Alysa Liu retired in 2022 and is coming back in 2024


Well-Known Member
Not saying that there was a conspiracy, but just that Covid being given as the reason for Karen being chosen doesn't make sense.

Neither does world ranking (I think Jason had higher ranking than Vincent, and maybe even Nathan?).


Throwing the (rule)book at them
Not saying that there was a conspiracy, but just that Covid being given as the reason for Karen being chosen doesn't make sense.

Neither does world ranking (I think Jason had higher ranking than Vincent, and maybe even Nathan?).
Checked and yes, he was highest of the three.

Rippon outlined the procedure for 2018 in his book, but I think in 2022 the situation was that Brown was the one who got put onto the team over someone else who medaled (not including pewter, of course), so the other two were rewarded instead.

Chen being highest-ranked and also carrying USFS to three spots in 2022 had to be a big part of it.


Mayor of Carrot City
The best coaching team Alysa ever had was Massimo Scali and Jeremy Abbott. What they did with her after her growth spurts to not only get most of her jumps back except for the quads and her improvement of her basic skating and speed was amazing. If only she hadn't dumped them as her coaches maybe she could have gone back having a ice dancing coach is what she needs to get her skating skills back along with a jump coach which is what she had with Massimo and Jeremy.

I think Alysa is the best judge of what skills she needs help with, or which coaches are best positioned to help her.

Honestly, people, calm down. She's only been skating again for a while, and she's coming back to it as an older, wiser skater, capable of making her own decisions and setting her own directions. Part of what drove her out of the sport and killed her love for it IMO was too many other people deciding what she would do and what was best for her.

Recently we've seen far too many examples of skaters being overwhelmed, in different ways, by excessive pressure. We talk a lot on FSU about how tough this sport is on competitors, and how oppressive the expectations can be. USFS is already creating potentially unrealistic expectations for Alysa IMO by sending out press releases describing her as a prolific jumper.

How about if we here let Alysa develop at her own pace, and work on what she wants to work on with whoever she wants to work with, and support her in wherever she chooses to go.


Well-Known Member
Yes, Karen was ranked 1st for TE purposes b/c of her 4th place finish at Worlds the year before...highest placement for U.S. women and secured 3 spots for Beijing.
Brilliant move by the USFS to have the skater who was having the worse season be in the TE. Even sick Alysa probably could have skated better then what Karen put out there. If that was the reason why she was picked it was idiotic you pick who's been the best skater in the current season not on what happened at Worlds the season before. Karen never did much internationally as a skater and her two 4th place finishes were in badly skated events.
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Well-Known Member
Brilliant move by the USFS to have the skater who was having the worse season be in the TE. Even sick Alysa probably could have skated better then what Karen put out there. If that was the reason why she was picked it was idiotic you pick who's been the best skater in the current season not on what happened at Worlds the season before. Karen never did much internationally as a skater and her two 4th place finishes were in badly skated events.
Once again for those in the back: Alysa and her dad are being stalked by the Chinese mob/mafia. It may have been a decision made to only have her compete in the individual event to minimize her exposure to those who were trying to harm her!


Well-Known Member
Yes and she was mediocre at best who got carried by her team. Japan was closer then they should have been to the US team because of Karen underperforming.
Did we talk about this then? Had another skater ever skated both parts of the team event? In retro, a 4 skate event must of been daunting for Karen.


Is that a coup happening behind that blue curtain?
Did we talk about this then? Had another skater ever skated both parts of the team event? In retro, a 4 skate event must of been daunting for Karen.
Sure, the US pairs and dance teams did it in both 2014 and 2018. The nature of the Olympic TE structure is such that at least 2 of the disciplines are going to have skaters/teams doing 4 events in a short time span. It didn't seem to bother either Duhamel/Radford or Virtue/Moir in 2018 when they earned TE gold and Oly medals (bronze & gold respectively) in their individual events.

Frau Muller

From Puerto Rico…With Love! Not LatinX!
Alysa will compete in which discipline? Everybody assumes traditional singles. Maybe it’s Single Dance or on a Synchro team? The initial article is blocked after the first paragraph, so I couldn’t read it all.


Has Alysa stated her discipline? Solo dance or synchro? I doubt that she’s going back to traditional singles.


Well-Known Member

Has Alysa stated her discipline? Solo dance or synchro? I doubt that she’s going back to traditional singles.

From US Figure Skating Fan Zone:

She aims to compete in the upcoming 2024-25 season.

"We are very excited about Alysa's return," said Justin Dillon, U.S. Figure Skating Senior Director of Athlete High Performance. "We look forward to supporting Alysa in her career as she seeks to build on the success she has already achieved in recent seasons."

Sounds rather like competitive singles to me.


Well-Known Member
From US Figure Skating Fan Zone:

She aims to compete in the upcoming 2024-25 season.

"We are very excited about Alysa's return," said Justin Dillon, U.S. Figure Skating Senior Director of Athlete High Performance. "We look forward to supporting Alysa in her career as she seeks to build on the success she has already achieved in recent seasons."

Sounds rather like competitive singles to me.
Yeah i can't see her returning and not going back to singles.


Is that a coup happening behind that blue curtain?

Has Alysa stated her discipline? Solo dance or synchro? I doubt that she’s going back to traditional singles.
As @tony mentioned and Alysa shared in her video - she's landing jumps - 3f, 3s & 2a. So that would mean either singles or pairs. Why would you believe she isn't going back to singles?

Frau Muller

From Puerto Rico…With Love! Not LatinX!
Question, why do people think she would not be coming back to single skating? What other options would there be? She ain’t doing dance pairs or syncro .

Olde tricky p.r. by NBC. Anything to pull in olde viewers…now that the Natural Progression of those who’ve been pushed in the last two years aren’t progressing.

I’ll trust this when I see her on ice, attempting triples.

In the meantime, I root for Ava, Sarah and hopefully a triumphant Amber at 2024 Worlds.


Well-Known Member
I would like to see her choose whichever coach she feels most comfortable working with, regardless of their previous competitive record or reputation.
WHAT?? You expect US to allow a Skater to make a decision like this without our expert guidance which is based on ABSOLUTLY NO FACTS LOL!
Not put into any particular context, she looks slow. Maybe I'm being a little too critical....
Oh My, well she should just hang up her skates now. After all she has been judged and is lacking.


Well-Known Member
WHAT?? You expect US to allow a Skater to make a decision like this without our expert guidance which is based on ABSOLUTLY NO FACTS LOL!

Oh My, well she should just hang up her skates now. After all she has been judged and is lacking.
Please stop with the hyperbole...


Doing all the things
Olde tricky p.r. by NBC. Anything to pull in olde viewers…now that the Natural Progression of those who’ve been pushed in the last two years aren’t progressing.
The Press Release was from USFS, not NBC.

I’ll trust this when I see her on ice, attempting triples.
So now then. Given that there are videos of her on the ice attempting and landing triples.

Please stop with the hyperbole...
It's sarcasm.


Well-Known Member

Has Alysa stated her discipline? Solo dance or synchro? I doubt that she’s going back to traditional singles.
I highly doubt she’s doing solo dance or synchro if she’s showing off a variety of TRIPLE jumps as part of her announcement. She’s only 18!

I’m thrilled she’s working on a comeback, and seems to be doing it for herself.


Well-Known Member
When you think about it Alysa only competed internationally for 2 seasons once in Juniors and once in Seniors before she called it quits. She didn't even get a 2nd season on the JGP because of Covid. Sixteen was probably too young to decide to call it a career and i think a couple of years away from skating made her realize that.

Frau Muller

From Puerto Rico…With Love! Not LatinX!
When you think about it Alysa only competed internationally for 2 seasons once in Juniors and once in Seniors before she called it quits. She didn't even get a 2nd season on the JGP because of Covid. Sixteen was probably too young to decide to call it a career and i think a couple of years away from skating made her realize that.
Alysa will be NBC’s Gabby Douglas or Simone Biles for skating…or the female answer to Jason Brown (bring them back for fan interest).

I hope she does well - loved her in Fall 2021, before the ‘22 Olympics. I hope that she isn’t being cajoled back by marketing force$.

AngieNikodinovLove (ANL)

The Harem is now taking applications 😝
When you think about it Alysa only competed internationally for 2 seasons once in Juniors and once in Seniors before she called it quits. She didn't even get a 2nd season on the JGP because of Covid. Sixteen was probably too young to decide to call it a career and i think a couple of years away from skating made her realize that.

Well, I did always think it was odd do one year of senior and call it a career. I mean even Tara Lipinski did at least two right?

I still remember reading the sports page in the LA times in 99 and the front page of the sports was called “Tara we hardly knew ye”


A Southern, hot-blooded temperamental individual
yes i'm sure a person who stepped away from the sport at a high point in their career is in no way capable of deciding for themselves what they want to do with their lives and instead have become a puppet to nefarious people in marketing somewhere

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