Russian Figure Skater tests positive for drugs - delays ceremony for team medals

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Well-Known Member
Lol I genuinely thought the grandpa excuse was just a fan fabrication. I am absolutely amazed it's real. Slow clap for all involved in that amazing piece of absurd theater.
Baloney. This drug is a substandard, relatively ineffectual drug within the category. No competent physician would prescribe this drug for atherosclerotic heart disease/angina.


Well-Known Member
Well now we've almost heard everything until the next ROC positive test, I guess. LOL. Look they've tainted themselves. People will always sort of squint sideways when they look back at the history books.


How long do we have to wait for GP assignments?
I just hope we don't find out Anna and Sasha were also drinking from Kamila's grandfather's glass...
No. Sasha was sharing kisses with her dogs, who were also kissing grandma! ;)

Not sure what Anna's excuse will be... maiden aunt?


Well-Known Member
So I guess her lawyers and family are going for the "Hookers and Blow" defense.

There's a bit of a twist. Grandpa apparently threw up in Valieva's mouth. If Valieva herself is putting forth this theory, then this whole scenario is even more terrible.

I really hope the non-Russian women don't have to answer questions about this after the short program, but I know that's wishful thinking.

I was rooting for the Japanese women to be on the podium before, but now I'm really rooting for them. I'm going to watch the competition so that I can see the non-Russian skaters who worked so hard for their Olympic experience. But, when it's over, I think I might just play the national anthem of the highest placing non-Russian skater. It's so sad that they won't hear it on a podium in Beijing.

Not sure what Anna's excuse will be... maiden aunt?
Kissing Valieva after Valieva had a drink with grandpa?
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A Southern, hot-blooded temperamental individual
Also I feel like this greatly lowers the chance of ever even seeing the B sample tested. If they thought there was a even a small chance of that being negative they'd be keeping their mouths shut right now, not trying to create the spit swapping with a grandparent narrative.

In retrospect that sentence reads pretty bad, but after all the bad hole things I've typed this past week I'm going to let it slide.


Active Member
CAS decision was only about letting her skate. Given the facts about the case, anything she wins is likely to be taken away later.


Well-Known Member
Love my husband's response to this...

"So you stopped watching skating for the last few years only to come back to really watching it to find out your favourite skater, who actually brought you back to skating tested positive for drugs.

What kind of shitty addiction counsellor are you... stop watching it and there are no controversies FSU can blame on you."

So my deepest apologies everyone...

Honestly, I am just gutted for her.

I hate her team and hate this situation all around.


Active Member
Let Kamila skate and don't give her a score if finishing on the podium will automatically be subject to scrutiny.

As stated above, this ruling is just about letting her skate. Personally, I don't see how a 15 year old testing positive for a banned heart failure medication will not result in medals being stripped from her afterward. Unless Russia, Russias again.


Well-Known Member
This is the best they could come up with?

Did you see the quote from Irina Rodnina at the bottom of the page?

"The situation with Kamila Valieva is a huge scandal for our sport, and most importantly, we don't know what the consequences will be. Why is Russia so disliked? I have another question: why does Russia make so many mistakes? How many medals have we lost because of doping? About 40 medals!” Rodnina said, RB Sport reports.
Russia makes mistakes that are unacceptable in sports, and does not draw any conclusions from it afterwards, Irina Rodnina added.

"I'm afraid there will be tougher decisions in the future. For example, Russia can be banned from next Olympics entirely,” Rodnina added.


Well-Known Member
Did you see the quote from Irina Rodnina at the bottom of the page?

Russia makes mistakes that are unacceptable in sports, and does not draw any conclusions from it afterwards, Irina Rodnina added.
Really sad that I was so happy that Rodnina could tell right from wrong. Some of the defenses and willful blindness or excuses that have been expressed made it seem like the world had gotten so upside down and patriotism or fandom had taken full precedence over ethics and morality.


How long do we have to wait for GP assignments?
Really sad that I was so happy that Rodnina could tell right from wrong. Some of the defenses and willful blindness or excuses that have been expressed made it seem like the world had gotten so upside down and patriotism or fandom had taken full precedence over ethics and morality.
Yup, she's the true Olympic champion that Russians should be looking toward and listening to.


Well-Known Member
I think that Valieva/ROC will probably be stripped of the medals. However, the Raducan incident in the other thread makes me pause -- Raducan was 16 and tested positive during the Olympics All-around and was able to compete the Olympics event finals, even after it was known she had a positive test. That seems more lenient than the Valieva case.


Well-Known Member
I think that Valieva/ROC will probably be stripped of the medals. However, the Raducan incident in the other thread makes me pause -- Raducan was 16 and tested positive during the Olympics All-around and was able to compete the Olympics event finals, even after it was known she had a positive test. That seems more lenient than the Valieva case.
We’re the rules on provisional suspensions the same when Raducan tested positive? Also, the current rules allow for lifting a provisional suspension if it is impossible to have a hearing on the provisional suspension before the event. That would be the equivalent of the hearing Valieva had on Sunday. That might have been impossible in 2000 when videoconferencing was not available.


Values her privacy
Objection, strawman argument. Not "all sportsmen" have recently tested positive for a banned substance :rolleyes:

But you are quite comfortable blaming Tutberidze,and yet according to your objection - not every Tutberidze’s skater tested positive for banned substance!


Well-Known Member
Good for Rodnina.
Good for her. But I think we need to find out what happened.

It’s possible her mom was just given the only explanation she had right now. This is all really hard to know.

I do think the rules should be different for Kami than anyone else.

I don’t think Anna and Sasha should be automatically tarred,

The whole thing. I fear geopolitical events are such it won’t really matter if Russia is banned or not


Active Member
The Russians believe they are treated unfairly by WADA because of TUEs exemptions given like candy to western athletes while their athletes are heavily scrutinized. I think they have legitimate complaint about this , which cause them to treat doping with contempt. I don't know about skating specifically, but I know they think this way about sports and testing in general, and I think for good reason.

But ruining the Olympics for all athletes isn't the way to go about fighting this issue. I think Kamila skating is the worst outcome. Since she tested positive, she should not be allowed to skate.

And in the future, other countries should criticize themselves and their own inconsistencies regarding doping testing and exemptions if they want a more fair playing field too. And the Russians should have more guts to boycott the competition rather than ruin it for everyone if they think they are being treated unfairly.


The Russians believe they are treated unfairly by WADA because of TUEs exemptions given like candy to western athletes while their athletes are heavily scrutinized. I think they have legitimate complaint about this , which cause them to treat doping with contempt.
I don't. TUE's are not given out like candy, and thanks to the Russian hacking in 2016, we know that not all TUE's are granted. Doping rules were created to discourage cheating, not having athletes avoid medical treatment for documented medical conditions, or injuries.


Well-Known Member
Agree, TUEs are not given out like candy. I think what KaoriFan may be referring to was the perception by the Russians that some TUEs to Western athletes were for medications like stimulants for ADHD, which are completely banned in Russia (but obviously 100% legitimate for ADHD).
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