2017 U.S. Stars on Ice (April 13 & May 4-21): publicity articles, fan reports & more


Handy Emergency Backup Mode
Which of the SOI shows did you attend?

I have seen the videos and pictures. You can try the cute "you don't know unless you were there" game, but it doesn't work, especially not when you're using it to try and defend your gross comments.


Active Member
Generally cameras/videos add weight.

They do, but the eyewitness accounts that are backing up what you see on the videos and photos isn't lying either.

I have seen the videos and pictures. You can try the cute "you don't know unless you were there" game, but it doesn't work, especially not when you're using it to try and defend your gross comments.

That still doesn't answer which show you attended.

That said, the comments aren't gross. In this overly PC world, the reality of her situation is that she's not in the shape that SHE HERSELF was in a year or 2 ago. Comparing her to herself, there's no other way to say it. She's bigger. Period.

As a person, she looks healthy. That's great. As an Olympic level athlete? Not so much. Taking the comments within the context of the conversation helps a bunch. No one's saying she looks like a kid in a sumo suit, we're all just saying that she's not the Gracie we know, and there's physical evidence (photos, videos, eyewitness accounts) to back it up.


Well-Known Member
I don't appreciate it when people disparage a skater due to a perceived weight gain, but I have to admit that I was in a bit of shock when I saw Gracie on Saturday at the S.O.I. show in Anaheim. Having seen her in person countless times over the past several years while she trained in L.A., I've seen her both when she thought she was in shape and when she called herself "out of shape". None of those times did I ever see the "out of shape" she was referring to. She always looked fit and slender. But I almost didn't recognize her on Saturday. She looked thick. She has never looked thick before. But what concerned me much more than that was that the only jumps she did were a few double toe loops. This is a skater who did triple toes as the second jump in combination after triple lutzes. I adore Gracie and don't even know what to make of this, other than to wonder if she is suffering from a serious case of depression. I hope she comes out the other side of this finding happiness and fulfillment, whether or not it involves skating.


RIP D-10
They do, but the eyewitness accounts that are backing up what you see on the videos and photos isn't lying either.
Unless you've seen both, and can explain how she looks so much better in the videos, then you're seeing different things and your opinions differ.


Active Member
Unless you've seen both, and can explain how she looks so much better in the videos, then you're seeing different things and your opinions differ.

She doesn't look better in the videos. The videos, in combination with seeing her skate live (actual footage from the show they were at) are what most people are commenting on. It's a drastic change. Some can't wrap their heads around it though.


Well-Known Member
I wonder if Marina really knew the severity of the problem that Gracie was/is facing when she accepted her :(. I wonder if she talked with Frank before accepting to Gracie.

UMBS Go Blue

Слава Україні!
I was at the San Jose show in a front row seat, on the ice, and can corroborate most of the observations of Gracie from the current SOI tour.

Incidentally, the first time I'd ever seen Gracie live was at the same arena (then known as the HP Pavilion), also in a rinkside seat, at 2012 Nationals when she rattled off a triple lutz-triple toe, right in front of me, that got tremendous height and traveled a tremendous distance over the ice. It was all the more amazing to see at eye level. All of us went, "Wow!" out loud. Right then I knew she'd be someone to reckon with in the years ahead.

At the SOI gig in San Jose, Gracie's double toes barely got any height or distance. "Uninspired" and "lethargic" don't even begin to describe her programs or the effort she put into performing them. It looked as if she'd rather be any place but on the ice. It was clear that there wasn't just a lack of motivation, but also a lack of fitness one would expect of a competitive Olympic-caliber athlete.

The comparison to all the other skaters in the show was particularly jarring. Adam Rippon, for example, came right after Gracie and put in a good effort, which dwarfed that of Gracie, who didn't even begin to mail it in, even with a severely watered-down exhibition program. Ashley Wagner and Karen Chen, in particular, blazed across the ice and rattled off triple after triple. It was especially satisfying to see Ashley do what was essentially a run-through of her competitive free skate from the past year, and then put so much effort into entertaining the (sparse) crowd in her second cheerleader-like number. It was also amazing to see how much quality there is in Karen's overall skating, whether the speed, edges, ice coverage, jumps, choreography, and execution. Indeed, all the SOI skaters put in a good effort. Gracie? Not really.

I'm saying this as someone who immensely appreciates how much potential Gracie has, but hasn't quite seemed to realize fully. And let's be honest, while Gracie is in great shape for a normal young woman, she is clearly not in the shape she needs to be in to remain competitive as an athlete with Olympic aspirations. I mean, she's barely doing double toes when her competitors are rattling off triples in their sleep. I hope she rekindles the competitive fire within her and proves us all wrong by the time winter comes around.


Flight #5342: I Will Remember You
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#allaboutthevoids #teamtrainwreck
Skating aside, Gracie looks good a little curvier https://instagram.com/p/BUXU6AlhQqn/. Her features seem a little softer now. Of course, landing triple-triples is entirely another matter, but from the pictures and videos I've seen, Gracie doesn't seem to be completely miserable and like she's given up, she simply isn't quite as thin as we're used to seeing her. This could be due to new medication or an injury, who knows. If she's serious about making the Olympic team I'm sure we'll see her in good shape this fall. Right now it's summer and she doesn't really need to be in great shape honestly.


Well-Known Member
Skating aside, Gracie looks good a little curvier https://instagram.com/p/BUXU6AlhQqn/. Her features seem a little softer now. Of course, landing triple-triples is entirely another matter, but from the pictures and videos I've seen, Gracie doesn't seem to be completely miserable and like she's given up, she simply isn't quite as thin as we're used to seeing her. This could be due to new medication or an injury, who knows. If she's serious about making the Olympic team I'm sure we'll see her in good shape this fall. Right now it's summer and she doesn't really need to be in great shape honestly.

yes, she always had a small face, so when she gained weight, her face looks very normal and pretty.


Active Member
Skating aside, Gracie looks good a little curvier https://instagram.com/p/BUXU6AlhQqn/. Her features seem a little softer now. Of course, landing triple-triples is entirely another matter, but from the pictures and videos I've seen, Gracie doesn't seem to be completely miserable and like she's given up, she simply isn't quite as thin as we're used to seeing her. This could be due to new medication or an injury, who knows. If she's serious about making the Olympic team I'm sure we'll see her in good shape this fall. Right now it's summer and she doesn't really need to be in great shape honestly.

With the training these athletes put themselves through, this is a full time thing. They don't just "turn it on" for the competitive season. They keep themselves in shape year round. Just because it's the "off season" doesn't mean they go in couch potato mode and come back later. There's a lot of skaters that are currently getting their work done for the next season. There is no "off season" for the elite.


Active Member
I attended the Anaheim SOI May 13th, and have been too busy to comment on it until now, but since the tour is ending I thought I'd give my 2c. I thought the show was still really good, but as someone who has attended the show every year since the 90's, (except one year it was during Nationals), it is not the cohesive entity it was in say the late 90's-00's. I didn't really get the "Dreams" theme connection. The group numbers were okay, but nothing to write home about. I think they are designed so that any skater can fill any spot rather than being designed around the specific participants. I remember the group numbers where you'd think.....only Kurt can play that, or only Paul or Kristi. But this show is still the best example of an "exhibition" show full of choreographed numbers with more content than just pointing at the audience, shaking your booty, and accosting a woman in the front row.
Most of the cast had stand out performances in at least 1 if not both of their performances. When Karen Chen came in her first number I thought, "this girl came out to play"! at her jump content, which was answered by Ashley saying "not so fast" with some of the biggest and easiest jumps Ive seen her do in her programs, although not in combo. I didn't think I would like the "Hand-clap" program but it had surprisingly more content than I was expecting and did the best to make Ashley look faster than usual. She needs upbeat music, (which is why I'm a fan of the return of Hip-Hip-Chin-Chin). Adam also impressed me with all the content in his first number. Loved Jeremy's "Land of All", you couldn't even hear his great edges in his performance. I had some sight-line issues for his 2nd number, (tall guy in front of me kept leaning! grr!), but I know he had some jump issues. Loved Hubbell & Donohue, thought Chock & Bates melted the ice in their Tango. Loved loved loved Davis and White, but thought they were grossly underused in the show. I remember Kristi for example for years as the reigning OGM being front and center during 2-3 group numbers as well as her solo's. Not so much here.
Lower bowl of the arena was mostly full. I had a friend there only because her granddaughter was part of the the synchro team, and she/they left after they skated. And a group down front with a small sleeping child left before the final 3 skaters, but there was not any mass exodus of fans. But, it was a long show, ending after 10:30 I believe.
I still get the impression that many in the audience didn't know who some of the skaters were, and $220 for 2 tickets lower bowl, and $20 for parking is a LOT to pay if you don't know anyone. The problems with the tour has less to do with the quality of the product, but more to do with the lack of skating in general in the public's eye. I could go on, but I've gone on long enough.
You might notice my comments did not include Gracie, but I'll do that in a separate post.


Active Member
Okay, I just posted my comments about the SOI show and didn't mention Gracie. I have noticed that there are so many comments about her here that don't even have anything to do with the show, so I didn't want to necessarily include these comments in my review. But here goes. As someone who has had weight issues my entire life, I'm not going to bash her for any weight gain. I liken it to the "Freshman 15." And on a skater's small frame it probably isn't even 10lbs. In street clothes she is still tiny, but in unforgiving spandex......And, believe me, SHE KNOWS. I'm sure that probably leads to some of the "not giving it all" feeling some people have expressed seeing. She is probably working thru things, might be embarrassed, whatever. Unfortunately she has to do it all in front of thousands of fans. Actually, after reading so many comments I actually thought she was more into her programs than I was expecting. But that is measured by one thing.
I'm going to say this, and I'm hoping it doesn't sound too critical of Gracie. I really like her as a skater. But sometimes it's hard to read emotion/expression from her. I think when the jumps are going well, she ticks off all the right boxes and also gets performance points. If the jumps are not going well, she looks less sparkling artistically. She herself said once that she really doesn't like exhibition skating as well as competing, so that's part of it too.
Yes, she's got some work on her hands to get back into contention, and we shall see if she can do it. I almost wish if she is not in shape by the time the Grand Prix rolls around, she pulls out of it to focus on Nationals. Risky because not competing all year probably won't get her onto the team, but bombing all year definitely won't. But that won't happen, she has the name, endorsements etc. and is expected. This could be a rough time for her. I wish her the best.


Flight #5342: I Will Remember You
Wenatchee, WA fan cams:

“24K Magic” Bruno Mars - Cast (Opening group number)

“Tango” Gotan Project - Madison Chock & Evan Bates

“Black Hole Sun” Nouela - Meryl Davis & Charlie White, Madison Chock & Evan Bates, Madison Hubbell & Zachary Donohue
Focus on C/B: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HOM7soBta2g


Links to 4 new fan cams from Hershey [ETA: corrected to] Fort Myers, FL (ice level) that have popped up:

Chock/Bates' Tango: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UV9DlJMyhYc

Hubbell/Donohue's Stand By Me: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2HrL3HmI3aY

Wagner's Exogenesis: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=POgX_AcWH1c

Wagner's Handclap: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Orh9AcPJHL0
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Flight #5342: I Will Remember You
I think these 9 fan cams are from the Seattle show:

“24K Magic” Bruno Mars - Cast

“Diamonds” Josef Salvat - Adam Rippon

“Land of All” Woodkid - Jeremy Abbott

"Rise" Katy Perry - Karen Chen: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nck1sHQrRVE

“Handclap” Fitz and the Tantrums - Ashley Wagner

2nd half:

"Parachute" Otto Knows - Nathan Chen: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ho4sXqs4q6Y

"Butterfly Lovers" - Karen Chen: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=olMGhfhXWKU

“Sax” Fleur East - Meryl Davis & Charlie White

“Can't Stop the Feeling!” Justin Timberlake - Cast


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
USFS posted a link to an article about Gracie, sponsored by SoulCycle. In it, she mentions just getting back to jumping, getting new programs and training in preparation for the start of the season in August. Sounds like she took her time to get settled in MI, do SOI, and is now getting down to business. I'm going to withhold judgement until I see her in competition.


Like a small boat on the ocean...
Gracie has a long way to go to get back in the game.......given how far she fell last year (in terms of reputation and the image she presented.) It is a shame she did not use the SOI tour as Ashley did..........a way to keep in shape, present to audiences, and keep training. I would think there is no down time before the OLYS


RIP D-10
I saw the show in Seattle on Saturday night. Or I should say, I saw three shows in Seattle on Saturday night.

The first show was the best I've seen since back in the day when it was a group of pros who breathed in synch: Adam Rippon, Jeremy Abbott, Ashley Wagner in the Muse, Chock and Bates with the chair, Davis and White, especially in "Adagio for Strings," Hubbell and Donohue's first piece, and the group numbers aside from the pants with lights, were in another universe from competitive skating, full of whole body movement, distinctive arm movements, creative and musical choreography that was constantly surprising, and energy to fill the arena.

The second show was more predictable, and wouldn't be out of place in a championship gala, but still top notch: Ashley Wagner's second number and both of Karen Chen's and Nathan Chen's, each showing individuality and charisma. While he doesn't have the character or expression in his back and core that Rippon or Abbott does, Chen already does so much with what he has, and the rest is in there, and it's just a matter of time and experience.

The third show was disappointing. Chock/Bates' second routine looked like a competitive routine, and, as such, was out of place in a way it wouldn't have been for the last decade or so of SOI. I don't care how many jumps a skater does or how many revolutions, but as far as both of Gold's programs went, there was no there there: little content, originality, individuality, or expression.

I was so transfixed by Hubbell's edges in "Stand by Me," I didn't really watch the program as a whole, and I don't know where it fits. And Evan Bates gets a bum rap: in the group numbers, when I could peel my eyes away from Charlie White, they went straight to Bates. He really can move; he's just not always given the right material in competitive programs to make him shine.
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Well-Known Member
With Samuelson, and this past SD, one could see Evan is more than capable of moving well and we all know he is a strong ice dancer. He just didn't have a chance to really show off his dancing ability much from 2012-on.


New Member
I was at the Seattle show & concur with most of the comments above about not only the Seattle show but all the shows in general. There were a lot of really high quality performances - Adam, Ashley, Karen, and Nathan really brought it. All the ice dancers gave outstanding performances. The C/B Tango was super hot and got a great crowd response. I didn't really think Under Pressure translated well at all to a show performance; the rink was smaller and they seemed cautious with it and couldn't really skate it with their usual speed & power so it seemed slowish to me? But hats off to them for doing a performance with two of their difficult lifts & including their twizzles sequence.

For the most part, I really enjoyed the group performances except the Bright Lights, which seemed absolutely pointless and gimmicky. I agree with the above regarding Evan. He was really good in all the group performances and I think I watched him most of all the guys.

Regarding Gracie, I heard a lot of comments in the crowd about the shape she was in, and it was pretty painful to watch. As someone else said above, she seemed uncomfortable and maybe even embarrassed when taking her bows. It was obvious she knows her performances weren't up to the level of the other skaters. She even fell pretty hard on a spin entrance. I really, really hope she can get herself together and have an outstanding comeback season.


Well-Known Member
I saw the show in Seattle on Saturday night. Or I should say, I saw three shows in Seattle on Saturday night.

The first show was the best I've seen since back in the day when it was a group of pros who breathed in synch: Adam Rippon, Jeremy Abbott, Ashley Wagner in the Muse, Chock and Bates with the chair, Davis and White, especially in "Adagio for Strings," Hubbell and Donohue's first piece, and the group numbers aside from the pants with lights, were in another universe from competitive skating, full of whole body movement, distinctive arm movements, creative and musical choreography that was constantly surprising, and energy to fill the arena.

The second show was more predictable, and wouldn't be out of place in a championship gala, but still top notch: Ashley Wagner's second number and both of Karen Chen's and Nathan Chen's, each showing individuality and charisma. While he doesn't have the character or expression in his back and core that Rippon or Abbott does, Chen already does so much with what he has, and the rest is in there, and it's just a matter of time and experience.

The third show was disappointing. Chock/Bates' second routine looked like a competitive routine, and, as such, was out of place in a way it wouldn't have been for the last decade or so of SOI. I don't care how many jumps a skater does or how many revolutions, but as far as both of Gold's programs went, there was no there there: little content, originality, individuality, or expression.

I was so transfixed by Hubbell's edges in "Stand by Me," I didn't really watch the program as a whole, and I don't know where it fits. And Evan Bates gets a bum rap: in the group numbers, when I could peel my eyes away from Charlie White, they went straight to Bates. He really can move; he's just not always given the right material in competitive programs to make him shine.

First of all I just want to make it known to you that both C/B's Under Pressure and Wagner's Muse programs were competitive pieces they decided to include in the show.

As far as the other programs you mentioned you liked, especially in the first half of the show, thank the skaters who choreographed them for themselves or their individual solo choreographers for making those stand out. The gimmicky group numbers you referred to are the products of Jeffrey Buttle.


New Member
Yes, I'm aware the Bowie & Muse programs were their free dance/skates last season. It's my opinion UP didn't translate well is all, and I loved their free dance this season. And I didn't mention it, but I actually hated both Jeremy's routines, which I assume he choreographed himself.

I only said I thought one group number was gimmicky, the Bright Lights routine. I liked the other group numbers. Your reply to me seems like some sort of grievance against Jeffrey Buttle? I thought his other group numbers were a lot of fun.

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