RPDR Season 13


If I agreed with you, we’d both be wrong.
Ok fine, I'm resigned to the fact that we're stuck with Kandy. But a bodysuit with green fur pubes and a blow up doll strapped to her back? wtf kind of trolling is this?
And how did she get through that episode?!? Ugh


Well-Known Member
I'm sorry but I JUST DON'T GET Kandy. I didn't think her video was funny at all... and I hated her runway look. Yet the judges inexplicably love her. It makes no sense to me at all.


Wrangling the duvet into the cover
Not sorry to have Tina out. Now, can Kandy screw up royally so that the producers have no choice but to make her lip synch until she’s gone? I’m worried we’re looking at another Lawrence situation here as Ru is still looking for a big girl to succeed.


If I agreed with you, we’d both be wrong.
Not sorry to have Tina out. Now, can Kandy screw up royally so that the producers have no choice but to make her lip synch until she’s gone? I’m worried we’re looking at another Lawrence situation here as Ru is still looking for a big girl to succeed.
Agreed, I miss the seasons we had super amazing all around queens lip synching for their life. Remember Peppermint and Sasha?!? EPIC


Well-Known Member
Definitely have no idea what the judges are seeing in Kandy. I honestly couldn’t believe that she wasn’t in the bottom with that awful runway and to be kind of shitty to Utica about hers when Kandy was standing right next to her was ridiculous. But at least Tina Burner has gone at last.


Wrangling the duvet into the cover
And Kandy gets the roast win. I would agree that she was most improved, but the win? I still don’t see her as fitting in to the winner’s franchise, but Ru does seem to be leaning that way. Rose is too polished, Gottmik might be a hard sell, Symone gets in her head, and there’s not much to Olivia.

As for Utica, she really came across as totally delusional, like she hasn’t heard a single critique or workroom comment the whole time. Bon voyage, queen.


If I agreed with you, we’d both be wrong.
And Kandy gets the roast win. I would agree that she was most improved, but the win? I still don’t see her as fitting in to the winner’s franchise, but Ru does seem to be leaning that way. Rose is too polished, Gottmik might be a hard sell, Symone gets in her head, and there’s not much to Olivia.

As for Utica, she really came across as totally delusional, like she hasn’t heard a single critique or workroom comment the whole time. Bon voyage, queen.
Utica really disappointed me!!!! A roast is all about showing love in a funny spirited way, and Utica was just slinging insults. Gott was one of my favourites. Kandy was decent but still, that hair?!? At least it's the best look ever for her. Rose was stunning. Symone's lip synch was amazing!

Aussie Willy

Hates both vegemite and peanut butter
That Roast was a dog's breakfast where the dog threw up with extra vomit.

The best bit was Heidi's response to everyone at the end.


Throwing the (rule)book at them
All of this season has been so predictable. The editing needs a major overhaul and so does the typecasting because it's obvious which personalities will make it far. I was seriously shocked when Kandy had one foot out the door the week she got saved because I was certain her drama was going to hold her until the final. Of course, two seconds later Rupaul uses a double shantay on one of the weakest lip syncs of the season.

Utica ruined any chance at miss congeniality so I still think it's going to Olivia, which means she's certainly the last one out before final 4.

I have no idea what would happen with those 4 (Symone, Rose, Gottmik, and Kandy), but Kandy better be far out of the running from the start.


Well-Known Member
Yes the roast is so cringey unless there is a really funny queen. As much as Kandy annoys me, she was funny and she slowed down and enunciated enough to be understood. I guess they had to give her a win so there isn't anyone in the top five without a win?

Rose probably should have won but she did seem to do her best material in the practice session and then while she was polished and had no cards when it was her turn, her jokes weren't that great compared to her practice, but i loved her 80s outfit.

Simone only seems to have one character, and sometimes it works and other times it doesn't.


Throwing the (rule)book at them
IMO the editors need to be completely swapped out when the final 4 have been clear since like week 4.

I dare not curse myself but I think it's a three-way race and honestly, as far as that goes: who knows. It comes down to who is the best on the finale. I thought Gottmik (and maybe Symone) would be leading the way but Rose has really pulled it together in the second half of the season.
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Well-Known Member
I’m thinking Gottmik and Rose For top two. I know the producers love Symone but she seems really in her head right now. I hope it is a top 3 finale so Kandy can go home next week.


Wrangling the duvet into the cover
Does anyone have thoughts on the comments about nearly being out of fresh stuff to wear? I think Rose and Symone both said something. I‘m assuming everyone still has their reserved outfit for the main stage for the final cut.


Well-Known Member
I think it was that with a green screen you can’t wear sequins so that took a lot of outfits out of the availability’s. Plus of course no green


I loved that quick cut to the fabric wall saying they could make something for their role.


Wrangling the duvet into the cover
OK, I know I shouldn’t be so disappointed, but I could have written out last night’s episode, nearly word for word, about 30 seconds after they announced Olivia’s sashay last week. If you haven’t watched yet, you can save 90 minutes of your life.

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