The Dance Hall 9: Bring the Bling or No Beijing 2021-2022

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Well-Known Member
Will P/C continue skating? I wish they are. No other teams like that unfortunately on the horizon. I hope US top dance teams retire - we need new blood. I need anyway.




Well-Known Member
It's not the fireworks-filled final two flights that it could have been. Many teams had errors, significant and minor. And the lack of an interested audience really dampened the energy. Performance-wise, I feel that the top teams did as well as they could with the materials, and given the circumstances --- the fact that there's few truly inspired/"magical" programs this season can't be denied. P/C could have pushed the technical envelope more, given their skills, but at the end of the day, you compete within the rules that govern your discipline at that particular point. Here's hoping that everyone who chooses to compete at Worlds in a month will get to feed off of the audience's energy and skate with less pressure, and that we as a result get to have a competition of superior quality across the board to conclude this Olympic cycle.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, I thought it was a well-skated event, considering. But it was super obvious how much pressure everyone was under. The stress falling away after their skates were over for P/C, S/K and H/D was so obvious. They just all seemed relieved that they hadn't made mistakes and spoiled this moment they'd all been working towards for years.


Well-Known Member
P/C the clear winners, though I don't think their costumes match. It looks like two people who met on the street - her after leaving a cocktail party, and him walking out of a dance club.
Agreed. Smart&Diaz also didn’t match. His costume was fine and in the theme while hers was completely off. I didn’t thought it was pretty either. It looked “cheap”.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, I thought it was a well-skated event, considering. But it was super obvious how much pressure everyone was under. The stress falling away after their skates were over for P/C, S/K and H/D was so obvious. They just all seemed relieved that they hadn't made mistakes and spoiled this moment they'd all been working towards for years.
I thought the performances of the Final 4 were great, but yeah the collapse of pressure after each skate was quite something. You can see how much internal and external pressure was on each.


Well-Known Member
Looking at the actual Olympic results compared to what I would have predicted:

Top 4 was pretty much as expected.
Guignard/Fabbri placed better than I expected. I had Gilles/Poirier and Stepanova/Bukin over them. Happy for them.
Fear/Gibson lower than aimed. Losing to Smart/Diaz could have been on cards, but I thought they would have beaten Fournier Beaudry/Sorensen.
Hawayek/Baker and Wang/Liu ended up where I thought they would be.
Lajoie/Lagha won the battle for 13th place over Davis/Smolkin.
Kaliszek/Spodyriev lower than I thought as I had them 15th. Obviously the double fall costed them at least one position.
Then there was a big group of teams all close to each other this season, I wouldn't dared to predict how they would have broken. In the end, Taschlers and Armenians were the ones with most satisfying outcome.
Kazakova/Reviya's position is not surprising given what we have seen (or not seen given their injuries) this season. However, if you had told me a few years ago that they would have ended up below the Taschlers, I would have been surprised. Given their Junior careers, I would have expected a trajectory around Davis/Smolkin's positions.


Well-Known Member
I was watching again G&P and I was wondering, with all the people crowded at Dubreuil camp, how can more people don't go to Carol Lane? I think she has done a great job with G&P both as skaters and programs. Especially, I always loved their programs.


Grumpy Cynical Ice Dance Lover
It was headed in this direction throughout the season, but I think a 121.41 FD score for Smart/Diaz is the most stunning result of the competition. 6th place in the FD is just wow!
And wait for worlds.
If you do take P&C out, IMO that's the best choreographed piece of the FD this season. I'd have C&B too ex-aequo.
The spanish FD is good in that it's their storytelling hat is important in that FD; back to the good old days of 98-2002 's genra of FD.
C&B are pushing themselves too, and they're beginning to be so much more interesting than before I hope they stay one more season at least.


Well-Known Member
I was watching again G&P and I was wondering, with all the people crowded at Dubreuil camp, how can more people don't go to Carol Lane? I think she has done a great job with G&P both as skaters and programs. Especially, I always loved their programs.
With G/P, I don't feel that Lane has found a way to mask their weaknesses.


Well-Known Member
Not this season. She has tried to "redo" what has worked for them before. But both programs are a miss.
I've watched their FD at the Olys for the first time this season and my impression just was: "Haven't they skated to that already? And better?" The music does nothing for them, the costumes in the individual event were not good. None of it worked.
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