2021 U.S. Nationals will return to San Jose, Calif.; 2022 U.S. Nationals will be in Nashville, TN (Toyota is title sponsor for both)


Well-Known Member
I was poking around the SAP Center website and watched the video on the concessions. Apparently, cannoli is available on the club level. Please let this be open during Nationals. :lol:
In the past, the SAP Center has been very easy about food. You can bring it in with no problem. So, enjoy the cannoli but also know there is a Whole Foods market less than a 5 minute walk away. The man at the San Jose table at Nationals said they call the Whole Foods market the "cafeteria"

UMBS Go Blue

Слава Україні!
Not sure if it's being discussed in other subforums, but if Los Angeles is already considering not having large events, including sporting events, until 2021, then it wouldn't be a stretch to wonder whether this will be case elsewhere in California and if it might affect 2021 Nationals in San Jose. Not to mention any continued travel restrictions that might make ISU events difficult this year.

LA Times article

CNN article

Edited: I guess the 11-letter C-word is being filtered out, so if you want to click on those article links, you'll have to replace the asterisks with the 11-letter C-word in the address bar.
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Doing all the things
LA Times article

CNN article

Edited: I guess the 11-letter C-word is being filtered out, so if you want to click on those article links, you'll have to replace the asterisks with the 11-letter C-word in the address bar.
Or use tinyurl.com!

While I do think early 2021 is in jeopardy, the articles are all saying this year, not 2021. So Nationals is probably safe.

Debbie S

Well-Known Member
While I do think early 2021 is in jeopardy, the articles are all saying this year, not 2021. So Nationals is probably safe.
Even if there could be a Nats, there might not be a qualifying season. Summer comps are in the process of being canceled. While states may gradually reopen over the next few months, ice rinks may not be prioritized. If they remain closed, skaters won't be ready for a qual (or JGP or GP) season. And even if rinks reopen in June or July, would hosting large comps in Oct and Nov be feasible? If there is no qual season, could they have Nats? Would it be a pared-down version with only skaters in the ISP?


Cat Servant
I hope Nationals in San Jose will still be a go, but I don't have a lot of hope for those reasons - how will the skaters qualify during 2020 if everything is canceled or postponed? It's probably the only skating event I will be able to attend since it's driving distance, plus I have a friend I could stay with to save on hotel costs.


Well-Known Member

Newsom said it was unlikely sporting events would resume, even without fans in the stands, until there is herd immunity or a vaccine for the [you-know-what].

It's possible that a vaccine could be available by September, but that does not mean that it would be so widely available that the State of California (or Santa Clara County) would permit Nationals to take place in San Jose in January.

As some here are no doubt aware, Santa Clara County, which includes San Jose, was one of six Bay Area counties to institute the nation's first stay-at-home order, and the Santa Clara County Department of Public Health took the lead on pressing the issues.


Doing all the things
As some here are no doubt aware, Santa Clara County, which includes San Jose, was one of six Bay Area counties to institute the nation's first stay-at-home order, and the Santa Clara County Department of Public Health took the lead on pressing the issues.
Because they were a hot spot. IOW, it was worse there than elsewhere in the country and world.

I don't know if that means they were ahead of the curve and things will loosen up sooner or if it means they will have to be more cautious and so it's even less likely that Nationals will be here.


Cat Servant
Yeah, when Newsom said no sporting events until a vaccine, I pretty much lost all hope for Nationals here in January. :wuzrobbed


Doing all the things
Yeah, when Newsom said no sporting events until a vaccine, I pretty much lost all hope for Nationals here in January. :wuzrobbed
I said: Lalala, I can't hear you.

Remember: counties can be looser than the state orders if they go through a few procedures. Now the SF Bay Area is currently stricter than the State but who knows what will happen.

Debbie S

Well-Known Member
I interpreted Newsom's statement to mean that sporting events will be held w/o spectators, not necessarily canceled. I assume that's what will happen with NFL games. It would be very difficult to move Nats at this point, although if it would be held w/o spectators anywhere, they could probably save money by using a regular rink, not a large arena...but since they have the secondary rink in San Jose reserved for practice, they could easily move to that.


Cat Servant
I interpreted Newsom's statement to mean that sporting events will be held w/o spectators, not necessarily canceled. I assume that's what will happen with NFL games. It would be very difficult to move Nats at this point, although if it would be held w/o spectators anywhere, they could probably save money by using a regular rink, not a large arena...but since they have the secondary rink in San Jose reserved for practice, they could easily move to that.

Remember all the money they have to return. Season ticket holders for NFL games are going to want their money back if they can't see the event in person, and so will skating fans. This money funds a lot of the event.

AngieNikodinovLove (ANL)

The Harem is now taking applications 😝
Because they were a hot spot. IOW, it was worse there than elsewhere in the country and world.

I don't know if that means they were ahead of the curve and things will loosen up sooner or if it means they will have to be more cautious and so it's even less likely that Nationals will be here.

SF Bay saw it earlier because the bay airports are a gateway to the east.

Today, CA started phase 2. LA Mayor, Garcetti allowed LA County to go ahead with phase 2, not sure if Marin county did.

Debbie S

Well-Known Member
Remember all the money they have to return. Season ticket holders for NFL games are going to want their money back if they can't see the event in person, and so will skating fans. This money funds a lot of the event.
Right. In terms of costs, they could hold Nats in a regular rink and that would lower the costs. Don't forget that the judges and officials are all volunteers, the LOC/USFS would just need to fund travel and lodging expenses. The skaters do pay an entry fee when they qualify for Nats and USFS would likely have to chip in some extra. Most club comps don't charge admission and they still make money, but you need a certain number of skaters per event hour, plus they charge extra for practice ice, which Nats likely wouldn't (and shouldn't) do. Holding Nats w/o spectators may result in a loss but it wouldn't be horrible. It would probably be worse for the skaters, who I'm sure wouldn't want to compete w/o an audience. But if there's no other way...


Doing all the things
SF Bay saw it earlier because the bay airports are a gateway to the east.

Today, CA started phase 2. LA Mayor, Garcetti allowed LA County to go ahead with phase 2, not sure if Marin county did.
Marin was listed as a county, along with SF County and Santa Cruz counties, that are planning to adopt the state standards but not today. I think May 18th?

My county is not but I think they should. We have a very low per capita number of cases compared to surrounding counties.


Well-Known Member
I interpreted Newsom's statement to mean that sporting events will be held w/o spectators, not necessarily canceled.
Only if there is a vaccine or herd immunity. No vaccine, no herd immunity, no events, even without spectators.


Well-Known Member
There is so much up in the air still, with this "new" situation. I would guess a slow start to sports competitions although baseball is considering a mid-summer start.
I hope hope by that 2022, there will be a Nationals in Nashville. It is within driving distance for me.

AngieNikodinovLove (ANL)

The Harem is now taking applications 😝
I have a little bit more hope now.

I was just coming to post the exact same article. My friends here in Los Angeles started texting me this about 30 minutes ago. So Los Angeles county where I live has the most cases but San Jose is better off than here. And if CA can start to possibly open sporting events in June… Maybe we have more hope.

California was the first state I believe to shut completely down so hopefully got ahead of the curve.

Debbie S

Well-Known Member
Good news! But are these "live sporting events" with or without spectators? Obviously, we're a long way from January, but I thought "sporting events with spectators" would only be allowed if we have a vaccine or effective treatment, which we may well have by then.

But even if Nats was held w/o spectators, it would still be a good step.
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Well-Known Member
Good news! But are these "live sporting events" with or without spectators? Obviously, we're a long way from January, but I thought "sporting events with spectators" would only be allowed if we have a vaccine or effective treatment, which we may well have by then.

But even if Nats was held w/o spectators, it would still be a good step.

CA resident here --- today's comments referenced holding sporting events WITHOUT spectators.


Well-Known Member
I hope Nationals in San Jose will still be a go, but I don't have a lot of hope for those reasons - how will the skaters qualify during 2020 if everything is canceled or postponed? It's probably the only skating event I will be able to attend since it's driving distance, plus I have a friend I could stay with to save on hotel costs.

I would that that the federation would determine qualifications for Nationals based on whatever criteria they agree on.

Fingers crossed that Nationals resume in 2021. They are important in determining Olympic spots.

However, if the 22 Olympics are delayed, Nationals might be delayed also. And I'll go into serious FS withdrawal.


Cat Servant
CA resident here --- today's comments referenced holding sporting events WITHOUT spectators.

Right. But before, he was saying no sporting events with or without spectators until there is a vaccine. Now he's saying sporting events could resume in June without spectators so the possibility of January with spectators is looking better. Or at least the event without spectators would be possible, which is an improvement over what he said before.


Doing all the things
I think when he said no sporting events without a vaccine, he meant regular sporting events with spectators. I base this on listening to most of his briefings and the context of what he was asked.

So the only change I see here is that he's saying that Stage 3 might come as early as June when a few weeks ago he said it was months away.

ETA that's just my opinion, of course. :D


Well-Known Member
I suppose an event in Nashville is the closest I'm going to get (living in Atlanta). I'll keep an eye on how things unfold but I'd actually love to attend an event. I've only ever been to Champions on Ice (twice) which shows you how long ago that was. I'd love to attend an actual major competition.


Active Member
I interpreted Newsom's statement to mean that sporting events will be held w/o spectators, not necessarily canceled. I assume that's what will happen with NFL games. It would be very difficult to move Nats at this point, although if it would be held w/o spectators anywhere, they could probably save money by using a regular rink, not a large arena...but since they have the secondary rink in San Jose reserved for practice, they could easily move to that.
The rink is Solar 4 America ice, Sharks Ice which is a permanent rink which is used all year round.


Doing all the things
The rink is Solar 4 America ice, Sharks Ice which is a permanent rink which is used all year round.
And it has 4 ice surfaces so it can be used for more than practice. There is also the rink in Fremont which is about 30 minutes away from downtown SJ (when there is no traffic) that could be used for practice and a 2 surface rink in Oakland, which is farther afield but could serve as a backup, if necessary.

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