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  • Hi Ellen!
    I'm seeing ABT's studio company on the 13th, at Pace, are you planning to go? It's a chance to see Aran Bell, and it would be great to see you!
    I am more confused than I thought. I just realized we are supposed to have dinner on the 31st, and yes, I'm seeing NYCB that evening. Yes, I still want to do it

    Ellen, thanks so much for the support, it really helps. I'm still in shock, I think. We need to empty out my dad's condo and it's going to be hard.
    I must have had my ballet tickets mixed up in my head. I'm seeing Onegin on Friday the 17th, but I'm not seeing anything on the 18th. Maybe I should go again on the 18th, but it could be a letdown after seeing Diana and Marcelo. Either way, I'd still like to get together for dinner on the 18th, though. We can work out where and when closer to the date.
    Thanks so much for coming to the concert. Great putting faces with screen names after all this time!

    I am bad about reading snarks; I didn't know. I won't scream. Yes, please bring cupcakes; I will need one after a hard day at work.
    Shall I bring cupcakes? If you read my snarks you know I had a nasty eye infection this week, but my eyes are just a little pink now. So you won't scream when you see me.

    Hi. Hope all is well. Have spent time at FSU today. Also looking for reviews of Paul McCartney/Peter Martins opus. So far have seen 2 - music OK, choreography weak. Why am I not shocked. Keeping an open mind.
    I wouldn't be surprised if the science was wrong. What really got me is that people are getting sick right, left and center but trees and flowers seem to be unaffected. Seriously, by the end blooms should be dying, leaves should be brittle and falling - nothing should be beautiful looking, but what do I know?

    I just didn't get the Assante love, and yes, it was like an utterly predictable Lifetime movie or dreadful rom-com.

    As for another remake, the whole thing rises and falls on the strength of the casting. This is really an intimate drama about the hopes and feelings of a small group of people. The young couple has to really devastate us when they kill themselves and their baby and it should be a baby, not a young child. We have to feel Dwight's dilemma about his choices and we have to feel for Moira, who can't win no matter what she does. The science of it all should just be a tissue paper surrounding for the personal drama IMHO.

    So glad you liked the book. I did watch part of the remake over the weekend on YouTube. Armand Assante's performance is perhaps a little OTT at times. Ward's Moira was too brittle, yes. The remake's ending ruined the entire premise of the story - it was more like a Lifetime movie, or worse yet, a Jennifer Aniston rom-com - "will he show or won't he".

    Can't go wrong with the original I guess. And I don't think it could survive another remake. The science in the novel has been proven wrong - it could never happen like that anyways.
    Isn't the book lovely in a way? A tad stiffupper lip, but there are many touching moments in it. I don't blame you for not liking the TV remake; and you dislike it for the same reasons I do. A couple of good moments, but clumsily made. In both versions, they seem to have forgotten that Moira is young and vulnerable.
    Hi Ellen! Figured I'd find you watching the skating. Enjoy it all. Hope you are feeling OK. I've spent the day reading about skating on my laptop at the kitchen table. It's such an addiction. Did you see the NY Times article by Jere Longman today re the ladies? Such snark. Speak to you soon. Nancy
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