Tessa Virtue & Scott Moir, #46 : Until the End of Time

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I think its ridiculous that they were lowballed in performance scores and how they got the strictest judging panel this season in ice dance. Wacky, huh? you know what's even wackier? when didier stated on his PUBLIC TWITTER that P/C deserved to be champions. fast forward a season later and this is worryingly becoming true.


Hey, Kool-Aid!
I think its ridiculous that they were lowballed in performance scores and how they got the strictest judging panel this season in ice dance. Wacky, huh? you know what's even wackier? when didier stated on his PUBLIC TWITTER that P/C deserved to be champions. fast forward a season later and this is worryingly becoming true.

Serious questions: Are you a parody account? Do you get paid per post?


I see the sea
you know what's even wackier? when didier stated on his PUBLIC TWITTER that P/C deserved to be champions. fast forward a season later and this is worryingly becoming true.
President of the French Federation thinks French skaters are best, would like them to win. What a scoop!

V/M are amazing skaters and have deservedly accomplished a lot over their careers. They're not robots, and some of their performances are better than others. The judging should reflect that.


Well-Known Member
I'm probably the only one but I think this is good for them. They got their personal best in FD - a sign that the work they've been doing is worth it. It wasn't enough to break the WR - that is a motivation to keep going and get even better and better. It sounds insane that top athletes should get even better, but I believe that there's room for improvement every time for everyone.

Some people may say that MR was a bad choice. Well, even if some of you here don't like P/C, remember their FD last season: it was too demanding for them to get everything right at the key moments. It took them the whole season. So comments like "the battle for gold is already decided" are ridiculous. Nothing's decided. GPF will be a big teller, but even this result won't guarantee the winner the Olympic gold. When it'll come to the Olympics, it'll go down to edges and which team will be able to avoid even a tiny little mistake/s.

Anyway, I'm still wondering how can Tessa jump backwards like that. Wow. And what was that? :D https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j98eTnqtKaU


Well-Known Member
I think for me, it boils down to the fact that I think V/M's FD is just as amazing as P/C's FD but the mark's aren't reflecting it. Do I think V/M's FD at NHK is two points behind P/C's? No....I don't. So a part of me is very worried that a clean V/M won't be able to beat P/C which in my opinion is nonsense because I think V/M are the stronger team in terms of edges, lifts and equality in skating and quality of elements. You can tell me till the cows come home that P/C have a program that equals V/M in complexity and I still won't buy into it because I can see that what P/C's skating skills are not 2 points ahead of V/M's. Do I think they could be? Possibly...but Moonlight Sonata isn't the vehicle that convinces me of this. Maybe in two years when they finally decide to come out of their comfort zone and because more equals because at this point, I feel like Cizeron carries that team. So that's always a frustrating because I feel like the scores should be more reflecting of skating skills. That said, I also realize it's almost impossible to compare against two comps's so I think unfortunately we'll have to wait till GPF to see how both teams fare.


Well-Known Member
Get out of here, you don't see us coming into P/C's thread and acting like snide-rude ubers. How are you even a moderator when you are so blatantly biased and rude? SMH.

Be careful, Cherryblossomgal.

A lot of members here have been on this board and its predecessor board for a very long time (depending on your age, perhaps even before you were born), including allezfred. You I never heard of until about an hour ago!

In some situations, there is a certain loyalty 'to our own' on this board, IMO.

You may be setting yourself up to get badly beat up on here, and I don't know why anyone other than a masochist would want to do that.


Well-Known Member
For a bit of perspective - last season, Tessa and Scott were beaten by Chock and Bates in the FD at Skate Canada, their first GP event, and barely managed to squeak out an overall win. P&C won their first GP event handily. Everyone was predicting that P&C were unbeatable and would win everything that season and that V&M should aim for silver in their first season back to set themselves up for a real challenge in Olympic season, since gold clearly would go to the French.

Did that happen? Obviously not. V&M shockingly (to many people) beat P&C at their first head-to-head competition and then went on to be undefeated all season.

We cannot really compare scores from event to event or see who the judges truly prefer until the two teams are in the same competition. Even then, as many sane posters have pointed out, the victor between V&M and P&C will come down to who hits their levels better on that given day.


Well-Known Member
I could not watch the competition live, but when I saw their PCS I was about to come to suggest that V / M should change their program for Carmen, finally almost everyone has already declared that they do not care about variety, but then I watched their performance, and the truth is that they were fabulous, I do not think there is a need to change the program, what should change are the judges, haha.


Well-Known Member
I know, something wrong with me, but i like both programs this season. Maybe judges didn't like FD, if PCS at NHK on one point less, then in Canada, but this didn't change my personal opinion about MR and that nobody could move, like this.
And the only regret for me is, that TS will not skate in Europe this season and i and other fans from Europe couldn't tell lats goodby to them and watch this amazing programs.


Well-Known Member
And the only regret for me is, that TS will not skate in Europe this season and i and other fans from Europe couldn't tell lats goodby to them and watch this amazing programs.
Same here. I would have so loved to see them competing this season. Now I just hope that they will do an ice show in central Europe in the future. I just don't want to think about not being able to see them again.

As far as the competition goes, I had to realize that I just can't watch them live. I'm so nervous that it's impossible for me to enjoy their skating. :D
Really stupid but I can't help it. After being really upset about their scores earlier I realized that maybe it's better like this. Now they have a couple more weeks to really work on their weaknesses and shine even more at the GPF and in the end to get the perfect score sheet at the Olympics.

This is one of my favorite moments of this competition. I love Scott and his fear of mascots :rofl:: http://olyagasanova.tumblr.com/post/167406216242

Edit:On a shallow note, I forgot one important person. I would really like to congratulate Scott's hairdresser on a job well done. Scott was really good looking this weekend. I was so scared that we would have to deal with a manbun this season :p.
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