Fun YouTube Videos


Well-Known Member
Here's one that I like that might seem just a little bit mean to some... :shuffle:

End Of The World Job Interview

This one had gone viral: Home Depot flashmob proposal.

(Not to be a party pooper but ... although it's sweet and delightful, I also think these kind of big-scale public proposals are just a teensy bit passive-aggressive. I mean, he's putting the guy in a position where he couldn't possibly say no, in front of all their friends and family.)

Agreed, but I assume people only to go this kind of effort if they're 99.9999999999% sure their partner will say yes. The part of it that surprises me is that people never edit the song down, so the propose has to smile and be animated for four minutes. They should do it like on American Idol when a song is shortened down to 90 seconds. Well, at least nobody's chosen a Meat Loaf song and made the person wait 18 minutes until they popped the question! :lol:


Well-Known Member
This one had gone viral: Home Depot flashmob proposal.

(Not to be a party pooper but ... although it's sweet and delightful, I also think these kind of big-scale public proposals are just a teensy bit passive-aggressive. I mean, he's putting the guy in a position where he couldn't possibly say no, in front of all their friends and family.)

Nice to know this happened in Utah... I wouldn't have expected it.


Well-Known Member
This one had gone viral: Home Depot flashmob proposal.

(Not to be a party pooper but ... although it's sweet and delightful, I also think these kind of big-scale public proposals are just a teensy bit passive-aggressive. I mean, he's putting the guy in a position where he couldn't possibly say no, in front of all their friends and family.)

Here's a lesbian one which I like because instead of just one continuous shot, they've edited in bits and pieces of the process that made it more interesting. Plus there's such joy in the participants. :D


Well-Known Member
Kid President Has a Dream!

The youtube description:

To commemorate the 50th anniversary of the March on Washington where Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. delivered his historic "I Have a Dream" speech, Kid President received the high honor of being invited to be part of the event. Here is what happened.

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