Really, part deux


plotting, planning and travelling
I have enjoyed communicating with Lee on FB. Snarking and getting food updates. So sorry this has happened, but glad everything seems ok cognitively. Hopefully this will be the final bump in the road and then Lee finally heads home and @Gerry can have less stress in his life. You guys are such troopers and so inspirational.


Reaching out with my hand sensitively
Oh, gosh, how discouraging this must be for you both. I hope you have MANY loving friends and family who can give you help during this time. It all seems like so much to bear. Good sign that she was alert there, though. Praying.


Well-Known Member
Hi, everyone.

Its Sunday afternoon, Day 754, and Lee is still hanging in there!

The simple surgery the other night went strange when establishing a secure airway proved almost impossible; the geometry of her jaw and throat have changed during all this, making intubation non-routine and difficult to maintain... the fact that she has already had one non-routine tracheostomy added another complication she just didn't need.

In any case, things turned from routine to exciting and have led to a few days of enforced rest... the Docs have left her shuntless to see if a new shunt is even required, and she is still intubated, in case another surgery (to implant a new shunt) is required.

Lee is awake, cognitive, and communicating via sign language and fingerspelling; however, there are indications that a new shunt may be in her future, so we are still in limbo until the symptoms push her one way or the other.

Thanks for the thoughts and prayers; things were pretty tense for a few days, and we are still not out of the woods. More to come...


Marquessa of Chartreuse
Thank you for keeping us posted Gerry. I'm sending tons of good vibes and hugs. 754 days. Something inside her is made of iron, whether it's her willpower or her patience or capacity to accept and cope with the never ending roller coaster of her health troubles. And your love for each other is so touching and inspiring. You are wonderful people ♥♥♥


Well-Known Member
Thank you for keeping us posted Gerry. I'm sending tons of good vibes and hugs. 754 days. Something inside her is made of iron, whether it's her willpower or her patience or capacity to accept and cope with the never ending roller coaster of her health troubles. And your love for each other is so touching and inspiring. You are wonderful people ♥♥♥

The human spirit can be such an amazing thing.

@Gerry. Unless you or a loved on has been intubated, it’s hard to truly understand how awful it can be.



Well-Known Member
Hi, everyone.

Its Sunday afternoon, Day 754, and Lee is still hanging in there!

The simple surgery the other night went strange when establishing a secure airway proved almost impossible; the geometry of her jaw and throat have changed during all this, making intubation non-routine and difficult to maintain... the fact that she has already had one non-routine tracheostomy added another complication she just didn't need.

In any case, things turned from routine to exciting and have led to a few days of enforced rest... the Docs have left her shuntless to see if a new shunt is even required, and she is still intubated, in case another surgery (to implant a new shunt) is required.

Lee is awake, cognitive, and communicating via sign language and fingerspelling; however, there are indications that a new shunt may be in her future, so we are still in limbo until the symptoms push her one way or the other.

Thanks for the thoughts and prayers; things were pretty tense for a few days, and we are still not out of the woods. More to come...


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