Sport24: Aleksandra Trusova leaving Tutberidze for Plushenko


Well-Known Member
Although this situation is providing great drama during tough times, I do feel bad for Danny G; I don't blame Rozanov at all for doing what's best for himself, but I'm sure it is a little tough to feel betrayed by someone who seems to have been a friend. It does crack me up that some fans (or maybe more like 1-2 fans on twitter) seem unable to distinguish between Rozanov and Dudakov because they have the same first name and now think Rozanov, whose existence they have literally just discovered, is solely responsible for the Eteri team's jumping prowess.
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You know that the coaches go with the young skaters to competitions, right? How are they supposed to contact their student if they get separated and they don't have their phone number? Call the parents (who may be on the other side of the world) to call their kid to call the coach back?

Yes I have been following the sport long enough to know this. Thanks so much for your sarcasm. Clearly judging from my inbox, quite a few people get where I am coming from with this. Just because it happens doesn't mean it is appropriate. It is NOT and it is this kind of casual attitude that enables the levels of child abuse in sports we are continually appalled at. The level of ignorance regarding child safety in this and many threads is beyond shocking frankly.


Well-Known Member
I hope Pluschenko has a person whose responsibility is to read the rules and make sure the programmes are following those rules. I would hate Trusova losing because she did too many quads/combos. Also remembering Pluschenko's idea about choreography (though I was pleasantly surpsied seeing his recent videos - seems the off ice training did pay off in the end, unfortunately 20 years too late) it should suit Trusova - hands around fingers sticking to all the direction, horrid posture, and jump jump jump jump!

I think the most important thing is they control her practice habits and reign her in if necessary. She has so much ambition. She wants to train all these different, and very difficult, jumps and her body is still growing. She's going to over train quads and 3As and her body will break down before she's 20 like Tara Lipinski's did? I hope not
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Tinami Amori

Well-Known Member
Well, soon we will begetting posts about all the bad behaviour Trusova allegedly did. @Tinami Amori , what’s your view of Trusova now?
We (me and other Trusova fans) love her and wish her well, but are concern about her and parents making right choices particularly the sequence of events they structured, and agreeing to Plush/Volkov's offers, even if 2 other coaches politely rejected taking Sasha.

This story involves several coaches and skaters, but i need to read what's been written here in the last two days, in order not to repeat the info. I personally don't know if Trus and Family were right insisting on 5 quads and a 3A in one programme and if TeamTutberidze was right no letting Sasha do them, because Sasha without those jumps still came in 3rd at RN and EC. No reason to prohibit a 15 year old with a strong character who is going through changes to do something that she is hell-bent on.

But over-all....... fans are worried what will happen to Sasha's jumps, but nobody is hating her or turning 180....... :)

I am more curious to see how many people on FSU will now start loving Sasha, instead of critiquing her skating for the last 2 years... :D

Off to read past 2 days notes here, if some info re this occurrence is missing, i will add... :cool:

The big question is - did she bring her flowers?
During xxxxxxx? After the quad/3A disagreement and coming 3rd at last two events? don't be crazy...
Not sure what I dread more, the "did she bring her flowers" inevitable discussion or Tinami doing a 180 and treating Trusova like Medvedeva 2.0
Eteri is back in Moscow for about a week now. Trusova's and Med's situations are VERY different.
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Tinami Amori

Well-Known Member
How do skaters even switch coaches now anyway? I assume the rink is closed so what is the point in "switching"?
There are two action in switching coaches, they sometimes don't relate.
  • notifying the coach/team of one's intent to switch, which is more about ethics, common courtesy, settling financial and other matters with the team.
  • notifying by proper protocol the club/rink's administration, FFK of Russia, FFK of Moscow in writing and filling out proper paperwork and forms, settling finances with these entities.

In Russia this later requirement, the administrative obligations, must be completed by ~ 3rd week of May of each year in order to be considered "did your duty properly", and issues with coach are more personal, but not always!
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Tinami Amori

Well-Known Member
No Trusova is not "kicked out of school for switching". Plushenko is another club, not Sambo, since Trusova is leaving Sambo she can't by rules study at Sambo's highschool... Plus it would not make sense for her to drive that far across Moscow from club to club.

:D If you switch colleges, you can't use the old college's library card or swimming pool.....[/url]

If I were Tutberidze I would invest on Sinitsina or Guliakova switching to her rather than Zagitova coming back.
Zagitova was announced last week on the FFSRussia official team (prior to Trus switch announcement), so is Trusova and other tops Kost/Shcher, Truk and Med.

With team membership comes funding.

Let's not forget that Valieva is moving to Seniors, and she is the one called for by many to win the olys.
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Well-Known Member
TBH staying beside her daughter at the expense of her empire is the first time I've felt some real respect for her as a person.
She couldn't return if she wanted to, there are no flights.
I don't think it's bad she's with her daughter, especially right now.
All I'm saying is that being in the US doesn't mean cutting off contact with your students. She could ask them or their parents how training is going or asking for video periodically. She could respond to their texts/emails. She could send them a message stating "I'm stuck in the US due to COVID, but I plan to come back when it's safe. Please send me any questions you may have in the mean time." It sounds like she's not doing any of that.


Well-Known Member
English translation of interview with Plushenko:

The interesting thing to note is that Trusova has made this move to Plushenko while she is in a position of strength and peak performance ... rather than in a state of decline (which is when many athletes move).

I know she didn't get the results she wanted this season, but I think that had a lot to do with the judges (rightfully) wanting to reward the beauty of skating like Kostornaya - rather than just elevating a jumping bean into first place.

It's that second mark that needs to be developed. A lot of that can actually be done with smoke and mirrors - I think my favourite Tuktamysheva is a great example of that. She certainly has presence on the ice, but I think a lot of that is attributable to her whole overall image as person just as much as skating. I think a team of Trusova and Plushenko will be quite interesting. Even association with the name Plushenko will probably benefit Trusova.

Tinami Amori

Well-Known Member
Trusova and Rozanov cantilever-ing away from Tutberidze
This is a foto from February, before any of this took place. Rozanov also coached Trusy on choreo details.
Rosanov's and Trusy's reason are very different. Other coaches and skaters involved.

True, Kanysheva left from Panova to Tutberidze, but where is she now! Injury and gone.
Kanysheva's recurrent injury from Nov 2018 (before switch to Etery) kept flaring up at the when she was with Panova (as per Kanysheva's last insta), and late in summer 2019 at Sambo, she would not be able to proceed to Senior Singles elite level no matter who coached her, she is now seeking an ice dance partner as per her announcement and plans to skate on.
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Like a small boat on the ocean...

Google translated extracts:

The boiling point was the fact that Anna Shcherbakova was the favorite in the group of the choreographer Daniil Gleichenhaus. According to rumors, one of the reasons for the departure of Yevgenia Medvedeva at the time was precisely Daniel, who devoted most of his time to the Olympics to Alina Zagitova. Trusova felt unnecessary in the Tutberidze group, as a result of which she began to decline, ”the source said.

As is known from sources, Tutberidze has been in the United States with a daughter for a couple of months and is not always in touch with students. Because of which, some of them began to get nervous. For example, doctor of the national team Philip Shvetsky noted that in conditions of self-isolation, Olympic champion Alina Zagitova often turns to him for advice.
For Trusova, this all the more became a problem, because she had long been worried that she was not given proper attention in the group. Another problem was the fact that Anna Shcherbakova became the favorite of the director of all the programs of the Tutberidze group Daniil Gleichengauz, and he did not hide the fact that he relies on her and devotes more individual time.
Although as much as that article wants to single out Gleichengauz, it's worth noting that Zagitova was his favourite and 'muse' but that still didn't prevent Zagitova from being overtaken.
:rolleyes::oops: I'm really surprised.. In our culture this is totally normal.

Plus Trusova is almost 16, he has own accounts on IG, probably on Vkontakte, etc. That is much more dangerous!

I am not sure about Russia but here you are legally of age at 18. At 16 you cannot enter into a contract, engage in negotiations, etc without a parent's concent in writing. Having a media presence for teens is really dangerous.


Like a small boat on the ocean...
I think the most important thing is they control her practice habits and reign her in if necessary. She has so much ambition. She wants to train all these different, and very difficult, jumps and her body is still growing. She's going to over train quads and 3As and her body will break down before she's 20 like Tara Lipinski's did? I hope not
Do you think she will last until 20 with that kind of battering? You are more optimistic than I.


Like a small boat on the ocean...
neither could 3Lz-3Lo, or 3A she started to consider at Snow Leopards or the frequency of high impact and repetition.
This underscores the need for parents to actually parent and monitor. (Yes I know some parents are after the trophies and status.

I know for myself, and I am old. I have a high pain tolerance and will keep going...even if it hurts. Athletes are taught to work through the pain. They have to be. The issue is when is the pain (for me it was my foot) actually a fracture (which it was) or something that needs treatment and rest.

I would like to see skating in a bubble where everyone is nurtured, brought along logically and at a pace that encourages safety................but that ain't gonna happen in professional sports.

Eteri can produce young stars. And part of that may be training to the code of points. But has Eteri produced a Michelle Kwan, Carolina Kostner, even Ashley Wagner................someone with longevity? I think she has not.

Tinami Amori

Well-Known Member
I'm curious if Veronika Zhilina also left (this hasn't been confirmed yet)
It is confirmed and there is a very long story starting with another skater (Novice) and her parents at Sambo who had a feud with Rozanov, exactly for favoring Zhilina, and holding back this Novice skater.

For the record - Zhilina was never Tutberidze/Dudakov/Gleigh's student. She was a member of Sambo school, yes, but her primary coach was Rozanov as all Novice skaters at the club.

Zhilina only left Sambo because of Rozanov's leaving announcement. He promised her a lot of benefits before that and now as well, and more exclusive ice time.


Well-Known Member
I am not sure about Russia but here you are legally of age at 18. At 16 you cannot enter into a contract, engage in negotiations, etc without a parent's concent in writing. Having a media presence for teens is really dangerous.

I understand what you are saying. Concerns like these do highlight the issues for an individual sport where athletes reach senior elite peak at 15.

Tinami Amori

Well-Known Member
Inquiring minds want to know: did Trusova shed a single tear when she left?
You need to ask her Father, he is the guiding light in all this, and "this is" a 2nd time..... he is spoke to Eteri and Team about leaving to try another coach earlier at end of last year. Eteri accepted some of the conditions and convinced him to stay.

Now the issue flared up again, in the end of April. Team Tutberidze could not accept all their terms. Then Vladislav Trusov tried to contact another coach, but he rejected. Since Trusovs' already told ET they are living and verbatim "Sasha will not talk to you, she is no longer training with your group", they had to accept Pluschenko's eager offer.
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Spun Silver

Well-Known Member
I think the most important thing is they control her practice habits and reign her in if necessary. She has so much ambition. She wants to train all these different, and very difficult, jumps and her body is still growing. She's going to over train quads and 3As and her body will break down before she's 20 like Tara Lipinski's did? I hope not
This Lipinski trope needs to die. Tara seems happy with her OGM and current life. She certainly doesn't appear to be crippled. I'd bet money she would do it all again.


Doing all the things
This Lipinski trope needs to die. Tara seems happy with her OGM and current life. She certainly doesn't appear to be crippled. I'd bet money she would do it all again.
I agree with you. OTOH, what if she had come in second or 3rd in '98 and then couldn't make it to SLC because her hip had given out? I think she'd look at it differently then.

So for a younger skate, I prefer a middle path where they can do 2 Olympic cycles if they need to in order to make their goals.

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