2021 U.S. Nationals will return to San Jose, Calif.; 2022 U.S. Nationals will be in Nashville, TN (Toyota is title sponsor for both)


@victorskid just posted in the other thread... "2021 in San Jose and 2022 in Nashville - just announced": https://usfigureskatingfanzone.com/...2-toyota-us-figure-skating-championships.aspx

Same press release: https://www.usfsa.org/story.aspx?id=92782&type=media
(10/30/19) - U.S. Figure Skating announced the selection of San Jose, California, as the host city for the 2021 TOYOTA U.S. Figure Skating Championships, and Nashville as the host of the 2022 TOYOTA U.S. Figure Skating Championships.

The 2021 U.S. Championships, set for Jan. 11-17, will return to San Jose for the fourth time, and the first time since 2018. The 2022 U.S. Championships, which will take place Jan. 3-9, will serve as the final qualifying event prior to selecting and announcing the U.S. Olympic Figure Skating Team that will represent Team USA at the Olympic Winter Games Beijing 2022. The U.S. Championships were last held in Nashville in 1997.

1997 Nashville was my first-ever Nationals experience (was just there for the men's & ladies' free skates on Saturday & exhibition on Sunday)... a very eye-opening, exciting experience for me. :)

2 local articles:

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Author of the Ice and Edge Series
San Jose AGAIN? Ugh. This will break my 20-year streak of Nationals because of the dates being moved (work responsibilities). I was hoping to sneak in for the weekend, but it takes forever to get to San Jose and back from New Orleans. :(:(:(:(

Excited for Nashville, though!!!!


Banned Member
Why is USFS allergic to the east coast? Can't we get a comp in Boston again? Sigh...

Yes, I know this year is Greensboro, but it seems like USFS only wants to come east every 5 years.

They also had Skate America in Lake Placid in 2017.


AYS's snark-sponge
Which no one could get to. ;) SA has been on the east coast twice in the past 10 years, both times in LP. And it's not like the east coast doesn't have midsize arenas within a reasonable drive of a major airport.

We're not getting SA but in the last ten years Nationals three times in Greensboro, and once in Boston (as well as Worlds)? I don't think that's something to complain about.

I want SA so I'm all for putting other events on the West Coast so an accessible city in the East can get SA!

Debbie S

Well-Known Member
I want SA so I'm all for putting other events on the West Coast so an accessible city in the East can get SA!
Word is that SA is going back to Las Vegas next year.

San Jose is also expensive (IIRC, the hotel rates were more than other recent Nats cities) and limited to no public transportation. IIRC, competitor parents weren't thrilled with the setup, particularly the transportation to the secondary rink, although having only Junior and Senior events might alleviate that.

ETA: I wouldn't mind Nats being in a midwestern city (preferably not one in a polar vortex). I'm looking forward to Nashville. Just a reasonably priced city with nonstop/2-3 hour max flights.
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Well-Known Member
Why is USFS allergic to the east coast? Can't we get a comp in Boston again? Sigh...

Yes, I know this year is Greensboro, but it seems like USFS only wants to come east every 5 years.
In the seven years from 2014 to 2020, U.S. Nationals will have been on the East Coast three times and the West Coast just once. :COP:


Well-Known Member
^^ That may be true about Nationals, but when you look at all the U.S.-staged events including U.S. Classic, Skate America, Nationals, and last year's 4CCs, there's been a lot recently in the West. I mean since last fall alone, we've had the Classic twice in Salt Lake City, SA last year in Washington state and this year in Las Vegas, and 4CCs in Anaheim.

The West Coast events are not easy for me to do, coming from Boston, because with the time difference and length of flights, it always seems to be 2 full days of travel in addition to the time spent at the comp. Of course I don't expect all events to be on the East Coast, but some more in both the East and the Midwest would be nice. ETA: Looking forward to Nashville!


Fan of Yuzuru, T&M, P&C
Although I love San Jose, I am more likely to go to the 2022 nationals because the Olympic team will be selected there. Plus I could do some sightseeing in TN.


Well-Known Member
I wish they would do another big skating comp @ Ring Central Coliseum/Oakland Arena in Oakland. There is tons of parking and there is a BART station (Bay Area subway) @ the site. The area is kinda so-so, but it easy to get there.

They hosted the 1992 Worlds, so the facility has experience with skating events.

Word is that SA is going back to Las Vegas next year.

San Jose is also expensive (IIRC, the hotel rates were more than other recent Nats cities) and limited to no public transportation. IIRC, competitor parents weren't thrilled with the setup, particularly the transportation to the secondary rink, although having only Junior and Senior events might alleviate that.

ETA: I wouldn't mind Nats being in a midwestern city (preferably not one in a polar vortex). I'm looking forward to Nashville. Just a reasonably priced city with nonstop/2-3 hour max flights.


Mayor of Carrot City
I wish they would do another big skating comp @ Ring Central Coliseum/Oakland Arena in Oakland. There is tons of parking and there is a BART station (Bay Area subway) @ the site. The area is kinda so-so, but it easy to get there.

They hosted the 1992 Worlds, so the facility has experience with skating events.

I don't. It was a long BART ride from San Francisco, and while everyone working at the coliseum was really nice, they were clearly overwhelmed by having the place jammed to the rafters every day for a whole week. And at that time anyway there wasn't much else around the coliseum, so once you got there you were kind of stuck there unless you wanted to get back on the BART...


Doing all the things
They hosted the 1992 Worlds, so the facility has experience with skating events.
Since that was over 25 years ago, I don't think it counts. I doubt the people running the place are the same for one thing.

And at that time anyway there wasn't much else around the coliseum, so once you got there you were kind of stuck there unless you wanted to get back on the BART...
Still true.

Woohoo, I want to volunteer at San Jose again. That was so much fun and an unforgettable experience.
It was fun working with you!


Like a small boat on the ocean...
Why is USFS allergic to the east coast? Can't we get a comp in Boston again? Sigh...

Yes, I know this year is Greensboro, but it seems like USFS only wants to come east every 5 years.

I live 1 1/2 hours from San Jose..........but I still wish USFS could pick a place that is more interesting..........New Orleans? Atlanta? Although, who am I kidding....attending a skating event for me is an extreme sport. I just have to go to the practices and the skates. Why do I think I would go see anything?


Well-Known Member
Nashville was my first nationals... That's when I realized ABC had been fibbing to me and there was a LOT more to see then they included on the broadcast!

I am thrilled it's going back and hoping maybe I can volunteer again even though I live in Atlanta

(and I always love people who are upset regardless of WHERE USFS picks unless "it's my back yard" LOL! )


Author of the Ice and Edge Series
I'm actually more annoyed that they changed the dates in 2021 than where it's located. I hope they're not going to do the 2nd week in January in all non-Olympic years from now on.

Debbie S

Well-Known Member
(and I always love people who are upset regardless of WHERE USFS picks unless "it's my back yard" LOL! )
Well, the eastern half of the country isn't "my backyard". Actually, the only skating event in "my backyard" was 2003 Worlds and even that was about 45 min away. I'd love for another skating event to come to DC but with the trend of smaller markets and arenas, I don't think that will happen.

In addition to the hotel and flight costs, the ticket prices for SJ were quite a bit more than other recent Nats cities. I hope they pull back a little on the pricing this time but i'm sure they won't.


Well-Known Member
Looking forward to Nationals in my home state in 2022! I was hoping they'd be in Boston (loved attending Worlds there), but I'll take Nashville in a heartbeat.

The downside will be that with all the growth the city's been experiencing, hotel rates have skyrocketed, especially in the area around the arena. On the bright side, there are a ton of hotels under construction in that area so hopefully prices will normalize a little. There are plenty of hotels and restaurants (as well as tourist attractions) within walking distance of the arena, and Tennessee weather in January is typically pretty mild. Not sure if they'll use Municipal Auditorium for practices (fairly close to the arena and what they used in 1997) or one of the Scott Hamilton rinks, which would be 20-30 minutes either west or southeast of downtown. I'm also hoping this continues skating's growth in the Middle Tennessee area.

Debbie S

Well-Known Member
Not sure if they'll use Municipal Auditorium for practices (fairly close to the arena and what they used in 1997) or one of the Scott Hamilton rinks, which would be 20-30 minutes either west or southeast of downtown.
Since Scott Hamilton was involved in the bid and quoted in the press release, I assume his rink will be used as the practice facility.

^^ That may be true about Nationals, but when you look at all the U.S.-staged events including U.S. Classic, Skate America, Nationals, and last year's 4CCs, there's been a lot recently in the West.
I think that's what I find annoying - if they're going to have Nats out west, OK, but spread events around. Rumor is SA is returning to Vegas next year and there was also a rumor posted here that the U.S. Classic is moving to Irvine. At least have one event in the east (and I don't mean Lake Placid) or midwest.

I'm surprised there hasn't been a big event in Florida. The skating community there has gotten pretty big, and there have been articles in Skating Magazine about its growth, so it's not lost on USFS. (And for fans in almost any part of the country, a trip to FL in January would be much appreciated. :) )
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Well-Known Member
Since Scott Hamilton was involved in the bid and quoted in the press release, I assume his rink will be used as the practice facility.

I think that's what I find annoying - if they're going to have Nats out west, OK, but spread events around. Rumor is SA is returning to Vegas next year and there was also a rumor posted here that the U.S. Classic is moving to Irvine. At least have one event in the east (and I don't mean Lake Placid) or midwest.

I'm surprised there hasn't been a big event in Florida. The skating community there has gotten pretty big, and there have been articles in Skating Magazine about its growth, so it's not lost on USFS. (And for fans in almost any part of the country, a trip to FL in January would be much appreciated. :) )
Vegas, San Jose, Spokane, SLC are hardly "close" together. It's a solid day of driving between any of those four locations. Irvine is, of course, not as far of a drive to either Vegas or SJ but it's still a good 5-6 hours minimum. Boston, Detroit, Greensboro, Lake Placid, and Nashville are all "back east" and a royal pain to get to from many places "out west."

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