IOC's decision: (clean) Russian athletes can compete under neutral flag at PyeongChang Olympics


RIP D-10
Trump must love it, US will be getting into drug cheating big time now, and the Chinese will be totally on board. Sure, they will kill a few athletes with their experimental drug cocktails, and ruin the health of even more, but countries gain prestige from winning medals and corporations make money. The clean athletes of the world, the ones who don’t cheat, well they are out of luck.


Well-Known Member
Tatiana Tarasova on Russian Olympics ban: "this is a murder of our national sport" -- um well, yeah, using FSB agents to funnel hundreds of urine samples in a state-sponsored scheme to avoid drug detection has that effect on sport
It's just few words, which were taken out of context :rolleyes:

Here's the full interview

I don't have time to translate in from the begging... main points are:
- she does not agree with the decision but mostly blames Russian authorities , who forgot about the whole situation after Rio and didn't do anything to help the athletes
- she believes that Russian athletes should compete under neutral flag (because authorities forgot about them and didn't try to help them)
- she thanks IOC and is glad that they allow Russian athletes to compete in Korea

- What do you want to say now to our athletes?
- Will they (Russian athletes) go to Korea? Under which flag? Will we see them under neutral flag? It's not clear yet. But I will respect and love them very much. Please, know: we all love you. Not only those individuals, who are involved in sport. But also those, for whom sport means something. Come on! You are strong. Love you.
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Well-Known Member
In the end, it was no bad thing that I have missed the last 2 months in light of this nonsense. I have been recovering from sciatica, which was not helped by being injured in a road traffic accident at the beginning of November. I am finally walking again, am on the mend, and hope to have fully recovered by the end of the year.

I will be boycotting the remainder of this season. Yet again, politics ruins sport! Will probably be back at the beginning of next season, by which time hopefully all the BS will be out of the way

Maofan, so good to hear from you and know what has happened. My goodness, what a time you've had! I hope that you continue to heal. Sorry we'll miss you the rest of the season, but hope to see you back for the next one.


Well-Known Member
It's just few words, which were taken out of context :rolleyes:

Here's the full interview

I don't have time to translate in from the begging... main points are:
- she does not agree with the decision but mostly blames Russian authorities , who forgot about the whole situation after Rio and didn't do anything to help the athletes
- she believes that Russian athletes should compete under neutral flag (because authorities forgot about them and didn't try to help them)
- she thanks IOC and is glad that they allow Russian athletes to compete in Korea
It's just few words, which were taken out of context :rolleyes:

Here's the full interview

I don't have time to translate in from the begging... main points are:
- she does not agree with the decision but mostly blames Russian authorities , who forgot about the whole situation after Rio and didn't do anything to help the athletes
- she believes that Russian athletes should compete under neutral flag (because authorities forgot about them and didn't try to help them)
- she thanks IOC and is glad that they allow Russian athletes to compete in Korea

Glad to see a voice of reason. The Russians should support their innocent athletes.


RIP D-10
Is that the best you can do? A 30 year old scandal that caused a Parliamentary Inquiry and made Ben Johnson a pariah in Canada? If only every country would react that way to cheaters!
In response to your hysteria? It's about as much time as I'm willing to invest.


Well-Known Member
And my question: how about judges from Russia, are they banned too?
Don't they already have some russian judges in former Soviet countries? Even if the russian judges are banned, you will see "russian" judges representing other countries.


Well-Known Member
Word is that they thought Russian athletes would be banned from team events but Med's pleas saved the team events. Putin apparently was pleased with it.. I don't think there will be a boycott.


Well-Known Member
In the end, it was no bad thing that I have missed the last 2 months in light of this nonsense. I have been recovering from sciatica, which was not helped by being injured in a road traffic accident at the beginning of November. I am finally walking again, am on the mend, and hope to have fully recovered by the end of the year.

I will be boycotting the remainder of this season. Yet again, politics ruins sport! Will probably be back at the beginning of next season, by which time hopefully all the BS will be out of the way

@Bunny Hop - many thanks for keeping the video threads going, and many thanks to those others who have contributed as well. Great job
Wishing you the quickest recovery, and thank you very much for posting. Best wishes until- hopefully-soon.


Well-Known Member
Tatiana Tarasova on Russian Olympics ban: "this is a murder of our national sport" -- um well, yeah, using FSB agents to funnel hundreds of urine samples in a state-sponsored scheme to avoid drug detection has that effect on sport

Unless rodchenkov announces figure skating was involved tomorrow so far it’s not figure skating that was involved!

Word is that they thought Russian athletes would be banned from team events but Med's pleas saved the team events. Putin apparently was pleased with it.. I don't think there will be a boycott.

So he will totally flip flop! After doing some googling he also flip flopped on a car tax so he does flip flop. There’s still the huge fine and admitting rodchenkov is totally honest man.


Ubering juniors against my will
In the end, it was no bad thing that I have missed the last 2 months in light of this nonsense. I have been recovering from sciatica, which was not helped by being injured in a road traffic accident at the beginning of November. I am finally walking again, am on the mend, and hope to have fully recovered by the end of the year.

I will be boycotting the remainder of this season. Yet again, politics ruins sport! Will probably be back at the beginning of next season, by which time hopefully all the BS will be out of the way

@Bunny Hop - many thanks for keeping the video threads going, and many thanks to those others who have contributed as well. Great job

It's good to hear from you again. Hope you feel better very soon.


Well-Known Member
Unless rodchenkov announces figure skating was involved tomorrow so far it’s not figure skating that was involved!

So he will totally flip flop! After doing some googling he also flip flopped on a car tax so he does flip flop. There’s still the huge fine and admitting rodchenkov is totally honest man.
He can say its unfair but say an OAR is still a Russian.


Well-Known To Whom She Wonders
I think it's significant that the Olympics won't be broadcast on Russian TV, but I don't know how significant or even why I think it is.

And while I'm speculating about things I know nothing about, my guess is Putin can keep Russian athletes from the Olympics without declaring an official boycott. If there's state funding for athletes word can get out that subsidies will be lowered or eliminated. And coaches in all sports could be told if their athletes compete then the coaches will be blacklisted (or maybe a nice word like "suspended" would be used) for a year or two or indefinitely. A lot of this could be done through whispers and rumors.

I'm also very uncomfortable with the brand new term, "Clean Russian Athlete," which I'll be probably hearing ad nauseam on NBC Olympic coverage. If, after all this, an athlete competes in the Olympics, they don't need to be labeled as clean. They're athletes. That should suffice.

ETA to add Mervin Tran's tweet on the subject:

Mervin Tran‏ @skate_moivo 39m39 minutes ago

It's usually not that surprising to find out who's been cheating in monopoly. It's funny how the cheater gets upset when people don't want to play with them anymore. Let's replace a few words. "cheating" » "doping" "monopoly" » "sports" #WhoLetTheDrugsOut
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Well-Known Member
Glad Med's pantomiming worked.
Of course, pantomiming FTW.
As if it’s the only reason why they allow the whole Russian team (athletes) to compete in Korea under neutral flag... Only because Evgenia’s pantomime :scream:

I’m not her fan or don’t like her programs, I’m tired of pantomime and etc, but come on!
She is just an 18 years old girl, who was sent there with the authorities to help them. Just imagine the amount of pressure she has to deal with..

It may be her only chance to go to Olympics and to medal there, and of course, she gave that speech and ask IOC to allow athletes to compete in the team event only because of Putin. :scream:
I’m not even sure if he knows that such competition exists :rolleyes:


Glad Med's pantomiming worked.

Of course, pantomiming FTW.
As if it’s the only reason why they allow the whole Russian team (athletes) to compete in Korea under neutral flag... Only because Evgenia’s pantomime :scream:

I’m not her fan or don’t like her programs, I’m tired of pantomime and etc, but come on!
She is just an 18 years old girl, who was sent there with the authorities to help them. Just imagine the amount of pressure she has to deal with..

It may be her only chance to go to Olympics and to medal there, and of course, she gave that speech and ask IOC to allow athletes to compete in the team event only because of Putin. :scream:
I’m not even sure if he knows that such competition exists :rolleyes:
Just a guess, but I think @ks777 post was sarcasm.


Well-Known Member
None of the russian figure skaters that were at Sochi have been implied as part of the "unclean" athletes. Bobrova's meldonium case was later and she got amnesty.

So, if Kostner was Russian she wouldn't be allowed, right?

As much as I want a Sav/Mass or Stol/Klim win, I'd be standing and yelling my head off in the comfort of my den. It would be the best Olympic moment ever.



So, if Kostner was Russian she wouldn't be allowed, right
It's possible. The IOC tried to ban athletes with previous doping bans from Rio 2016 but the CAS overturned the decision, that's how Yulia Efimova was able to compete in swimming.


Well-Known Member
It's possible. The IOC tried to ban athletes with previous doping bans from Rio 2016 but the CAS overturned the decision, that's how Yulia Efimova was able to compete in swimming.

Right. Thanks.

This is such a mess. :slinkaway

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