Canadian Ladies 2017-18 season news & updates


Well-Known Member
KO - showed what she's made of even after that fluke fall. A good 6 triple skate.

Alaine - Same old - under rotations, constantly eecking out the landing on jumps. I still wish she would finally focus on one training base. Regardless she's solidly Canada's 3rd.

Tamura - SC jumped the gun again, she has not performed well in early competition. Combined that with Joanne's typical coaching style (which results in slow odd stroking, bad jumping technique, questionable packaging). I'm also sure Tamura would do better with another coach...

Austman - I really want her to succeed but she seems to have a mental block on her 3/3. Wish her team would have sent out outside of Canada earlier in the season to compete.

Others: Kelsey Wong is my dark horse favourite to be top 5 at Canadians. However I'm sure SC will find a way to hold her down. Waiting to see how Annie Barabe's skater fares this year *temporarily forgot the skaters name :)


Active Member
PCS in the 4s?? Ouch!! Sounds like she should be back on JGP.

Nope ; with only 5 slots this year ( thanks to Sarah's poor performance at JW.) we need to restrict JGP assignments to those who are either too young to compete senior internationally and/or need the JW minimum scores.

I guess they had to give Tamura a senior B based on the fact she made the national team but since the free skate at nationals she has not looked good.

Hannah Dawson is more deserving of a JGP than Tamura at this point.


Active Member
I think that SC jumped the gun. It would have made sense to wait and see how all the contenders did at their internationals (especially in the SP.) SC had made a big deal out of their requirement for a 3/3 in the short yet they continue to waive that requirement for Austman. Both her PCS and her GOE are also inflated in Canada. Why her team continues to have her do Wild Rose and BC Summer Skate instead of a competition or two in the US in the pre season is beyond me, and why SC allows it again is another mystery.

Part of the problem is that Skate Canada removed the ability to count US summer scores towards their totals. Last year many skaters went to Detroit as skaters could count US scores last year.

The only positive result that this policy had was that the Minto field was loaded. Almost all the skaters that did Detroit last year went to Minto this year.

However by going to Minto instead of Detroit , these skaters miss the experience of being judged by foreign judges and even experience against competing against strong Americans. Going to Detroit would better simulate international experience IMO.

Actually , almost none of our skaters went to the US in the summer. Skate Canada needs to allow skaters to count US scores to get them to travel there.


Well-Known Member
KO - showed what she's made of even after that fluke fall. A good 6 triple skate.

Alaine - Same old - under rotations, constantly eecking out the landing on jumps. I still wish she would finally focus on one training base. Regardless she's solidly Canada's 3rd.

Tamura - SC jumped the gun again, she has not performed well in early competition. Combined that with Joanne's typical coaching style (which results in slow odd stroking, bad jumping technique, questionable packaging). I'm also sure Tamura would do better with another coach...

Austman - I really want her to succeed but she seems to have a mental block on her 3/3. Wish her team would have sent out outside of Canada earlier in the season to compete.

Others: Kelsey Wong is my dark horse favourite to be top 5 at Canadians. However I'm sure SC will find a way to hold her down. Waiting to see how Annie Barabe's skater fares this year *temporarily forgot the skaters name :)

Agree with most of this although this was KO's first ever 7 triple skate. The lutz had neg GoE but I'm counting it. Only major mistake was 1A....and oh yeah, the belly flop!

Poor Sarah. She can rotate a 3Z/3T but all her skills drop off heavily from there. She's still young but risks skating in obscurity and without international assignments going forward until she can acquire the necessary upgrades. Looks a few years away.

Chartrand is dangling that third spot out there for anyone who wants it. No one seems interested. Sigh.
Austman's 3-turn in the middle of combinations is now a big problem in my mind. Not sure how she's going to break that habit.

I'm going to challenge you on the Wong prediction. I think Pineault is loved by judges more so she'll get PCS more readily. And I'm gonna call Tobin as the dark horse based on what I think was a six triple long in her summer skate in Thornhill. Mallet is a wild card but if she doesn't show up (figuratively or literally), I'm picking those two to surprise and potentially both make the national team while the others flame out under the pressure.


Well-Known Member
Part of the problem is that Skate Canada removed the ability to count US summer scores towards their totals. Last year many skaters went to Detroit as skaters could count US scores last year.

The only positive result that this policy had was that the Minto field was loaded. Almost all the skaters that did Detroit last year went to Minto this year.

However by going to Minto instead of Detroit , these skaters miss the experience of being judged by foreign judges and even experience against competing against strong Americans. Going to Detroit would better simulate international experience IMO.

Actually , almost none of our skaters went to the US in the summer. Skate Canada needs to allow skaters to count US scores to get them to travel there.

I would agree except that Austman didn't go to the US last year when it would have been counted and she didn't go to Minto this year. She also didn't need scores from the Summer Series because she is all but guaranteed to get through Sections (of course now she has a bye, but even without the bye, she could do doubles and get through Sections.) This year she once again stuck with the safe choice of Wild Rose where, barring disaster, she was going to be second to Osmond. She skated well there because there was no pressure. As soon as there was pressure at BC Summer Skate (she messed up the 3/3 again in the short and felt the need to put one in the long - which didn't work either) she fell apart.

I hope this isn't coming across as hating on Austman. She is a nice skater and I would love her to get the Olympic spot. I just think whoever is making decisions is not making good ones. Everyone know the BC and Alberta judges love her. Everyone knows her scores and level will continue to increase from Sections to Challenge to Nationals even with very similar skates. The problem this year is there will be even more pressure because the 3rd Olympic spot. Austman needed practice skating under pressure where a podium spot was not all but guaranteed. She should have been at Glacier Falls and Golden West at a minimum, working the kinks out and getting feedback from a different judging panel. If she was my child I would have had her back east at Minto as well.


RIP D-10
Although it's not in the GP Announcement, we've been assured repeatedly that there's a deadline for filling in TBD spots, which seems to be ~ four weeks after the confirmation deadline in August, this year August 15. Most of the TBD's were updated by September 15, with some coming in on the 19th and 20th. USFS's choices were among the ones updated this past week, but, by practice, only those with GP assignments are invited to Champs Camp, and the skaters who were assigned were those skaters identified last month. (The only question was Pairs, where there were two teams without announced GP assignments and one TBD, and, as it turned out, one was assigned to SA and another replaced the still recovering Kayne/O'Shea at CoC. It's consensus that the CoC replacement was a done deal or close to it by Champs Camp, and that's why Cain/Leduc were invited, too.)

So the Feds don't have the option to wait until they get Fall international results before making those TBD assignments. The French, Russian, and Chinese Feds have no hesitation about assigning the TBD host spots by the deadline, and then pulling them and re-assigning them or throwing them back into the pool later. USFS, Skate Canada, and the Japanese Fed: not so much. They generally stick to their decisions or don't submit the skater for assignment, like they did with Sandhu, who was guaranteed at least one spot by his prior season's results.
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Canadian ladies über
Next week are the Quebec sub sections for women and Veronik Mallet and Kim Decelles are listed. I hope they both compete. If Mallet skates well, or at least shows her previous technical level, as a former many time national team member, I hope she will get an international assignment. She would deserve to have a chance to have the tech minimums (hers expired). Similarly, based on 2017 nationals, I think Kim Decelles deserves a chance to get the minimums (she has the short 4CC/Olympics minimums only from last season).

I understand that as national team members Tamura and Austman deserved an international and I have no problem with them getting one. As I mentioned earlier I just wish they had waited to name the Skate Canada TBD.

Tamura's scores at ACI should be a huge wake up call. She quite possibly won't qualify to nationals skating that poorly.

Now the only other senior international listed on Skate Canada's page is the Warsaw Cup. I sure hope someone gets assigned. And considering that no subs were listed for any of the senior internationals, we have no idea who else might be getting consideration. And I will be very disappointed if Amanda Tobin doesn't get a chance to get the senior tech minimums, particularly after her strong skates at Thornhill.

Now I have a few other thoughts. Assuming the Olympic team does not go to 4CC (which has been past practice since 2006) - that means likely three skaters not named Omsond, Daleman, and Chartrand will get those spots. The only ones with the tech minimums now are Austman (she also has the worlds minimum), Tamura, Pineault, and Long. If no one else gets a chance to get the tech minimums, I wonder how low in the rankings they'd have to go to name the 4CC team.

Also in the link I posted earlier about Michelle Long (I'll repost it here: - she says

Not only am I trying to qualify for the National Championships and Team Canada (top 5), it is also an Olympic year and I want to be able to say I gave it 100% to give myself the best shot to be on that Team.

Now I don't think anyone is predicting she will make the Olympic team, but the fact that we have three spots, which means you don't have to beat Osmond or Daleman to make the team - has changed the mentality of some of the skaters this season. Similarly I remember in 2006 when Phaneuf announced she wouldn't be competing, it really opened the door for the second spot and Meagan Duhamel at the time spoke openly about how her chance just became more realistic. And I think we saw how that played out with poor skates from her and Hawker at nationals that year.

So we'll see how things shake up. I wish Chartrand could skate how she can. I mean she's shown it often enough (back to back SPs at Cup of Russia, free skate back at 2014 junior worlds, free skate at last year's Autumn Classic and Skate Canada, and 2016 nationals obviously) but lately she seems to be moving in the wrong direction.

Wow this post was long! Though I'm glad there's enough interest about the Canadian ladies this season, and hopefully beyond!


Active Member
I would agree except that Austman didn't go to the US last year when it would have been counted and she didn't go to Minto this year.


I hope this isn't coming across as hating on Austman. She is a nice skater and I would love her to get the Olympic spot. I just think whoever is making decisions is not making good ones. Everyone know the BC and Alberta judges love her. Everyone knows her scores and level will continue to increase from Sections to Challenge to Nationals even with very similar skates. The problem this year is there will be even more pressure because the 3rd Olympic spot. Austman needed practice skating under pressure where a podium spot was not all but guaranteed. She should have been at Glacier Falls and Golden West at a minimum, working the kinks out and getting feedback from a different judging panel. If she was my child I would have had her back east at Minto as well.

Agreed about Austman. It seems that the whole Mongrain ( not just Austman) camp decided to focus on Alberta and BC. I find that Mongrain's students have better skills than Mcleod's but don't seem to compete as well on a regular basis.
I don't remember the Mongrain camp sending any students to US summer competitions.

Mcleod is at least more willing to send her students abroad. She sent her students to Minto instead of Detroit due to the new rules.

Another strategy is to at least vary which Canadian events you send your skaters to . Ravi Walia sent his skaters to Thornhill last year. This year he sent them to BC.


Well-Known Member
@nadioso Austman skates out of the Coquitlam Skating Club, not Kelowna. She is coached by Zdenek Pazdirek. This is the club where Bêla and Benjam Papp (Finnish skaters) train as well as
Ronald Lam (Hong Kong) before he retired.

On the subject of Mongrain and Kelowna skaters, there have been some noticeable absences this year namely Olivia Gran, junior, and McKenna Colthorp, senior.


Well-Known Member
Part of the problem is that Skate Canada removed the ability to count US summer scores towards their totals..
I wondered why Can/US were under represented in each other's events. For years people criticized the US (vs Russians) because they didn't compete enough. Missing a real opportunity here to compete regularly - particularly since in at least 3 disciplines they are both strong.


Well-Known Member
Kaetlyn was simply wonderful. I totally disagree with TSL and think she did a very fine Black Swan. To belly flop like that and then nail the perfect 3loop (and the rest of the jumps) makes me so happy for her chances.

I think it is safe to say that no one should ever take seriously the "criticism" received from the Mean Girls at TSL. Regina George and crew are sensationalist that don't provide constructive commentary. It is all catty comments and backhanded compliments.

I consider him the Sean Hannity of figure skating "commentary".......


Well-Known Member
I think her Swan Lake is one of the more refreshing programs Ive seen this season. I liked the more dramatic make-up.

I like the intentionally darker interpretation to the Black Swan, and I think her power serves the theme well. This isn't Swan Lake. It's a disturbed dancer story. Everything is still beautiful to watch but it isn't gentle or delicate. It's dramatic and in your face. In that sense, the flop was very in tone with the music :lol:

I really hope though that she switches one of the spread eagles during the choreo sequence for an edgy move. Like a layover spiral or a Charlotte. Some sort of leap jump. Something that is more modern and more... crazy.


Well-Known Member
I like the intentionally darker interpretation to the Black Swan, and I think her power serves the theme well. This isn't Swan Lake. It's a disturbed dancer story. Everything is still beautiful to watch but it isn't gentle or delicate. It's dramatic and in your face. In that sense, the flop was very in tone with the music :lol:

I really hope though that she switches one of the spread eagles during the choreo sequence for an edgy move. Like a layover spiral or a Charlotte. Some sort of leap jump. Something that is more modern and more... crazy.

As far as I am concerned if Dave gets anything right it is coincidence. I love Kaitlyn's skating but overall look of a ballerina is missing for me. The only person I have been happy with doing ballet on ice is Marie-France Dubriel on Battle of the Blades where she did a dance that was so good. I think with me it is just the way you hold yourself. In ballet your neck is extended, your shoulders pushed down, your upper body pushed up from hips while the hips and butt are pushed down. Maybe it just can't be done skating but MFD did it (she did not do jumps in her routine however.)I am always looking for that in ballet on ice and I get so disappointed in everyone routine I have seen.


Well-Known Member
I just watched Kaetlyn. She looks great! That belly flop didn't faz her at all and she looks sharp. Some minor wrinkles but that's too be expected. I think this is a good vehicle for her. I'm looking forward to seeing Daleman


Well-Known Member
As far as I am concerned if Dave gets anything right it is coincidence. I love Kaitlyn's skating but overall look of a ballerina is missing for me. The only person I have been happy with doing ballet on ice is Marie-France Dubriel on Battle of the Blades where she did a dance that was so good. I think with me it is just the way you hold yourself. In ballet your neck is extended, your shoulders pushed down, your upper body pushed up from hips while the hips and butt are pushed down. Maybe it just can't be done skating but MFD did it (she did not do jumps in her routine however.)I am always looking for that in ballet on ice and I get so disappointed in everyone routine I have seen.

Surely you're not talking about this? Love MFD, but seriously LOL if you are. This is clearly comedy, a parody of ballet that she's doing with those straight arms and busted wrists.

I agree with @Marco , I think Kaetlyn makes a great black swan. Is she perfectly balletic? No, of course not. But she has a beautiful back and neck, her arms are lovely and she uses her head very well. Sure the leg line could be improved, but that doesn't take away from the overall program for me. Just the same way that Oksana's jerky, choppy crosscuts and fug layback position (neither of which are that swanly btw) don't keep me from thinking this program is the shit.


Well-Known Member
Surely you're not talking about this? Love MFD, but seriously LOL if you are. This is clearly comedy, a parody of ballet that she's doing with those straight arms and busted wrists.

I agree with @Marco , I think Kaetlyn makes a great black swan. Is she perfectly balletic? No, of course not. But she has a beautiful back and neck, her arms are lovely and she uses her head very well. Sure the leg line could be improved, but that doesn't take away from the overall program for me. Just the same way that Oksana's jerky, choppy crosscuts and fug layback position (neither of which are that swanly btw) don't keep me from thinking this program is the shit.

Yes I was...It was a comedy so she played with the funny arms but how she held her body and leg were perfect.

AngieNikodinovLove (ANL)

The Harem is now taking applications 😝
New article from Beverley Smith
Kaetlin Osmond and the dark side of a swan

GREAT article..

regarding this comment... Im so glad someone said it...

Sorry to say, but Medvedeva’s new routines look like carbon copies of the ones from last year. It’s the fragile, big eye, dealing-with-death look. The music titles might be different, the look is not.

I feel like not much range... same dresses, colors, facial expressions, hairstyles, gloves, no surprises in the jump elements (arms over the head).

If she wants my attention then a tango, or something that shows versatility.... even a pony...something...


Well-Known Member
I like Osmond's Black Swan for what it is. It's no Baiul but who is? Plus Baiul didn't have to deal with IJS requirements. Also, for me, I'm never going to get the ideal Black Swan (film) program because I don't think any skater has the ability to do what I want them to do with this soundtrack and theme in my head but it's probably impossible. The only person is probably Miyahara who starts out as tense Nina so focused on technical precision and perfection (Miyahara already lost that part with those jumps) but who has a hidden surprisingly (almost shocking) but then believable dark flirty side that comes out to make the black swan work (nothing I've seen Miyahara do has that). Because of that I'm ok with what Osmond is putting out and I think it's better than what Zagitova put out despite some nonsense from some fans about Zagitova being a true swan or whatever just because she's Russian.


Well-Known Member
My first impression of Black Swan mirrors my initial reaction to Tessa and Scott's choice of Moulin Rouge -- it's been done, so it's a difficult piece of music to truly own for the Olympics. But having said that, these Canadians are able to skate the crap out of it in a way that's memorable. So, overall, decent choice although somewhat conservative.

I'm now becoming more in favor of Swan for KO because she's really into it but more importantly maybe it's a great idea to find music you believe in that can also tap into your inner badass; not a bad strategy for Korea. Just being a pretty, likable, wholesome girl might not be enough. Try to find an edge if you can.

The best hope she can have is to be within a few pts of Med after the short and to skate immediately after her in the long. And if she goes clean like she plans to, I will just dare the judges to ignore the plusses she has over Med's skating and programs.

I'm glad writers are also pointing out the pantomiming and overcooked facial expressions in some of the Russian skaters. I just don't give it as much credit in the marking because to me it's not really choreography. You want to connect your movement to the music, not some story you have created in your mind. It's just a momentary veneer to fake out the judges on the PE mark akin to extending your tights over the boots to make your leg line look longer. I don't fall for it....and always thought it was a bit corny from the time I started to see it appear in Russian programs. Pantomiming accompanied by some look of shock or surprise or whatever. Rubbish, in my books, but that's just me


Well-Known Member
That was one of the best 3loops I've ever seen her do - usually a problem jump. I wonder if the fall distracted her just enough to not over-think it.

Right after worlds I posted that KO conquered the 3F/3T this past year and she would do the same with the loop in the next.
She only landed the 3F/3T once in comp -- at 2014 worlds SP, yet she did it something like 13 times in a row in comp this past season. That's progress!

Her last technical mountain (other than pushing more jumps into the bonus and maybe a 3*/L/3S combo) is the loop. All her interviews indicate she trained really well this summer and if you recall in her first summer event she landed it like a boss, just like at ACI.It looked like the jump was just ticking her off so she stomped on it. Good on her.
I'm not expecting a 100% hit rate but I now believe that SHE believes she's got this. Which is why I think she did it, belly flop or no.

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