Hurricane Maria


Well-Known Member
Update: my aunt actually caught a flight yesterday and are in NYC. Thank God. She anxious she won't have anything to come too :(

Poor PR, Jimena I'm praying for you and your family. I don't think PR has ever had a cat 5 hurricane make landfall. Hurricane Maria is moving slow too.

Lara you are in my prayers too. Don't forget God is STILL IN CONTROL!!!


Searching for Sanity
Thinking of all of you either in the path or who have families in the path of this storm. My cruise sailed out of San Juan last summer and we spent some time before we left touring PR and its SO beautiful. The people are so wonderful there and my heart breaks for them. Please stay safe everyone. *HUGS* :fragile:

This has been such an insane hurricane season. I was actually on vacation in WDW the week right before Irma hit Florida and we ended up getting stuck there and rode out the storm in our resort. Thankfully we were very safe at Pop Century which only suffered minor damage but the winds were unlike anything I've ever heard before which was a bit overwhelming. I can't imagine going through a full strength hurricane (I think it was a 1 or 2 when it hit us). Sending good thoughts and prayers to all of the people in Maria's path. :( :yikes:


To Boldly Explore Figure Skating Around The World
Thinking and praying for everyone regarding these hurricanes. Jimena and Lara, y'all are in my continuing prayers. 5 hurricanes all in September. No, climate change isn't a problem ... yeah right, and I have Ocean Front Property in Arizona! Y'all are all invited for a party at my luxury hotel and golf resort that's right on the beach where my Yacht is located.


Well-Known Member
Thank you all for your words. This is looking pretty bad for us. But honestly, I worry so much about our neighboring islands. If it's bad for us, it's so much worse for them.

Tomorrow, I will spend the day looking for ice and diesel! Going through our pre-hurricane motions.


Bonjour/Hi to everyone at Worlds!
Dominica is getting pummelled right now and they had the least time to prepare. :( I'm dreading the images come tomorrow morning.


Today's mind blowing fact - since records of hurricanes began in 1855, only 2 category 5 hurricanes have hit the Lesser Antilles.

Catherine M

Well-Known Member
Must have been a horrible night in Dominica as the only reports coming out are by short wave radio. Its kinda amazing (and scary) that in 2017 that an entire country can go off line.

The amount of rebuilding that will need to take there and on so many other islands is just unbelievable.

Catherine M

Well-Known Member
Best of luck to you Jimena and your family.

It truly is amazing how most people come together in times of extreme stress. And that will never be reported by the mainstream press as that doesn't make for good TV.


Past Prancer's Corridor
Hoping all FSU members and their families and friends who are in Maria's path stay safe.

It truly is amazing how most people come together in times of extreme stress. And that will never be reported by the mainstream press as that doesn't make for good TV.
Maybe it hasn't been shown in the media in your area, but all the major TV networks had numerous stories about neighbors helping neighbors, volunteers coming from hundreds of miles away to help with clean up and recovery efforts, etc. on nightly news reports, early morning shows (GMA, Today, etc.).


Bonjour/Hi to everyone at Worlds!
F-ck. :(

The waiting at this point must be horrific, it's bad enough from here.


Well-Known Member
It's 6:15am and I've been up since 4am. The wind won't let me sleep. This is truly awful. All my friends and family here are awake and posting on Facebook. This is unbelievable. The eye hasn't hit us yet and I can't even think that this will get worse. And that it will be worse for HOURS.

It's so powerful. Nothing you see or hear can prepare you for this.

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