Really, part deux


Well-Known Member
Hi everyone. It's been a long time since I wrote anyting in this thread; Lee has been locked up in continuing care and I've been locked out and just staying at home.

Until this week.

The hospital called me on Wednesday to say she had thrown up on the weekend and they were worried that she might have aspiration pneumonia because she was running a bit of a fever and didn't seem to be doing all that well. They asked if I would come over. So I ran over to the hospital got myself through security and got into see her.

They were right, she wasn't doing very well. Her breathing was a little ragged, her lungs sounded a bit wet, and she was most definitely running a fever. I cleaned her up, sat her up, got some oxygen on her and in a couple of hours she was more settled. By about 2 in the morning I thought she would be fine for the night so I went home to get a couple hours sleep.

By Thursday morning, things were going to hell... they called me over, and one look told me we needed to be in the E.R. she was gasping for breath on full o2 and just couldn't get her sats up... but no, it wasnt covid or anything like that, her heart was racing and irregular, so downstairs we went...

... a few hours later, her blood pressure was crashing, her heart was in svt rhythm, and we were struggling to get her to convert back. Blood and urine came back with some crazy numbers, indicating a nasty infection, probably what was causing the problem.

Over the last 2 days, we have gotten her heart stabilized into a sinus rhythm, gotten a steady blood pressure, fought for and found IV access, and gotten a pile of antibiotics on board... but now we know what we are fighting, and it isnt looking good. She has 3 different bugs that, if we fail to get a handle on, will lead to shunt failure, meningitis, or endocarditis.

Wish us luck, team... my beautiful girl is real sick, and I dont know that she can find her way back to me.

If anybody has a few prayers you've been saving for a special occasion, Lee could use a little help.

I will try to remember to update ... but things are a little tense and I'm not too bright, sometimes, so is you dont see anything, it's because I'm busy, not because I don't care.

Thanks for thinking of us.



Well-Known Member
Oh Gerry i'm so sorry to hear this. I'm keeping you and Lee in my thoughts and sending all the best to you.


Happily ignoring ultracrepidarians (& trolls)!
I am so sorry to read this news @Gerry - just yesterday I was thinking about @Really and I wasn't sure why. She is always on my prayer list, as are you, but now more than ever.
🙏 🙏 🙏


Well-Known Member
Oh no, I’m so sorry to hear this Gerry! Sending lots of love and strength to you and Lee and hoping that the doctors can once again find a way to help. ❤️❤️❤️


Well-Known Member
Hi everyone. It's been a long time since I wrote anyting in this thread; Lee has been locked up in continuing care and I've been locked out and just staying at home.

Until this week.

The hospital called me on Wednesday to say she had thrown up on the weekend and they were worried that she might have aspiration pneumonia because she was running a bit of a fever and didn't seem to be doing all that well. They asked if I would come over. So I ran over to the hospital got myself through security and got into see her.

They were right, she wasn't doing very well. Her breathing was a little ragged, her lungs sounded a bit wet, and she was most definitely running a fever. I cleaned her up, sat her up, got some oxygen on her and in a couple of hours she was more settled. By about 2 in the morning I thought she would be fine for the night so I went home to get a couple hours sleep.

By Thursday morning, things were going to hell... they called me over, and one look told me we needed to be in the E.R. she was gasping for breath on full o2 and just couldn't get her sats up... but no, it wasnt ********* or anything like that, her heart was racing and irregular, so downstairs we went...

... a few hours later, her blood pressure was crashing, her heart was in svt rhythm, and we were struggling to get her to convert back. Blood and urine came back with some crazy numbers, indicating a nasty infection, probably what was causing the problem.

Over the last 2 days, we have gotten her heart stabilized into a sinus rhythm, gotten a steady blood pressure, fought for and found IV access, and gotten a pile of antibiotics on board... but now we know what we are fighting, and it isnt looking good. She has 3 different bugs that, if we fail to get a handle on, will lead to shunt failure, meningitis, or endocarditis.

Wish us luck, team... my beautiful girl is real sick, and I dont know that she can find her way back to me.

If anybody has a few prayers you've been saving for a special occasion, Lee could use a little help.

I will try to remember to update ... but things are a little tense and I'm not too bright, sometimes, so is you dont see anything, it's because I'm busy, not because I don't care.

Thanks for thinking of us.



Well-Known Member
Thank-you for the update.
If anyone could fight their way back from a setback like this it is Lee.
Thinking of both of you and willing her to come back to you.

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