War in Israel


Fan of Yuzuru, T&M, P&C
I’m with @TAHbKA and @Andrey aka Pushkin on this: there is no plan or end game other than making them suffer. I’ve also gotten so many messages (except everyone wants me to go “home” which isn’t an option for my fellow FSUers or indeed, for most of nine million people here or 2 million people in Gaza.)

Right on cue text message from daughter instructing me to come home now.

As if we are safe everywhere else, here’s those nice Aussies yelling “gas the Jews.” https://x.com/samuelsokol/status/1711692319525650650?s=46&t=9ftgyoBTKejM44oWnhroXA
Horrible that people hate someone so much. It seems people that were chanting bad things were Islamic (allah ho Akbar). They could even be Palestinians with dual citizenship. The 'Gas the Jews' is particularly offensive to me, after what Hitler did that to 6 million Jews. Where is humanity? Can the world survive with so much hatred in it?
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I see the sea

Debbie S

Well-Known Member
I just saw a post on IG that Israeli schools are warning parents to delete TikTok and IG from their kids' phones, b/c they've been informed that starting tomorrow, Hamas will be sharing videos of hostages begging for their lives. I don't even have words at this point.

The Israel-Palestine conflict happens to bring it out more than others (Armenia-Azerbaijan, Russia-Ukraine, China-Tibet, etc.) do, and not for any good reason other that assumed greater familiarity with the issues.
And anti-Semitism. But this isn't PI, so that's all I'll say.


Fan of Yuzuru, T&M, P&C
Most sickening news:

I saw only the headline and did not read further. If true, this is the most sickening thing I ever heard or read. I know Hamas is horrible and I will be quite happy if that organization disappears. Unfortunately it could resurface even if they are eliminated now. The world needs to be free of hatred, and not just one group or organization.

Enough preaching. My thoughts are with Israel and her citizens.

Frau Muller

From Puerto Rico…With Love! Not LatinX!
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Cowardly admin
Staff member
No. As you can see there is no strategy. They are too damn stupid for a strategy
FWIW pretty much everyone I know under the age of 50, which includes apolitical and even Center-right people, are so angry at this government it’s off the charts. The callousness, the bungling, the refusal to take responsibility, the disappearance from view of the usual camera-hogs…my stepson is a mild-mannered sort and he literally wanted to court-martial and execute every government minister.

In case you thought that all the anger was at Hamas.

I thought Biden’s speech was very good and so many people in my X feed are upset he didn’t try to stop Israel from the coming cataclysm in Gaza.

Andrey aka Pushkin

Playing ping pong with balls of chocolate jam
@TAHbKA @MsZem @PRlady @Andrey aka Pushkin - other than donations, what can we do from outside of israel to support you? I feel helpless over here.
Kind of ashamed to say it...

But as I said to a Turkish couchsurfer who called me today, I would be more than content if one just doesn't go chanting "Death to Israel!" once the images from Gaza start arriving. That's kind of the best I can hope for right now.


Hey, Kool-Aid!
Kind of ashamed to say it...

But as I said to a Turkish couchsurfer who called me today, I would be more than content if one just doesn't go chanting "Death to Israel!" once the images from Gaza start arriving. That's kind of the best I can hope for right now.
Let me say in advance that when the inevitable happens I will always wish you, the individual I met years ago, and other members here in Israel nothing but the best and will be thinking of you throughout this and nothing will change that. You are not your government anymore than a Palestinian child is Hamas. There are no winners here and my heart breaks for everyone of you in Israel, Gaza and the West Bank whose lives are controlled by monsters. xo


Cowardly admin
Staff member
@TAHbKA @MsZem @PRlady @Andrey aka Pushkin - other than donations, what can we do from outside of israel to support you? I feel helpless over here.
Honestly hearing from people who are not close friends is really cheering. I just had a long exchange with a former staffer who I know is very pro-Palestine and it was really good. Trying to bridge gaps of knowledge and understanding is about all most of us can do.


Let the skating begin
Let me say in advance that when the inevitable happens I will always wish you, the individual I met years ago, and other members here in Israel nothing but the best and will be thinking of you throughout this and nothing will change that. You are not your government anymore than a Palestinian child is Hamas. There are no winners here and my heart breaks for everyone of you in Israel, Gaza and the West Bank whose lives are controlled by monsters. xo
This. There really are no good options here for anybody.


Well-Known Member
Seeing more stories of the survivors from the Hamas attack.... :angryfire gets me so angry... even babies?

Hamas is just ... I can't even think of words to describe them. Killing 1000 people is terrible, but to do it in cold blood, while looking at their innocent faces? Using bombs is bad enough, but it is more impersonal.... but to demonstrate such brutality, to have such hatred in your heart/soul that you can slaughter/terrorize person after person right in front of you, many of them babies or children.... that is pure evil. Just evil.

I support you, Israel.

Debbie S

Well-Known Member
"Israel Rescue" is United Hatzalah, a volunteer EMT/ambulance service that is on the front lines. They are an excellent org, help around the world, including in Ukraine. (I don't think this ever made the news, but I remember seeing on social media that they helped a Gazan student in Ukraine evacuate and get home.)


Toad whisperer.....
I was talking with a friend of mine today who was in the military for over 20 years, working in intelligence, and he offered some insight in what Israel might do.

First he noted that Gaza city has a huge maze of tunnels built by Hamas that are used to store and transport missiles around the region.

To stop Hamas from launching these missiles it is necessary to destroy this tunnel maze.

There are two ways to accomplish this.

1) Bomb Gaza into total rubble using bunker buster bombs. It will accomplish the job but kill thousands of civilians.

2) Send in ground forces that can destroy the tunnels and launch sites and spare as many civilians as possible.

He says they will use option 2. In any case it will be bloody and costly.

I asked him about the lack of intelligence aspects of the attack. He said most likely the plans were formulated over the past several months through personal meetings and exchanges of written correspondence, not using any electronics at all that could be tapped.

ETA: according to reports, Fox says the Israelis have reportedly killed 1500 Hamas fighters within Israel.
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Debbie S

Well-Known Member
Orioles (Major League Baseball) pitcher Dean Kremer, who is Israeli-American and has family in Israel, is pitching Game 3 of the ALDS, wearing his Star of David necklace. In the press conference yesterday, he said his teammates and manager had all reached out to him and expressed their support and their concern for his family. A bright spot in the week. (Unfortunately, he just gave up a home run, but hopefully things get better from here.)

Marzipops, a candy company in MI that sells marzipan treats, is doing a fundraiser for Magen David Adom. 100% of sales of special edition Star of David cookies, plus store will match: https://marzipops.com/products/support-israel-striped-star-of-david-tiles

Their products are really good, I promise. :)


I see the sea
One other possibility for donations is Zaka. They are literally doing God's work by retrieving the bodies of the dead under the most difficult circumstances. Let's not imagine what they have been seeing these last few days.

It seems this link should work for international donations: https://give.zakaworld.org/campaign/protection-kits-2023-support-zaka-search-and-rescue/ (edited to provide appropriate link)

And again, the link for the protest groups' incredible civil society efforts: https://beactive.co.il/project/73912
This should be tax-deductible in at least some countries.
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Well-Known Member
I was watching CBC The National last night. Hamas is blocking people from leaving from the Gaza Strip. So horrific 😔. We have 2 confirmed Canadians killed at the music festival and one missing young (beautiful) young lady. Both confirmed dead Canadians early twenties 😔😔😔😢 Hamas doesn’t care who gets killed 😔😔😔😔😢
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Fan of Yuzuru, T&M, P&C
I was watching CBC The National last night. Hamas is blocking people from leaving from the Gaza Strip. So horrific 😔. We have 2 confirmed Canadians killed at the music festival and one missing young (beautiful) young lady. Both confirmed dead Canadians early twenties 😔😔😔😢 Hamas doesn’t care who gets killed 😔😔😔😔😢

So sorry to read this!


Let the skating begin
The world should gather up all the extremist zionists and the extreme Islamists and put them in a big arena and just let them kill each other to their hearts content so the rest can get on with living their lives. It would solve so many problems.


Cowardly admin
Staff member
The world should gather up all the extremist zionists and the extreme Islamists and put them in a big arena and just let them kill each other to their hearts content so the rest can get on with living their lives. It would solve so many problems.
Well I sorta feel that way as long as we include extremist Christians, Hindus and whoever else thinks god is a real estate agent.

Let’s not forget the other varieties of idiots, though: https://x.com/gaddafna/status/1712068090047991845?s=46&t=9ftgyoBTKejM44oWnhroXA


Hey, Kool-Aid!
I was watching CBC The National last night. Hamas is blocking people from leaving from the Gaza Strip. So horrific 😔. We have 2 confirmed Canadians killed at the music festival and one missing young (beautiful) young lady. Both confirmed dead Canadians early twenties 😔😔😔😢 Hamas doesn’t care who gets killed 😔😔😔😔😢
I think you misunderstood that part if you watched the same broadcast I did.

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