Wildfires in Maui Hawaii forcing evacuations


Cat Servant
Up until the last year, I've lived in wildfire country for the last forty years, and unless you've been through a few evacuations in this kind of country, you really just can't imagine how fast flames can move during high winds - and even if you put 3,000 fire personnel on it, they are completely helpless. And it's always, always, always high winds. I still remember a small fire thirty miles away, thinking it's no problem for us, and then being evacuated because the fire had moved to within a mile of our town. Just. Like. That. And the only thing that saved our town was not the 3,000 firefighters, but that the wind shifted direction and sent the flames back over the 64,000 acres they had just incinerated and the fire had nothing left to burn.


Better off than 2020


Better off than 2020
Isn't October when a pre-season NCAA basketball tournament usually played in Hawaii?

It makes some sense that the Jayhawks would want to do something.


Well-Known Member
Isn't October when a pre-season NCAA basketball tournament usually played in Hawaii?

It makes some sense that the Jayhawks would want to do something.
The Maui Invitational happens around Thanksgiving. I know Kansas, Gonzaga, UCLA and Purdue are among those scheduled this year. But I have doubts that it happens this year. The Lahaina Civic Center did not burn down but everything around it is gone. They could move the tournament but that has to be a low priority compared to all of their challenges. It was a great tournament though. KU goes every four or five years. The fans are happy to follow them to Maui.


I don’t think the government has a plan for the what the response would be in event of a super Cat 5 hurricane hitting a city like Miami or New Orleans.

I wonder what the response is going to be for the potential torrential rainfall event in the southwest this weekend?
It is state disaster management that is supposed to have plans in place since so much depends on geography. The Feds are not intended to be first responders. They're good at supplying $$, but not so much in terms of surging supplies.
Part of the reason why things go awry in the U.S. in moments of crisis is because there is no central government. There's city / town, state and federal, and responsibilities for many things, such as safety services, are for the most part the province of local government. Then add in the fact that different areas may privatize certain functions, and things are further complicated.

Maui, the Western part of the U.S. (including Alaska (!)), Canada, the Canary Islands, Greece, Italy, Spain, Portugal, Algeria, Tunisia - the world is ablaze, largely due to human activity, and it's only going to get worse.


Cowardly admin
Staff member
Those of us who live in humid, lush places with tons of water around find it hard to appreciate dry climates that even normally go months without rain. When I drive outside Jerusalem in the Judean hills at this time of year, I’m terrified of the fire risk.


Toad whisperer.....
It was fine that President Biden went to Maui.

What they should have done was to fly some of the survivors of the Paradise fire to Lahaina to talk with the survivors.

The Paradise survivors know exactly what the Lahaina folks are going through and would be the best to offer comfort and hope.


Toad whisperer.....
The fire is fading from the news but I am going to keep up with the story for the next foreseeable future.

I just have this nagging fear that developers are going to have a land grab so they can put up those “bougie” millionaire mansions.

Lahaina was once the capital of Hawaii and while the original is gone, it can be rebuilt in similar fashion since there are a million pictures of what the town looked like. They need to preserve as much of the original Hawaiian heritage as possible plus the small shops and restaurants attract tourists and tourists provide jobs to the lower income folks who live in the region. Millionaire mansions bring only arrogance and perceived privilege. Save that shit for Martha’s Vineyard, not Lahaina.


Well-Known Member
The fire is fading from the news but I am going to keep up with the story for the next foreseeable future.

I just have this nagging fear that developers are going to have a land grab so they can put up those “bougie” millionaire mansions.

Lahaina was once the capital of Hawaii and while the original is gone, it can be rebuilt in similar fashion since there are a million pictures of what the town looked like. They need to preserve as much of the original Hawaiian heritage as possible plus the small shops and restaurants attract tourists and tourists provide jobs to the lower income folks who live in the region. Millionaire mansions bring only arrogance and perceived privilege. Save that shit for Martha’s Vineyard, not Lahaina.
I’d call them vultures except that is an insult to vultures. I read that they started trying to contact owners less than 24 hrs after the fire. They didn’t even know if they were alive or dead. Someone with some authority needs to put some barriers in place. People need space to recover both physically and mentally.


Toad whisperer.....
Latest reports from a day ago continue to indicate that the root system of the Banyan tree continues to show growth so at least the trunk system of the tree seems to be recovering. Nothing yet about any new leaves sprouting.


Toad whisperer.....
Latest on the Banyan tree In Lahaina is there are a few shoots coming out.

The trunks probably did not suffer much burn damage because most of the fire went over the top of the canopy. Underneath, the heat was not as intense. In fact most of the wooden benches under the tree weren’t event scorched.

Estimates are that maybe 10% of the tree limbs may have to be removed that show no signs of growth.

Good news.


Fan of Yuzuru, T&M, P&C
Artists' auction to help the devastated Artist community in Lahaina. Some artists have donated their works. Among them my painting teacher and her daughter who also teaches painting workshops.

There are some $1000 plus paintings but there are some in the low $100s. It's a worthy cause and you get a painting. I may buy one.

ETA- I just realized this is an auction, so the price you see is the current max bid for the painting. I may not be able to afford after all.

I may donate one of mine - a Maui sunset painting- and see if anyone bids on it. Not sure if the paintings are by invitation only. Will check.
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Toad whisperer.....
After two months, the Bayan tree is recovering. A third of the tree has lots of green and showing great recovery. Another third is showing some growth but recovery is slow. The last third shows no recovery at all.

At least the tree will survive.


Toad whisperer.....
Latest from Lahaina is that 65% of the Banyan tree has green growth. About 30% of the tree will have to be cut down since it is definitely dead. At least most of it is growing back!


Toad whisperer.....
This week they are going to cut down about a third of the banyan tree that is definitely dead. Most of the tree being cut down are the trunks that formed as the branches spread from the main tree. The main tree is definitely healthy with lots of green growth. The area of the tree will shrink as the cutting proceeds but hopefully in a few years the branches will begin to extend outwards and send down new trunks.


Toad whisperer.....
Just watched a walking tour video made literally hours ago of the Banyan Tree.

There is a lot of new growth and they are cutting away the portions that have died.



Fan of Yuzuru, T&M, P&C

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