Big Brother (US) Season 20!


Well-Known Member
Tyler is HOH - and it is a good week for him, as he nom Hay & Scottie. If noms stay the same - he will get the least blood on his hands and can keep his alliances quiet. If one gets off the block - he can ask for a volunteer pawn or tell Sam she is the pawn?
I like Tyler and want him to win, but I am not sure how he can get to the end without something blowing up.

The JC story - I have seen in a multiple places. I love how he calls Fessy stupid, and he is not the brightest bulb either.


Throwing the (rule)book at them
Tyler is getting annoyed of JC and Brett being all convinced of a final 2 with the girls and Tyler/Angela being a thing. He might be wise to consider making a move now if he, Scotty, Hayleigh, or even Sam wins the veto (it’s them plus Kaycee and JC playing). I know he doesn’t want more blood on his hands, but he’s dug a huge hole with the people already on the jury and turning against one of his own might be one of the only ways to get some respect back. And I know he keeps trying to avoid making big moves but it’s getting late in the game..

Catherine M

Well-Known Member
Well Kaycee won veto again so I'm guessing Tyler is stuck with his nominations.

Right now the votes seem to leaning towards sending Scottie right back to jury but its a long way to Thursday so Hayleigh has time to piss off enough people to get 3 votes against her.


Throwing the (rule)book at them
One of the big things today is that Scotty told the House that the jury so far decided that they are going to all vote as a group for the winner. That means at least 4 of them (counting Scotty again) and you have to think Hayleigh will lean that way too. It was mentioned that they are so annoyed with Tyler and Angela that they would never vote for either of them.

Tyler knows all of this, so I’m guessing his F2 plans are going to switch to Angela.

Now the rest of the house will probably avoid getting rid of them because everyone will want to sit next to one of the two.


Throwing the (rule)book at them
Big development today or maybe last night and I missed it. In an early part of the HOH comp, Tyler took his feet off of his disc and that should have been an immediate elimination from the competition. He was not called for it, and now the producers are looking into it but the Twitter account that has been correct all season says that it’s unlikely anything will happen at this point.

There was an HOH comp in a much earlier season where the buzzers were not responding immediately and it knocked out a few of the players when they actually were first to respond (IIRC it was a trivia comp and the last to ring in/anyone Incorrect was out). Grodner came on the speaker and said in respect of fairness, the HOH had to be replayed. I don’t see how it’s any different this time if they see the footage. Or, since Haleigh technically was last on, it could be given to her but I really don’t see that happening this late in the week.
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Author of the Ice and Edge Series
From what I've been reading, the rules that were read to the HGs stated that they couldn't sit on the disc, but it was never said that they had to keep their feet on the disc. So I think what Tyler did was within the rules.


Throwing the (rule)book at them
From what I've been reading, the rules that were read to the HGs stated that they couldn't sit on the disc, but it was never said that they had to keep their feet on the disc. So I think what Tyler did was within the rules.

It was confirmed by the source on Twitter who knows everything about this season that the rules were broken and there’s even a clip of Tyler talking to JC (?) and mentioning that he didn’t keep his feet on the disc. The rules are read to the houseguests prior to the competitions by producers and they can ask questions, etc at that time. Angela’s rule reading was an edited/condensed version.

Anyways, if the nominations stand and Scottie goes, all may be fine in Haleigh’s world. If they give her the HOH this week, she has a lot of targets next week because of the sudden shift. May be best to just lay low and hope Scottie really does get evicted.


Well-Known Member
I agree, the rule was no butt on the disc, but two feet or one foot were ok, although it looked harder to keep one's balance going from one foot or from a lower position staying on both feet but being low, seeming to kneel--if that makes sense.


Throwing the (rule)book at them

Here’s the set of Tweets that I was referring to. This person has been 100% correct in all behind the scenes things this season, so they obviously have a production connection.

ETA- they knew about Hayleigh being the first hacker, they’ve named pretty much every single competition prior to anything else being announced, and they know a lot of diary room stuff.

Evel Dick even chimed in backing that statement
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Well-Known Member
I see how you could believe the person if, as you say, the rules were read behind the scenes, but I don't think that was the way it was played out loud. Hmmm.


Throwing the (rule)book at them
I see how you could believe the person if, as you say, the rules were read behind the scenes, but I don't think that was the way it was played out loud. Hmmm.

Kaycee said in her DR that one foot had to be on the disc at all times. They aired that. If it was incorrect, they would’ve edited it out just as they would anything else. I think it’s pretty obvious Tyler got away with it but they aren’t going to do anything now.

That realVegas person has not posted one incorrect statement all season, so I believe that and what Kaycee said. And even JC said it to Tyler when he said he had both feet off.


Author of the Ice and Edge Series
I know the Twitter person has given accurate information about a lot of things, but they've also said things that we don't have the ability to verify (like details from DR sessions that aren't aired). From some of the posts they've made, they obviously crave attention so I wouldn't put it past them to try to stir things up by posting this. Someone posted a screenshot of Natalie in BB18 taking her feet off the disc and she wasn't disqualified either. It makes it harder to hold on without your feet on the disc, so it doesn't seem like that would be something that could be seen as assistance.


Throwing the (rule)book at them
I know the Twitter person has given accurate information about a lot of things, but they've also said things that we don't have the ability to verify (like details from DR sessions that aren't aired). From some of the posts they've made, they obviously crave attention so I wouldn't put it past them to try to stir things up by posting this. Someone posted a screenshot of Natalie in BB18 taking her feet off the disc and she wasn't disqualified either. It makes it harder to hold on without your feet on the disc, so it doesn't seem like that would be something that could be seen as assistance.

I get it, but the fact that they aired Kaycee reviewing the rules that were given to them and her clearly saying one foot needed to be on at all times, and then JC saying it as well when asked what the rules of the game were- it’s not like they just came up with this out of nowhere.

Now, if the HOH competition this Thursday is something where a houseguest could have gotten some info prior to it and Hayleigh wins, then I guess we know how it all got resolved.


A bitch from Canada
Well, they’re not taking Tyler’s HOH away just like they haven’t expelled JC for the terrible things he’s done. Call it even. :slinkaway


Well-Known Member
I do not twitter or read tweets, have not had time to review last week's competition episode and am not a student rather just a fan of BB. But my poor aged memory remembers others who went out before Tyler and Hayleigh in this competition as being called out when their butts hit the discs, not when they went to one foot. Hmmm.

More interested in Millman over Federer.


Well-Known Member
Drifting - Did anybody else notice the beanbag Tyler was playing with? It's a Hush Puppy. I have 8 of them. Seven are in my profile picture!!! I got the first 6 each spring and fall at the checkout counter of Famous Footwear back in the 90s-2000s. Three with different combinations with pink in the spring and three with darker colors in the fall. The one at the end is a red white and blue one I got in Nashville, Indiana. One of the stores had a whole room of toys with tons of basset hounds. One was full size. I also got a basset hound key chain and a pen with a basset hound head (fuzzy like a stuffed animal, not just a plastic thing). Then I got a purple Hush Puppy for $1 at a church rummage sale a few years ago. He's in my bedroom. You are supposed to keep the official tags on them, like Beanie Babies, but I didn't.

Back to BB................


Throwing the (rule)book at them
Scottie is almost surely going tonight. Brett and JC decided that he's the bigger threat and Angela/Kaycee already had their minds set on him.

I know that everyone is saying that Hayleigh will be the next to go, but they ALL have to realize that with 7 left and Tyler/Kaycee/Angela being such a thing, that the only way to really assure themselves of anything is for either side (Brett/JC seem to really be a thing now even if they both run to L6 with details about the other) to make a move with this next HOH.

Sam's gonna just drift all the way to the end at this point.


Throwing the (rule)book at them
Brett may be playing the best game now. Aside from his message to Rockstar, he’s played his part so well. He’s gonna be safe for another week but I’m curious whether Kaycee puts Sam/Hayleigh up or she goes for JC.


Author of the Ice and Edge Series
Kaycee, Brett and Angela already discussing using Sam as the pawn. So JC gets yet another pass. I wish Sam would win the veto just so he'd have to see the block. But knowing how ridiculous Sam is, she probably wouldn't use the veto on herself.

Just when we thought no one could make themselves look more like an ass in their eviction speech than Fessy, Scottie steps up to the plate. I think Julie wanted to clock him.


Throwing the (rule)book at them
No one wants to be responsible for making the big move aside from the people not ever winning HOH. That’s part of why I want Hayleigh to make it through this week, because she tried and she’s still managing to stay in the house.

Brett and JC almost have to get together next week (and somehow pull whoever is left between Sam and Hayleigh) if they want any chance. I know Brett probably wants to keep Angela around after the info from Scottie, but it’s not going to matter when three of the four left are Kaycee/Angela/Tyler.


Well-Known Member
I read that Derrick, Victor and Nicole and maybe Paul were in the BB house.
Victor and Nicole are engaged and are competing on Amazing Race.


Throwing the (rule)book at them
Hayleigh seems to be for sure out the door on Thursday night. JC is hellbent on getting Angela out on a double eviction, but Kaycee and Tyler talked about it last night and pointed out that JC still doesn't know about L4 and I think he's going to be the obvious next target at this rate, before Sam.

I'm still sticking by my belief that the only chance either Tyler or Angela have at winning the game is if they sit next to each other in the finals, and I think Derek even suggested that the other night. Kaycee will EASILY win if she's up against either of them. I'm still hoping one of the three goes before the end just to switch something up. I can't figure out if Brett would do it because one minute he's scheming with JC and the next he's reporting everything back to the group, even though he really should know that he's at the bottom of the group.


Throwing the (rule)book at them
Had no idea Brett was 1 second behind Kaycee in the HOH comp. The camera was on her at the end and they didn't even show him. Too bad, I really think he would've realized he needed to make a move.

Catherine M

Well-Known Member
I agree, the only way Tyler or Angela have a chance to win is against each other. Not sure if Tyler has figured that out yet but he has to see that Kaycee has lots of friends in the little house now.

I forgot that the DE is scheduled for Thursday night so I made dinner plans and am not sure if I'll be home in time to watch live.

Catherine M

Well-Known Member
I'm surprised that Victor proposed to Nicole in the Big Brother house considering she spent TWO seasons lying around in the various beds with two guys not him. You'd think he'd want to go somewhere special to them. Am looking forward to seeing them on the upcoming season of the Amazing Race that filmed a few months ago.


Throwing the (rule)book at them
Latest: Hayleigh is still the plan for tonight, but the rest of L6 is on to Brett and they want to backdoor him this week- not necessarily knowing that it’s a double eviction tonight. Apparently, if Angela or Tyler wins HOH tonight, they want to put up Sam and JC, take Sam off to make JC squirm, and then put Brett up and get him out. They then want Sam to go and leave JC with them in the final four, because he’s about the least likely to win anything.

This is all brilliant if they can pull it off, but there are a lot of variables. The biggest being whoever wins HOH tonight. Kaycee knows this is THE most important comp of the season and I agree.

If Brett or JC wins, they could put up any of the three and the only way they have hope of staying in tact is if the third who isn’t nominated wins veto, and that forces one of the other side (Brett/JC/Sam) to go up and then L4 would have the numbers to vote out that other person.

If Angela or Tyler wins and they do put up JC and Sam, I really wonder if Brett won POV if he would save JC and then force L4 to put one of their own up. Sam would go home anyways.

If Brett or JC do get their way tonight (most likely Brett) and one of L4 goes, I would think Tyler and Angela would try and get Kaycee out knowing she’s winning everything and probably the favorite of everyone in jury. Then Brett couldn’t play in the next HOH and would obviously be the next target. Imagine a Sam, JC, Tyler, and Angela final 4. It’s almost guaranteed at that point that Tyler and Angela get their final 2 and Tyler potentially wins.

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