U.S. Stars on Ice tour, April 18 - May 18, 2019

Spun Silver

Well-Known Member
Stars on Ice is to me a very stale brand... the European shows from Art on Ice to Kings on Ice to Holiday on Ice to some shows done Kostner in Italy and Javi in Spain to Averbukhs Shows to Plushenko's iceplays all look more interesting. I think both Averbukh and Plushenko both wanted to come to America but there are Visa issues that preclude that.
Plushenko skated in NYC in 2017. (I think... I was there and he was fabulous but I'm fuzzy on the date.)

I agree about SOI being a stale brand. Though I'm thrilled about going tomorrow night and don't mind the absence of international skaters - much as I'd love to see them, I'm going to see some pretty wonderful skaters.


Well-Known Member
Stars on Ice is to me a very stale brand... the European shows from Art on Ice to Kings on Ice to Holiday on Ice to some shows done Kostner in Italy and Javi in Spain to Averbukhs Shows to Plushenko's iceplays all look more interesting. I think both Averbukh and Plushenko both wanted to come to America but there are Visa issues that preclude that.
I agree. I wish they would revamp it and make it more exciting but it doesn't appear that it is headed in that direction. I guess it is better than no ice show at all and at least it gives the US skaters a chance to earn some money. All the Disson shows are done and this is the only thing remaining in the US.:wuzrobbed

Debbie S

Well-Known Member
Got home a little while ago from Hershey. Arena was barely half full. :( But the audience was very enthusiastic and cheered and clapped along. Highlights for me were D/W, Nathan, Ashley and Mirai. Bradie did a great job too....I've seen both numbers live already this season so they didn't quite have the same excitement as the programs I hadn't seen before but she gave every ounce of energy to her R&J program, even did a 3Z on the smaller ice.

Ashley wins the prize for most energy though...she really sold both of her programs and got the audience into them.
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Well-Known Member
Everyone's taste is different, that's one of the things that makes life interesting. I saw the show in Long Island and thought it was great.
Everyone’s taste different, but SOI in the US (which is the only real show/tour there is) seems to cater to just that one taste. It’s not like we have any variety to choose from. I wish there was a show like Ice Legends 2016 (one can only dream), or at least shows with a more international cast.. But someone somehow at some time decided the audience here would not be interested and only family friendly shows skated to primarily pop music would attract crowds, and it has been this way ever since.
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Bring on CAN & USA Nationals!
@mollymgr posted many fan cam videos from the 4/20 Long Island show (in post #40 - thanks again!) and the first one has the final 1:25 of the Shibs' "Every Teardrop Is A Waterfall"/Coldplay number, followed by the fun "Pump Up the 90s" group number that closes the first half of the show: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NFx7HqrSBdI

Plushenko skated in NYC in 2017. (I think... I was there and he was fabulous but I'm fuzzy on the date.)
Ice Theatre of New York shows in late October 2017: https://www.fsuniverse.net/forum/th...n-plushenko-to-perform-oct-28-30-2017.101801/
I agree about SOI being a stale brand. Though I'm thrilled about going tomorrow night and don't mind the absence of international skaters - much as I'd love to see them, I'm going to see some pretty wonderful skaters.
Hope you enjoy and share your impressions afterwards!
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Bring on CAN & USA Nationals!
Photos from the 4/25 Albany, NY show:

"Pump Up the 90s" group number (9): https://www.instagram.com/p/BwuJHN3F_bZ/
Wagner (4 from "Groove..."): https://www.instagram.com/p/BwuZe_EFmfb/
Shibutanis (4 from Coldplay number): https://www.instagram.com/p/BwvcGJ1l6Gu/
Tennell (6): https://www.instagram.com/p/BwvdBRNFyYR/
Hubbell/Donohue (8): https://www.instagram.com/p/BwvfSBQFbL8/
Nathan Chen (8): https://www.instagram.com/p/Bwwq5JuFptg/
Abbott and "JerMer" (5): https://www.instagram.com/p/BwwrvAHlft7/
Nagasu (6): https://www.instagram.com/p/BwxriIQFyq9/
Davis/White (6): https://www.instagram.com/p/BwxtKOolF6M/
2nd half group numbers/finale (5): https://www.instagram.com/p/BwxtKOolF6M/

From Hershey show last night...

Wagner (6 photos from "Groove is in the Heart"): https://www.instagram.com/p/Bww9PeJlDNt/
Hubbell/Donohue (4 photos from "Oats in the Water"): https://www.instagram.com/p/BwxBEZxlw0m/

Clips from various numbers in the 2nd half (D/W, Chen, Abbott, H/D, Shibs, Tennell): https://www.instagram.com/p/Bwx0L40gRP1/
Clip from the 90s number & the finale: https://www.instagram.com/p/BwxyHSqhs0o/
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Well-Known Member
No, Ticketmaster's site said there were no seats! So weird.

I just checked and there are seats available in almost every section, both regular and premium level seating. Maybe you experienced a Ticketmaster glitch?

You might also want to check Groupon, as they've sold seats for both 4CCs and SOI at Honda Center in the past.

Spun Silver

Well-Known Member
I had a great time at SOI in Providence last night. The show doesn't seem stale any more--they've dropped the atrocious narration and seemingly the busloads of children and elderly people who don't know anything about skating. The arena was less than half full, but the crowd knew the skaters and showed its appreciation without being told to by a cloying announcer.

The skaters all had great energy and interacted like friends having fun. Nathan of course was the biggest hit. Getting to see Caravan, my favorite SP of the season, was worth the trip and tickets alone. That choreography is insane in the best of senses and Nathan's nonstop dancing performance delighted everyone. No quads there but he threw in a couple in the group numbers, whee! Jeremy is still mesmerizing, esp in his first solo about the world of imagination, and he raised the roof every time he did a backflip, which was often! He popped some axels but did some lovely triples. I can't remember whether it was he or Nathan who did a huge spread eagle around almost the whole rink--a breathtaking moment. I *think* it was Jeremy. Mirai's two numbers were beautiful and emotional, one in a long black and white shirt that she finally ditched (a trite skating show meme that I usually hate but here it symbolized liberation from old wounds, or something like that, and she made it meaningful). She looked regal in Halo with her beautiful carriage and shining white dress. She did a triple (toe I think) and 2A in each program (both axels landed on the toe). She was also hilarious in dark glasses and side buns in the last group number. As lovely and charismatic as she was, she didn't look like she was aiming at a return to competition to me. She seemed in her element here - the audience loved her and she was able to relax and communicate more - so I'm at peace with it.

Seeing the Shibs in person was a huge highlight. I wasn't as close to the ice as I thought I'd be (who knew that row A is about 8 rows back?) so I didn't have that closeup experience of their edges, but they were still stunning. I can't even put into words what they have--there's just an incredible, palpable bond between them and from that seems to come a smoothness and beauty that puts them in a world of their own. I loved their emotional Coldplay program, which had echoes from their old ones, and to my surprise (because I hated it on vid) their new hip hop program was really fun in person. Those flashy lamé jackets, the staccato rhythms and the witty, super-cool attitude couldnt have been more of a contrast to the Coldplay program. And then we got to see Maia in pigtails and Alex in overalls in a group number. 😂 A great night for a Shibs fan, though I just wanted more! The only less positive thing is that, kind of like Mirai, I didn't get a sense that they're working on a comeback. Maybe because their twizzles were short and a bit slow, or maybe that was a show thing. We didn't see any extended twizzle sets despite having three teams of US champions.

Meryl and Charlie are still wonderful, especially in their exquisitely romantic Lilac Wine duet. They looked like they were having a fabulous time in the group numbers. The audience loved Meryl's worm!

I have to admit Bradie (never one of my favorites) made a strong impression. Her black leather "Diamonds" solo, one of the early numbers, was surprisingly effective (again much more so in person than on video) and it may have been there that she did a spread eagle almost as big as the man's one I mentioned above. Her R&J ( again, a program I hated all season on vid) was a technical highlight along with Nathan's Caravan. Even in watered-down versions the audience still recognized we were seeing a bit of top-level competitive skating and that was viscerally exciting. The other thing about Bradie is her power. I was amazed by the speed and effortlessness of her flow across the ice. That was thrilling to see. Not sure if I'm exactly a fan now but I'm definitely out of the detractor camp.

Maddie and Zach and Ashley weren't quite on the level of the rest for me. M/Z's first number, a romantic duet in white and brown costumes, was a bit of a snooze. But they came to life in their second number, a jokey medley with Maddie sizzling in red and Zach hamming it up to the crowd. Ashley skated very well, doing 3Fs and 2As with ease, I just wasn't crazy about her numbers or her shimmying and clap-begging. @skateboy knows what I mean. I hate being made to clap in case that wasn't clear. 😡

The group numbers were delightful, basically like watching a bunch of beautiful young people dancing and playing around at a party for US champion skaters. (If Vincent had been able to perform, he would have been the only skater in the show who wasn't - yet - a US champion.) If this is Jeff Buttle's work, kudos to him for making the show seem young and fresh again, thereby lifting the curse of SOI! I used to go because I had to ( if I wanted to see the skaters at all), gritting my teeth over the narration, clowns, and child-slanted group numbers. In this incarnation you get to see the top US skaters performing what they want and showing their joy in skating. It would be hard to say whether they or the audience had a better evening.


Bring on CAN & USA Nationals!
Thanks very much for sharing your review of the Providence show, @Spun Silver!
I had a great time at SOI in Providence last night.
The skaters all had great energy and interacted like friends having fun. Nathan of course was the biggest hit. ...

The group numbers were delightful, basically like watching a bunch of beautiful young people dancing and playing around at a party for US champion skaters.
Looks like Nathan has slid neatly into Vincent's role in the 90s group medley -- here's a Nathan-centric video from last night: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TI3fBA1XWr4

(Source: https://twitter.com/aboutNathan0505/status/1122508556882907136)
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Well-Known Member
Here's a good review of the show from Gina Capellazzi, the editor of Figure Skaters Online. She was at the Albany show.


I myself went to the Worcester show yesterday & really enjoyed it a lot!! Last year's post-Olympics SOI was so good that I didn't think this year would equal it. But, I actually enjoyed this year's show every bit as much. I felt like the show had a really relaxed, mellow feel to it--all the skaters seemed to be having fun, and the group numbers from Jeff Buttle were brilliant, just great to watch.

I'll sound like a cheerleader, I guess, but I really enjoyed pretty much every number in the show.

Nathan of course was a highlight--it was my first time seeing "Caravan" live, and he performed it with lots of energy and a sense of joyfulness. I'm pretty sure he landed some quads in his first number. One thing I noticed this time, seeing Nathan live, is that he has quite his own style of skating. Rather than depending on the long, deep flowing edges of traditional skating, everything he does is fast, short, sharp bursts of movement. He has great speed and edge skills, although not necessarily the power of some of the other skaters, perhaps because of that distinctive style of movement he has. I love that he brings something different, something inventive.

Bradie was more impressive live than on TV--as @Spun Silver said, her speed is much more apparent and even her skating skills seemed better. Her R&J was quite nice to watch, a good piece in this setting, despite all the criticisms this year.

Both Ashley and Mirai looked great, better than I expected after almost a year and a half away from competition. Mirai landed several triple toes and double Axels, and Ashley did at least one triple flip, some double Axels, and more. Ashley is just such a natural at shows like this--she gives every move an extra little wiggle or head shake or flourish or something to make it more interesting, she's just a natural entertainer. Her "Dog Days Are Over" number was terrific (and I don't even like that song!). (She also, I must say, is tremendously pretty in person, not that she isn't onscreen, but somehow even more so in person.)

Mirai almost brought a few tears to my eyes because she was just so beautiful and strong out there. The basic quality of her skating, I feel, has never really been appreciated enough--just her edges and line--something ineffable that she brings to the ice, it's hard to describe. I really adored her "Halo" program in the second half--it's just a beautiful, lyrical program made special by her skating, and it ended too soon. Her program in the first half made me smile a little because it's by the same choreographer (Adam Blake) who did Emmy Ma's "Love on the Brain" EX, and those who have seen that program would recognize the similarities in costume and even a couple moves. It was a very good program, though.

It was great to see Jeremy Abbott again--both his programs were very much in his wheelhouse, and quite gorgeous to watch. I overheard the pre-show talk that he did with Bradie Tennell for a visiting nearby club, and I almost laughed when he said that he was never the most talented skater growing up. Really?? Maybe not the most talented in terms of jumps. Otherwise, I can think of few skaters more gifted than Jeremy ....

Davis/White's Queen medley was really good and brought out a slightly fun, flirtatious side to these two. Their "Lilac Wine" was the best program of the show for me, with great emotional quality and really interesting choreography. One of their best professional programs, IMO.

Hubbell/Donohue's Queen medley was also great--and totally different than Meryl/Charlie's. While Davis/White chose some more playful songs from the Queen backlog, Madi/Zach characteristically went with some of the most powerful songs--very suitable to them. Loved their number, also loved their softer but intense "Oats in the Water" piece in the first half. I have to say that Madi Hubbell comes across as one of the most natural dancers I've ever seen on the ice. When she's apart from Zach in their programs or in group numbers, you see the music and rhythm just kind of oozing out of her, with every spontaneous movement. And when she and Zach come together, it's like two powers joining forces. Luurrve them. :D

Seeing the Shibs again was so great, I enjoyed every second of it. Their Coldplay number was terrific and moving--I actually didn't recognize any of the songs in it, so it felt quite fresh. And their Daft Punk number was intriguing. There's not many highlight moves in this program--the focus is all on the rhythm and footwork--and I quite enjoyed it. As with Mirai, it's hard to articulate what makes the Shibs so special to me--just an energy, a connection, a truth to their skating, that I find exciting. Alex had so much energy in the group numbers, he seemed to be loving it, and Maia was a queen as usual.

Anyhow that was my take on the show, I enjoyed it very much, and definitely recommend it if the tour comes near you. I felt really uplifted by it--and I think I wasn't the only one, I noticed quite a few people with happy faces on my way out. :D


Bring on CAN & USA Nationals!
Highlights from St. Paul last night: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=70mgJlnLgrQ
"Born This Way" opening group number; first half clips of Hubbell/Donohue, Nagasu, Davis/White, Wagner; 2nd half clips of Hubbell/Donohue and "With a Little Help from My Friends" closing group number.

In his first guest appearance of this year's tour Jason Brown skated his "Love is a Bitch" SP - does anyone know what his 2nd solo was?

ETA - Looks like Jason took Nathan's place in the 90s group number since Vincent Zhou has not yet returned: https://twitter.com/starsonice/status/1124549700386947073

ETA #2 - same St. Paul uploader above also uploaded 2 segments from the '90s group number:
3 mins.: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CkoGuFKTu1k
Final 2 mins.: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yyoUZLWKq3Y

And Davis/White's Queen medley: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IJ1YsTXwA20
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Well-Known Member
Plushenko skated in NYC in 2017. (I think... I was there and he was fabulous but I'm fuzzy on the date.)

I agree about SOI being a stale brand. Though I'm thrilled about going tomorrow night and don't mind the absence of international skaters - much as I'd love to see them, I'm going to see some pretty wonderful skaters.

Plushenko skated in Champions on Ice, which had a more international cast. Slutskaya was a cast member, as was Surya Bonaly. There have also been international cast members on SOI. I recall seeing Shen and Zhao several years ago.


Well-Known Member
I can only assume that SOI knows its market and has made the call not to go a southerly route across the US in some years. Does anyone know the last time they stopped in Texas? I know the market probably just isn't there but if they came anywhere in Texas I'd make a strong effort to go... It's just a bummer. :(


Well-Known Member
In his first guest appearance of this year's tour Jason Brown skated his "Love is a Bitch" SP - does anyone know what his 2nd solo was?

It looks like Jason does Dear Evan Hansen for his 2nd solo. He's wearing the outfit in the fifth photo which was taken at last night's show in Bloomington:


And Jason, being Jason took care of getting everyone's luggage at the baggage claim yesterday:



Bring on CAN & USA Nationals!
^^^ In case anyone was wondering about the interviewer in the above links, Yelena S. Kurdyumova- founder and owner of Runglobalmedia.com, Editor-in-Chief of the English Version of the web site. She is professional linguist, graduate of Moscow State Linguistics University.
(She had a media credential for 2016 St. Paul Nationals.)

Here's @clairecloutier's interview with the Shibutanis before the Worcester SOI show: http://figureskatersonline.com/news...o-appreciate-every-moment-and-take-it-all-in/


Well-Known Member
It’s a miracle that this tour still exist. They must have an angel or two as underwriters.

Living in Baltimore, I'm used to getting snubbed for events and having to travel 40 miles south to DC so it's a real shame that this tour isn't even going to DC. It was in Hershey, PA, which a good two hour drive from my house (without traffic). No thanks.


Bring on CAN & USA Nationals!
It looks like Jason does Dear Evan Hansen for his 2nd solo. He's wearing the outfit in the fifth photo which was taken at last night's show in Bloomington:

I've been looking for a SOI fan cam or linkable clips of Jason's "Waving Through a Window" solo but haven't found anything yet (ETA: he also performed this number in Korea last month and there are videos on YT). I don't know the original source of this montage of 3 clips from the 90s group number with Jason from this past weekend: https://www.instagram.com/p/BxDWZ7_HIfo/

Vincent's update (2 clips of his "Show Dancing in the Dark" SOI solo from Fort Myers or Long Island): https://www.instagram.com/p/BxIMuFEHj3f/
... I badly want to get back on the ice for @starsonice in Anaheim and San Jose but my doctor and I are not sure if my knee has progressed to that point yet. But don't worry, I'm getting better every day.
Alysa Liu will make her SOI debut this Saturday in Anaheim, CA (then San Jose and Portland, OR).

2020 pre-order ticket cities listed so far: https://www.starsonice.com/get-tickets.html
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Well-Known Member
I've been looking for a SOI fan cam or linkable clips of Jason's "Waving Through a Window" solo but haven't found anything yet (ETA: he also performed this number in Korea last month and there are videos on YT). I don't know the original source of this montage of 3 clips from the 90s group number with Jason from this past weekend: https://www.instagram.com/p/BxDWZ7_HIfo/

Jason's instastory has a few clips/photos of his SOI performances. It was posted 4 hours ago so the link should be good until tomorrow:


Frau Muller

From Puerto Rico…With Love! Not LatinX!
Living in Baltimore, I'm used to getting snubbed for events and having to travel 40 miles south to DC so it's a real shame that this tour isn't even going to DC. It was in Hershey, PA, which a good two hour drive from my house (without traffic). No thanks.

Capital One Arena in downtown DC must be very expensive to rent & turn a profit. With the Caps NHL team now out of the Stanley Cup playoffs, there’s plenty of availability of dates for SOI but, of course, they had no way of knowing that months ago.

Other DC area venues must be equally expensive. George Mason Univ Arena in Fairfax, VA? Disheartening.

Debbie S

Well-Known Member
Living in Baltimore, I'm used to getting snubbed for events and having to travel 40 miles south to DC so it's a real shame that this tour isn't even going to DC. It was in Hershey, PA, which a good two hour drive from my house (without traffic). No thanks.
Yeah, it took me 2 hours to get there and an hour and a half to get home...rain and construction along 83 around York. I would much prefer DC (Zaytinya beforehand and you can get out of the parking lot or garage in less than 20 min so no need to watch the finale from the top of my section and rush out the minute the skaters bow) but I've resigned myself to having to drive to the hinterlands in order to watch D/W live.


Bring on CAN & USA Nationals!
... I've resigned myself to having to drive to the hinterlands in order to watch D/W live.
Speaking of D/W, this is what I posted in their fan thread earlier this week:
Meryl did an AMA on her IG stories yesterday and I learned that Charlie choreographed their "Lilac Wine" number for SOI.

Which means, by process of elimination, that Randi Strong choreographed their Queen medley because of her IG post back in early April: https://www.instagram.com/p/BwAcHtVnaOS/
Mirai Nagasu's "Halo" (Madilyn Bailey cover) that she debuted at the Providence outdoor holiday show last December was choreographed by Tom Dickson according to a FanZone article about the show.

Funny clip shared by On Ice Perspectives that was filmed at the tech. rehearsal before the first show in Fort Myers: https://www.instagram.com/p/BxLGOYAl90f/

This IG account has posted some nice photos and clips from the St. Paul show (I see 12 so far) and promises to upload more in the future: https://www.instagram.com/skatingfan316/
ETA that 2 new videos were posted today:
Abbott's "Weathered" (in 4 parts): https://www.instagram.com/p/BxNib6fFXg1/
Hubbell/Donohue's "Oats in the Water" (extended clip): https://www.instagram.com/p/BxNpwsUF2mp/
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Bring on CAN & USA Nationals!
I was searching on Twitter and came across this Long Island SOI pre-show+show impressions/highlights written by a fashion, beauty & lifestyle blogger / Miss Nebraska USA 2015 / TV Journalist / former figure skater:
It's always a treat to watch figure skating live. Getting to watch @starsonice with Nathan Chen, Vincent Zhou, Maia & Alex Shibutani and more is always a treat. My experience and take on the show here:

Todd Eldredge shared this IG clip & 3 photos (don't know if this Good Day L.A. segment aired today or will air Saturday morning?): https://www.instagram.com/p/BxTByhgl2L8/
Fun morning catching up with @meryledavis and seeing some of the local skaters from @greatparkice & @the_rinks helping @sandraendotv with some new skating skills. @starsonice tomorrow night at @hondacenter at 7:30pm. Who’s coming to the show! 🙋🏻‍♂️ Can’t believe it’s been 7 years since my last tour!

On Ice Perspectives' clip of Vincent Zhou's "Made in China" program (filmed by Jordan Cowan at the tech. rehearsal in Fort Myers, I presume): https://www.instagram.com/p/BxPgnWql1EZ/

Also, Helene Elliott wrote a Nathan Chen article for the Los Angeles Times ahead of the SOI show in Anaheim - link was posted as a separate GSD thread: https://www.fsuniverse.net/forum/th...rs-a-world-outside-of-skating-at-yale.105612/
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Bring on CAN & USA Nationals!
Meryl's dog has backstage access in Anaheim ;): https://www.instagram.com/p/BxWBNUaJCOb/

Vincent is not skating tonight :( - photo of the regular cast before the show: https://www.instagram.com/p/BxWLUobpQxR/

A couple of pre-show clips:
Nathan: https://twitter.com/LadyWave4/status/1127358412826628098
Jeremy: https://twitter.com/LadyWave4/status/1127373818035458048
Charlie explaining things to Alysa before her SOI debut: https://twitter.com/LadyWave4/status/1127371374509445121

Looking forward to reading @TanithandBenFan's report/impressions!

ETA the link to watch Jordan Cowan's montage of SOI tech. rehearsal clips: https://www.instagram.com/p/BxVUHVgFLij/
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