up on the sweat challenge so quickly was like a toddler having a tantrum. They're better off without him, and I'm glad things went Q's way. I'm glad we got to see a good mixture of all of the tribes and most of the players. We'll see how things go. Next week is two hours as well!


Well-Known Member
This is first time I've watched Survivor in years. I really enjoyed it! So far I find Kenzie the most annoying. I am sure I am just susceptible to the edits because I was so glad Jalinsky left.

I always am amused at people who feel the need to drop that they had no painkillers during labor when they tell people they have kids as Maria did. I am going to start telling people about the epidurals I had when I first meet them and tell them about myself. I need a pat on the back. ;)


Convenient Scapegoat
Staff member
Some things that stood out--Bhanu sure is an emotional person.
Even more than I thought last week! Good lord, what a loose cannon. Jess was an easy vote, but I would be really afraid of having Bhanu in any alliance.
Venus seems very calculating.
But not in the objective, cerebral way that gets one ahead in the game, I'm thinking. More in the chaotic, destructive way some players have.
I mildly dislike Kenzie and Ben, but that could change.
Kenzie came across better to me this week, but Ben didn't, and Liz has taken a strong lead in my Most Disliked list, to the point that I don't know if anyone could overtake her.
There seems to be a theme of outsiders who are fitting in (for now). Jeff said that there would be a lot of music talk in this season, and that appears to be so. I wonder if there will be a music alliance somewhere along the way.
Metallica v. Taylor Swift. Days can get really long when you camp.


From the Bloc
I'm assuming Jess is going to get through this, and it's another telling of the "Survivor is really, really, like we mean really, hard" story angle.

Well I was wrong about that one! Couldn't even begin to root for her, and sure enough, in her EW exit interview she's one bitter person who blames everyone and everything for her performance and behaviour, from the editors to whoever was sleeping next to her pre-game.

Not sure I like or dislike Kenzie either, but she's playing, so that's good. Bhanu's emotions are difficult to watch, and he's volatile as a team member, but have to think he's not going to last. Especially if his tribe keeps losing :)

Agree with @Prancer about Liz, big time, even more so that she appears to be playing this game to promote her "email marketing membership" business.


From the Bloc
I'm always suspicious of people who first say they're rich and then try to get you to give them money to tell you how they did it, often in an almost evangelical way. It's like a pyramid scheme or something.


Well-Known Member
Oh if only Jeff had waited 3 more minutes to break the news...Tiffany seemed ready to tell Bhanu they were going to make a play to vote Kenzie. Although this may have been editing, because would she be dumb enough to tell Bhanu anything?


Rooting for that middle-aged team
Bhanu may be a sweet person but he would drive me nuts. I have zero patience and then him always asking for God’s help without doing anything for himself. He would make a good goat though.


From the Bloc
Well I'll say it. I want him gone. I was not happy that, after having to watch him say the same things over and over for most of 90 minutes, whining about how everyone's so mean to him and he just wants to win hearts while simultaneously throwing his tribemates straight into the fire, that he got a buy and I'm going to have to sit through this again next week.

I don't care if he's a nice guy (and I'm not convinced he's that sweet - see above), he doesn't belong here. This is a game, and he's not only not playing it, he's sabotaging others in the process. And taking up way too much time on my screen :p

All that said, I'm going to be watching Kenzie closely when there's a tribe switch and/or merge because she's got her work cut out for her going forward. If she can turn this around, she deserves to go far.


Convenient Scapegoat
Staff member
Bhanu may be a sweet person but he would drive me nuts.
Agreed. I honestly don't know how such an emotional person gets through normal, daily life. Maybe he isn't like this normally and Survivor is making him crazy, but :scream:. I can't imagine living with someone like him. And when he was happy that Q wanted him to be the Philip to Q's Rob--WTH? Who wants that? I can't believe they were even thinking of keeping him over Kenzie; she may be a strategic threat, but at least she isn't hysterical 24/7.

How obsessed is Hunter? His house!

I wonder if they will bring Randen back for another season.


Well-Known Member
ITA with what was posted so far. I just go caught up.
Bhanu seems like a nice guy, but exhausting.
Liz - omg - what an annoyance. From last week - her cheering on the sidelines for her team was also annoying.
Dont' let people know you $$.
glad the show is back.


Fan of many, uber of none
Bhanu is an emotional, whiney-ass grown man who needs to get off of my tv screen as soon as possible. Seriously, what an annoying human being. Kenzie has no idea how close she came to being snuffed though....Q is playing for keeps, for sure.

Ben and Liz both seem to be annoying human beings as well, so it was the perfect trifecta who went on the journey.

I feel bad for Randen, I hope he gets another chance some day.


From the Bloc
Agree with everything @Kasey says above, except I don't get the hate on for Ben. Seems like a nice guy, well intentioned, playing the game, getting along with others. Maybe because I know people just like that, I have a soft spot for him. For now :EVILLE:


Well-Known Member
I missed last night's episode because I was watching the ladies short programs but I googled to see who was voted off. Looking forward to this season....seems to be some interesting dynamics.


Well-Known Member
Bhanu is actually an actor and classical Indian dancer. His entire experience on Survivor was an act. There was nothing authentic about him.


Convenient Scapegoat
Staff member
If that was his ploy, I don't see it working out well. Who wants to hire a guy who behaves like a three-year-old?

Good riddance to Bhanu; looking forward to the next episode.


From the Bloc
Seems like such a misstep on the part of Survivor, like they invested heavily in this guy for some reason, even knowing he wasn't going to go far, and from everything I've seen, fans have not been on board at all. Found this confessional count for the first four eps, says a lot.


Convenient Scapegoat
Staff member
Seems like such a misstep on the part of Survivor, like they invested heavily in this guy for some reason, even knowing he wasn't going to go far, and from everything I've seen, fans have not been on board at all. Found this confessional count for the first four eps, says a lot.
Jeff seems to think Bhanu has a great life story. Sometimes Jeff gets really caught up in such things and thinks other people will, too.

I do think that there are some people who enjoy the occasional trainwreck, but I think most fans are more interested in game play and strategy.

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