Royalty Thread #10 -Archie Phase 2 - Bold and Bald Still

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Banned Member
William & Kate have been married 8 years & have been handling the media attention much longer. I really don't think they are taking lessons from the Succexses Harry & Meghan.

ETA sorry, I can't spell

If you think so, I guess KP, BP and royal reporter cohorts are doing their jobs quite nicely in helping to plump up the Cambridges' public profile to positive effect across the board over the last year or so, and in downplaying the fact that the Sussexes have been positive role models in how they have approached their public duties. There was a time when both William and Kate were criticized for being lazy (which I think was unfair criticism). Still from all appearances, the royal reporters/ media have some information on William that they can and have leveraged (e.g., the Easter Sunday Times article that essentially threw William under the bus* seemingly in retaliation for his threatening to sue a media outlet for the 'affair' gossip).

* The Times article implicated William as wanting the Sussexes to move to Africa, which means that someone at KP had leaked information about behind-the-scenes ongoing discussions regarding possible future plans of members of the royal family. It's no secret (although the truth is not widely known) that the Sussexes were able to break away from KP and put together their separate household staff at BP exactly because there was proof a staffer at KP was leaking information about them and their unannounced activities (move to Frogmore; NYC baby shower) to RR Emily Andrews (of The Sun). Yes, the palaces have already spun the breaking away from KP development and the Royal Foundation split development, so the general public who don't do a deep dive on these matters are generally only informed to the extent of what they see and read on the surface.

After the Times blowout article, due to William being very important as the current second-in-line to the British throne, the Times and multiple media outlets subsequently had to backtrack on and spin the initial content of the Times article, which led to a lot of confused, contradictory narratives.

Sadly, the upshot of all of this is that when competing royal households decide to throw one member of the family (i.e., Meghan) to the media wolves, perhaps for distraction or other purposes, it does not bode well in the long term for other members of the royal family (i.e., Andrew & William, who both have had some things they've wished to keep on the down low recently).

But never fear, the Windsors are a family and they will likely ultimately all pull together. I just think it's a shame William couldn't have reacted more happily for his brother and been less anxious about the spotlight and the high public interest the Sussexes have received since their courtship and marriage. The OTT interest in the Sussexes ultimately is only temporary. Once the Cambridge kids grow up, the spotlight will shift to them. Plus, unless the monarchy is done away with after the Queen and Prince Charles have passed, William and Kate will be King and Queen. Why can't William be pleased for his brother Harry having found a compatible soulmate who has had a positive impact on Harry and on the monarchy and the British economy?

I know the going thing is to detract from William having any issues and to place negative focus on the Sussexes, and to rehash stories about Harry's 'bad boy' past. The truth is that both William and Harry got into trouble in their teens and early twenties, but Harry always took the fall in the media because he's the spare and William's the heir. Plus, Diana wasn't around to help guide and shield her boys, and also to help ensure they were treated equally as much as possible (which is what she wanted). William was taken over by the gray men (royal courtiers) and Harry was fed to the wolves. The unfortunate upshot being that William never really had the chance to learn from his mistakes. They are both good young men and brothers who share an important bond, so hopefully over time the current 'rift' will heal. It has been caused chiefly by the ongoing sibling rivalry which has always jocularly existed --but has been exacerbated recently by William's unfortunate and unnecessary angst about the spotlight. Oh, but oops, that's not the status quo storyline.
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Banned Member
They have also worked at forming a working relationship with the Royal Court reporters. Getting to know each other and understanding that they can work together so that both parties can reach their goals. I think we sometimes forget that the reporters in the royal gaggle are just everyday people trying to do their job and support their families.

Yep, that's the kool-aid the media really really want everyone to swallow. The Sussexes are angering and scaring the RR and some of the larger media outlets who are closing ranks against the Sussexes. M&H have drawn a line in the sand and are refusing to 'play the gnarly media game.'

Many of the RR are simply leeches like Katie Nichol (who has been outed for making up untrue stories), Emily Andrews, and Robert Jobson, et al. Having access to particular royals to write what they want is these reporters' bread and butter, not to mention the paps having access to photo-ops. M&H not being at Sandringham on Christmas Day puts a dint in the media's bread and butter -- that's why all the negative stories ensued regarding no M&H on the traditional church walk, as well as the flak surrounding Archie's christening and birth privacy decisions. Meghan & Harry have threatened the RR's bread & butter income.

If the media as a whole had simply backed off and acted more professionally (IOW, stopped lying, slandering & harassing) in covering the Sussexes' courtship and marriage, I think Harry would have been more accommodating (it's Harry who wants to protect his wife and family, and he has good reason for wanting to do so). In any case, it's too late now. The Sussexes will be standing their ground. The simple fact is that the media does not have anything on M&H, so there's no reason for them to kowtow to the royal reporters. The Sussexes have found other ways to speak directly to the pubic, and to utilize more professional and responsible reporters and media outlets.

Sadly, the rest of the royal family have been overly accommodating to RR for far too long, which in the long term has not been helpful to the royal institution as a whole.

On a happier note, the Sussexes have devoted fans all over the world who have once again responded to negativity against the Sussexes with a positive, global charitable effort in honor of the good work they do. I previously linked reports about the #SussexGtForest initiative started by Sussex fans on Twitter. The initial goal was to generate support and action to plant 10,000 trees worldwide in honor of the Sussexes (or to donate to conservation groups) between November 23, 2019 and May 6, 2020 (Archie's birthday). Within one week, the goal to plant 10,000 trees was reached and likely by now surpassed...
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Fluff up your tutu & dance away.....
@aftershocks, what you wrote boils down one thing: the rift is caused by William because he's jealous of the attention H&M are getting. You do a lot of research but no amount of research can tell you definitively what is in someone's heart. Unless William comes out & says "I've been acting like a jerk, I let my jealousy get the best of me" then NO ONE can know that's the case. And it's a ridiculous surmise. Harry has been more popular for years so this is nothing new. The only thing William can possibly be jealous of is Harry's comparable freedom. This also is nothing new.
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Well-Known Member
Maybe this "rift" is just the normal ups-and-downs many sibling relationships have throughout their lives. FWIW my mom came from a very close family of 8 kids. When her siblings and her were all having kids and raising families they were more distant. They were busy, and some in-laws didn't get along. Usual stuff. After the kids grew up they got very close again. It's a pretty normal development.

If we want to talk about a real sibling rift that seems to be lifelong and directly related to their very different upbringings and parental favoritism see Charles and Andrew.


Well-Known Member
A nice fluff piece about Kate and kids. Nice to hear that they are able to hang out at a sports club without being bothered. Also great that Kate can keep up a sport she loves.



Well-Known Member
Harry has been more popular than William for years? I never saw that one. Of course, I never knew about the Charles and Andy thing either. :cool:


Banned Member
And the soap opera retelling never ends:



Well-Known Member
Harry has been more popular than William for years? I never saw that one. Of course, I never knew about the Charles and Andy thing either. :cool:

I think Harry was always seen as the guy you could sit down and have a beer with. William was quieter and a little more serious especially after the death of their mother. Harry had some serious mis-steps - inappropriate fancy dress party get up for one - but the sympathy of the GBP due to Diana allowed him to be forgiven. Then he joined the military and went to the front lines and then set up the Invictus games. William got married and had kids and got on with the job of eventually becoming the heir. Not as attention grabbing as Harry so in polls Harry would invariably score higher than William. Not that William scored low. However in recent years that has switched around as Wills and Kate have taken on more and more royal responsibility and have of course produced 3 adorable kids. Harry at the time of his wedding was still highly popular but serious missteps since then have dimmed that popularity at the moment. I'm sure it will pick up again but will be entirely down to how Harry and Meghan come back from their time out.


Banned Member
Meghan & Harry aren't 'popular' with the press due to major British outlets being sued by M&H, and because as Harry said, "I will not be bullied into playing a game that killed my mom." OTOH, M&H are popular with the press in being used to create negative narratives simply because they won't play the media's game, especially not after the lies, leaks and character assassinations of Meghan throughout her pregnancy.

Once again, M&H will not kowtow to the royal reporters who are after M&H because right now anything written or featured on the Sussexes gets clicks and sells. A new monthly about royalty has recently hit newsstands with Meghan on the front cover, Kate on the back cover, and Meghan trashed inside in a hit-piece.

Meanwhile, there are plenty of people around the world who actually admire and appreciate the Sussexes for the important work and advocacy they are doing, not because of their royal status. The gotcha gossip and made-up stories can fool some of the people some of the time, but not all of the people all of the time.

I'm sure the Sussexes will come back from their holiday vacation carrying on with their work in the same dedicated, engaged and responsible way they have been conducting themselves. As Meghan said after her marriage, "I'm the same person I've always been..."

What all the gnarly Sussex critics, media harassers and palace leakers need to recall are these words by Meghan: "It's important to not merely survive, but to thrive..."

I have a feeling that Meghan was inspired by a famous quote by Maya Angelou. Meghan is known for sharing famous quotes and words of wisdom on her former Instagram, as well as on her & Harry's current sussexroyal Instagram. Although, I haven't seen her share this particular quote previously, Meghan is well read; surely she has widely read Maya Angelou's writings.

My mission in life is not merely to survive, but to thrive; and to do so with some passion, compassion, some humor and some style. -- Maya Angelou

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I see the sea
It's Nobel Prize bling time!!!

Queen Sylvia wins this year, I think. Victoria looks very dramatic and Madeleine may be going to the prom.

Meanwhile in Monaco...

And the Princess of Orange turned 16 a few days ago, photo taken by her dad (I guess there was no piloting to be done that day?)


Well-Known Member
Kate rolls out the bling for the Diplomatic Corps. reception at Buckingham Palace:

Edited for spelling

Better photos and lots more info:
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Like a small boat on the ocean...
Would someone explain sashes to me? Why does Kate (and others) wear the sash from right shoulder to left hip. Others (like the Queen) wears hers from left shoulder to right hip? I can't find information about it.


Well-Known Member
Would someone explain sashes to me? Why does Kate (and others) wear the sash from right shoulder to left hip. Others (like the Queen) wears hers from left shoulder to right hip? I can't find information about it.
It depends on the order, some are worn from left to right, others from right to left. The Queen and Kate are wearing different orders (Order of the Garter for QEII, Royal Victorian Order for Kate). Good explanations (with lots of photos) here: and here:


Like a small boat on the ocean...
It depends on the order, some are worn from left to right, others from right to left. The Queen and Kate are wearing different orders (Order of the Garter for QEII, Royal Victorian Order for Kate). Good explanations (with lots of photos) here: and here:
Oh! Thanks!!! I was really puzzled. I shall now read all about it just in case the Queen gives me one some day.


Banned Member
There are reports that Princess Beatrice's wedding has been penciled in for early June 2020, with the exact date to be publicly announced in January:

The above article also indicates that Beatrice & Edo had initially informed friends their wedding would be held at The Guards Chapel in St. James Park, but that will no longer be the venue. Probably the location will not be revealed for awhile because it hasn't yet been settled upon, and/or they may be reviewing more stringent privacy considerations.



Well-Known Member
What is the rift between Williams and Harry?

My understanding is that William expressed his view to Harry that Harry might be moving too quickly with Meghan. Harry, apparently didn’t take that advice very well. Now this is all conjecture because no one outside their immediate circle actually knows. In fairness to Harry, people who are in the first blushes of love/lust rarely take “slow it down” advice very well. In fairness to William, there is a lot of fairly recent evidence (Diana and Sarah) that quick courtships (and in Diana’s case quick pregnancies) can make the transition to royalty difficult. There is also evidence (Sophie and Kate) that longer courtships and waiting before having a baby can make the transition easier.

Again, it is impossible to know if Harry and Meghan had slowed things down a bit and perhaps waited another 6 months or so to get engaged and then married in the fall, if that might have made the transition easier for Meghan. I tend to think it may have for two reasons. One, it would have allowed Meghan to have a better understanding of what she was getting into. She has admitted now that she didn’t really understand it all. Second, Kate would have been on maternity leave through the summer and perhaps Kate and Meghan could have spent time together prior to the engagement. Getting to know Kate and getting her inside of knowledge might also have helped Meghan.

ETA: It might have also helped Meghan if she had spent time getting to know Sophie. Meghan and Sophie will have similar life trajectories as they move through the years, and listening to Sophie’s views and stories might also have helped prepare Meghan.


fsuniverse.COM (finally)
Staff member
Ok, I know it was only aired on the BBC over here but has anyone caught the show with Kate, William and Mary Berry that was aired on Monday? It was adorable! Kate came across wonderfully especially.

(@aftershocks, it’s not necessary to respond to this with an essay as to why Meghan is superior)


Well-Known Member
Ok, I know it was only aired on the BBC over here but has anyone caught the show with Kate, William and Mary Berry that was aired on Monday? It was adorable! Kate came across wonderfully especially.

(@aftershocks, it’s not necessary to respond to this with an essay as to why Meghan is superior)

It was a fabulous wasn't it. William and Kate were really relaxed and they highlighted not only their charities but also all those who work over the Christmas and New Year period to keep the rest of us safe. And Kate was really fangirling over Mary Berry 😍
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Banned Member
Ok, I know it was only aired on the BBC over here but has anyone caught the show with Kate, William and Mary Berry that was aired on Monday? It was adorable! Kate came across wonderfully especially.

(@aftershocks, it’s not necessary to respond to this with an essay as to why Meghan is superior)

Meghan is not 'superior' to Kate, Sharpie. Meghan is simply in her own right superb and brilliant, and a giver. In her own right, Kate is very kind and good at what she sets her mind to. In any case, it's not a contest. You might better advise @PDilemma to rethink her comment that "Kate has better genes than Meghan."

What is true in regard to Meghan becoming a British royal, is that she has generated new interest in the British monarchy by virtue of being American, and very accomplished, and coming from a uniquely different background. The interest in Meghan becoming part of the royal family has also brought millions to the British economy. Plus, the love story between M&H is fascinating. All the jealous haters should spend less time with the vitriol and more time just being inspired.

There's no question that Meghan's first project as a royal in planning and getting published the Together cookbook in support of the Hubb Community Kitchen (for victims of the Grenfel Tower fire) in 2018, inspired Kate and William to put together this delightful Xmas cooking show venture with Mary Berry. As well, Harry's upcoming joint mental health project with Oprah Winfrey's OWN network has surely served as inspiration for the Cambridges.

In addition, on a recent OnHeir podcast, royal reporter Omid Scobie, spoke to Camilla's son, Tom Parker Bowles, who happens to be a food writer and food critic who's written a number of cookbooks, and served as a judge on cooking shows, so Tom may also have been some inspiration to the Cambridges on the food-related front. I'm not the only observer to notice and comment on how much William and Kate are picking up on and being influenced by the pace, grace, ideas and style M&H have been exemplifying on their tours, their public engagements and with their humanitarian projects. Meghan especially has been very influential in utilizing her interests, skills and expertise to create charitable ventures that have made a difference and deeply impacted people in need.

The fact that you called on me Sharpie must mean that you expected to hear from me, regardless of not wanting to.

Here's the show with Kate, Mary, and William for those who may not have seen it yet:
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I see the sea
Sharpie: please skip the long post.
Aftershocks: your asking me not to do something must mean that you want me to do that very thing!

Moving on, greetings from Estelle and Oscar:


Banned Member
Your opprobrium is useless guys, and you know it. :D

Probably this bit of Prince Charles news was missed earlier this past summer:

Charles has always been a mover and a shaker and a project maker with productive ideas that have made a huge difference for people in need. That's probably one of the reasons why Charles and Meghan get along so well. :)


Well-Known Member
I am actually totally bemused that a poster can state that Harry's upcoming project with Oprah Winfry in regards to mental health has inspired the Cambridges. This shows how little they know about what William, Kate's AND Harry have done in regards to mental health and MIND which occurred way before Harry met Meghan. The Cambridges have also been attending and hosting Christmas parties for charities and those who serve us for several years - again way before Meghan came on the scene. The charitable work that William and Kate do has been influenced and inspired by Diana and Charles not Meghan.
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