Sport24: Aleksandra Trusova leaving Tutberidze for Plushenko


Well-Known Member
I think it is not fair to say that Trusova was "effing" with Eteri's strategy. She is only 15 and it's rude word to use in context with a girl who sincerely loves what she does. She and her father just have their own different strategy. Both sides mean well...

Trusova sincerely loves to jump and thinks it is her ticket to gold and her approach makes her unique among others, two parallel motivations. After all she did say "if others will start doing quads, she'll do quintuplets...

Her father wants her to be "unstoppable" and goes against Eteri's cautions and strategy by offering Sasha a new dog for learning the next dangerous jump. He and mother openly carroting a "new dog" in front of Sasha's face + Sasha's love of jumping and winning = losing position for Eteri & TeamTut, and it leads to screaming matches between two sides.

But nobody called Nathan's and Parents' choice of jumps in SP at Olys "effing" in spite of Rafik's great dissatisfaction and being right...and in spite of Nathan loosing oly medal, possibly gold.

Trusova had a tough year, she grew quite tall this year, went and going still through puberty, got overbearing media attention not just positive but a lot of undeserved negativity; quads got her several wins at GP and Japan Open events; quads got her into world records book, front page magazine covers, sponsors, and more.

Eteri and Team is not stopping her quads and 3A, she just wants her to last in one piece to Olympics, but Sasha is 15, she thinks "the more quads and 3A the more gold and fame". On top of this all..... Sasha has been stuck in the house and yard with no real outlet for skating..... Poor girl, many others would go nuts and start acting out also.....

Sasha, Parents, Eteri - they ALL had/have good motives for Sasha's future, it's just that they see different strategies to get a positive outcome. Sasha is not "effing with Eteri's methods", she is just young and eager and crawling out of her skin being stuck without skating!
Hence why now is the worst time to make a decision like this. But oh well, hopefully she'll be fine.


Values her privacy
Trusova reminds me Nathan Chen and Jim Boyang. They both entered senior ranks and concentrated on chasing as many quads as they could fit in. Sometimes this strategy worked, other times it backfired like Chen’s Olympics result. Every skater wants to win and that means playing to their strengths. I don’t blame Trusova that she keep chasing the quads. Only time will show whether she can get it as consistent as Chen or Hanyu, or whether she will be unlucky and ends up sacrificing the results for the sake of chasing more and more quads, like Boyang. He could have been great but he has never quite made it yet. (His best were two bronze worlds medals and fourth at the Olympics). This is Trusova’s career; she needs to decide whether to take the risks and she will be the one living with the consequences. It may pay off or it may not, time will show.
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Well-Known Member
Trusova reminds me Nathan Chen and Jim Boyang. They both entered senior ranks and concentrated on chasing as many quads as they could fit in. Sometimes this strategy worked, other times it backfired like Chen’s Olympics result. Every skater wants to win and that means playing to their strengths. I don’t blame Trusova that she keep chasing the quads. Only time will show whether she can get it as consistent as Chen or Hanyu, or whether she will be unlucky and ends up sacrificing the results for the sake of chasing more and more quads, like Boyang. He could have been great but he has never quite made it yet. (His best were two bronze medals and fourth at the Olympics). This is Trusova’s career; she needs to decide whether to take the risks and she will be the one living with the consequences. It may pay off or it may not, time will show.

She won't be satisfied being Boyang. Don't forget this is the girl who said in an interview something like "anything that isn't gold is losing."

So she clearly wants to win gold and hates losing. On the other hand she clearly has very high goals when it comes to jumps. So she needs to pick which one she wants more: gold medals or history making jumps.

Truth is no matter how much she may dislike it right now she can't have both because it's not practical. Her body is still growing and she needs a lot of work in other areas of her skating. Eteri was clearly trying to address the other issues in her skating (components/spins) early in the season but in the second half it was forgotten probably because Aleksanda wasn't happy with the way things were going.

She's only 15. She needs to learn patience and moderation otherwise her career will be a very short one and she likely won't accomplish what she wants in medals or jumps. If she wins Beijing and is forced to retire because body can't take it anymore maybe she won't have regrets but if she doesn't win Beijing and is forced to retire.......:shuffle:


Well-Known Member


Values her privacy
She won't be satisfied being Boyang. Don't forget this is the girl who said in an interview something like "anything that isn't gold is losing."

So she clearly wants to win gold and hates losing. On the other hand she clearly has very high goals when it comes to jumps. So she needs to pick which one she wants more: gold medals or history making jumps.

Truth is no matter how much she may dislike it right now she can't have both because it's not practical. Her body is still growing and she needs a lot of work in other areas of her skating. Eteri was clearly trying to address the other issues in her skating (components/spins) early in the season but in the second half it was forgotten probably because Aleksanda wasn't happy with the way things were going.

She's only 15. She needs to learn patience and moderation otherwise her career will be a very short one and she likely won't accomplish what she wants in medals or jumps. If she wins Beijing and is forced to retire because body can't take it anymore maybe she won't have regrets but if she doesn't win Beijing and is forced to retire.......:shuffle:
Of course she wouldn’t be satisfied if she ends up as Boyang. But no one knows whether she will end up as Boyang; she may end up as Chen. You think she must choose whether she wants to win or whether she wants to make history with the jumps. But you are wrong; she may be able to have both. People were criticising Chen that he stubbornly kept chasing the quads and now he is two times world champion.


Values her privacy
Egor Rukhin (16) also switched from Tutberidze to Pluschenko
Can someone remind me all skaters who left Tutberidze’s group this off season, please? I am losing track.


Well-Known Member
Eteri was clearly trying to address the other issues in her skating (components/spins) early in the season but in the second half it was forgotten probably because Aleksanda wasn't happy with the way things were going.

It's funny that you are saying this because the prevalent stuff I'm seeing right now is that Tuberidze "overloaded" Trusova's programs with quads and paid no attention to choreography or skating skills. Oh, and that she found a way to blame yet another student for being difficult to work with.


Well-Known Member
Egor Rukhin (16) also switched from Tutberidze to Pluschenko
I heard he had left Eteri's school in January. He has been recovering from injuries and was only doing off-ice training the past few months.


Well-Known Member
It's funny that you are saying this because the prevalent stuff I'm seeing right now is that Tuberidze "overloaded" Trusova's programs with quads and paid no attention to choreography or skating skills. Oh, and that she found a way to blame yet another student for being difficult to work with.

To say that Eteri doesn't pay attention to chorography is ridiculous. I don't always like what she does but it's clear they make total attempts at creating a full program. All her students have programs that have what one might called her team's "trademark style/movements " and Aleksandra's programs were full of them too.

Difference between Aleksanda and the other Eteri students is she made next to no attempt (at least after the GPF) to perform. Whatever body movements there were she did half-hearted like she was rushing and going the motions until the next jump came. She showed very little expression on the face as well. It looks like she decided "I'm not good at components so I won't even try anymore but I'm good at jumps so I'll only focus on that." That's not on Eteri, that's on Aleksanda because she's the one on ice.

Perky Shae Lynn

Well-Known Member
To say that Eteri doesn't pay attention to chorography is ridiculous. I don't always like what she does but it's clear they make total attempts at creating a full program. All her students have programs that have what one might called her team's "trademark style/movements " and Aleksandra's programs were full of them too.

Difference between Aleksanda and the other Eteri students is she made next to no attempt (at least after the GPF) to perform. Whatever body movements there were she did half-hearted like she was rushing and going the motions until the next jump came. She showed very little expression on the face as well. It looks like she decided "I'm not good at components so I won't even try anymore but I'm good at jumps so I'll only focus on that." That's not on Eteri, that's on Aleksanda because she's the one on ice.
It's on both of them. The program didn't allow for much of anything. The execution was rushed. Classic chicken or the egg situation.


Well-Known Member
It's on both of them. The program didn't allow for much of anything. The execution was rushed. Classic chicken or the egg situation.

Well the post i quoted said "paid no attention to choreography." Even if one didn't like the style its wrong to say the program wasn't choreographed. It was but Aleksandra was making no honest attempt at it and Eteri can't control what happens on ice in competition so it isn't her fault. Besides Trusova seem to have very little trouble performing a ultra busy program, with quads, when she was dominating the junior circuit. Only in the second half of this season this seem to have changed and that's when she went all kitchen sink with the jumps (which I think was probably done due to complaints from Trusova herself. no I don't like that the coaches appeased her on that but I think they were looking for ways to help her win so).

Trusova always moved kind of clunky even when she was small which is why she was never a power house in the PCS/component department. But at the beginning of the season it looked like she was trying to take more time in her movements, extend her body, look less coltish and a little more graceful. So yes a conscious effort was being made by her and her team to address her biggest weakness. The idea that the off and the beginning of the season was all jumps with no attention paid to anything else is wrong.

In the end they had different visions and split as a result (nothing wrong with that) but to say that Eteri was only about jumps and did little on anything else for Trusova's skating is wrong. They were working on everything but it looks like the student panicked when she wasn't winning gold and got impatient

Tinami Amori

Well-Known Member
Hence why now is the worst time to make a decision like this. But oh well, hopefully she'll be fine.
My only concern is that given Pluschenko's position now of having to prove his excellence through Trusova, if her progress will no appear satisfactory to him or fast enough, in order not to "lose face" Plusch will not be patient and may run her into the ground or will allow Trusova to jump her self to the end of time..

If this poaching stunt does not work out for Plusch (who is seeking skating and ego related success) and Rudkovskaya (who is the boss and is seeking publicity, promotion of their school, and ultimately money), his reputation will be damaged. Plusch/Rudkovskaya attacked a lot of people in FS this past year, in quite serious and nasty ways - Yaguding, Zhulin, Tarasova, Tutberidze, Averbuch, Tarakanova, various persons in the federation and FS world in general. He has very little friends now... maybe those only who depend on him or Mishin... :D Plush wants to stick it to all now...

Rukhin leaving ....................... :D. :D. :D.
There is an old Russian saying - Баба с возу - кабыле легче.
"Wench is off the (firewood) cart - (makes it) easier on the mare".

He is 16... his highest scores and best results as little far as 6-7 months are these..

He can either transfer to Seniors now, and realistically, to never medal at major events or certainly not make the Russian Oly team. Or, he can stay 2 more years in Juniors and still not likely to medal at major events or make the next Olys. TeamTut certainly does NOT need Rukhin to add doubt to their reputation and issue with "men are harder to train".

By the way... it was Rozanov who supervised and trained Rukhin all this time.... :)

I, due to some internal gut feeling, suspect that Rukhin is either a fantasy-dreamer (about having his performance greatly improving with the "same coach, but in a different rink 1 year before Olys"; or he in reality does not have very high expectations in results in future competitions, but was promised a lot of "off the ice benefits" (higher stipend, trip to Bulgaria for summer camps vs. hard core Novogorsk, and like Pluschenko likes to brag - more sponsors and publicity, etc).

While for these skaters (Rikh, Trus, Zhils) is about their skating and results and have to some extend "legitimate purposes when it comes to skating", for Pluschenko, and more for Ruskovskaya - all of this are "their own agendas and power trips and revenge and egos".

Rozanov is not stupid... he sees all this too.... he also has ego... and if he was given a free pick of any top young skater to train, Rikh and Zhils would not be his picks (exception perhaps Trus, but she has also limitations for now).

Good luck to skaters - they are doing it for the right reasons; and may Karma come to Plusch, Rudkovskaya and Rozanov for their actions (which could be good for helping skating, or it could be bad for blind selfishness and destruction of skaters' future).
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Well-Known Member
Plusch/Rudkovskaya attacked a lot of people in FS this past year, in quite serious and nasty ways - Yaguding, Zhulin, Tarasova, Tutberidze, Averbuch, Tarakanova, various persons in the federation and FS world in general. He has very little friends now... maybe those only who depend on him or Mishin... :D Plush wants to stick it to all now...

OMG! I understand you are a big fan of Eteri thus Plush became your enemy in december but this is not true . :rofl: If Plushenko has bad words on somebody that those are reponse their attacks.We all knew you are a great story teller (y) and I personally like your posts but sometimes you go too far.:p If you have time collect the evidences,but show us the whole conversations, OK?:lol:
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Tinami Amori

Well-Known Member
OMG! I understand you are a big fan of Eteri thusPlush became your enemy in december but this is not true . :rofl: If Plushenko has bad words on somebody that those are reponse their attacks.We all knew you are a great story teller and I personally ike your posts but sometimes you go too far.:p If you have time collect the evidences,but show us the whole onversations, OK?:lol:
You have either a "selective memory" or "selective reading" abilities... :D. The Yags fight, the Tarakanova, the Averbuch conflicts took place before "Eteri confrontation" and i defended them and critiqued Plushy.

You are russian and read russian..... Do you recall how many people outside of skating did Plush, and mostly Rudkovskaya offended?

I am not a "big fan" of quite a few people that Plushy had confrontations with, and yet i defended them in THOSE PARTICULAR SITUATIONS..... TAT, Yags, and few others have received a lot of critique from me in the past, and still do...... but not when i comes to fights with Plushy.. Tarakanova got critique from me (shortly before Eteri's situation with Plush) for almost demanding from "russian citizens giving her 50000 USD in donations (avg. rus. salary is 16000), TAT got critique from me for years, Yagudin was an "old bully" of Plushenko and got critique..... Some things Plush/Rudkovsky family does also deserve serious critique.. At the same time i defend them in their situation with Yags, with attacks on their child...

Ask me what i think about Yags and Plusch back in the days with Mishin, even today - Yags is a jerk, Plusch is a victim.... :D

Ask your last teacher or a parent you know...... sometime you "spank", and sometimes you "praise" a person..


Well-Known Member
You have either a "selective memory" or "selective reading" abilities... :D. The Yags fight, the Tarakanova, the Averbuch conflicts took place before "Eteri confrontation" and i defended them and critiqued Plushy.

You are russian and read russian..... Do you recall how many people outside of skating did Plush, and mostly Rudkovskaya offended?

I am not a "big fan" of quite a few people that Plushy had confrontations with, and yet i defended them in THOSE PARTICULAR SITUATIONS..... TAT, Yags, and few others have received a lot of critique from me in the past, and still do...... but not when i comes to fights with Plushy.. Tarakanova got critique from me (shortly before Eteri's situation with Plush) for almost demanding from "russian citizens giving her 50000 USD in donations (avg. rus. salary is 16000), TAT got critique from me for years, Yagudin was an "old bully" of Plushenko and got critique..... Some things Plush/Rudkovsky family does also deserve serious critique.. At the same time i defend them in their situation with Yags, with attacks on their child...

Ask me what i think about Yags and Plusch back in the days with Mishin, even today - Yags is a jerk, Plusch is a victim.... :D

Ask your last teacher or a parent you know...... sometime you "spank", and sometimes you "praise" a person..

Facts, messages, articles?;) I remember before december you supported Plush over Yag for example. :lol::p And if you mentioned Averbuch, their conflict started because of the business interest for years. Aver has shows and Plush stepped into the market with his amazing shows.. After Aver attacked him before and after Sochi. Aaaand for ex Plushy announced in January of 2016 their new show will be the Nutcraker and Averbukh did it in April. His new show was also the Nutcracker and so on and so on. hmmmm.:scream: Do you remember? Probably, yes. Finally no one said Plush is perfect, or his acts are flawless every time and those acts don't deserve critics, but he is not a twitchy man who attacks everybody. The cases are more complicated, you know. No matter Tinami, you can play your games, but what you do to make a campaigne with fake datas or with incomplete informations is not too elegant. :lol: Good luck! :cheer2:
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Tinami Amori

Well-Known Member
Facts, messages, articles?;) I remember before december you supported Plush against to Yag for example. :lol::p And if you mentioned Averbuch, their conflict started because of the business interest for years
:D you've just confirmed what i said earlier - I am on the side of Plush in the 2 Yags' stories (from the 1990's and 2017), I was against Plush in his Averbuch, Tarakanova, few other conflicts - with started BEFORE Eteri's issues.... :D


Well-Known Member
:D you've just confirmed what i said earlier - I am on the side of Plush in the 2 Yags' stories (from the 1990's and 2017), I was against Plush in his Averbuch, Tarakanova, few other conflicts - with started BEFORE Eteri's issues.... :D

Good luck, Tinami! I will read you, no matter what! :lol: I like the tales!:smokin:

Tinami Amori

Well-Known Member
Good luck, Tinami! I will read you, no matter what! :lol: I like the tales!:smokin:
Clever....... not! You would not be reading my posts if you really thought they were "tales". I too love tales, when i write one i proudly say "here is a story, a tale, a gossip, a rumor"... You on the other hand, like to call "tales" everything you don't find to your liking or convenient.

I am not playing game of "Докажи что ты не верблюд" (An old soviet joke about being accused of something stupid that one can't normally dispute) - "prove (to me) that you're (a human, and) not a camel". And if I say to you "but look, i don't have the 2 humps", you'll say "but there are camels with 1 hump"..... and if i say "but i don't have even 1 hump", you'll say "but the even slight swelling in the upper section of your spinal cord could be the hidden hump".... Then you will proudly point out every vestige in human body insisting that coccyx is "my hidden camel tail"...... :D

So don't forget...... if you bug me too much, i CAN spit like a 3-hump camelidae... :lol:


Well-Known Member
It's on both of them. The program didn't allow for much of anything. The execution was rushed. Classic chicken or the egg situation.

Not just Trusova though. Even Zagitova, Valieva and Shchberkova had the same issue - they had moves that were choreographed to deliberately not be held - like Zagitova's and Valieva's ina bauer and all those Shchberkova spirals / leg lifts after her jump landings. They were beautiful but were barely held for a split second. The way those elements were choreographed did not appear like they were meant to be held. Bugs me to no end.

Tinami Amori

Well-Known Member
Back on the subject... Eteri, Gleikh, Dude, are posting their farewell to Trusova, saying (short version) "of course such departures are hard to handle, we put heart and soul into every skater, when we work together for so long we all become a family. together we injure, grow and conquer. we respect skaters' choice when they receive other offers, but want all to know that our skaters are sincere efforts of our creations. we will never succumb to (blackmail of) matching the better conditions, if we ever did participate in this bargaining games, people would lose trust in us ".

From Dudakov's IG: "Best of Luck, Sasha, in your new team".


Well-Known Member
Egor Rukhin (16) also switched from Tutberidze to Pluschenko

He went to CSKA

Perky Shae Lynn

Well-Known Member
Not just Trusova though. Even Zagitova, Valieva and Shchberkova had the same issue - they had moves that were choreographed to deliberately not be held - like Zagitova's and Valieva's ina bauer and all those Shchberkova spirals / leg lifts after her jump landings. They were beautiful but were barely held for a split second. The way those elements were choreographed did not appear like they were meant to be held. Bugs me to no end.
It drives me crazy.
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Values her privacy
So Kunitsa will be doing pairs and Knaysheva ice dance? And Trusova and Zhilina with Pluschneko, and Rukhin is CSKA? Is Erokhov still skating?


Well-Known Member
I like the Tutberidze team's choreographpy a lot, but that is the one big criticism I agree with, I would like to see them hold positions more.


Well-Known Member
I, due to some internal gut feeling, suspect that Rukhin is either a fantasy-dreamer (about having his performance greatly improving with the "same coach, but in a different rink 1 year before Olys"; or he in reality does not have very high expectations in results in future competitions, but was promised a lot of "off the ice benefits" (higher stipend, trip to Bulgaria for summer camps vs. hard core Novogorsk, and like Pluschenko likes to brag - more sponsors and publicity, etc).

So it turns out your gut feeling that prompted an entire essay was completely can that be, with all of your inside sources? :rofl:

Actually I agree with the criticisms of Plush/Yana, cannot stand them, but I'm also not a cultist who thinks TT is always in the right or that Eteri lacks any ego herself. The way they talk about children being disloyal traitors for leaving does not sit well with me at all. These are business relationships, at the end of the day. That goes for all coach/student relationships. Life is too short to stay somewhere if you are unhappy.

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