Survivor S46


Well-Known Member
Am I the only one who had no sympathy for Liz’s tantrum? Nobody held a gun to her head and forced her and her allergies to go on Survivor. Sorry, Liz, but not sorry.
I was thinking the same thing. I mean, I get that between the survivor situation and lack of calories, emotions were high, but nobody owed her a meal. She knew what Survivor is about and what the food situation is, and still decided to go on the show. That's on her. (Also, her voice pitch during her screaming kind of made it hard to take her seriously, even though I know she was super pissed).

I know it's insane, but I almost liked Q this episode. He just did his own thing, was calm in the face of chaos, and seems to have a good 'if I go, I go' mentality. I also don't 100% get why people want to eliminate him. Yes, everyone hates him now, however that likely means that he's best to keep around, as people (probably) wouldn't vote for him to win at final. Why would you want to get rid of the most despised player, and keep people who are likeable?


From the Bloc
I thought we were done with the whiny tears when Bhanu finally left, ugh. Agree with all of you - she knew going in. And they may be low on rice, but they've had rice, they have fish, and she was on a reward about 5 days earlier with sandwiches and other food. As a member of Nami, she also benefitted from all the rewards that make life at camp easier early on, including food several times.

Also agree Q was almost likeable this ep, and I thought he was quite reasonable in his gameplay this time. I think he could go to the end, and win. As long as neither Charlie or Maria is sitting next to him though, because I think they could make a strong case for having essentially run the game since day 1, even despite all the chaos caused by Bhanu, Q and Venus.


Fan of many, uber of none
I'm on board with hating whiny Liz this episode, although I've not liked her much throughout the show. Survivor is pretty honest about what goes on, lack of food wise, and if she's allergic to everything they have access to, it wasn't the best choice of shows to try out for.

Q still annoys me, although he was reasonable this episode. I do see the point of keeping him, since at this point he's a better goat than Venus, but he's shown to be capable of winning challenges. They did the right thing getting the "hidden" idol out, and I wonder if someone will find it as it's re-hidden next week. Still liking Charlie and Kenzie the best.


Rooting for that middle-aged team
These people not using their idol is killing me and I’m running out of people I like. This week I wanted to send Liz home. That leaves Kenzie and Charlie left as players I haven’t wanted gone. But Charlie is going to be in trouble the first IC he loses.
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Staff member
I'm on board with hating whiny Liz this episode, although I've not liked her much throughout the show. Survivor is pretty honest about what goes on, lack of food wise, and if she's allergic to everything they have access to, it wasn't the best choice of shows to try out for.
I agree and thought the same when she was happily saying she guessed she just wouldn't eat for 26 days. But I think most of us have probably experienced going into something forewarned and finding out it still wasn't what we were expecting.

In an exit interview, Tiff said that Liz had begged everyone BEFORE the challenge to take her along if they won a food challenge because she wasn't doing well and that everyone but Q promised to do it. And at the challenge, both Kenzie and Maria offered to give up their place on the reward to Liz, but it was up to Q and he refused to let them do it.

So I can kinda see why Liz was upset, but dear lord, vent once, accept, and move on. I was ready to scream myself if I heard the word "Applebee's" one more time. "Fancy Like" has been running through my head on repeat all day, which also might make me scream.

I have never been to an Applebee's (or if I have, I don't remember it); it seems like I'm missing out except it looks like TGIFriday's.


From the Bloc
Maybe this is the downside of these longer episodes - more time for whining. :rolleyes:

Re Charlie - Tiff also has said that she was actually really close to him and she wished they'd shown that. She said the reason she didn't play her idol was not that she felt safe, but that she thought it would be valuable in the future, with her and Charlie having talked about using it to take out Maria down the road.

Charlie is playing a very hard game, well beyond the challenges he's winning. Looking back I think even letting everyone know what a big Swiftie he is was a strategic move.


Rooting for that middle-aged team
And at the challenge, both Kenzie and Maria offered to give up their place on the reward to Liz, but it was up to Q and he refused to let them do it.
I appreciate that level of petty but Q really isn’t ingratiating himself to future jury members.


From the Bloc
I appreciate that level of petty but Q really isn’t ingratiating himself to future jury members.

Or maybe they're as tired of Liz as we are? I don't know if Jeff would have allowed it even, and maybe they didn't show it because they're not sure what to do going forward because it could set a crazy precedent when you think about it - someone could earn not just the reward but the potentially very valuable right to choose who stays and goes, and then the other players (who did not earn the right) could just decide among themselves who goes instead?


Well-Known Member
After barely eating any food for 21+ some days, and then eating all that heavy food in a rush just pretty much shoveling it in ... that's gotta totally mess with your digestive system. :sick:

Just caught up on last 2 shows, but last week, Hunter not playing his Idol was just stupid. I will never understand why these people don't play their Idols when you are clearly one of the strongest players, capable of winning every challenge going forward, everyone knows you got a Idol ...but oh no, THEY told me I was safe and I didn't have to play it. Well THEY are the ones that want you out dummy! Of course THEY are gonna tell you that! I just don't get the not playing the Idol thing at all because it almost always backfires on you. Same for Tiff not playing it. When the numbers get that low, play to freaking Idol no matter what THEY tell you.

There used to be a Applebees right in my shopping district. I loved Applebees. :cry:


Staff member
Just caught up on last 2 shows, but last week, Hunter not playing his Idol was just stupid. I will never understand why these people don't play their Idols when you are clearly one of the strongest players, capable of winning every challenge going forward, everyone knows you got a Idol ...but oh no, THEY told me I was safe and I didn't have to play it. Well THEY are the ones that want you out dummy! Of course THEY are gonna tell you that! I just don't get the not playing the Idol thing at all because it almost always backfires on you. Same for Tiff not playing it. When the numbers get that low, play to freaking Idol no matter what THEY tell you.
But then what do you do the next time people tell you that you are safe? Then they are telling you that you are safe and you don't have an idol.


Well-Known Member
At least it got you one more vote further, I guess. :lol: Hunter was very capable of being able to win challenges, and things might happen to make someone else the target. I still don't get why anyone tells anyone they even got Idols. I would never tell someone I found an Idol. Of course I would never be on this show, but I would never tell anyone I got an Idol. :lol:


Well-Known Member
Re Liz - ITA - I did not feel for her - she knew what she signed up for.
Knowing now she was asking to go a food win - turns me off.
And yes Q is less annnoying. I appreciated his response to her ' you voted for me'.
My brother also is annoyed by Liz.
Also i think Maria, Charlie or Kenzie would be worthy winners.
Comments here about Q - make me think if he makes it to the end - could be deserving.
I dislike his my way or the highway method that he did earlier. But my mind can be changed.


From the Bloc
Is it just me or is this cast obsessed with their resume more so than usual? It seems to be all about getting credit for a Big Move, which is important of course, but they don't seem to be counting other resume builders such as challenge wins, contributions around camp and one that so often plays into the finale, getting to know/connecting with everyone.

I had to laugh at Venus and Kenzie being so quick to say they didn't vote out Tiff though, and it made me wonder if there's an advantage in being the person who does the "in case they have an idol" vote. It was Ben this time, so I wonder if he's now going to try and work it with Venus that he never wrote her name down, unlike every other player still left in the game, and knowing that Venus in particular was playing the "say my name and I'll go after you" game.


From the Bloc
One thing I meant to ask - does anyone know why they were so sure Tiff's idol was replaced, but no one seemed interested when Hunter left with his? I can't remember if anyone knew about Jem's to think of looking for a replacement, but Hunter did tell a few people that he had one.


Staff member
Is it just me or is this cast obsessed with their resume more so than usual? It seems to be all about getting credit for a Big Move, which is important of course, but they don't seem to be counting other resume builders such as challenge wins, contributions around camp and one that so often plays into the finale, getting to know/connecting with everyone.
I read an opinion piece a while back that argued that this is the problem with casting all superfans--they are fixated on resumes and while it makes for a lot of turmoil in the game, it affects strategy in a negative way. Instead of focusing on getting to the end, they are all focused on making big moves, which isn't always the best way to get to the end.


Fan of many, uber of none
At this point, I'm wanting Charlie to get Maria out. She's a bigger threat than Q at this point, and even though I don't like Liz, I think he could sell Liz, Kenzie and Ben on getting rid of Maria. As they went to tribal, I said to myself "here goes Venus with an idol in her pocket" and of course, exactly what happened. I wonder if they will idol hunt again, since none of them (except maybe Charlie has an inkling) knew that she had the idol. Agreed, she is really bad at this game.


Rooting for that middle-aged team
The blindsides aren't fun anymore, won't someone please think of their idol.
I’m glad she didn’t use it because it would have come down to Kenzie and Q. Kenzie likely would have been out.

Maria seems pretty upset next week. I wonder if she gets word of Charlie’s plotting or if it’s a letter from home (that should be coming soon).


Well-Known Member
One thing I meant to ask - does anyone know why they were so sure Tiff's idol was replaced, but no one seemed interested when Hunter left with his? I can't remember if anyone knew about Jem's to think of looking for a replacement, but Hunter did tell a few people that he had one.
Nobody knew that Hunter had an idol.
At this point I want either Charlie or Kenzie to win. I don't like Maria or Liz, and Ben is just 'there'. I'm still kind of thinking, though, that if Q makes the final 3 he will win.


Well-Known Member
Why.don' Especially when you know you are a target. :duh: Not that I care, I don't like Venus anyway, but geez people play your freaking Idols. :wideeyes:

Every time Kenzie does her interviews the only thing I am thinking is 'damn girl didn't that hurt!!??!!!!' cause, you know, she gotta lota tattoos. :lol:


Throwing the (rule)book at them
IMO, it's setting up for either of Maria or Charlie to try to make the move again based on who wins immunity, or them undoubtedly choosing to face off in fire at 4 left if they somehow both escape at 5 (which would probably require an immunity win and an idol played).

I'm feeling like Charlie will get the last laugh in either of those two scenarios, with Ben probably being the odd one out. If it's a Kenzie - Liz - Charlie final, I think Kenzie has a good shot at winning. If it's a Maria - Liz - Kenzie final, Maria may very well pull it off. But showing the connections Kenzie has made (such as taking walks with Ben) I think sets her up to come away with the win.


Fan of many, uber of none
I don't really like Liz, and Maria kind of lost me this episode, but I like the trio of Charlie, Kenzie and Ben at this point. So glad Q is gone, although he seemed more decent and nice in his post show clip than he's seemed in recent weeks. Would really like Charlie or Kenzie to win, as they've been my favorites throughout the whole show.

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