U.S. Ice Dance 2017/18 season news & updates


Well-Known Member
I wish there were more videos from the 2006 U.S. Intermediate Nationals as so many that competed would become big names in the U.S. ice dance world. Here's a video of Alex and Maia's winning FD there with some colorful Nancy Kerrigan commentary:


I think that I was at that competition, since I live 10 minutes away from the Simsbury rink. I distinctly remember sitting in the stands near Zach after he got off the ice. Wish Simsbury could have a resurgence now that I am retired.


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Well-Known Member
Wheee! For Chloe & Logan coming through a tough season this year with two season's best scores at their first Junior Worlds & a sixth place free dance!:)

Kudos to the Greens for earning the highest base value in the SD and the second highest TES mark in that portion of competition.

And congrats to Carreira & Ponomarenko for fighting back after the SD and winning the silver medal.
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Well-Known Member
I've gotten the impression that Alex may want to pursue his interest in theater more seriously. So this is not entirely a surprise.

The best of luck to both Alex and Ellie in their future endeavors. They were one of my favorite teams and I'll miss seeing them skate together.


Well-Known Member
2018 U.S. Novice bronze medalist Kenan Slevira is newly listed on icepartnersearch today. He turns 15 tomorrow.

Well, that partnership didn't last very long. He ought to find someone. He won silver with Alice Serbin in juveniles last year as well.

Alex Benoit has just announced his retirement on the Eliana&Alex facebook page.

Oh, I am sorry to hear that. I really thought they could have a successful career for Ukraine if the U.S. field was too deep.


Well-Known Member
Wow! I am really surprised & disappointed to hear that Alex Benoit has retired. :-( I thought he and Elliana were so well-matched and so promising together! Of course I wish him well, but it is really too bad. I thought they had potential to move up the rankings internationally in this coming quad, after some retirements. :(:(


Knees won't let me tap dance anymore
Wow! I am really surprised & disappointed to hear that Alex Benoit has retired. :-( I thought he and Elliana were so well-matched and so promising together! Of course I wish him well, but it is really too bad. I thought they had potential to move up the rankings internationally in this coming quad, after some retirements. :(:(
Me, too! They were on my watchlist for potential greatness. But it's not to be...of course I wish him all success in his future but still...they were lovely together.


Well-Known Member
I was afraid of this. With the Shibs, Chock/Bates and Hubbell/Donahue saying they plan to still compete, what motivation do the younger teams have to keep competing when their chances for Worlds or Olympic spots are nil? Look at all the young Canadian ice dance teams who quit when Virtue/Moir returned to competition.


missing my cat :(
:( I was really intrigued by them and thought they had a ton of potential. Best of luck to them both in their future endeavors, and hopefully Ellie can find a new partner if she decides to continue.


Well-Known Member
I was afraid of this. With the Shibs, Chock/Bates and Hubbell/Donahue saying they plan to still compete, what motivation do the younger teams have to keep competing when their chances for Worlds or Olympic spots are nil?

The Shibs haven't said one way or the other. They've said they were focused on the Olympic season and intend to set new goals. They have also said they are still young.

Four years is a long time. If you are good enough, you can climb the ranks without retirements. A great deal can happen in a quadrennium.

Barbara Manatee

Well-Known Member
I was afraid of this. With the Shibs, Chock/Bates and Hubbell/Donahue saying they plan to still compete, what motivation do the younger teams have to keep competing when their chances for Worlds or Olympic spots are nil? Look at all the young Canadian ice dance teams who quit when Virtue/Moir returned to competition.

Even if all three teams stay the quad, and I don't see that happening, I don't think they're unreachable. There's less dominance than there ever has been at the top in US dance, and I get the feeling that H/B, the Parsons, Mc/C, and soon C/P all plan to make a run at it.

Tinami Amori

Well-Known Member
Even if all three teams stay the quad, and I don't see that happening, I don't think they're unreachable. There's less dominance than there ever has been at the top in US dance, and I get the feeling that H/B, the Parsons, Mc/C, and soon C/P all plan to make a run at it.
The "run" of the ones you mentioned will likely be for 3rd spot. If Shibs retired, H/D and C/B will be fighting for 1 and 2, and H/D are already showing "personality and teeth" :lol:.


Well-Known Member
Even if all three teams stayed, I think ice dance, especially US ice dance, is fluid enough to have a “usurper”. That team just needs to be undeniable that season and carry it over in the following seasons.

Barbara Manatee

Well-Known Member
The "run" of the ones you mentioned will likely be for 3rd spot. If Shibs retired, H/D and C/B will be fighting for 1 and 2, and H/D are already showing "personality and teeth" :lol:.
All those teams have have shown they're beatable, and the USFS has been willing to let the chips fall, so I don't see why the rest of the field would be discouraged. Even 3rd place is worth sticking around for, since it means funding, sponsors, and GP, world, and Olympic spots.


Well-Known Member
The top young U.S. teams are all technically sound. They have the pieces. They are fast. Those that have moved up all earned their technical minimums right off the bat. They are all starting off their senior careers with about the same level of junior success as the athletes currently at the top. It's a matter of developing their own voices on the ice, and/or helping the judges to appreciate those voices. And a matter of polish, consistency, and pushing the envelope. Which these teams should all be prepared to do.

They have nothing to lose.

Having said that, today's top dancers moved up out of juniors in 2008-2010. It's taken them a long time to become the teams they are today. The home field was far more open when Samuelson & Bates and the Shibs first moved up. This will be a different journey for today's young teams.

But the teams that exist today have battled their way through a U.S. junior field very similar in depth to the one today's teams came up in. I believe the ability is there if these young teams are committed to sticking it out and making the journey.


I wish there were more videos from the 2006 U.S. Intermediate Nationals as so many that competed would become big names in the U.S. ice dance world. Here's a video of Alex and Maia's winning FD there with some colorful Nancy Kerrigan commentary:


The same broadcast included Madison Chock with her then partner, Kurt Lingenfelter, doing an energetic swing program and coming in 4th overall.

During the program from Zach Donohue and his partner that season, Sarah Bailey (he had 5 partners over the course of 6 seasons), in the middle of their free skate Zach inexplicably tumbled, literally doing a forward somersault on the ice.


During the program from Zach Donohue and his partner that season, Sarah Bailey (he had 5 partners over the course of 6 seasons), in the middle of their free skate Zach inexplicably tumbled, literally doing a forward somersault on the ice.
There's your new choreographic element - inside and outside edge somersaults. :D Synchronized in order to get level 4.


RIP D-10
Congratulations to H/D on their first (of hopefully many) world medal(s) :cheer2:

And :cheer2: to H/B, who rose one full warm-up group up the standings after the FD for a Top 10 finish, and, assuming the rules don't change for GP, will be guaranteed two spots at next year's GP!
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Well-Known Member
Alex Benoit has just announced his retirement on the Eliana&Alex facebook page.

I'm surprised. They had a nice look together.

It's going to be interesting to see where Chock & Bates go from here. They've been passed by H&D and I wonder if Igor has ran out of ideas for them. They don't seem to be progressing. I guess with Chock only 25, they'll continue 4 more years. He would be 33 at the next Olympics.


Author of the Ice and Edge Series
I'm surprised. They had a nice look together.

It's going to be interesting to see where Chock & Bates go from here. They've been passed by H&D and I wonder if Igor has ran out of ideas for them. They don't seem to be progressing. I guess with Chock only 25, they'll continue 4 more years. He would be 33 at the next Olympics.

They've gone to Chris Dean for their past two FD ideas, and I think it's been their best work. I'd selfishly like to see them continue because I think they're just hitting their stride as a team (despite what the judges say), but I'd understand if they're ready to move on.


Well-Known Member
I'm surprised. They had a nice look together.

It's going to be interesting to see where Chock & Bates go from here. They've been passed by H&D and I wonder if Igor has ran out of ideas for them. They don't seem to be progressing. I guess with Chock only 25, they'll continue 4 more years. He would be 33 at the next Olympics.
They said they wanted to continue, but they will probably want to take care of her surgery first before making any plans.

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