What Program Have You Rewatched the Most?


Well-Known Member
As skating fans, there's always a few skaters/performances that we watch over and over again. I was curious to know what everyone's most watched performance would be. Even though I'm a lifelong Kwan uber and a huge Shibs uber, and me saying pairs is probably my most ignored discipline (not that I ignore but I'm more obsessed with the other disciplines), I think the performance I have watched the most would be Shen/Zhao's 2003 Worlds LP. Just everything about it is perfection to me (despite their less-than-perfect positions on lifts exits and such). A close second would be their 2003-2004 GPF LP to The Nutcracker.


Well-Known Member
I'm partial to this video of her Skate Canada performance because of the added commentary (click the closed captions button) by the uploader:

Since the thread topic is the program, I chose the Trophée Lalique version in glorious black and white. The Skate Canada version had the best ending. At any rate, that program is amazingly well constructed. I keep seeing new details every time I watch. It's a shame that she never performed it cleanly at least once in competition, but at least we have three :gallopin1-POTS-worthy performances from the Grand Prix.
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Well-Known Member
Since the thread topic is the program I chose the Trophée Lalique version in glorious black and white. The Skate Canada version had the best ending. At any rate, that program is amazingly well constructed. I keep seeing new details every time I watch. It's a shame that she never performed it cleanly at least once in competition, but at least we have three :gallopin1-POTS-worthy performances. (Cup of Russia was something else too.)

There was always something new I catch every time I watch it as well. I wish more programs nowadays were that interesting. Maybe I should have appreciated Averbukh's Medvedeva programs more.


Well-Known Member
For me, it's probably these three:

Khokhlova/Novitski - Night on Bald Mountain

Akiko Suzuki - Bird

Rahkamo/Kokko - Tchaikovsky

Those are not my three favorite programs, necessarily, but I do think they're the ones I've seen and shown other people the most.

I love all three too. Akiko Suzuki's Bird LP is a masterpiece IMO. 1991 Worlds had some of the best free dances ever, including R/K's parody of the overly serious and thematic programs coming out during that period.

I always feel bad for Khokhlova/Novitski. It's like once Domnina/Shabalin were out their stock went way up and once D/S came back in, K/N just dropped like a rock down many many places. I thought the judges would be more careful about not making ice dance judging and preconceived hierarchies look so transparent but I guess nobody cared. I guess all the politicking power was exhausted to ensure D/S won 2009 Worlds and medaled in 2010.


scratching at the light
The first one that springs to mind is Alaine Chartrand’s “Pina”. Just a little gem, choreographically, and really showcased what Alaine is capable of.
Also, Savchenko and Massot’s “That Man” is totally charming. Love every single moment, the blending of dance and sass and athleticism is everything I want.
Elvis Stojko’s “Dragon”. No, he was not graceful or elegant, but he was powerful and dynamic, the music was glorious, and incorporating martial arts movement was unique and innovative.
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Banned Member
Recently, Savchenko/Szolkowy's Olympic fp; James/Cipres 2017 Euros performances, 2017-18 Say Something fp, and 2018-19 Wicked Game fp, plus Julie Wie's J/C montages; Duhamel/Radford's 2016 Worlds fp, and their vintage 2012 Canadian Nationals fp; everything by Papadakis/Cizeron; Hubbell/Donahue 2017-18 programs; ShibSibs greatest hits, especially 2018 Olympic FD; everything by Nathan Chen, especially best performances of Nemesis, his junior sp to a Michael Jackson medley, his 2015 junior Worlds fp, his 2018-19 performances at U.S. Nationals and Worlds; Jason Brown's best performances including Riverdance, 2016-17 programs, and 2018-19 sp; Adam Rippon's 2015 U.S. Nationals performances, and his 2016-17 and 2017-18 best performances, especially his O (Birds) fp; Karen Chen's On Golden Pond sp; M-T/M's and Seguin/Bilodeau's 2018 Canadian Nationals programs; Cain/LeDuc's best 2018-19 season's performances and their 2018 4CC performanes; Kayne/O'Shea's 2018 4CC fp; I can watch all sp and fp of U.S. pairs teams, especially this past season, on a perpetual rewind because I love U.S. pairs! 2011 U.S. Nationals junior pairs event is also fun to look back on nostalgically.

Ladies today worth watching more than once include Kaetlyn Osmond 2018 Olympics performances; best gems by Satoko Miyahara; Wakaba Higuchi's Skyfall on the 2017-18 GP and especially at 2018 Worlds; Mihara and Sakamoto at their best, plus vintage Mirai Nagasu, particularly her 2018 Olympic team performance

Vintage Michelle Kwan; vintage Paul Wylie; vintage Denis Ten (especially 2013 Worlds programs to The Artist, 2014 Olympics fp; 2010 Worlds, and 2015 fp); vintage Kurt Browning; vintage Brian Boitano; 1996 U.S. Nationals Rudy Galindo, and some of his pro programs; vintage Jeremy Abbott; vintage Johnny Weir; vintage Scott Williams, especially his pro performances; Joshua Farris 2015 U.S. Nationals sp and 2015 4CCs sp & fp; Tonya Harding 1991 U.S. Nationals fp; Midori Ito 1988 Olympics & 1989 Worlds; vintage Matt Savoie; vintage Ryan Jahnke; vintage Derrick Delmore; best performances of Rohene Ward; vintage Janet Lynn; vintage John Curry; vintage Toller Cranston; vintage Torvill/Dean; vintage John Misha Petkevich; vintage Shen/Zhao; best of Sale/Pelletier; vintage Anissina/Piezarat; vintage Davis/White; vintage Virtue/Moir; vintage Babilonia/Gardner; best of Meno/Sand; best of Bereshnaya/ Sikharulidze; best of Ina/Zimmerman; best hits of Patrick Chan, Stephane Lambiel, and Tomas Verner

I love looking back at Steigler/Zimmerman's 1997 U.S. Nationals performance to The Sorcerer's Apprentice:

Christopher Bowman's 1987 U.S. Nationals Exhibition to Maria:

Castelli/Tran's 2016 U.S. Nationals Exhibition to Try:

Judy Schwomeyer/ James Sladky's 1970 Worlds FD
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TQtsCOm9Byk (thanks to @floskate)

Lang/Tchernyshev's Parisenne Walkways: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pc_hSrLA4VQ

Usova/Zhulin's Summertime: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mdij7eJeEzY

John Misha Petkevich montage by floskate:
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Well-Known Member
Plushenko's Tribute to Njinsky at the 2004 Russian Nats. That program is sublime!

I also love Peng/Jin's Ophelia, I've rewatched that one quite a bit :D

Also a whole bunch of T/M programs, I particularly enjoyed their Lord of the Dance and Glam programs.


Marquessa of Chartreuse
Klimova/Ponomarenko FD 1992
Papadakis/Cizeron Mozart + To Build a Home
Yagudin 2002 LP The Man in The Iron Mask
Rakamo/Kokko 1992 FD (Carolyn Carlson ballet)
Kevin Aymoz 2018/19 SP and LP


Well-Known Member
There is not one performance that has left such a huge impression on me that I keep re-watching it multiple times. For me, outstanding programs are best enjoyed once - the more I watch them repeatedly, the more likely I am to start breaking down the program and looking for flaws, and that for me takes away from the enjoyment.

That being said, when I was very young I was so captivated by Shizuka Arakawa's Turandot LP (2004) and Sasha Cohen's skating and programs that I kept re-watching them non-stop..


Reformed Manspreader
Berezhnaya and Sikharulidze's Lady Calyph and Papadakis and Cizeron's Mozart are my two big go to's when I feel like watching something in a classical bel canto style.

Also, Javier Fernandez's Guys and Dolls from 2016 Boston

M&D 1994 Rach 2
Lu Chen 1996 Rach 2

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