Big Brother (US) Season 20!


Author of the Ice and Edge Series
That double eviction gave me so much anxiety because I couldn't decide which outcome I wanted. I like Brett, but the blindside definitely made for good TV. JC's face when he realized he's not running things. :lol: I wish we could've heard all the conversations during the commercial breaks. Sam was really throwing Angela under the bus hard to Tyler lol.

Julie signing off as "Julie Chen Moonves" was a helluva moment lol.

Catherine M

Well-Known Member
Sorry to see Brett go; hopefully he won't be too bitter in the little house.

Angela winning HOH again means that her, Tyler and KC continue their dominance of the game. Only thing really left is who will be sitting next to Tyler at the end: his girlfriend or his final 2 partner.


Throwing the (rule)book at them
Sorry to see Brett go; hopefully he won't be too bitter in the little house.

Angela winning HOH again means that her, Tyler and KC continue their dominance of the game. Only thing really left is who will be sitting next to Tyler at the end: his girlfriend or his final 2 partner.

I can’t fault the way that Tyler, Kaycee, and to an extent, Angela have played the game. But man, it got a little boring. There are so many fluke things or lucky breaks that happened for L4 to get to where they are now. I mean they really could’ve (should’ve?) been down to one member at this point. BTW- Angela won the newest HOH.

The only thing that I think will switch up the season is one of two things- if they realize this week that Kaycee needs to go in order for Tyler and Angela to have their happy ending, or if Kaycee wins HOH next week after they get rid of Sam this week and JC pulls off a miracle and wins POV to send one of those two out. Or Kaycee wins veto and backdoors one of the two.

I am really curious who Tyler is going to take with him, but the cocky attitude he’s been getting (his and Angela’s words to Brett, as an example) makes me think that he has totally shifted his endgame to be with Angela.

Kaycee has been so loyal so far and she’d win against any of the four left, but I’m hoping she has some scheming in her that solidifies her jury vote.

ETA- I thought Brett would’ve blown up L4s alliance to Sam and JC when he was leaving but he didn’t really word it to give anything away. That could have been great TV.
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Well-Known Member
I think Brett is an athlete & a competitor which means he knows how to lose with grace & & his vote will be for the one person he thinks played the best, most competitive game. I detest the poor losers. Do they honestly believe they are stronger, smarter than everyone else who enters the house? There is also a matter of luck & personality involved.


Throwing the (rule)book at them
L6 just had a conversation about how JC is definitely (obviously) the weaker player of the two on the block, so he’s for sure going to stay and Sam will go. They also plan to tell JC about L6 and how they’ve been together from the beginning in hopes that it pisses him off or distracts him from really competing hard.

If he doesn’t win HOH, there’s still POV which can throw everything up in the air if he were to pull out the miraculous win. Or you never know, I know that L6 has been so loyal and bla bla, but why have all three of you compete against each other in the end? Get rid of someone in the group at 4, JC is extremely unlikely to win final HOH.


Throwing the (rule)book at them
Well this season is about to be turned upside down!

Sam is out, JC of all people is the new HOH! I know he is REALLY upset with Tyler and also has to know that Angela is not well-liked at all, so I wouldn't be surprised if he targets Tyler this week. I think JC has a strong LGBT connection with Kaycee and even though she's a competition beast, she's not great at non-physical stuff. The final segment of the final HOH will almost surely be trivia about the season, so he might want to keep her around. Obviously, it all comes down to who wins the POV as they are the sole vote during the live eviction Thursday.

ETA- JC wants Angela out 100%. He's putting her up as we speak, hasn't named the other nominee yet but he knows it doesn't matter.
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Author of the Ice and Edge Series
Just read an update about nominations:

Tyler and Angela are on the block as I suspected. JC had told Kaycee a couple nights ago he wouldn't put her up. It makes for good story that L6's plans fell apart at the end, but I really wanted to see what choices would be made if it came down to Tyler-Angela-Kaycee. It will be interesting in the first part of the final 3 HOH if JC sucks it up and lasts in the endurance section. He hasn't done well in the physical competitions all season, but I think he's been purposely underperforming. Still hoping Tyler and Kaycee make it to F2!


Well-Known Member
Kaycee is under preforming if you ask me. I played woman's football a long time ago and those girls are in top shape. They work on endurance. I don't think JC has a chance of winning unless he goes up against Tyler or Angela. So if Tyler or Angela win POV I expect Kaycee to go home. At least this is better then the past 2 years.


Throwing the (rule)book at them
Kaycee is under preforming if you ask me. I played woman's football a long time ago and those girls are in top shape. They work on endurance. I don't think JC has a chance of winning unless he goes up against Tyler or Angela. So if Tyler or Angela win POV I expect Kaycee to go home. At least this is better then the past 2 years.

Well, it’s probably a 50/50 chance: Tyler or Angela wins POV- Kaycee goes home. JC or Kaycee wins POV- Angela goes home. I can’t see Tyler turning on Angela at this point when they really think they are in love and would have a 2/3 chance at winning ALL of the prize money if they make it past this eviction, and I can’t see Kaycee taking Tyler out because she’s been so loyal, and JC wants Angela out anyways.

But I’m guessing the final HOH, as always, is part endurance and part timed tasks involving noms and evictions, or something that we often see. If Tyler makes it to the final segment, which will probably be trivia from the entire season, I think he has it. The question becomes (if Kaycee survives), does he take her, or does he realize everyone loves her and instead take JC?


Well-Known Member
Well, it’s probably a 50/50 chance: Tyler or Angela wins POV- Kaycee goes home. JC or Kaycee wins POV- Angela goes home. I can’t see Tyler turning on Angela at this point when they really think they are in love and would have a 2/3 chance at winning ALL of the prize money if they make it past this eviction, and I can’t see Kaycee taking Tyler out because she’s been so loyal, and JC wants Angela out anyways.

But I’m guessing the final HOH, as always, is part endurance and part timed tasks involving noms and evictions, or something that we often see. If Tyler makes it to the final segment, which will probably be trivia from the entire season, I think he has it. The question becomes (if Kaycee survives), does he take her, or does he realize everyone loves her and instead take JC?
It's Kaycee's or Tyler's to lose. I think you're right about the final 3 comps. Tyler will take Angela to the final. JC, either Tyler or Kaycee to the final.


Throwing the (rule)book at them
Angela told the diary room just now that she thinks sitting next to JC is her best bet to win the game. She also tells them that she’s been straight-forward, won comps, and now just needs a big move— in the form of potentially sending Tyler home if she wins this POV.

All of a sudden, JC’s chances are looking better and better. Wild turn and the POV isn’t even played yet.


Author of the Ice and Edge Series
Angela told the diary room just now that she thinks sitting next to JC is her best bet to win the game. She also tells them that she’s been straight-forward, won comps, and now just needs a big move— in the form of potentially sending Tyler home if she wins this POV.

All of a sudden, JC’s chances are looking better and better. Wild turn and the POV isn’t even played yet.

Guess Tyler shouldn't have thrown that HOH. :duh:


Author of the Ice and Edge Series
It just seems odd that Tyler missed that many. I think he thought he was good with all three remaining and he's always wanted JC in the final three.


Throwing the (rule)book at them
Kaycee won veto. I’d guess Angela goes and that pretty much assures that Kaycee will be in the final 2 IMO- and give her the win.

Catherine M

Well-Known Member
Yeah can't see Kaycee sending Tyler home over Angela.

Angela did say last night that she regrets sending Sam out over JC; Tyler had to tell her to let it go and not dwell. They then proceeded to make out one last time. No idea if they'll last outside the house as she seems more smitten than him. Plus he never told her about his final 2 deal with Kaycee and I think that's going to sting when Angela does find out. He did fess up that he's a super fan. And I think its dwelling on both of them that both Kaycee and JC have the jury.


Author of the Ice and Edge Series
Tyler told Angela he has another secret he's going to tell her right before eviction or during his GBM, so I think it will either be that he had the 2nd power app or he has a final 2 with Kaycee.


Throwing the (rule)book at them
Tyler told Angela he has another secret he's going to tell her right before eviction or during his GBM, so I think it will either be that he had the 2nd power app or he has a final 2 with Kaycee.

I’m sure it’s going to be that he’s had his deal with Kaycee from the beginning.

Kaycee will probably (easily) win this season. The only way that it may not happen is if JC wins final HOH- and either A) the jury respects him for single-handedly taking down the end of L6 in a sense, or B) he takes Tyler with him and Kaycee finishes 3rd.

But Kaycee and Tyler are already planning communication tactics and signals in the first segment of HOH to decide who should win it. If JC can get to the final (trivia) segment, he has a chance- especially if it’s versus Kaycee who always seems to tank big-time on memory stuff.

ETA- I bet that if JC wins segment one, Kaycee will throw the second part to Tyler, knowing his chances in a recap of the season, which is almost always the final segment of HOH, are much higher.
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Catherine M

Well-Known Member
Tyler won the first part of the last HOH comp so it will be Kaycee and JC battling it out in part 2.

I still think he's playing for 2nd place but you never know, there might be four others besides Angela that think he is the winner if he does end up making the finals.


Author of the Ice and Edge Series
I love Tyler and Kaycee's friendship so much. I hope the cameras caught the moment they made their final 2 deal before the feeds came up, and they can show us on one of the final episodes. JC is still delusional in that he thinks he convinced Kaycee to boot Angela. I am so excited to see when he finds out about L6 and Tyler and Kaycee's F2. I doubt he will be as understanding as Angela was. :lol: Tyler has said he's going to ask the DR for a cup to wear because JC is coming after him lol.


Throwing the (rule)book at them
I think Tyler and Kaycee are comfortable in taking each other because they know they’ve been part of the same group and know a lot of how everyone else feels about each of them. With JC, they probably have the belief that the entire house loves him. Kaycee knows she can probably beat Tyler and Tyler thinks he can probably out-talk Kaycee, but in the end, they really respect each other.

If it is those two, I think the votes would go:
Bayleigh - Kaycee
Rockstar - Kaycee
Faysal - who knows. Kaycee would be my thought but Hayleigh might talk him into voting for Tyler. He’s the worst player ever, so nothing would surprise me.
Scottie - Kaycee? He said last night he respects Tyler’s gameplay but Tyler had a chance to right his wrong with him and he didn’t.
Hayleigh - maybe Tyler but I’m not so convinced that she wouldn’t see how strong Kaycees game was, too.
Brett - Kaycee
Sam - I figure she will stay bitter since there’s not a long time between her eviction and the vote, so Kaycee
Angela - Tyler
JC - Kaycee

So, it could be really close between the two but the key things are the amount of time Sam has to dwell and the fact that JC has NO time to get info from everyone else as he would be voted out minutes before the final vote.

The irony if the vote is 4-4 and Brett says something like ‘this is called being three steps ahead. CONGRATULATIONS KAYCEE!’
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Throwing the (rule)book at them
Going over the demise of FOUTTE/The Hive

1. Kaitlyn flips her vote at the last second because Winston (?) told her to vote out Steve when they were passing each other in the diary room. She was already considering it, but seemed to be influenced by that.
2. Kaitlyn wins HOH and then backdoors Swaggy
3. Kaitlyn has a meltdown and can't put together a seven-piece puzzle to get back into the house
4. Bayleigh spills the beans about her power app and doesn't use it the next week - so she gets voted out and the huge power is removed. This really could've been the huge shift in the game, but then....
5. Hayleigh wins HOH, Kaycee wins the power app and nominates Rockstar. Rockstar then not only gives the correct answer to Tyler in the POV game that keeps him alive, but she then picks the wrong answer when it's down to just her and Tyler and she loses, getting her booted from the game on her own sides HOH... and then when you think nothing can top that...
6. Faysal wins the very next HOH, there is no more power app, and JC convinces him in some way to go after HIS OWN TEAMMATE and the only person who voted on their side in the previous vote. When questioned as a group, Scottie immediately says he was the vote, and Brett chimes in awkwardly 30 seconds later saying he was, and somehow Faysal still is torn. Faysal wanted to put up Tyler alongside Brett initially IIRC.
7. The questionable Tyler lifted both feet off the disc in HOH, which should have been an elimination as the rules are written and would've led to a Hayleigh win or re-do, but the ruling stood.

I mean, you can't even make this stuff up if you tried. Looking at reasons 4-6--- which were in consecutive weeks!-- there's no reason to doubt that in any other season or a normal world that L4 could have been down to ONE member by week 9- most likely Tyler because of his power app.


Author of the Ice and Edge Series
Kaycee won part 2 of the HOH! When BBAD came on they had just finished the competition, and she looked upset and said, "You did the damn thing" to JC, so I was so scared that JC had pulled it out. Turns out she was just congratulating him on a good performance. Go Coast to Coast!


Well-Known Member
I would be happy with either Kaycee of Tyler winning. I honestly don't believe JC deserves it... last thing we need is another Joshua winning this season.


Throwing the (rule)book at them
realVegas says Tyler is leading AFP by a LARGE margin (10% or more), and Kaycee is second. I think Kaycee will for sure take Tyler to the end, but Tyler-- I'm not sure. He wanted Kaycee with him in the first half of the season because he thought he could beat her in the end. But then she started winning every competition.

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