Yuzuru Hanyu Divorced (updated)

On My Own

Well-Known Member
By the way, the fact that someone can obtain information does not mean that it can be published. This is why, I think, lawyers prevented the publication of many articles. Also, they probably had to use money. I would not be surprised that in some cases compromise solutions were found.
I didn’t work in the tabloids, but I know many cases when celebrities managed to convince the media not to publish scandalous materials. But it's still a stressful situation.
Honestly, IDK. Many Japanese also seem mad at him, also saw some Taiwanese people mad at him. Not sure if the perception on this forum is on the same page at all culturally, and Hanyu is East Asian 🤷‍♂️

A lot of them are questioning why divorce is the answer, and also don't seem to buy that the fans had nothing to do with it (well, this forum is on the same page for that last bit).

One point I saw someone bring up is why he never complained about paparazzi before when he was married. As in, just a post on X/Twitter saying it was getting out of hand could have accomplished something. Which is also fair.
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Simply looking
One point I saw someone bring up is why he never complained about paparazzi before when he was married. As in, just a post on X/Twitter saying it was getting out of hand could have accomplished something. Which is also fair.

Between sponsorships and ice shows he makes millions of dollars annually. One would think he could hire both security and attorneys to protect his privacy and put the most aggressive press and fans on notice.


Well-Known Member
I am one of those. I did have some broken bones, but it could have been much, much worse.
I always wear a seatbelt too. Even wearing a seatbelt depending on the type of crash can kill you too though.

Dodi and the driver were on the side that hit that big pillar. I’m pretty sure that wasn’t survivable even with a seatbelt. Especially with the speed they were driving at.

I’m not into victim blaming too.


Well-Known Member
Sorry folks, but I'm not buying into the "Poor Yuzu is such a victim" bs.

Hanyu has always had the power to stand up for himself. He chose to stay off social media, which I respect and understand. But he's never missed an opportunity to make a public announcement when he has felt the need.

His fans, especially while he was still competing, exhibited deranged behavior and posted all kinds of horrible insults and threats against his rivals. Yuzu could have easily posted a message telling them to back off, and it certainly would have made a difference, at least to some degree.

The fact that he never said a thing leads me to believe that he liked and approved of all the damage his crazy fans were stirring up and, through his own radio silence, encouraged it.

I tend to believe this whole marriage/divorce thing was a total crock. Sure, I may be wrong. Don't really care.


Hanyu has always had the power to stand up for himself. He chose to stay off social media, which I respect and understand. But he's never missed an opportunity to make a public announcement when he has felt the need.

His fans, especially while he was still competing, exhibited deranged behavior and posted all kinds of horrible insults and threats against his rivals. Yuzu could have easily posted a message telling them to back off, and it certainly would have made a difference, at least to some degree.
If he wasn't on social media, how would he have known what his fans were posting about?


Well-Known Member
Sorry folks, but I'm not buying into the "Poor Yuzu is such a victim" bs.

Hanyu has always had the power to stand up for himself. He chose to stay off social media, which I respect and understand. But he's never missed an opportunity to make a public announcement when he has felt the need.

His fans, especially while he was still competing, exhibited deranged behavior and posted all kinds of horrible insults and threats against his rivals. Yuzu could have easily posted a message telling them to back off, and it certainly would have made a difference, at least to some degree.

The fact that he never said a thing leads me to believe that he liked and approved of all the damage his crazy fans were stirring up and, through his own radio silence, encouraged it.

I tend to believe this whole marriage/divorce thing was a total crock. Sure, I may be wrong. Don't really care.
It would be great if it worked. Unfortunately, such statements lead to such fans turning into aggressive anti-fans. After all, it turns out that the idol does not appreciate their efforts


Doing all the things
Are people now looking up information using ChatGPT?? Hasn't this been shown to be fairly unreliable?
It can be unreliable but it's not "fairly unreliable." You just have to pay attention because once in a while it is wrong. I find it works well to summarize fairly straightforward information. It's when you ask it to think or do math or science or something like that where it goes off the rails.


Staff member
Let's just put it this way: If he wasn't aware of the fanyus' online antics, he was the only person on the planet who wasn't.
The skating part of the planet, maybe. ;)

I never paid any attention to any of it and only vaguely know about fanyus from passing references here.

But Hanyu's team would absolutely know. Trolling the net to see what is being said about your client is a big part of the job.

On My Own

Well-Known Member
Do you know for fact that any of the above were aware of the postings that were cited?
Well, they also attacked Orser, and Fernandez, and Oda... Even without a manager, I doubt no one told him.

But Hanyu's team would absolutely know.
So here's the fun part: a lot of his fans believe he doesn't have a manager or management company or "PR Agency".
He doesn't even have a PR agency. He has nobody in his corner except his loved ones + fanyus. No big scary company attached to his name to make malicious media outlets think twice before hurting him, no, they all see him as an easy target.
I think that second sentence - and the silence over it all on his part - has promoted some of the behaviour since PyeongChang.


Simply looking
There is no way he is fielding calls from all the people who he has deals with and press etc lolol. He has to have some kind of management/lawyer/something.

Per this article: https://english.kyodonews.net/news/...announcement.html?phrase=Dexamethasone&words= he has a management company (which, of course, is obvious) although it isn't named. And you know that management company has lawyers who vet their client's contracts. Poor Rose is just another delusional Fanyu.

On My Own

Well-Known Member
There is no way he is fielding calls from all the people who he has deals with and press etc lolol.
I remember someone tried to tell me his mom does it :lol:
Poor Rose is just another delusional Fanyu.
Ohhh, it's not just her. His image among chinese fanyus is that they need to 'protect' him because he has 'nobody else', which is a big part of what makes them so downright nasty to everyone. Worst skating fanbase ever, Korean yunabots could have taken lessons from them if they wanted to be more horrifying.


How long do we have to wait for GP assignments?

I'm sure this will help a lot.

Y'know, I'll just say it. These people weren't even this frenzied about Denis Ten's murder, and some sickos were saying it was "karma". But Hanyu getting "divorced due to the media" needs letters to the Mayor of his hometown because he's "a national treasure". Whatever.
Actually, what is most disturbing is how those nuts are attempting to couch their "concern" as not limited to Yuzu but for ALL citizens & residents of Sendai. Savior complex much?

On My Own

Well-Known Member
Actually, what is most disturbing is how those nuts are attempting to couch their "concern" as not limited to Yuzu but for ALL citizens & residents of Sendai. Savior complex much?
Also, I doubt things like these are helpful on the "tabloid" level. Hanyu is getting called arrogant, cowardly, 'mama's boy', misogynist - sure the opinion's divided, but the negativity does exist and quite a bit. Seeing that there's already some discussion among the Japanese if his fans weren't contributing to it and that the reason seems bs, it's going to only take some crazy tabloid journalist to take offense, dig further, and expose more. It's prime fodder to go interview the woman's friends, or find the woman herself to see if she's mad, get the real reason, gossip about Hanyu's family, see how much alimony she got (or if he got a pre-nup, which will then sink him more, I am guessing)... so on.

They're too stupid. But it's just time to kick back and enjoy, IMO.


Well-Known Member
A local press from Hanyu's ex-wife's hometown Yamaguchi, which was the first and only press reporting the real name of his ex-wife in Japan, criticized him for “throwing them under the bus” and hurting the feelings of the local people.

They said that they received complaints from the fans questioning them why they decided to announce her name. They said that They didn't see any problems announcing her name because her ex-wife is a well-known violinist in Japan, not an ordinary person, and comes from one of the most renowned families in the region. They reported that they treated it as a huge event that was worth celebrating for the locals because their local celebrity married the Olympic champ. They respected human rights and contacted the lawyers. And even, after the news came out, they never received one single complaint from her ex-wife's family.

On My Own

Well-Known Member
From page 2, google translated:

Protect "Mayu-chan" until the end​

The person in charge revealed his true feelings about this divorce as follows."We know we're being beaten. We are also aware of what Hanyu revealed on social media, but those of us who live in the countryside do not understand the feelings of the famous person.He is a famous athlete. Moreover, his wife is also an entertainer. Despite the private, privacy criticizes the media. Hanyu used to actively promote his photo book some time ago, but he uses the media only when it is convenient for him, and blames the media when it is not convenient. What do you think of this?Is it normal to make such a presentation in the first place? Mayuko's name was not revealed in the marriage announcement, but was it something to keep secret in the first place? I think she's the one who doesn't need to be. He is a fine violinist, and when he comes back to the countryside, he will play for the children even in Nogala. Lovely woman and a local treasure.However, when her name became public and she was inundated with interviews, she said, "Then I'm going to divorce you." I was like, 'No, wait a minute.' From our point of view, the local child was made to cry. Please protect Mayu-chan until the end. If you're a man, defend it to the end. That's my honest feeling.I talked about human rights earlier, but it's a good point that misogyny is to try to hide your marriage partner. It's extremely rude to women. Is it permissible in this day and age? Does it mean that you should leave because the world knows about it? I think it's possible to make a fool of a woman so much. Isn't there too little sense of what has made one person unhappy?In just 3 months.... I'm suing if I'm her father. I know her dad very well, but I'm disappointed in heaven. I took great care of them and nurtured them like treasures."

"Too poor"​

In response to the announcement of the divorce, Mayuko's hometown has been receiving a series of angry voices.One man describes the "discomfort" he felt in the course of the process."Her parents' house is one of the most prestigious families in the area. Dad and Grandpa were local celebrities, and many people took care of them. Apart from Hanyu's core fans, I think all the locals are angry.Break up with a woman easily. Moreover, it will be announced in this way. Why is that allowed? If the person is a celebrity, what should happen to his wife? Are you making fun of yourself just because you're from the countryside?They only think about themselves and the fans who support them. I feel so sorry for Suenobu's abandoned daughter."Another local man is outraged."I don't want the world to know who I'm marrying, and I don't know why. Is it because they have a dedicated fan base? If you want to stay popular, wouldn't it have been better not to have a wife?It's a pity that they are not treated as equals as human beings. Mayu-chan is a fine violinist. If she says, 'I can't stand it,' then not yet.It is impossible to declare unilaterally. The voice of the Suenobu family does not come out at all, but is it a situation that cannot be said? Is this the case in the world of figures?"What would Hanyu think when he heard his wife's local voice?
So according to this, she was indeed the violinist mentioned earlier.


New Member
Wow, the news of Hanyu's divorce is causing quite a stir, especially in the local community of his ex-wife. It's interesting to see how people are reacting and expressing their opinions.

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