2024 World Figure Skating Championships in Montreal


Well-Known Member
In Canadian dollars and including fees:
Premium is $2430
P1 is $2200
P2 is $1750
P3 is $1325
P4 is $805
These prices are LUDICROUS! I LOVE skating but there's NO WAY I would pay that when I can have the best seat in the house sitting in front of my screen at home. I know it's exciting to see the skaters 'live" (and I've done it many times) but there's a limit to what I'm willing to pay. Added to the ticket prices, you have air fare, hotel costs and meals. Ah ... no... I will thoroughly enjoy Worlds from the comfort of my living room next March. 🙂


Author of the Ice and Edge Series
These were the prices in 2020 so they’re pretty similar:

  • Gold Circle, 100L rows 1-3 = $2,410 ($2,300 ticket + $110 venue fee)
  • P1, 100L rows 4-6 & 100L centre lower bowl = $2,100 ($2,000 ticket + $100 venue fee)
  • P2, 100L centre sections = $1,675 ($1,600 ticket + $75 venue fee)
  • P3, 100L lower end & 200L centre sections = $1,365 ($1,300 ticket + $65 venue fee)
  • P4, 100L upper end & 200L side sections = $1,080 ($1,025 ticket + $55 venue fee)
  • P5, 200L end sections = $845 ($800 ticket + $45 venue fee).


Well-Known Member
Anyone know when individual tickets will go on sale? One thing I learned from going to Worlds in Boston (2016) was that (for me) it's not worth going to Worlds unless the seats are pretty good. My seats were in the uppermost section, & the skaters looked like little ants on the ice. I could tell how thin and fast Yuzuru was & still enjoyed Grant Hochstein's FS, but that's about all I remember. It would be wonderful to go to Montreal, but it depends on the cost & whether any good seats will still be available.

Frau Muller

From Puerto Rico…With Love! Not LatinX!
These prices are LUDICROUS! I LOVE skating but there's NO WAY I would pay that when I can have the best seat in the house sitting in front of my screen at home. I know it's exciting to see the skaters 'live" (and I've done it many times) but there's a limit to what I'm willing to pay. Added to the ticket prices, you have air fare, hotel costs and meals. Ah ... no... I will thoroughly enjoy Worlds from the comfort of my living room next March. 🙂
Watching on Peacock might be cheaper.


In Canadian dollars and including fees:
Premium is $2430
P1 is $2200
P2 is $1750
P3 is $1325
P4 is $805
Heads up. Those were the prices provided the other day. I just had another look, and now they’re even higher! For example, Premium is listed at $2794.
Something’s not right, though, since the cheapest category is now listed at $520 + fees, but didn’t they advertise $450?
I guess we’ll see next week… Ugh!

Debbie S

Well-Known Member

Playing around with the price tab some more...looks like P3 is now about $1140 USD ($1529 CAD) and P4 is almost $700 USD ($929 CAD). So SC members got a big discount in the presale. No wonder they didn't post the prices yet on the website. I would wonder if USFS will do the same for USFS members buying tix for Boston, but I think I know the answer. :shuffle:

Debbie S

Well-Known Member
Prices are now posted on the Montreal website.
OK, well, if those prices are accurate, then the prices are cheaper than they were before. So Ticketmaster has everything wrong? Not shocking (hope this isn't an omen for the event).

ETA: Thinking some more....those prices may be before fees are tacked on. The question is then, how much in fees? :shuffle:


Simply looking
The Montreal website says the prices are in Canadian dollar AND include applicable taxes and fees.

Are we thinking that's not accurate? I know those have been included for US Nationals before for all event tickets.

Debbie S

Well-Known Member
The Montreal website says the prices are in Canadian dollar AND include applicable taxes and fees.

Are we thinking that's not accurate? I know those have been included for US Nationals before for all event tickets.
I read the "plus" to mean that taxes and fees will be added to the prices we see on the website. That's generally what happens with Ticketmaster ordering (although not usually with U.S. Nats if you buy all-event tix) so I assumed that's how it would work here. We'll find out Monday.


Well-Known Member
I purchased tickets with a tour group for Worlds 2020. The tickets were refunded. However, the tour group was allowed to keep the same seats for 2024 and the price didn't change much. This will partially explain why so many tickets are not available to the general public when the sale opens. The hotel portion of my tour definitely increased!!


The Montreal website says the prices are in Canadian dollar AND include applicable taxes and fees.

Are we thinking that's not accurate? I know those have been included for US Nationals before for all event tickets.
I was on the Ticketmaster site right before the Federation presale ended last night. The tickets in those front rows were listed as $300 (CAD) higher than the price I saw listed the day before, so I don't know what to believe. I'm just preparing for the worst and anticipating higher prices.


Banned Member
These prices are LUDICROUS! I LOVE skating but there's NO WAY I would pay that when I can have the best seat in the house sitting in front of my screen at home. I know it's exciting to see the skaters 'live" (and I've done it many times) but there's a limit to what I'm willing to pay. Added to the ticket prices, you have air fare, hotel costs and meals. Ah ... no... I will thoroughly enjoy Worlds from the comfort of my living room next March. 🙂

I totally agree! I was toying with the idea of going to Montreal to watch Worlds live next year but not at these prices. I have bills!

Guess I'll have to stick with Johnny, Tara, and the 'cock. 😭


Prices are now listed on the pre-sale ticket email link

Premium $2400
P1 $2100
P2 $1650
P3 $1250
P4 $750
P5 $450
Actually a bit cheaper than 2020 :)

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Well-Known Member
I just get an "error 0011: when clicking "next" after choosing a seat. Does anyone know what to do with it? I tried with 4 different browsers, and all got the same error.


Well-Known Member
I’m getting an error code when I select seats. Has anyone been able to purchase?

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