Discussing Tuberidze's latest interview


Well-Known Member
You are right that such harshness is not for everyone. Someone else, it might have broken that spirit. And some students might have had to stay with this coach because their parents and team insisted upon it. IMO such behavior should be punishable as it is essentially abuse.

Think of all the gymnasts who had to endure the Karolyls (sp?) for years. It true that the one student who died of anorexia (don't recall her name, think is was Christie ___?) did not do so until she had been away from Karoly for about 10 years, but even so, he could have instilled a fear of/aversion to food in her. I read about this in Joan Ryan's book 'Little Girls in Pretty Boxes'. The author talked about how Bella Karoly taught his students that eating was a weakness, and once shamed them for eating peaches.
Christy Henrich never trained with the Karolyis. She was coached by Al Fong. She died about 3.5 years after she retired from gymnastics.


Well-Known Member
I think she has a dry sense of humor so it makes sense that there is a binary reaction. She's a really interesting and complicated person. However, I could do without the Zagitova, Medvedeva parts and the part about Shelepen (and Medvedeva) raises the common concerns about nutrition and eating. I think the sport probably has to approach this systematically. There's an issue in the whole sport. I don't like the idea of raising the age limit because I think young athletes are very motivated and I don't like the idea of their goals and aspirations being taken from them; however, it did effect change in gymnastics so maybe it is something to think about. You aren't going to change the people, so make reasonable changes to the system that re-align the incentives.


Well-Known Member
Is it easier with dogs than with people?

Eteri Tutberidze:
You can’t harm a dog with your love. You can love and this will not harm it. And with an athlete, you need to be more careful.
Eteri Tutberidze: And what is there to perceive? Look, this is where the effect works really well. Everyone thinks that I am evil, and no one communicates with me. Therefore, I do not need to communicate with anyone.
Who is your main competitor now? Are you looking at someone?

Eteri Tutberidze:
In general, I do not like to look at anyone, because when I look at someone, I like everyone. Everyone seems to me stronger than us, it upsets me.
I find each of these statements at least as disturbing as the ones she makes about her former skaters.


Well-Known Member
I find each of these statements at least as disturbing as the ones she makes about her former skaters.
For me, the notion that love is harmful is particularly disturbing. Sure, I get the whole thing about tough love - but when you are dealing with young impressionable girls and young women, some genuine warmth and kindness would be on order, I would think.


Well-Known Member
I really don't get the Eteri hate. My 3rd grade math teacher was meaner than her.
Did she go to the media with her comments? Or put them on social media where they would remain in perpetuity and be debated by all and sundry? Did she divulge a congenital condition to the media that you and your parents preferred to keep private, as in the case of Tsurskaya? Did she bad mouth every one of her former students as soon as they moved out of her class?

Holy Headband

chair of the Lee Sihyeong international fanclub
This muffin character and the other eteribots are so funny. “Other bad people are worse,” “she’s not insulting her skaters, she’s just outlining environmental factors they struggled with that make them sound weak/unmotivated and her like a martyred genius to avoid taking responsibility for their results,” “it’s normal to starve 14-year-olds, my own homeroom teacher did it,” etc. Just comical to do this much water-carrying for a noodle-haired sociopath who doesn’t know you exist… without even getting paid for it.

Anyone who thinks it’s normal or excusable to talk about teenagers under your care in this manner, let alone to treat them the way she treats her students, needs to be kept away from children.


Well-Known Member
For me, the notion that love is harmful is particularly disturbing. Sure, I get the whole thing about tough love - but when you are dealing with young impressionable girls and young women, some genuine warmth and kindness would be on order, I would think.
She doesn't appear to love even herself. And if you can't love yourself, how in the hell are you going to love somebody else?


Well-Known Member
This muffin character and the other eteribots are so funny. “Other bad people are worse,” “she’s not insulting her skaters, she’s just outlining environmental factors they struggled with that make them sound weak/unmotivated and her like a martyred genius to avoid taking responsibility for their results,” “it’s normal to starve 14-year-olds, my own homeroom teacher did it,” etc. Just comical to do this much water-carrying for a noodle-haired sociopath who doesn’t know you exist… without even getting paid for it.

Anyone who thinks it’s normal or excusable to talk about teenagers under your care in this manner, let alone to treat them the way she treats her students, needs to be kept away from children.

You calling me an eteribot and the rest of the ridiculous sarcastic claims/exaggerations (who thinks she is a martyred genius?? lol) and being unable to post without resorting to personal insults speak more about you frankly :lol: Like why would I have an agenda to defend her and why would I give a rat's ass about her knowing what I post? :lol: This is just so absurd and preposterous. You and others on the Internet are completely triggered by Eteri literally opening her mouth to say anything at all regardless of how bad it is .. and by someone possibly disagreeing with your take? Just admit you are
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Well-Known Member
The way people twist themselves into a pretzel to defend everything she does when she admits she does things that have been shown to be harmful to students (such as the daily weighing, withholding food and water) is just so weird to me.
I don’t support her taking away food. doesn’t mean everything she says or does is evil. boy some of you really need some nuance in your thinking.


Well-Known Member
I think she has a dry sense of humor so it makes sense that there is a binary reaction. She's a really interesting and complicated person. However, I could do without the Zagitova, Medvedeva parts and the part about Shelepen (and Medvedeva) raises the common concerns about nutrition and eating. I think the sport probably has to approach this systematically. There's an issue in the whole sport. I don't like the idea of raising the age limit because I think young athletes are very motivated and I don't like the idea of their goals and aspirations being taken from them; however, it did effect change in gymnastics so maybe it is something to think about. You aren't going to change the people, so make reasonable changes to the system that re-align the incentives.
I don’t think she has a sense of humor at all. I think her seemingly dry sense of humor is her saying quite outrageous things in all seriousness and other people believing she must be joking.


Well-Known Member
You seem to be taking all the criticism from many people and treating them as if they were all coming from the same person. There has been plenty of nuance here.
They do sound about the same though. And no, no nuance. Like you saying criticizing work ethic (which is just being harsh) is the same as "dragging someone through the mud"... Great example of nuance there. About the same as calling me an Eteri Stan because I disagree with some viewpoints.. Zero nuance


Well-Known Member
Recreational skater Tonya Harding is said to still be doing triple axels, and she is not thin. Good technique does not depend on starvation
Yah sure Valieva is mostly jumping those triple axels and quads because she is being starved


Doing all the things
They do sound about the same though. And no, no nuance. Like you saying criticizing work ethic (which is just being harsh) is the same as "dragging someone through the mud"... Great example of nuance there. About the same as calling me an Eteri Stan because I disagree with some viewpoints.. Zero nuance

Definition of drag through the mire/mud

: to unfairly damage or ruin
His name/reputation has been dragged through the mire/mud.

So it is dragging someone through the mud to say they have a bad work ethic -- something that could cost them invites to shows and other work opportunities where it's important to have a good work ethic.


Well-Known Member

Definition of drag through the mire/mud

: to unfairly damage or ruin
His name/reputation has been dragged through the mire/mud.

So it is dragging someone through the mud to say they have a bad work ethic -- something that could cost them invites to shows and other work opportunities where it's important to have a good work ethic.

"Unfair" is key. And intentional is key. You are acting like she said this on purpose in order to be nasty (which is basically just your value judgement, because obviously what else could be?) so that Zagitova would not get invited to shows ( :lol: )as opposed to just recounting a story.

You are joking right about not getting invited to shows? Zagitova is SO popular and making a ton of money... don't think it matters EVEN if it was intentional...it would not do anything. Never mind, it was about her work ethic when she was kicked out and was a child, not in general.
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Rotating while Russian!
Honestly, I thought it was more of a dig on Alina's mum then on Alina. Also a "nice tone setter" for all the other prospective or current moms of skaters.


Well-Known Member
Yah sure Valieva is mostly jumping those triple axels and quads because she is being starved
I didn't say anything about Valieva, and, indeed, Valieva really isn't one of the particular subjects of this thread. And yet you admit that Tutberidze starves her students.

I don’t support her taking away food. doesn’t mean everything she says or does is evil. boy some of you really need some nuance in your thinking.
So if Tutberidze's skaters don't need to starve themselves, what, exactly are are the good things she says or does?

For me, it's that she loves her daughter and that she loves her dog. Her work as a coach? Not so much.

I feel sorry for her, but that doesn't mean I have to overlook what she does.


Well-Known Member
I didn't say anything about Valieva, and, indeed, Valieva really isn't one of the particular subjects of this thread. And yet you admit that Tutberidze starves her students.

I didn't say she starves her students, that's in your head... I said I don't support her taking food away and I don't support her views on nutrition... doesn't mean I think she straves her students though. Also, you didn't need to mention Valieva, but you are talking about her students whose technique is reliant on beong starved... we can read between the lines.

So if Tutberidze's skaters don't need to starve themselves, what, exactly are are the good things she says or does?

For me, it's that she loves her daughter and that she loves her dog. Her work as a coach? Not so much.

I feel sorry for her, but that doesn't mean I have to overlook what she does.

I don't know, that's for you to answer. You don't need to overlook anything, but saying her others can jump triple axels without relying on being starved surely implies that Eteri students can jump difficult elements because they are being starved, which is just laughable at best and hateful at worst TBH, but carry on.


Well-Known Member
Honestly, I thought it was more of a dig on Alina's mum then on Alina. Also a "nice tone setter" for all the other prospective or current moms of skaters.

Alina actually mentioned this during the interview with Kamila ("Was your mom there today, because my mom was not allowed to be my competitions" ) Don't know if this was shade or not

Yeah, she (Eteri) had more stuff to say about parents in the second half of the interview.


Well-Known Member
I don’t support her taking away food. doesn’t mean everything she says or does is evil. boy some of you really need some nuance in your thinking.
You don't support it, but you also don't really condone it either. It's becoming a redundant argument at this point but it can't be emphasized enough that Eteri's methods as she herself, her students, and Daniil all describe them falls under the definition of abusive methods and we've been seeing the effects of those methods on the long term success and health of her students for 8 years now.
It is not normal to take away food from students, it's not normal to forbid a parent of a 15 years old student from living in the same city as their child (putting aside for the moment if said parent should have accepted such a demand and the hypocrisy of her forcing that on her minor student while closely shadowing her own child), it's not normal that coaches proudly talk about a student being full after barely eating anything, her putting them on powders diet, or rationing water intake, or accusing a student that has openly talked about struggling with disordered eating that she let go of her weight and that's why she got injured (when said student was visibly underweight at the time). I can continue with this list but I think the point has been made. There's no nuance to be discussed here, what nuance can make any of these less abusive?

Some will read this list and think that it's all a plot against Sambo 70 because they are successful. I personally believe that anyone who reads this and doesn't feel like something is very wrong is blind, either by some weird loyalty to Eteri or simply by choice.


Well-Known Member
Folks, I think we have to be careful before accusing any coach of causing harm to their students unless we know for sure that it's happening. The truth is that none of us are at the Sambo rink.

And if we are going to blame Eteri for skater injuries and other issues, then do we also blame Raf for Nathan's hip injury, requiring a surgery that took him out of Worlds, or Adam's foot injury that took him out for nearly a year? Ashley Wagner had problems as well. Michelle Kwan had a hip surgery. Frank Carroll's fault? Let's not even get into Gracie and Christopher Bowman. Hanyu sustains injuries every year and even Jason Brown has had recent ones. Do we blame those on Orser and Tracy Wilson? Plushenko had major injuries. Must be Mishin's fault, right? I suppose all of these coaches teach lousy technique.

What we do know is that Eteri is blunt, comes across as cold and has no particular filter during interviews. Her interviews are put out there for the public so, sure, we can comment on that.

But let's toe the line a bit when it comes to placing blame on coaches for physical injuries, unless we have solid proof of such a thing. The truth is that, despite major talent and stellar coaching, injuries just happen. It's a risky sport.


Ubering juniors against my will
Cause and effect is a thing that exists. Eteri & team talk openly, even proudly, about teaching disordered eating. Their students end up with eating disorders. Human interactions are by nature complicated and multifaceted, but sometimes there really is such a thing as a straight line between point A and point B.

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