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Did I imagine this, or was Ting Cui once (currently?) working with Chris Conte? I remember her in Juvenile and Intermediate and remarking on her programs, great choreography. They really stood out, to me, for the intricacy and "surprise" as compared to other kids her age at the time. When someone else in our rink was looking for a choreographer, I suggested "get whoever Ting Cui has." I thought it was Conte.

Also, I adore Hannah Jo out of Delaware, but I don't think she's ever made it out of Sectionals (she was coming up with Ting Cui and competing with her.) Jo's jumps are huge, and someone who trained at Delaware told me she was working on 3A at one point. It would be nice to see her pull it together this season.

This is her SP Intermediate Nationals. She's just a breath of fresh air. :)
(Also, I'm neutral, I suppose, on the arms over head in competition, but I do know that coaches will sometimes ask kids to do all their jumps that way in practice when kids need to get more height. My daughter's former coach at Ashburn in Va. has kids jump that was as part of drills; I'm sure it's difficult, but not sure just how difficult or to what level it's out of the ordinary.)
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Did I imagine this, or was Ting Cui once (currently?) working with Chris Conte? I remember her in Juvenile and Intermediate and remarking on her programs, great choreography. They really stood out, to me, for the intricacy and "surprise" as compared to other kids her age at the time. When someone else in our rink was looking for a choreographer, I suggested "get whoever Ting Cui has." I thought it was Conte.
Yes, Chris Conte was Ting Cui's coach at Nationals. My unofficial hearsay info from earlier this year is that he may still work with Cui on occasion but that Restencourt is her primary coach now.
ETA from earlier in this thread:
Ting Cui, age 14, is the 2017 U.S. Novice Ladies silver medalist (she placed 1st in the FS) who won the Advanced Novice Girls II gold medal (2nd in both SP & FS) in her Team USA debut at the Bavarian Open this past February. She, along with 2017 Junior Men's bronze medalist Ryan Dunk, and coach Chris Conte were featured in this Baltimore ABC news piece after Nationals:


Well-Known Member
Tennell scored 188.74 overall (120.90 in the FS) at Southport. Her FS was a Cinderella theme. The beginning is to "A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes" with vocals; it's a little too Disney on Ice for me. However, the rest was instrumental and was quite nice. I especially liked the circular footwork. She jumped well, a few stumbles and sticky moments, but quite good for June, I thought. I think she did all her planned triples, except for a double loop at the end.


Well-Known Member
Has anyone heard anything about Emily Chan? She won the Jr. Ladies Gold medal in 2016 but failed to make it out of Sectionals and did not compete at Nationals in 2017. I found her to be a very musical skater and enjoyed her very much at Nationals in 2016. The only thing I've seen this year is a tweet where she performed at a show in May. I'm really hoping that she is still training and planning on competing this season.


For that matter, has anyone heard anything about Vivian Le?
She was injured most of last season, unfortunately. Vivian competed in a small club competition in Artesia, CA last month and I was told she had a decent SP (57.88; landed 3F, 3Lz+2T & 2A) but that her FS didn't go as well (93.44; 2 falls on jumps, landed 3Lz+2T, 3T, second 3Lz and both 2A). She reportedly kept her program music from last season -- SP to Vivaldi's Four Seasons ("Summer") and Scheherazade FS. Hopefully she will get stronger and keep improving as the summer competition season continues.

From my Scoretracker blog - top 4 Senior ladies' total scores so far this season:
Mirai Nagasu 205.93 (Denver Inv. back in March)
Starr Andrews 173.82 (SoCal Interclub was her senior debut this past weekend; 59.63 in SP; 114.19 in FS)
Ashley Kim 160.91 (Skate Dallas in April)
Vivian Le 151.32 (Calif. Champs in May)
(Bradie Tennell's 188 total is not included yet - waiting for official results to be published online.)

Top 3 Junior ladies:
Alysa Liu 168.70 (SoCal Interclub)
Audrey Shin 162.46 (SoCal Interclub)
Hanna Harrell 152.35 (Skate Dallas)

Alysa Liu will turn 12 in August and her Junior programs from this past weekend are online:
SP (55.72):
FS (112.98):
Liu’s jumps: 2A and 3F+3T & 3Lz in second half of SP (Spanish flamenco); 2A at the start of her FS (Les Miz instrumental medley) and second half 3Lz+3T, 3F-half-loop-3S, 3Lo, 3Lz, 3F, 2A+2T.
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Like a small boat on the ocean...
Holy crap! Who is that little dynamo? Those spins were so fast....a la the other Alyssa. No knee drop in the donought spin.....personal pet peeve. And when she threw that 3/3....i was sure I counted wrong.


I posted videos of Alysa Liu last summer in a previous U.S. Ladies thread (Novice SP & FS at Glacier Falls Summer Classic):

I assume one of her primary goals is to improve her jump height/rotation from last season, as 6 of her 7 triples were called underrotated in her Nationals FS; 2 of her 3 triples were called rotated in her SP (3Lz+3T< & 3F).

She is the 2017 U.S. Novice 4th place pewter medalist and 2016 Intermediate champ.
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Well-Known Member
Alysa Liu has tested up to Junior (listed in tests received 3/31/17) on USFS website.

Do you happen to know if Kaitlyn Nguyen is moving up? She's so young, I wouldn't be entirely surprised to see her stay in junior and try to repeat as US champion, a la Nathan Chen.


Well-Known Member


Thanks so much for the information on scores! Let us know if there is anything we can do to help.

There's no information on Kaitlyn yet? I hope she's ok.


Well-Known Member
I totally thought Starr Andrews was just skating for fun (not with an Olympic goal) when I saw the Whip My Hair video, but girl is killing it! :cheer2: I still don't agree that she should've gone Senior - she has a very good chance to be the future of USFS, but she certainly isn't their present. (Unless she's trying for a shot a Jr worlds by competing at Senior nationals like some skaters do?)


Well-Known Member
I don't know if she has tested up yet but she is scheduled to compete Senior at L.A. Open next month.

Wow... Kaitlyn needs to be challenged so I think this is a good idea. I can't wait to see what she has in store this year.

I totally thought Starr Andrews was just skating for fun (not with an Olympic goal) when I saw the Whip My Hair video, but girl is killing it! :cheer2: I still don't agree that she should've gone Senior - she has a very good chance to be the future of USFS, but she certainly isn't their present. (Unless she's trying for a shot a Jr worlds by competing at Senior nationals like some skaters do?)

Starr just like every age eligible skater who's moved up to seniors is gunning to be the next Polina Edmunds and have a shot at the Olympics. Unfortunately she doesn't have the coach nor the clout she needs to make that happen. But USFS kinda pushes all juniors inadvertently to move up to seniors domestically when they keep sending young seniors to JW over the US junior champ. I think a lot of the top junior national ladies have moved up to senior even though most are only 14 and 15. I wish we had more incentive to stay juniors and develop their skills rather than jump to seniors with rocky skills.

That said, 173 is a great debut score. Starr normally improves a lot as the season progresses. So I'm hoping she has a JGP medal in the future.
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Like a small boat on the ocean...
She won the short program in novices at Nationals this season, but lost lots of points & dropped to fourth in the FS--largely due to underrotations.

She's a wonderful performer, though. So much fun!

This was her short at nationals.

I just love her spirit. Is she fast across the ice?

I should go over and watch her practice sometime. Oakland is not far from me.


Well-Known Member
@AxelAnnie She mainly trains at Fremont, last I heard. Idk why but more Fremont skaters are switching to or joining St. Moritz lately, maybe coaches or funding?

She's really fast the one time I saw her, but she tends to do some jumps UR so we'll see if she can get past that. I've also heard coaches gossip about her 2A being bad in practice/likely to go off the rails in puberty, but coaches can be catty and I have never seen her do one outside of competition, so who really knows.


Medvedeva's Rippon jumps that she debuted at Worlds are quite lovely and straight up over her head.

I personally like arms overhead jumps and I don't have a problem with any of Evgenia's. She upped the ante in the sport with such jumps, especially back loading them and I REALLY like that. If it gets her points more power to her. She threw the gauntlet down imo and now some one has to pick it up and try and beat her. :summer:


Well-Known Member
I just love her spirit. Is she fast across the ice?

I don't remember. I only saw the novice ladies live during the free. (We pushed back our flight due to bad weather).

The Dallas teams & Angelina Huang have very high pop in their jumps.

Alysa was my favorite performer. Her short program, which I saw on ice network, was my favorite program from the entire competition.

Ting Cui's Wizard of Oz medley was also charming & not the standard "Somewhere Over the Rainbow" number.

And that is what I remember about the novice ladies. Except that if you were from one of the big clubs, you had a much louder cheering section & orchestrated stuffed-animal throwing (People passed out their children's stuffed animals among the crowd and had them thrown from a wider range of the audience all at once. Seriously, this is what I remember).

Alysa was super tiny. They are all tiny, but she was out on the concourse & tiny compared to pretty much everybody.


Well-Known Member
Well after watching the Cui and Liu videos, I guess we can say say American coaches are paying attention to what's winning the day internationally. For better or worse. Cui has the overheard arm variations, a la Medvedeva; Liu's free skate is fully backloaded, a la Zagitova. Now, to fix our underrotations ....

Jun Y

Well-Known Member
Well after watching the Cui and Liu videos, I guess we can say say American coaches are paying attention to what's winning the day internationally. For better or worse. Cui has the overheard arm variations, a la Medvedeva; Liu's free skate is fully backloaded, a la Zagitova. Now, to fix our underrotations ....

USFS implemented bonus points to jumps in lower-level competitions a couple of seasons ago, which is probably responsible for the increased jump content and difficulty we are seeing now.


Well-Known Member
So I recently had the chance to interview U.S. Junior Ladies pewter medalist Emmy Ma. I'm sure many of you will remember Emmy from Nationals this year! I really admire her skating.

Here is the interview link. Do check it out, if you enjoy Emmy's skating. She talks about her success last season, her plans for the upcoming season, her favorite skaters, the progress of her technical elements, what kind of music she likes to skate to, etc.


Like a small boat on the ocean...
Thank you for that, Claire. Emmy is simply lovely. So very much to ike about her skating. IMHO her arms need help. They are used like a throw-away part of her body. With her beautiful line and extension, those arms need to get caught up. I don't know if it is the choreography (I think not) or the fact that she has not focused on how gorgeous they could be.
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